The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 30, 1961, FARM and HOME section, Image 22

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Back when most corn was check rowed, you
probably heard a corn grower say he was going
to plant “3’s” so he would have one plant for the
insects, one for the weeds and one for himself.
Actually it isn’t quite that bad but farmers in
Nebraska and parts of western Iowa lost most of
their stands last season from infestations of west
ern com rootworms. On the average you can ex
pect from six to ten bushels more corn where
you use a soil insecticide but on certain fields,
particularly if it was in sod the previous year,
yield gains can be much more spectacular.
A serious infestation of a weed such as giant
foxtail can cut yields of com as much as 25%, say
college weed specialists. Even a comparatively
light infestation with only one foxtail plant per
foot of com row will reduce yields more than 1%.
The corn cultivator is by no means an “obso
lete” weed control device. A great number of
growers can keep weeds to a minimum with cul
tivations alone — so long as the weather coop
erates with them. Unfortunately, the cultivator
can’t do as good a job as it used to because com
production methods are changing.
More than \ of all corn in the state of Illinois
was checked 20 years ago, permitting cross plow
ing to clean up tne “middles." Acres checked now
probably don’t exceed 10%. This leaves only one
chance to get the weeds in the row — at the first
cultivation. And if weather doesn’t cooperate,
you’ll need a weedicide to clean the field up.
Continuous corn or rotations which hold a
field in corn for two or more years before a
different crop also adds to the weed problem. As
a result, most farmers are finding that a combina
tion of mechanical and chemical weed control is
becoming necessary.
Crop rotation has long been recognized as
one of the best ways of controlling insect infesta
tions. But for maximum r r
•plant com on the same
Adequate nitrogen fertilization and minimum
tillage have made it possible to maintain yields
and tilth but the insect problem can be solved
only by relying on soil insecticides.
Tests with 2,370 cows showed TerramycirC could
by an average of 0.87 lb. more milk per cow per day
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Perhaps it’s the biggest profit news
in years. Recent trials showed that
Terramycin added to regular dairy
feeds increased milk production. The
increase was enough—(0.87 lb. per
cow per day average) —to pay all the
cost of the Terramycin... and return
a net profit of over $5 per cow dur
ing the 186-day feeding trials, based
on a market price of $5 per cwt. for
the milk.
You can now get these extra-pro
duction benefits of Terramycin two
ways: Use a dairy feed fortified with
Terramycin . . . and feed it daily
throughout the milking period so as
to provide 75 mg. of Terramycin per
cow daily. Or, if you prefer to get
Terramycin benefits without chang
ing your regular feeding program—
just supplement your feeding with
new Terramycin A/D Fortified
Crumbles. You’ll get all the bene
fits of Terramycin . . . plus extra for
tification with vitamins A and D,
too, to help keep herd health at a
Terramycin is the world-famous
antibiotic disease-fighter used to re
duce incidence and severity of bloat
and to fight scours in dairy cows.
You get all three—Terramycin,
vitamin A, vitamin D—when you
buy Terramycin A/D Fortified
The 17 feeding trials were con
ducted on commercial dairy farms
in six eastern and midwestern states.
2,370 lactating cows were used —
mostly Holsteins, but Guernseys,
Jerseys and crossbreeds were also in
cluded. Milk samples taken from
several test herds indicated no anti
biotic carry-over in the milk or
See your feed supplier soon. And
ask about new Terramycin A/D
Fortified Crumbles.
( )
Chas. Pfizer & Cor,Inc.N.Y. 17, N.Y.
Science for the world's well-being*
An 11 to 13-inch band is
normally used at planting
time whether applying a
spray or granules. A strong
wind can cause a spray to
drift, resulting in a poor
band. At the same time, an
improperly adjusted band
distributor will not give
good results either. When
using these chemicals, be
sure to do the job exactly
as the label states. Accu
racy is extremely important
for desired results.
Whenever you have reason
to expect serious grub in
festations, it's a good idea
to increase soil insecti
cide applications to three
pounds of aldrin or hep
tachlor per acre. A smaller
rate of from one to 1 Vi
pounds of insecticide will
kill only small grubs’. Grubs
will most commonly be
found in fields that have
been in sod for several
years before going to corn.