The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 23, 1961, Section Two, Image 9

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    Section Two
Four Pages
"The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper
_Volume 80—Number 48___O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, March 23, 1961 Seven Cents
Page News
By Mrs. Ben Asker
Breakfast Party
Is Given For
Club Members
A breakfast party was held
Saturday morning at the home of
Mrs. George Clasey for the mem
bers of the Chatter Sew club.
Mrs. John Sorensen and Mrs.
Orville Kemper served as host
esses. Mesdames Jessie Kelly,
Art Grass, Milo Landreth, R. F
Park, Harry Thomsen, Elmer
Trowbridge anl Harold Freemey
er were present for the affair.
Mrs. Dan Troshynski spent
from Thursday to Sunday with
her sister, Mrs. Art Given of
Stuart. Mrs. Givens was recently
dismissed from the hospital.
Mrs. Floyd Butterfield of At
kinson and Mrs. Ben Asher were
guests of Mrs. Art Ruroede of
Ewing Wednesday.
The regular meeting of the
WSCS met Thursday starting
with a covered dish luncheon. In
the afternoon Mrs. Arnold Stew
art had the devotions. Mrs. Har
old Kelly was the pianist. In the
absence of the president, who is
attending a meeting in Grand Is
land, Mrs. Harold Heiss, vice
president, conducted the meeting.
It was decided to honor those
having birthdays January to
March at the next meeting. Mrs.
John Steinberg gave a report on
immigration. Get well cards were
signed for Mrs. Mary Stewart
and Mrs. Otto Matschullat.
Commander and Mrs. George
Wettlaufer attended a birthday
supper Thursday night at the
American Legion hall in Norfolk.
Vice Commander and Mrs. A1
Chavet of Plainview accompan
ied them.
Nineteen members were pre
sent Wednesday night when the
RNA lodge met at the IOOF hall
for their regular meeting. A con
vention was discussed for the fu
ture but no date set. Hostesses
were Mrs. Anton Nissen and Mrs.
Frieda Asher.
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Chavet of
Plainview, Ed Peal and Ken Yost
of Kenesaw were Monday night
supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.
George Wettlaufer.
The Nifty Needlers 4-H club
met March 18 at Roberta Asher’s
home . The president, Linda
Thomson called the meeting to
order. Year books were filled out
and project books and achieve
ment awards were distributed.
Mrs. Richard Trowbridge was a
guest. Roberta Scheinost was in
charge of games and records
were played as part of the after
noon’s entertainment. Mrs. Ben
Asher served lunch. The next
meeting will be at the home of
Linda and Carol Thompson. Re
porter, Roberta Asher.
A coffee hour was held Thurs
day afternoon in honor of Mrs.
R. F. Park’s birthday. The self
invited guests included Mes
dames Alton Braddock, Jessie
Cronk, Mable Smith, Anna
Thompson, Lyman Park and
George Classey.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch
sr. were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nelson
at Royal.
Mrs. Richard Trowbridge and
children visited Sunday afternoon
with Mr. and Mrs. Marion Parks.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Nissen and
girls were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleby
of Inman.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith and
Linda and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Stewart were Sunday dinner and
supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Stewart of Ralston. Glenn
Miller and Miss Aunniamarie Gil
more of Lincoln joined the group
for the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French
sr. left Saturday for Hershey to
spend a couple of weeks visiting
their daughter, Mrs. Robert Frels
and family and meeting their
new granddaughter.
In honor of Nancy’s 10Ui
birthday her mother, Mrs. Ro
bert Nissen, entertained the lit
tle girls from the second, third
and fourth grades at dinner Fri
day evening.
Roberta Asher and Andrea
Wettlaufer were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt
Thompson. Roberta remained as
an overnight guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Riege
were Wednesday night dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. George
iwr. and Mrs. Bernard Cooke
and family of Springfield, Ore.,
arrived here Friday to see her
mother, Mrs. P. E. Nissen. Also
houseguests of the Nissens were
Mr. Harold Swanson and Mrs.
Gordon Bouldin and children of
Kansas City, Kan. Mrs. Swanson
and Mrs. Cooke are sisters. They
left for their homes Monday.
Among those who called on Mrs.
Cooke were some of her former
school mates, Mr. and Mrs. Bud
Ickes, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ken
nedy and Mr. and Mrs. Soren
Sorensen jr of O’Neill.
On Friday night in honor of
Mrs. R. F. Park and Mrs. Ron
Park a dinner was held at the
Norman Trowbridge home and
the guests included Mr. and Mrs.
R. F. Park, Mr. and Mrs. Bud
Ickes and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Park and Kelly.
On Thursday Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Trowbridge and family
visited and had diner with Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Copple of Nor
folk. They also visited in Wisner
with the Tom Kelly family.
On Thursday night a party was
held at the Arnold Tikalsky home
in honor of Mrs. Tikalsky’s birth
day. The self-invited guests in
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Har
vey, Mr. and Mrs. Cordes Walk
er, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart,
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Allen, Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Frahm, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Cork and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Asher. Cards yere
played with Mrs. Jerome Allen
and Mrs. Floyd Frahm winning
prizes. A “carry in” lunch was
Mesdames Larry Heiss, Mer
wyn jr., Richard Trowbridge,
Paul Hartigan, Dale Lewis, Nor
man Trowbridge, Jerry Sum
mers. Bud Ickes, Warren
Cronk, Alvin Alberts, Kenneth
and Darrell Heiss surprised
Mrs. Ron Park Friday morning
at a breakfast in honor of her
The following ladies helped
Mrs. Cordes Walker celebrate
her birthday Tuesday night, Mes
dames Dick Cunningham, Edd
Stewart, Floyd Frahm, I. O.
Woods, Evelyn Gray, Arnold Tik
alsky and Lloyd Cork.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon, Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Heise, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Cork, Mr. and Mrs.
William Scheinost, Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs.
George Wettlaufer and Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Asher all of Page unit
attended the Legion auxiliary
meeting at Atkinson on Monday.
The meeting started with a sev
en o’clock supper in honor of
the Legions birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey
and Mrs. Hester Edminsten were
Saturday night dinner guests of
Mrs. Mae Copes.
Carl Rabbas returned to his
home in Orchard after spending
the past three weeks with his
daughter, Mrs. Floyd Krahm and
East Side Kountry Klub met
Wednesday -with Mrs. Merwyn
French jr., Mrs. Paul Hartigan
had the lesson on arthritis. Mrs.
Norman Trowbridge will go to
O’Neill sometime in April to the
children’s clothing workshop. A
get well card was signed for Mrs.
Alfred Connor. Mrs. Alvin Al
berts won the door prize.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schneider
of Plainview were last Monday’s
visitors in the Harley and Keith
Kennedy’s homes.
Mr. and Mrs. George Clasey.
spent Saturday in Norfolk and
they visited Mr. and Mrs. Mel
vin Held, formerly of Page, and
Mrs. Otto Matschullat, a patient
in the hospital there.
Cheryl and Jerry Lamason left
Saturday morning to visit their
parents, Major and Mrs. Lynn
Lamason in Omaha. They return
ed Monday to their grandparents
home, the Jerry Lamasons.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lamason,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fusselman
and Elmer Tavener went to Ge
noa Sunday. The Fusselmans vis
ited with Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
_ i
Mauer and the others visited Mrs.
Bertha Downey in a rest home
King's Daughters will meet
April 3 at the Methodist church
in the basement.
In honor of Mrs. Paul Harti
gan’s birthday Thursday the fol
lowing ladies surprised her for
breakfast, Mesdames Ron Park,
Merwyn French jr., Darrell and
Kenneth Heiss, Richard and Nor
man Trowbridge and “Bud” Ick
Paul Hartigan left Sunday for
New Hampton, la., where he has
Mr. and Mrs. Robert VanHorn
and Allen and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Prill and Scott were Sun
day dinner guests of Mrs. Ber
tha Prill.
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Albright,
Mrs. Frances Kennedy and Scar
lett, all of Lincoln, were here
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harley
Kennedy over the weekend. On
Sunday the Lincolnites and the
Harley Keimedys were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trow
bridge were Sunday visitors in
the Earl Steven home.
GGG and G dub met Friday
with Mrs. Alta Finch. The mem
bers and two guests, Mrs. Em
ma Kemper and Mrs. R. D.
Copes, enjoyed an afternoon of
card playing. Prizes went to Mrs.
Emma Kemper, Mrs. Hester Ed
m ins ton and Mrs. I. O. Woods.
Mrs. Bert Finlay will be the
next hostess.
Help-iU-Club met Wednesday
with Mrs. Clarence Finch sr.
There were eight members and
two guests, Mrs. Clarence Finch
jr. and Mrs. Art Sjfficool, pre
sent. The members did needle
work for the hostess. Get well
cards were sent to Mrs. Otto
Matschullat and Mrs. Kenneth
Waring. The door prize was won
by Mrs. Ora Caskey. Next hos
tess will be Mrs. George Jef
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wettlau
fer and Randy, Mr. and Mrs.
George Wettlaufer and Douglas
and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wett
laufer surprised Andrew Wett
laufer of O’Neill on his 69th birth
day Thursday.
The American Legion auxiliary
entertained the Legion Sunday
evening at the Legion hall in
honor of the Legion birthday,
starting with a 7:00 o’clock sup
per. A cake was baked and de
corated by Mrs. Calvin Harvey
and Mrs. Mae Copes. Cards fol
lowed with prizes won by Mrs.
William Sorensen, Ronald Grass
and Arnold Tikalsky.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and
family were Sunday dinner
guests of Mrs. Kitty Fry of Ew
ing. In the afternoon the Finks
visited Willie Shrader, a patient
at the Neligh hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. “Bud” Godel and
family were Saturday night
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Har
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and
Ron and Mrs. Frieda Asher were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Asher of Atkin
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Roach spent
Sunday in Osmond visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zeller and
Paul Neubauer spent Sunday vis
iting James McClung at the N.D.
- I
Ickes home. Mr. McClung makes
his home with the Ickes.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stevison,
Jimmy and Patti of Lincoln spent
from Saturday to Wednesday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alton
Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes at
tended the golden wedding an
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Young in Oakland Sunday at the
Methodist church. They were ov
ernight guests of the Youngs. On
Monday they called on an old
friend, Mrs. Lena Kirchmer in
Pilger, and were supper and eve
ning guests of his brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Alva
Inness in Meadow Grove.
Stuart News
By Mrs. Herb Skala
C. Murphys
Celebrate Their
25th Anniversary
A group of friends called at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Clement
Murphy to help them celebrate
their 25th anniversary Thursday
evening. The evening was spent
playing cards and visiting. A
gift was presented Mr. and Mrs.
Murphy. The self-invited guests
served lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson
spent Thursday at Valentine.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson
spent Tuesday in O’Neill.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Gene Batenhorst and
family were Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Hamik and Don of Atkinson,
Marvin Hamik of Hastings, Mrs.
Robert Batenhorst and Mike and
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Otto. The
occasion marked Joe Hamik’s
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cadwallader
were Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleby at
O’Neill. Other guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Appleby and fam
ily of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Nissen and girls, Mr. and Mrs.
Dick Appleby and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Appleby and children.
Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Greenfield were Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Shald and Mrs. Bob
Greenfield and children.
Friday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. William Hoffman were
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Greenberg,
Linda and Carol and Mr. and
Mrs. Gene Hoffman and family.
Fifteen guests helped Billy
Lloyd Thurlow celebrate his
fifth birthday Saturday after
noon at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Merle
Thurlow. Game prize winners
were Barbara Stainbrook, Den
ise Campbell and Ivan Camp
bell. His grandmother, Mrs.
Lloyd Thurlow, and Mrs. Ben
ny Thurlow helped with the
party. Ice cream and cake
were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Straka and
children were Sunday evening
callers of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
The Brownie Scouts met re
cently and the meeting was call
ed to order by the president,
Connie Babl. Colors were advanc
ed by Jo Ann Skala and Ann
Ramm. Pledge of Allegiance was
given and roll call answered. The
Scouts made invitations for the
Brownie Scouts’ birthday. Ann
Ramm will serve next time.
Mrs. Paul Babl and daughters
of Newport were Wednesday af
ternoon callers at the Vic Kaup
March 14 afternoon callers at
the Levi home were Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Kloppenborg and Mr.
and Mrs. Louie Rowett of Grand
Joe and Theresa Levi spent
Monday in O’Neill on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green
field entertained the Pitch club
Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Thurlow were guests. Mr.
and Mrs. Karl Bemt will have
the next meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Kaup enter
tained four tables of pitch play
ers Sunday evening at their
home. Bob Ramm, Mrs. Eugene
Wedige and Mr. and Mrs. Alton
Hoffman were the prize winners.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Karl Bemt were Mr.
and Mrs. Don Bemt and boys.
Thursday evening callers of
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bemt were
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gilg and
girls of Bassett.
The children and their fam
ilies of Mrs. Emma Kunz met
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Kunz and family Sunday to cele
brate her 81st birthday which
was March 20. Those present
were Mrs. Callista Weichman.
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Rotherham
and family of Niobrara, Mr. and
Mrs. George Kohle and family,
Mr. and Mrs. "Dude” Weich
man, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Kunz
and girls and Mr. and Mrs. Dana
Bigelow and George.
Saturday evening guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Berry were
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mancer and
children of Atkinson.
Bob Brayton accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brewster to
Oma‘,a Sunday. He attended
the Republican Founders Day
meeting Monday.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Cadwallader
were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cadwal
lader and boys, Mr. and Mrs.
L. H. Cadwallader and son of
Atkinson and Inez Cadwallader.
Mrs. Glen Campbell accompa
nied Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kelly
and daughter to Hot Springs, S.
D., where she visited her father,
Joe Kettrel. Mrs. Campbell, Mrs.
Kelly and daughter and Joe Ket
trel had a four generation pic
ture taken while they were there.
They returned home March 15.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Steinhauser and
son were Mr. ;uxi Mrs. L. II
Steinhauser and Tony and Mr
rind Mrs. Tom Dobrovolny and
Little friends of Dickie Dobrti
volny helped him celebrate his
second birthday March 18 at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stein
hauser. Refreshments were serv
Friday visitors of Mr. and Mrs
Ward Dyer were Mr. and Mrs
Henry Krobarg and Kevin Oon
nel of Hrockshurg.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cobb spent
Sunday at Chambers visiting Mi
and Mrs. C. S. Gillette.
Doug Cobb and Don Minnig
of Hastings are spending their
spring vacation with their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cobb
and Mr. and Mrs. George Minnig
Eyes Examined—Glasses Killed
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Hours 0-5—Mon. thru Saturday
Closed Wednesday
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This Easter why not give the best? The best in chocolates
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REXALL DRUG. Give a box of PANGBURN’S Western Style
Chocolates for Easter this year—you can’t choose a better candy.
For really nice Easter Cards, see our display of cards by
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The kiddies will be delighted with an Easter Bunny of their
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VACCINES: Once again, this year as usual, we have prices
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when you will be needing vaccines, so remember where you
can get those good prices.
CALF SCOURS: Be sure to have a good supply of calf scour
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Don’t wait until it’s too late—get a supply of this medication now!
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It still seems to be the product of choice in the treatment of
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The next time your doctor finds it necessary to write a pre
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tion to DEVOY’S REXALL DRUG to be filled by a PRESCRIP
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DRUG. Remember, for your convenience, DEVOY’S is open
evenings with a REGISTERED PHARMACIST on duty until
9:00 p.m.
Bob Devoy, Pharmacist
Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings
O'Neill, Nebr.