The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 16, 1961, Image 8

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    Carol Klinetobe Weds
Dick Appleby Saturday
Miss Carol Klinetobe of O’
Neill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wiliam Klinetobe of Butte, and
Dick Appleby of O’Neill, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleby,
were married March 4 in the
First Methodist church at Neligh.
The Rev. Lisle Mewmaw per
formed the double ring ceremony
at 10:30 a.m.
The bride, given in marriage
by her brother, Dean Klinetobe
of Clearwater, wore a floor
length gown of Chantilly lace ov
er satin styled with a sweetheart
neckline which was outlined with
sequins. Her fingertip veil was
held in place by a small sequin
covered hat. She carried a floral
arrangement of white carnations
and lillies of the valley.
Miss Conda Couch of Liman
was maid of honor and she was
attired in a red satin street length
dress. Her bouquet was of white
Clark Ga'aghenbaugh of O'
Neill served as best man.
Following their wedding trip in
western Nebraska, the couple are
residing in O’Neill where Mr. Ap
pleby is employed at the Seger
Oil company.
Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted
Contact Lenses
Phone 167 — O’Neill, Nebr.
Hours 9-5—Mon. thru Saturday
Closed Wednesday
At Competitive Prices
plus Added Service
Mixed and Straight
Materials Delivered or FOB
Orchard Wholesale Warehouse
We can spread for you
or rent you a spreader
Bulk $4 Discount
Soil Samples Taken
and Analyzed FREE
See us for Lime and
Test Plot Information
Livestock Headquarters
Phone 34 or 11-W Inman
Engagements ...
Harry Knapp have annojnced
the engagement of their daugh
ter, Carol, to Harlan Haake, son
of Carl Haake of Clearwater.
Miss Knapp is a graduate of
Clearwater high school and the
Lincoln School of Commerce. She
is now employed in the National
Bank in Neligh.
Mr. Haake is presently engaged
in farming near Clearwater. A
June wedding is planned.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Whitcomb
of Amelia announce the engage*
ment of their daughter, Mildred
LaVerne, to John Kamphaus of
Bartlett, son of Mrs. Julia
Kamphaus of O’Neill. A spring
wedding is planned.
To Attend Play
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Johnson
will go to Vermillion, S. D., Fri
day where they will view a play,
“Desire Under the Elms", which
will be directed by their son, Jim
Johnson, as a partial fulfilment
towards his master of art degree.
Jim attends the University of
South Dakota and the play will be
presented in Slagle auditorium by
the University Theater Friday
and Saturday. There are 15 mem
bers in the play cast.
St. Patrick's Day
FRI.. MAR. 17
O'Neill, Nebraska
Music by
Bud Van Fleet
and the
Sandhill Troubadors
Admission $1.00-Adults Only
Announce Marriage
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey C. Schaf
fer of O’Neill have announced the
marriage March 11 of their
daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to Da
vid William Young of Sidney, son
of Mrs. T. C. Young of Minotola,
N. J. ,
The ceremony took place in the
First United Presbyterian church
of North Platte. The Rev. George
Olsen officiated. They were at
tended by Mrs. Michael V.
Smith of Lincoln and Bertram
The bride chose a street length
gown of blue lace over matching
poie de soie. Her attendant wore
a similar gown of beige lace The
bride was given in marriage by
her father.
Members of the immediate fam
ilies attended the ceremony, and
the luncheon following, at the
Pawnee Hotel.
Mrs. Young is a graduate of
the University of Nebraska where
she was a member of Gamma
Phi Beta sorority. She taught
physical education at Sheldon
Jackson Junior college in Sitka,
Alaska for one year and has since
been employed by the Sidney
public school system as girls
physical education teacher and
elementary physical education
Mr. Young was graduated from
the University of Wyoming. He
was a member of Alpha Kappa
Psi and of Sigma Chi Fraternity.
He is general manager of Radio
Station KSID in Sidney.
They will be at home in Sidney
after March 18.
Attend Conference
Mrs. Roy Wayman, WSCS pres
ident from the O’Neill Methodist
church, and Mrs. Glenn Kenni
cott are attending the annual
meeting of the Nebraska Confer
ence Woman’s Society of Chris
tian Service being held at Grand
Island Tuesday through Thursday.
Mrs. Wayman is the official de
legate from the local society.
Mrs. Esther Harris, Northeast
District Secretary of the Wesley
an Service Guild, and Mrs. Wayne
Roelle, delegate, both of O’Neill,
will attend the Guild Weekend
Saturday and Sunday at Grand
Seven New Members
There are seven new members
in the Gratton Hustlers 4-H club,
making a total of 24 members.
The club met Sunday at the Joe
Dufek home with all members
and most of their parents present.
Sixteen projects are being handl
ed by the cl'ob. Year books and
4-H certificates of achievements
were distributed. Gary Fiek told
the group of his trip to the 4-H
club congress. Games and lunch
closed the meeting. The next ses
sion will be at the Bob Hill home.
Michael Shefl, reporter.
Mrs. Soukup Is Hostess
■Mrs. Stanley Soukup entertain
ed members of the Birthday club
at her home Friday afternoon.
All members were present with
the exception of one who was out
of town.
Trupps Are Hosts
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Trupp en
tertained at a dinner and pino
chle party at their home Satur
day evening. Out-of-town guests
were Mr. Trapp’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Trupp of Hastings,
who are spending a few days
Celebrates Birthday
Tommy, five-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. F. McKenny, cele
brated his birthday Sunday. Rela
tives gathered at the McKenny
home that day to help Tommy
Name Bible Flowers
Christ Lutheran aid met Tues
day evening at which time mem
bers answered roll call by nam
ing flowers in the Bible. Mrs.
Harold Mlinar presented the top
ic, “Good Friday Legends of
Flowers and Trees”. The busi
ness meeting was presided over
by Mrs. Mlinar, and at this time
the Society decided to accept the
offer of a piano company to in
stall a new organ on a trial ba
sis. Also discussed was the an
nual church housecleaning to be
done by all women of the church
at an all-day meeting March 23.
A free-will offer was taken for
LWWL District 7 zone dues. Hos
tesses were Mrs. Don Meyer and
Mrs. Gordon Johnson.
Plan Card Party
Friends of St. Mary’s society
will sponsor a card party Sun
day at 8:15 p.m. at St. Mary's
gym. This is the last party of
the season.
Happy Helpers Meet
On Tuesday the 4-H Happy
Helpers Lets Groom Room met
at Mrs. Dale Perry’s. There were
three demonstrations on making
the beds with each members par
ticipating. The next meeting will
be at the O’Neill public school
old gym. Lunch was served after
the meeting.
Has Fifth Birthday
Mrs. Joe Dewitt entertained at
a party Friday afternoon in hon
or of her son, Joe. who was cele
brating his fifth birthday. Games
were played and Mrs. Dewitt
served cake and ice cream to the
Trip Postponed
Members of the Willowdale 4
H club postponed their trip to
Boys Town after the next meet
ing April 14, due to recent bad
weather. A meeting was held Fri
day at the Roland Miller home
at which time Glen Miller pre
sided. Marsha Slattery called roll
and everyone was present. The
leader, Tom Slattery, distributed
appreciation ahd project awards
for the past year. Bill Hibbs will
be the next host. Brad Hansen
moved the meeting adjourned and
lunch was served by Mrs. Miller
and Mrs. Hibbs. Vicky Hansen,
JUNIOR AUXILIARY MEMBERS of the American Legion have completed a project which has
taken weeks of work. They have ripped strips of materials and sewn them into long pieces and these
in turn are wound into balls. The girls are sending them to the Grand Island Veterans hospital where
patients will make rag rugs. A regular meeting was held Saturday at the Legion hall with 30 members
attending at whch time this picture was taken. Hostesses Saturday were Carolyn Donlin, Jean McKen
zie, Donna I>angan and Kathryn Devoy. Scribe, Pat McKenzie.
Mr. and Mrs. I- O. Lenz of
Lincoln, formerly of Chambers,
celebrated their 35th wedding
anniversary with a dinner party
held recently in Lincoln. Guests
included their daughter, Mrs.
Don Dankert and family of
Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Bayne
Grubb, Duffy and Ellen, Holland
Casbum and Marion Endorf, all
of Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Walter of DeWitt. A cake
was presented to the couple by
'the Grubb family, and other
gifts were received.
WSCS Meets
Mrs. Dwayne Philbrick and
Mrs. Roy Wayman conducted the
lesson at the regular monthly
meeting of the O’Neill Methodist
WSCS Thursday in the church
basement. Mrs. Wayman was un
animously elected as delegate to
the annual state WSCS meeting
in Grand Island this week. A
Lenten offering was taken at the
close of the meeting. Mrs. Louis
Reimer and Mrs. M. B. Marcel
lus were the hostesses at the 1
p.m. luncheon.
rteiurn inirn inp
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Robertson
returned Thursday afternoon
from a 7,000 mile motor trip. They
were away three months and
during the trip visited in Kansas
City with a daughter, Mrs. Ro
bert Weiss; in Manhatten, Kans.,
with his sister, Mrs. Ralph Ernst;
in Colton, Calif., with a daugh
ter, Mrs. Noal Long and family,
and in Anaheim, San Jose and
Tujunga, Calif., with other rela
tives and friends.
March Meeting Held
Members of the Midway Ranch
ers and Ranchettes 4-H club met
at the home of Larry and Sue
Nelson Friday. Roll call was
something green. It was decided
to get new flags for the club.
Mrs. Nelson served lunch after
the meeting and entertainment.
The next meeting will be April
14 at the home of Sharon Anson.
Fred Johring, reporter.
EWING — Kay Ellen Rother
ham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
•James B. Rotherham of Ewing,
was one of 4" students at St.
Elizabeth School of Nursing in
Lincoln to receive the Cap of
the School at the annual Cap
ping exercises held Sunday in
Pius high school auditorium.
Receiving the Cap signifies com
pleting the pre-clinical period,
and being officially accepted into
the School of Nursing. The par
ents and close friends attended
the reception.
Receives Award
Mrs. Walter Crook has receiv
ed a 15-year service pin denoting
her number of years employment
with Consumers Public Power dis
Gerald Fahrenholz, of Stuart, son,
Randall Lee, 8 pounds 14 ounces,
Mar. 10.
BERGSTROM—Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Bergstrom of Ewing, son,
Kevin John, 7 pounds 7% ounces.
Mar. 14.
BOYLE—Cpl and Mrs. Donald
E. Boyle of Augsburg, Germany,
a daughter, Hilda Irene, weigh
ing 5 lbs. 13% oz. on March 5.
Cpl. and Mrs. Boyle are the par
ents of three boys.
VENCIL—Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Vencil of Atkinson, son, Daniel
Joseph, 9 pounds, Atkinson Mem
orial hospital, March 9.
BELIK—Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Beliik of Page, son, Kevin, Ante
lope Memorial hospital at Neligb
March 6.
ASHER—Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Asher, of Page, son, Russell, at
Antelope Memorial hospital at Ne
ligh, March 7. The paternal
grandmother is Mrs. Frieda Ash
er and the maternal grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fussel
man, all of Page.
RUDOLPH—Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Rudolph of Spalding, daughter,
Debra Denice, 6 pounds 12 oun
ces, March 2.
CIHAL—Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cihal
of Omaha, son, six pounds 12
ounces at an Omaha hospital,
March 12. Mrs. Cihal is the for
mer Beth Watson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Watson of Am
CURRY—Mr. and Mrs. John
Curry of Kansas City, Mo., son,
Timothy, 8 pounds 3 ounces,
March 11. Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Becker are the maternal grand
PERRY—Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Perry of Borger, Tex., daughter,
Joan Marie, 6 pounds, Mar. 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Watson of
Page are the maternal grandpar
JOHNSON—Mr. and Mrs. Gary
Johnson of Elgin, daughter, Betty
Lou, 7 pounds 8 Ounces, Antelope
Memorial hospital at Neligh. Mrs.
Johnson is the former Joan Sehi,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Sehi of Clearwater.
FREL—Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Frel of Hershey, daughter, Jane
Marie, 7 pounds 14 ounces, Mar.
15. Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French,
sr. of Page are the maternal
Hospital Notes
ADMITTED: Mar. 7—George
Jefferies of Ewing. Mar. 8—Mrs.
Josephine Elston of Ewing, Mrs.
L. G. Summers of Page and Mrs.
Jerry Cuddy of O’Neill. Mar. 9—
Evelyn Stannard of O’Neill, Mrs.
D. A. Gunter of Ewing, Mrs.
Mary Stewart of Page and Mrs.
Gerald Fahrenrolz of Stuart. Mar.
10—George Latel of Ewing and
Mrs. Harold Wickersham of
Lynch. Mar. 11—Mrs. May Strac
ke of Stuart. Mar. 12—None. Mar.
13—Mrs. Joe Kaup, jr. of Stuart,
Sue Aim Freeburg, A. V. Virgin, '
Harry Appleby and Harden Ans- i
pach, all of O’Neill, Phillip I
Rowse and Alan Rowse, both of *
Chambers. Mar. 14—Mrs. L. E. 1
Bergstrom of Ewing and Walter j
Johnson of Page.
DISMISSED: Mar. 7—Mrs. Al
da King of Stuart, William Mac- j
Kinlay of O’Neill, John H. Mc
S E E Bankerslifeman —
Ernie Brinkman
about an ]
Family Life
■ _ Plan
Carville of O’Neill, Mrs. Melvin
Johnson of Bristow, Scott Menish
of O’Neill. Mar. 8—Leo D. Van
dersnick of Ewing. Mar. 9—Mar
garet Wertz of O’Neill. Mar. 10—
A. J. O’Donnell of O’Neill, Mrs.
Kenneth Moore of O’Neill, Mrs.
Josephine Elston of Ewing, Ivan
Potter of Lynch, George Jeffer
ies of Ewing and Harold Parks,
jr. of Ewing. Mar. 11—Mrs. De
witt Gunter of Ewing, Mrs. Ed
ith McClenahan of Chamberr and
Mrs. J. C. Parker of O’Neill. Mar.
12—Mrs. Jerry Cuddy of O’Neill.
Mar. 13—Mrs. May Stracke of
Stuart, Mrs. Harold Wickersham
of Lynch, Mrs. Gerald Fahren
holz of Stuart and Mrs. Joe Kaup,
jr. of Stuart. Mar. 14—Mrs. L. G.
Summers of Page. Mar. 15—Mrs.
Newt Mullendore of O’Neill.
ADMITTED: Mar. 6—Mrs. Or
val Clark of Long Pine, Mrs. Ger
ald Upton of Atkinson, Mrs. Al
fred Sbhaaf of Emmet. Mar. 7—
Mrs. Donald Vencil of Atkinson
and Mrs. Alvin Wedige of Em
met. Mar. 8—Mrs. Eliabeth Wat
son of Stuart. Mar. 9—Mrs. Earl
Estes of Stuart, Mrs. Melvin
Roach of Page and Mrs. Roy
Farr of Newport. Mar. 10—Clif
ford Skala of Stuart, Mrs. August
Kramer of Stuart and Loris An
derson of Butte. Mar. 11—Mrs.
Joseph Laible of Stuart. Mar. 12
—James Dusatko of Emmet, Jer
ome Be jot of Long Pine, and Shir
ley Walton of Atkinson. Mar. 13—
Mrs. John Hytrek and Charles
Ziska, both of Stuart.
DISMISSED: Mar. 6—Harold
Klinger and Bernard Bonenber
ger, both of Atkinson. Mar. 7—
Mrs . Pearl Wahl of Atkinson.
Mar. 8—Alva Baker of Atkinson,
Charles Ziska of Stuart and Mrs.
Gerald Upton of Atkinson. Mar.
9-rrCharles Frost of Long Pine,
Carl Anderson of Atkinson, Mrs.
Grover Silvers o f Stuart and
daughter and Mrs. Alvin Wedige
of Emmet. Mar. 10—Mrs. Ger
trude McCoy of Newport, Her
man Benoit of Long Pine, Mrs.
Leo Debolt and daughter of Bas
sett, Mrs. Alfred Schaaf of Em
met, Mrs. Orval Clark of Long
Pine and Mrs. March Warner of
Chambers. Mar. 12—Mrs. Earl
Estes of Stuart and Mrs. Melvin
PaoaVi Dorrn
PRESENT: Frank Cranford,
Dr. J. A. Guttery and Mrs. In
ger Levi, all of Lynch; Mrs. Em
ma Fiala and John Scrommer of
Spencer, Baby Teri Lechtenberg
of Butte, Erick Ohman of Anoka,
Robert Stoltenberg of Naper and
Baby Mark Weidner of Fairfax.
DISMISSED: Mar. 6—Mrs. Eu
gene Lechtenberg of Butte. Mar.
7—Baby Anthony Vogt of Sioux
Falls. Mar. 8—Frank Ham mom
of Lynch, Frank Ertz of Mono-,
wi, Jerome Dopheide of Butte
and Thomas Courtney, sr. Mar.
9— Baby Georgia Courtney. Mar.
10— George Kubik and Mrs. Al
bert McDonald of Lynch. Mar. 11
—Berthel Griggs of Lynch, Mrs.
Harry Sage of Niobrara, Mrs.
Harold Bennett of Lynch, Baby
Thomas Carstens of Naper, Mrs.
Rose Wilson of Spencer and Os
car Carmichael of Spencer. Mar. .
12—Calvin Conklin of Lynch, Mrs.
Pat Langan of Spencer and Baby
Perry Barta of Verdel.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw
went to Burwell Friday after
noon to attend funeral services
for William P. Dunne which were ,
held Saturday morning in the
Sacred Heart church at Burwell.
Mrs. Shaw's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas E. Carney, and Mr.
Dunne’s parents homesteaded in
nearby houses southeast of O’
Neill in 1886.
Fhurs. Mar. 16
family Nite • Entire Family $1.00
CinemaScope — Technicolor
Jeff Chandler - Dorothy Malone
Fri.-Sat. Mar. 17-18
Don Murray - Cindi Wood
PLUS Pictures of the
No Increase in Prices
Mar. 19-20-21-22
CinemaScope - Color by DeLuxe
Co-Starring Barbara Eden
Steve Forrest - Dolores Del Rio <
Percy Ipalook
Preparing for
Radio Position
Percy Ipalook, who graduated
from O’Neill high school in 1958,
is in New York City attending an
18-month study course preparing
for civilian and military radio
positions near the Arctic Circle.
Ipalook, an Alaskan Eskimo,
stayed at the D. C. Schaffer
home while attending school here
and will be remembered by his
many friends in O’Neill.
In his new studies, Ipalook is
being sponsored by the Interior
Department's Bureau of Indian
Affairs. The Government is
paying his living expenses and
tuition at RCA Institutes, an
electronic school. Following his
training, Ipalook may work
where he wishes, however, the
Government hopes he will take a
job in the “White Alice” com
munications system, which is
the civilian and military radio
telegraph in Alaska, or the Bal
listics Missile Early Warning
System in the Far North.
Grenier Transferred
To Grand Island
Carroll Grenier, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Grenier of O’Neill,
has been transferred to Grand
Island -where he will be first as
sistant manager in the Hested
store there.
Carroll has been assistant
manager in the Lee Stores com
pany at O’Neill since December.
Job Opening Available
Any couple wishing work in O’
Neill may still get their applica
tions in at the O’Neill Police de
A married couple is preferred
as the wife can handle the water
department and the husband will
be employed in the Police depart
Interested persons may contact
Chief of Police Chris McGinn.
Roland Hansen Receives
Scholarship Honors
INMAN — Roland Hansen, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen
of Inman, is one of three Uni
versity of Nebraska engineering
students honored for scholarship
by Pi Tau Sigma, a campus
engineering society.
Roland is a junior in the Col
lege of Engineering and Archi
tecture at the University. He
completed his sophomore year
in the upper 25 percent of his
Ewing C of C Raises
Fund for Stevie Good
EWING — A check for $387
was turned over to Mr. and Mrs.
James Good of Ewing to help
defray medical expenses for
their son, Stevie, two and one
half years old, who had con
siderable medical care last fall
when he drank a poison cleaning
The money was raised by the
Ewing Chamber of Commerce
through donations from organiza
tions and individuals.
March 6—Norman Starkgon of
Rochester, Minn., overweight on
axle, fined $50 and costs; offi
cer Clifford Kizzire.
March 6—Kenneth Kennedy of
Omaha, no reciprocity, fined $10
and costs; Officer Kizzire.
March 6—Donald Dansie of
Sprinville, U., overgross on ax
les, fined $50 and costs; Officer
March 6—John Baker of Coun
cil Bluffs, la., no 1961 plates,
fined $10 and costs; Officer Kiz
March 6—Robert Coulter of
Cascade, la., no reciprocity, fin
ed $10 and costs; Officer Donald
March 7—Joseph J. Dimauro of
Omaha, failure to display 1961
plates, fined $10 and costs; Of
ficer Kizzire.
March 9—Ed Tarnish, driver
for Gillette Dairy, no 1961 plates, ■
fined $U> and costs; Officer
March 10— John J. Schuldt of
Wagner, S. D., no reciprocity,
fined $40 and costs: Officer Kiz
March 11—Richard Schoenfeld
er of Rochester, Minn., over
weight on axle, fined $50 and
costs; Officer Richardson.
March 11—Larry R. Bowers of
Bristow, overweight capacity
plate, fined $10 and costs; Offi
cer Kizzire.
March 11—Clyde Rager, driver
for Barber Transport Co. of Ra
pid City, no reciprocity, fined $10
and costs; Officer Kizzire.
March 14—Roy Richter jr., of
Grand Island, no 1961 plates, lin
ed $10 and costs; Officer Kizzire.
March 14—Bill Hynes of O’Neill,
loitering and gambling, fined $10
and costs; Officer Chris McGinn.
March 9—Daniel Kozier of Ains
worth, day speeding, fined $10
and costs, officer E. M. Hastrei
March 10—Francis J. Hickey of
O'Neill, night speeding, fined $10
and costs, officer E. M. Hastrei
Station Is Leased
Peters of Clearwater has leased
the Ili-Way Service Station from
the Clearwater Motor company.
The lease takes effect March
20. The service station will con
tinue its dealership of Chevrolet
automobiles. Mr. Peters has been
an employee of the firm for
nearly seven years.
Orchard Man Suffers
Broken Leg Saturday
ORCHARD — Don Mitchell
suffered a broken leg Saturday
night when a cow he was milking
kicked him fracturing the bone
above the ankle. He was taken
to the Plainview hospital and
later transferred to St. Vincent’s
hospital in Sioux City.
Representative Slates
Butte Visit March 23
James B. Hoffman, field repre
sentative of the Norfolk social
security office, will be in the
court room of the courthouse at
Butte from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
March 23. Severely disabled
people under 65 who have had at
least five recent years under
social security should inquire.
Linda Serck to
Present Reading
EMMET — Linda Serck of
Emmet, student at Augustana
college in Sioux Falls, S. D., will
present a reading in the French
language at a Centennial Foreign
Language convocation Monday.
The convocation will be held in
conjunction with the Augustana
College Artist and Lecture series.
Attend Meeting
Mrs. Robert Lowery, Mrs. Les
ter Riege, Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka
and Mrs. John Davidson, all of
O’Neill attended the Madison
County Salon No. 410-Eight and
Forty regular meeting in Norfolk
Thursday evening.
Report were given on birthday
remembrances sent to children
in the National Jewish hospital in
Denver; on the Mid-winter
pourvoir at North Platte, and on
the fund contributed toward a
nurse scholarship for further
education in tuberculosis work.
Baptist Church
Sunday School, 10:00 a.m.
Classes for each grade. Trained
teachers. The Bible is taught.
Separated class rooms.
Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m.
Choir. Bible messages in Judges
Training Classes, 7:00 p.m.
Everyone included.
Evening Service, 8:00 p.m.
Special music. Bible messages
in Acts.
Easter Service, 11:00 a.m.
Easter Cantata, 8:00 p.m.
47 and 49
Call Bill...
Let him do your Spring Cleaning
Cleaning Service for
O'Neill and Surrounding Area
Latest Brand New
Machinery — Free Estimates
On Any Cleaning Job
Painting — Rug Cleaning — Davenport
and Chair Cleaning — Storm Window
Removal — Scrubbing and Waxing — Wall Cleaning
Bill's Cleaning Service
Bill Jansen, Owner
511 W Fremont O’Neill Phone 281