Baptismal Services Are Held Sunday Morning for Mary Kaup Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kaup had their daughter, Mary Elizabeth, baptized Sjnday. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Schaaf were her sponsors. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kaup and family had as their Sunday din ner and supper guests, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Schaaf and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wedige and boys and Mr. and Mrs. James Mullen of O’Neill. Stuart News By Mrs. Herb 8Uln Mr. and Mrs. Del Stracke of Omaha spent the weekend visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stracke and Mr. and Mrs. Elgie Irish. Weekend guests at the Bob Ba tenhorst home were Mike Baten horst of Wayne and Kenny Baten horst and Judy Hinkel of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Mitchell entertained four tables of pitch players Sunday evening at their home. Prize winners were Mrs. Jim Steinhauser, and Bob Miksch, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dobrovolny and Jim Steinhauser. The next card party will be with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Miksch April 9. Sunday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Engler were Mr. and Mrs. Art Ziska and Dennis. March 5 dinner guests honoring Edwin Engler on his birthday were Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidt • >n,l Vvnvo rvf n’KTo’.ll He 1\ Alfred Straka and family and Elaine Johnson of Atkinson. Mable McKenna of O'Neill spent Friday and Saturday visiting Mr. ;ind Mrs. B. C. Engler, returning to her home Saturday evening. Thirteen members of the Hay dettes Extension club met at the home of Mrs. Frank Murphy Thursday evening for a luncheon. One guest, Mrs. Elmer Goldfuss, was also present. The business meeting was opened with a prayer followed by a roll call, which was answered by naming a .‘pet peeve”. Plans were made for serving lunch at a farm sale March 15 and the card party to be held Sunday evening at the Frank Murphy home. The lesson on “Arthritis” was given by Mrs. Alfred Straka and Mrs. LaVern Morgan. Mrs. Donald Skrdla will be hostess at the next regular meeting April 13. A birthday dinner was held at the home of Mrs. Pete Eng ler Sunday honoring her on her Bus Schedule Leave Sioux City 11.30 a.m. Arrive O’Neill 3:30 p.m. Leave O’Neill 3:45 p.m. Arrive Sioux City 7:15 pm. Leave Winner 6:00 a.m Arrive O'Neill 9:00 a.m Leave O’Neill 9:30 a m. Arrive Omaha 3:50 o m. Return Leave Omaha 8:30 a.m. Leave Norfolk 12:30 p.m. Arrive O’Neil) 3:00 p.m. Leave O’Neill 4:00 p.m. Arrive Winner 7:15 p.m. neave Valentine 9:10 am. Arrive O N°ill 12:15 p.m. Leave O’Neill 12:25 p.m. Arrive Grand Island 4:05 p.m. Leave Grand Island 4:05 p.m. Arrive Omaha 7:45 p.m. Return Leave Omaha 7:45a.m. Arrive Grand Island 11:20 a.m. Leave Grand Island 12:30 p.m. Arrive O’Neill 4:00 p.m. Leave O’Neill 4:15 p.m. Arrive Valentine 7:15 p.m. 87th birthday which was Satur day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Engler, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Engler, Ar lene, Janice, Dennis, Donna, and Ernie of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Engler, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Engler. Mrs . Lawrence Rudolph and children of Chapman were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Estes and visited other relatives and friends. Mrs. Karl Bernt entertained the Birthday club March 8. Prize winners were Mrs. John Weich man, Mrs. Cliff Farr and There sa Levi. Mrs. Elgie Irish returned home Saturday after having spent the past two weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. Del Stracke at Omaha, Mrs. Fred Norris at Shenandoah, la., and Shirley Seger. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Seger enter tained the Couples Card party at their home at Newport Sunday evening. Prize winners were Mr. and Mrs. Louie Shald, Alfred Stracke, Mrs. Jim Davis and Mrs. Alfred Stracke. The next party will be with Mr. and Mrs. Louie Shald April 9. Maureen Coufal spent the week end visiting in Omaha with her sister, Connie Coufal. Mrs. John Weichman entertain ed the Hi-Five club Friday at her home. Prize winners were Mrs. B. C. Engler, Ann Olberding and Mrs. Edwin Engler. Mrs. L. H. Steinhauser will have the next meeting March 24. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bornt and Mrs. Emma Smith spent the weekend at Grand Island and Hastings. Art Runnels, accompanied by John Ilirsch, attended the fun eral of Lawrence Riessland at Amherst Tuesday. Mr. Riesland died as the result of an auto accident. Mrs. Riessland is a niece of John Ilirsch. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ankney entertained four tables of pitch players Friday at their home. Prize winners were Jim Hoffman, Albert Hoffman, Harry Cadwalla der, Mrs. Jim Hoffman and Mrs. Harry Cadwallader. The Nifty Nells met Thursday at ihe home of Mrs. Gene Baten horst. Prize winners were Mrs. Jim Hytrek, Mrs. Don Myers, and Mrs. Fred Kaup. Guests were Mrs. Don Myers, Mrs. Louie Shald and Mrs. Gary Lockmon. The next party will be March 28 at the home of Mrs. Don Bernt. Sunday afternoon callers cf Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Nelson were Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Simons. Sunday dinner guests at the Levi home were Lillian Wads worth of Tilden and her brother, Byrl Wadsworth of Rochester, Wash. Afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Keith King enter tained four tables of pitch Fri day at their home. Prize winners were Car! Vochatzer, Mrs. Mike Cadwallader, Bob Cadwallader, Mrs. Carl Vochatzer and Keith King. The next party will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cadwallader. Keith and Gary Cadwallader were Sunday overnight and Mon day guests at the Bob Cadwalla der home while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Cadwallader, and Mrs. Leo Slachetka were in Om aha where Mrs. Cadwallader had surgery. Don Cadwallader and Mrs. Slachetka returned home Monday. Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith King and family were Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hoff man and girls. Amelia News By Minis Florence Lindney Barthels Twins Released From Burwell Hospital Kevin John and Kerry Louis, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Kieth Barthel, born February 17 were able to leave the Burwell hospital Sunday. The little ones were on the critical list since birth until the past week. Mrs. Libbie Watson entered the Atkinson hospital Wednesday. Her son, Asa Watson and family, vis ited her at the hospital Sunday and reported that she was some better. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thomp son entertained friends at a card party March 3. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Doo little, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ev erett, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ber ry and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Waldo were Atkinson callers Friday. Mr. Pierce had not been feeling well lately and went to see the doctor He is feeling better at present. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Tesch, Linda and Sandra of Lincoln were March 4 weekend guests with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Doo little. They also visited his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tesch, near Atkinson and helped them observe their wedding anniver sary. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brown of Omaha came March 5 to visit her father, Charlie Sigman on his birthday anniversary. They re turned to Omaha early in the af ternoon due to the bad weather. Rodney Fix, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fix, is a new first grade student in the Amelia school. Word has reached us of the ill ness and hospitalization of Tern Farewell, Pico Riveria, Calif. Mrs. Farewell is the former Mae Lierman of Amelia. They visited friends here the past summer. Mrs. Gloria Landrum, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Oti, plans to leave March 17 for St. Louis, Mo., where she will at tend a Medical school for about five months. She has been em ployed by Dr. Ramsay of At kinson and will return there upon competion of the training at this school. Her daughter, Sally, plans to stay with her grandparents and attend school in Amelia. ■Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson visited with Mrs. Gertie Adair Wednesday evening and played pinochle. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adair, Jerry and Diane, Mr. and Mrs. Art Doo little, and Mrs. Gertie Adair spent Saturday evening at the Edgar Peterson home. Mrs. Adair and je» ly were observing birthday anniversaries and enjoyed birth day cake and coffee later in the evening. The special study lesson “Basic Christian Beliefs” presented by WSCS will be held March 21 at the home of Mrs. Edith Ander sen. Mrs. Frank Searles of Denver visited her son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and family last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blackmore and family of North Platte spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Watson and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Blackmore. Mr. and Mrs. Elsie Doolittle, Jimmy, Denny and Dickey of Stuart were visiting at the Mar vin Doolittles Sunday. Mrs. Doris Baker attended a birthday dinner for Mr. Lane near Newport Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nielsen and son, Rodney, and Myrtle White of Omaha spent the weekend vis iting in the homes of their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott vis ited their daughter, Mrs. Gloria Landrum and Sally in Atkinson Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tibbetts and family of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Everett of At kinson were Sunday visitors with the women’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman visited their daughter, Marcia, at Sioux City Friday and Saturday. Several schools in the com munity were closed on account of the storm March 8. Mrs. Kayo Fullerton was unable to get to her school at Valley Cen ter that day. Clyde Widman, Earnie Johns ton and Vem Sageser attended a Mens Rally at the Methodist church in O’Neill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott, Mrs. Gloria Landrum and Sally were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams and Don. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burgett and Wayne visited their daugh ter, Mrs. Jerry Cuddy at the O’ Neill hospital Saturday. Mrs. Cuddy was released from the hospital Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton, and Mr. and Mrs. Kayo Fullerton visited the Merrill Smiths near Atkinson Sunday in observance of Mr. Smith's birthday anniver sary. Mr. and Mrs. Link Sageser had dinner Siinday with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sageser. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees were Burwell callers Saturday to visit Mrs. Will Matthauser. Mrs. Vern Sageser, Mrs. Ed ith Anderson, Mrs. Lindsey and Florence attended services at the Baptist church in Chambers Sun day evening. The ilev. Ernest Green and f.amity, recently re turned Missionary from the Con go, was the speaker. Bob Bailey, teacher in the John Mohr jr. district, was ill last week and not able to teach school a couple days. 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