The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 09, 1961, Section One, Image 8

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    O'Neill Locals
Members of the American Le
gion auxiliary of Simonson Unit
No. 93 made plans at a meeting
March 1 to hold a “pot kick” sup
per March 19 for all Legion and
Auxiliary members and their
The party will be in observance
of the Legion “birthday”.
At the March 1 meeting, Mrs.
Dean Streeter, junior counsellor,
reported on the Junior auxiliary.
Edith Davidson gave $10 to be
sent to the National Child Wel
fare foundation as a memorial
to Mrs. James Davidson. Shirley
Gallagher won the attendance
award. Hostesses were Mrs. Mar
lin Wichman, Mrs. Orville Mor
row and Mrs. George Janousek.
Mrs. Ed Tharnish presented
a special cake to Jack McGinn
Tuesday. She made it in the
shape of a boxing ring, complete
with figures of two boxers wear
ing miniature gloves.
Martez and Delta Dek bridge
clubs met at the home of Mrs.
H. J. Harte Tuesday evening.
Winners were Mrs. Guy Cole and
Mrs. Henry Lohaus.
The Chez-a-Mari Bridge cl'ob
met Tuesday evening at the home
of Mrs. Dale French following
dinner at the M & M Cafe. Mrs.
Robert Berigan and Mrs. James
Early were guests. Winners were
Mrs. Dale Kersenbrock, Mrs.
Dale French, and Mrs. James
The Merrimyx Club, which was
to have met Tuesday evening
was postponed until next week
because of inclement weather.
Mrs. Robert Devoy and Mrs.
George Janousek went to Sioux
City Tuesday.
Regular Session Held
Members of the Rebekah lodge
met in regular session Friday
evening. Hosesses were Mrs. Nor
bert Clark and Mrs. Ruby Way
anan. Five members were honor
ed with the presentation of a
birthuay cake marking their
birthdays during the past three
Mrs. Laursen Entertains
Members of the BOA club met
for a 7 p.m. dinner Tuesday eve
ning at the Town House. The hos
tess, Mrs. Virgil Laursen, fur
nished an evening of cards at
her home following dinner. Card
prizes were won by Mrs. M. L.
Burney and Mrs. Leigh Reynold
Meet for Bridge
Members of the Aces High club
met at the home of Mrs. Gene
Hastreiter Tuesday evening.
Bridge furnished the diversion
and prizes were won by Mrs. Ed
Cuddy and Mrs. Robert Forwood.
Mrs. Forwood attended as a
guest. Refreshments were served
at the close of the evening.
Mrs. Cleveland Entertains
O’Neill Better Ways extension
club met at the home of Mrs.
E. E. Cleveland jr., February 28
for a monthly meeting. Mrs.
Fritz Matthews and Mrs. Richard
Hovey presented the lesson on
“Parents and Purse Strings’’.
Mrs. Clay Johnson jr. was a guest
of the club.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hollen
beck, Barbara Ann and Lyle of
Burns Flats, Okla., spent Wednes
day and Thursday visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hol
lenbeck and family.
John Green of Seattle, Wash.,
grandson of Mr. and Mrs. D. N.
Loy, who attends Graceland col
lege at Leoni, la., is spending his
spring vacation here. He is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Green oi Seattle, tromer O Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones
returned Friday from a two
month vacation spent visiting
with their son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Fridley
at Wickenburg, Ariz., and son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Milo Jones at San Diego, Calif;
also with relatives of Mr. Jones
at San Bernardino. Enroute home
they visited a daughter, Mrs. Ce
cil Griffith and her family at
North Platte, and son, Maurice
and family at Chadron.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rooney vis
ited Saturday in Omaha.
Mrs. John Stuifbergen
spent the weekend visiting in Nor
folk. Enroute home Sunday, they
encountered icy highways and
were forced to spend the night
at Tilden before continuing on
home the next day.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Steele
entertained the following persons
at dinner Thursday evening, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Wayman, Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Babutzke, Evan, Nor
ma and Rita Steele and Dan
Mrs. Joyce Clinkscales return
ed Thursday from a four-day
business trip in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKenny
spent Sunday and Monday in Om
Dinner guests Sunday of Mrs.
Irene Wrehe were Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Obermiller, Farwell, and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teichmeitr
and daughter, Colleen, of Raven
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hansen of
Norfolk visited over the weekend
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Flood, and sister and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wolfe. . ..
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Carpenter
were called to Wister, Okla., last
week due to the death of his fa
ther, who died Febr. 28. They re
turned to O’Neill Sunday.
Sharon Tennis, a student at
Hastings College, spent the week
end with her parents. Mr. and
II.s. J e lennis.
Mr. and Mrs. Darol Baker re
turned to their home Wednesday
after a trip to Casper, Wyo.,
where they had helped his mo
ther, Mrs. Nellie Baker, celebrate
her 86th birthday. The birthday
dinner was held at Mr. Baker’s
sister's home near Douglas, Wyo.
on Sunday, Feb. 26 with 26 rela
tives attending.
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Temple
meyer and family left Wednesday
to spend the rest of the week in
Louisville, Nebr., visiting their
parents. Mr. Templemeyer also
plans to attend the state tourna
ment. They will visit Dr. and Mrs.
Merlin Sucha at Schuyler on the
way home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans of
Norfolk came Saturday to spend
the weekend in the William Mc
Intosh home. Other guests Sun
day were Mr. and Mrs. John Wat
son and family.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Waller
spent the weekend with her mo
ther, Mrs. Ray Snell at Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heiss,
Mrs. Alta Finch and Mrs. Ethel
Waring, all of Page, were dinner
guests Sunday at the Ken War
ing home.
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Hackett
of Fremont visited Sunday at the
Archie Ashby home.
Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn Ander
son and family of O’Neill, were
dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Wells.
Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Landreth
of Page and Mrs. F. W. Hendrick
of O’Neill were called to Indian
ola, la., for the funeral of Mrs.
Hendrick’s nephew, Stanley Zahl
ler, on Friday, March 3. They re
turned home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Parker of
Butte spent Saturday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goree of
Long Pine stopped Monday at
the Ralph McElvain home en
route to Texas for a vacation.
Mrs. Goree and Mrs. McElvain
are sisters.
A Subdistrict ministers meeting
was held at the O’Neill Methodist
Church Friday, March 3. The
ministers and their wives had din
ner together preceding the meet
ing. Discussion was held on the
coming prayer vigil in which the
churches will take part. All were
urged to attend the meeting Tues
day evening, March 7 at the Ew
ing Methodist church. It is the
Subdistrict Missions Institute and
an Indian minister from Okla
homa will speak. Present at the
meeting were Mrs. Charles Gates
of Atkinson, Rev. and Mrs. Ro
bert Linder of Page, Rev. and
Mrs. Lester Sprague and their
granddaughter of Lynch, Mrs.
Robert Embree, Rev. and Mrs.
Glenn Kennicott of O’Neill.
The What-Not Extension Club
met Thursday evening at the
home of Mrs. Laval Freeburg.
Roll call was answered by tell
ing a windy tale. Mrs. Donald
Younie, music chairman, led the
group singing. Mrs. Edwin Rech
gave the lesson on “arthritis”.
Mrs. Milton Baack had charge of
the games. Mrs. John Laska and
Mrs. Sidney Frahm were visitors.
Next meeting will be April 6 at
the home of Mrs. Vernon Carpen
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Janzing
and Joyce Ann were dinner guests
at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ander
son’s Sunday. In the afternoon
they attended the baptism of Deb
ra Ann, infant daughter of Eu
gene Janzing at Columbus. They
also visited at the home of Eu
gene Janzing.
Monday supper and evening
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Ziska were Mr. and Mrs. George
Bartos and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Jankiewicz and family and
Mike Champion. The occasion
was Marvin’s birthday.
Members of the O’Neill Better
Ways Extension club met at the
home of Trudy Cleveland with
11 persons present, and one guest,
Mrs. Clay Johnson. The lesson on
“Parents and Purse Strings,” was
given by Marjorie Hovey and
Leona Matthews. Roll call was
answered by naming favorite ho
lidays. The guessing game was
won by Mrs. Cleveland. Follow
ing a gift exchange, lunch was
served by hostess. The next meet
ing will be March 28 at the home
t\f Tr\ Arm
Lutheran Ladies Aid
The Ladies Aid of St. Peter’s
Lutheran Church met Thursday
in the church parlors. The meet
ing opened with a hymn, scrip
ture reading and prayer. Pastor
Seefeldt spoke on the Lenten sea
son and led a discussion on con
A first aid kit was displayed.
This was made by the Facts and
Fun Extension club and donated
by Mrs. Ahlers to be used by
our church. Donations were made
to the heart fund and the Steven
Good fund at Ewing. Plans were
made for serving the banquet for
the Antelope County Teacher's
association April 6 and the alum
ni banquet May 29. Lunch was
served by Mmes. Roberta Korn
ock, Harry Lampert, and James
Meyer to the 35 members pre
sent and the two guests, Mrs.
Pete Cooper and Mrs. James
New Officers Named
Cheri Summers »s the new pre
sident of<. the Goose -Lake 4-H
club which met at the Goose Lake
Schoolhouse Friday. Other offi
cers are: John Summers, vice
president; Patricia Hubei, secre
tary, and Doretta Butterfield, re
porter. Roll call was answered
by naming new projects for the
year. Five new members joined
the Club, making a total of 15
members. The next meeting will
be March 10 with Doretta and
Randy Butterfield.
A demonstration on “Oatmeal
Fudge Cookies” was given by
Trudy Schultz and Cin’y Er'wn
at the regular meeting of the
Eager Beavers 4-H Weed Club
at District 33 school Feb. 20.
We all sampxea tne cookies
and voted they were delicious.
Everyone was present and read
their report on the most disas
terous weed and how to get rid
of it.
We are going to begin our re
cord books this month. The next
meeting wiil be he.d March 20.
Roll Call will be to give two rea
sons why we should get rid of
Terry R. Brown, reporter
Sick and Injured
CHAMBERS — George Porter
was taken to the Veterans Hos
pital in Grand Island Monday,
February 27th. . .W. H. Crawford
returned home from the Atkin
son Memorial hospital March 1
where he had spent a couple days
with a back ailment. . .Jerry
Clouse returned home Friday
from St. Anthony’s hospital in
O’Neill where he had been a pa
tient since Sunday when he was
kicked in the head by a horse.
Nine year old Jerry suffered a
fractured skull. He is considered
to be getting along good but must
be quiet for several weeks. . .
Bill Logeman was on the sick list
a few days last week.
EWING—Henry Belmer, two
year old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Belmer, is a patient at An
telope Memorial hospital at Ne
ligh. His parents Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Fleming visited him Wed
nesday evening, and were accom
panied by his grandparents.
ORCHARD—Jen Amman, a far
mer north of Orchard was admit
ted to the Plainview hospital on
Monday for treatment. . .Mrs.
Emory Buxton was admitted to
the Plainview hospital on Mon
day. . -Mrs. Leo Cleveland was
taken to the Plainview hospital
on Sunday.
FINCH—Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Finch jr. of Page, son, Randall
Orrin, 9 pounds 3 ounces, Febru
ary 24. Mrs. Finch is the former
Gloria J. Dwinell, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Dwinell of
Verdigre. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Finch sr. of Page are the pa
ternal grandparents.
HOOD—Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Hood of O’Neill, son, Allen Lee,
5 pounds 1 ounce, February 24.
BOWEN—Mr. and Mrs. John
Bowen of Lynch, daughter, Mari
Ella, 7 pounds 8 ounces, February
27. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bowen of
O’Neill are the paternal grand
HUBBARD—Mr. and Mrs. Ed
win Hubbard of Chambers, daugh
ter, Sharon Laree, 7 pounds, Feb
ruary 27. Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
Hubbard and Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Shavlik of Chambers are the
BROWN—Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Brown of O’Neill, daughter, Mar
dell Irene, 6 pounds 6, ounces,
February 28.
WALKER—Mr. and Mrs. Neil
Walker of Chambers, daughter,
Lori Marie, 7 pounds 2 3/4 oun
ces, March 1. Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Ollendick sr. of Chambers are the
the maternal grandparents.
MOORE—Mr. and Mrs.. Ken
neth Moore of O’Neill, son, Will
iam Kenneth, 5 pounds 6% ounces,
March 6.
HIBBS—Mr. and Mrs. LaRue
Hibbs of Omaha, twin daughters,
3 pounds 4 ounces and 4 pounds
8 ounces, February 24. Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Hibbs of Blair are
the grandparents.
Dean Hagelstein of Osmond,
daughter, Sherry Lucille, 7
pounds ounces, February 20.
SUKUP—Mr. and Mrs. Phil Su
kup of Creighton, daughter, 5
pounds 8 ounces, February 27.
LEE—Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Lee of Albion, daughter, 11
pounds, March 1.
JOHNSON—Mr. and Mrs. La
vern Johnson ot Osmond, son,
5 pounds 7 ounces, March 1.
KRAMER—Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Kramer of Lake Andes, daughter,
February 26. Mr. and Mrs. Pete
Kramer of Naper are the pater
nal grandparents.
MACK—Capt. and Mrs. Robert
Mack of Sacramento, Calif.,
daughter, Andrea Mary, 7 pounds
6 ounces, March 1. The Mack’s
have two sons, Jerry and Tim.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mack of At
kinson are the paternal grand
WALTON—Mr. and Mrs. Wil
lard Walton of Madison, daugh
ter, Kathleen Ann, 3 pounds,
March 5, Our Lady of Lourdes
hospital, Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs.
Barton Walton of O'Neill are the
paternal grandparents and Mrs.
William White is the maternal
grandmother. The Waltons have
another daughter, Cindy age
Leon Schademann of Pender, son,
8 pounds 11 3/4 ounces, March 1.
The mother is the former Jac
queline Bentzen, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Bentzen of Naper.
NESBIT—Mr. and Mrs. Lcweli
Nesbit of St. Paul, daughter, 6
pounds 13 ounces, March 8. The
Nesbits are former O’Neill resi
Hospital Notes
ADMITTED: Feb. 28—Mrs. Leo
nard Brown of O’Neill and Mrs.
Wayne Shrader of Ewing. Mar. 1
—Mrs. Neil Walker of Chambers
and Margaret Gorman of O’Neill.
2—Leo D. Vandersnick of Ewing '
and Joe Tennis of O’Neill. 3_
Mrs. Orville Nickeson of O’Neill i
and Mrs. Frank Hawk of Ewing.
4— Scott Menish and William Mac
Kinlay, both of O’Neill. 5—Mrs.
Edith McClenahan of Chambers;
Harold Parks jr. of Ewing and ’
Mrs. Alda King of Stuart. 6—Miss
Tena Kaczor, Mrs. Kenneth
Moore, Mrs. Clarence Whaley,
Anthony O’Donnell and John Mc
Carville, all of O’Neill and Ivan
Potter of Lynch. 7—George Jef
feries of Ewing.
DISMISSEu: Feb. 28 — Mrs.
Clarence Finch jr. and baby and
Miss Grace Woo^, both of Page;
Mrs. Marie Baker, Miss Eliza
beth O’Malley and Baby Allen
Lee Hoad, all of O’Neill. Mar. 1
—Mrs. A. 0. Weber of Page;
Vernelda and Carlene Pongratz
of Emmet: Mrs. Melvin Hood and
Mrs. Thomas Donlin, both of O’
Neill. 2—'Mrs. Gayle Boyle and
Joe Tennis, both of O’Neill and
Mrs. John Bowen and baby girl
of Lynch. 3—Jerald Clouse of
Bartlett; Mrs. Orville Nickeson
of O’Neill; Mrs. Frank Hawk of
Ewing and Mrs. Norman Saltz
of Page. 4—Mrs. Leonard Brown
and baby girl of O’Neill and
Mrs. Wayne Shrader of Ewing.
5— Fred Heermann of O’Neill. 6
—Mrs. Neil Walker and baby
girl and Mrs. Edwin Hubbard and
daughter, all of Chambers. 7—
Scott Menish, William MacKin
lay, and John McCarville, all of
O’Neill; Mrs. Melvin Johnson of
Bristow and Mrs. Alda King of
ADMITTED: Feb. 28—Nancy
Griffin and Mrs. Donald Walton,
both of Atkinson; Mrs . Anna '
Wedige and Frank Bose, both of
Stuart and John Leisure of Om
aha. Mar. 1—Diane Colfack of <
Newport and Mrs. Grover Silvers
of Stuart. 2—Mrs. Daniel Neko
lite of O’Neill; Mrs. Thomas Kaup
of Stuart and Harold Klinger of
Atkinson. 3—Mrs. March Warner
of Chambers. 4—Charles Frost
of Long Pine; Mrs. Pearl Wahl
of Atkinson and Charles Ziska
oi Btuari. a—Bernard Bonenoer
ger and Alva Baker, both of At
kinson; Mrs. Leo DeBolt of Bas
sett; Mrs. Gertrude McCoy of
Newport and Mrs. Arthur Givens
of Smart. 6—Carl Anderson of At
DISMISSED—Feb. 28—Brenda
Shald of Stuart. Mar. 1—William
Crawford of Chambers; Lola Kehi
ny, Mrs. Jay Dobrovolny and
Mrs. Bill Boettcher, all of Atkin
son; Charles Schaaf, Marion Da
vis and Mrs. Anna Wedige, all of
Stuart. 2—Mrs. John Berkheimer
and daughter of Ainsworth; Mrs.
Don Walton, Nancy Griffin and
Mrs. William Noziska and daugh
ter, all of Atkinson and Diane
Colfack of Newport. 3—Mrs. Cur
tis Hook of Long Pine and John
Leisure of Omaha. 4—Mrs. Alvin
Wedige of Emmet. 5—Frank Bose
of Stuart.
PRESENT: Mrs. Harold Ben
nett, Calvin Conklin, Baby Geor
gia Courtney, Thomas Courtney,
Frank Cranford, Berthel Griggs,
Dr. John Guttery, Frank Ham
man, Mrs. Albert McDonald and
Mrs. Inger Levi, all of Lynch;
Frank Ertz of Monowi; Oscar
Carmichael, Mrs. Emma Fiala
and John Schommer, all of Spen
cer; Baby Thomas Carstens of
Naper; George Kubik of O’Neill;
Baby Teri Lechtenberg of Butte;
Erick Ohman of Anoka; Baby
Anthony Vogt of Sioux Falls,
S. D. and Baby Mark Weidner of
Fairfax, SD.
DISMISSED: Feb. 28—Baby Ke
vin Fredrickson of Spencer.
Mar. 1—Baby Paula Weeder of
Lynch. 2—Mrs. Edward Whet
ham of Lynch Mrs. Janettie Nel
son of Center; Mrs. William Zeis
ler and Mrs. Raymond Bentzen,
both of Naper. 4—Mrs. Gordon
Barta of Lynch and Mrs. Gary
Vogt of Sioux Falls, S.D. 6—Mrs.
Eugene Lechtenberg of Butte.
Servicemen's Notes . . .
O’NEILL—Army M/Sgt. Gerald
J. Langan, son of Mr and Mrs.
William D. Langan of O’Neill re
cently participated with other
personnel from the 4th Armored
Division in Exercise Winter
Shield II at the Grafenwohr-Ho
henfels training in Germany.
Langan, first sergeant of Cam
pany A of the division’s 54th In
fantry in Heilbronn, entered the
Army in 1947 and was stationed
at Fort Carson, Colo., before ar
riving overseas in January 1958
on this tour of duty.
His wife, Elizabeth, is with him
in Germany.
O’NEILL—Reed R. Tomjack,
boatswain’s mate second class,
USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo
S. Tomjack of O’Neill is sexwing
aboard the heavy cruiser US9 St.
Paul operating in the Western'
The St. Paul, flagship for Com
mander Seventh Fleet, recently
completed a five-day visit to Ja
pan, and is scheduled to visit the
Philippines prior to returning to
her home port at Yokosuka, Ja
pan, in February.
EWING—Lt. Eugene K. Lee of
Fort Riley, Kan., son of Anita
Lee of Ewing, was recently as
signed to the 2nd Battle Group,
8th Ixifantry, where he will as
sume the duty of executive of
ficer of Headquarters Comany.
After completing a course at
the Fort Riley Advanced Chem
ical Biological and Radiolcgi
cal school, Lt. Lee will board
a plane for Camp Kaiser, near
the 38th parallel in Korea, as
part of the advanced party for
the Battle Group which will
fellow in May.
Before his recent transfer to
the 8th Infantry, Lt. Lee was as
signed to the 5th Infantry where
he served as Assistant S-3 for
all advanced individual training.
Lt. Lee is married and has
two children.
Try The Frontier Want
Ads — It Pays !
Monowi News
By Mr». Mike Piklapp
LOcust 9-2520
Frank Matejcelf and August
Kalkowski attended ' the cattle
sale in Verdigre Friday after
Mrs. Frank Ertz took Frank
to the Lynch hospital Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Piklapp
and Patricia of Huron, S. D.,
were weekend guests in the Pik
lapp hjme.
Mrs. Frank Lewis entertained
at a party Friday afternoon.
Lunch was served by the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kolar
and daughter of Norfolk were
weekend guests in the Joe Mila
cek home at Bristow and the
Frank Lewis home here.
Mrs. R. T. McGeorge and Bob
called on Mrs. Piklapp Sunday
Anna Wells was a weekend
guest in the Ertz home.
Frank Ertz and Martin Eiler
were Lynch business callers Sat
urday afternoon.
Mrs. Ed May entertained the
Monowi Ladies Aid at her home
Thursday afternoon. It was well
attended and the hostess served
a lunch at the close of the after
Mr. and Mrs. Ed May and
Dwayne were O’Neill visitors Sat
urday afternoon.
Deloit News
By Mrs. H. Helmer
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Thiele
are building a new home on their
farm west of Clearwater.
A number in the community at
tended the pancake supper at
St. John’s church basement
Thursday evening. A question
and answer meeting concerning
fertilizer was presented. This was
sponsored by Knieval’s store.
Mrs. Minnie Miller of Omaha
is visiting friends and relatives
here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Koenig
have moved to the Minnie Miller
farm and Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Koenig are living on the Adolph
Koenig farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pofahl re
turned to her home in the Deloit
community Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer
were Sunday dinner guests at
Glenn Harpsters.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson
of O’Neill visited friends and re
latives in the community Sunday.
We had a wet snow over the
weekend, one of the few which
fell all winter. The temperature
was mild and the moisture was
Mrs. Ralph Tomjacik spent Sat
urday evening with Florence But
ler in Ewing.
Carl Christon, underwent sur
gery in a Midland, Tex., hospital
Friday. A telephone- call from
Mrs. Christon gave his condition
as good.
The Deloit Pinochle club was
entertained at the Willis Rockey
home in Ewing Thursday as
guests of Mrs. Louis Pofahl.
Other guests were Anna Savage,,
Minnie Miller of Omaha, Hazel
Ruby and Mrs. Bill Simmons.
Mrs. Neta Lee Jones and
Mrs. H. Reimer are attending
aa “Off Campus” course from
the University of Nebraska In
O’Neill this semester.
Mrs. Fred Harpster visited Ani
ta Lee in Ewing Saturday.
Mrs. Anita Lee and Virtus re
turned home last week after
spending the winter in Junction
City, Kan. Virtus is a sophomore
and is attending high school in
Spencer Caucus
Lists Candidates
SPENCER—Twenty electors at
tended the Spencer village and
school caucus February 28.
Nominated for two year terms
on the village board of trustees
were the following: (three to be
elected) LeRoy Nyquist, Harold
Haun, Louis Klasna and Leonard
Kinney. George Thompson, in
cumbent, was nominated as po
lice magistrate.
For two places on the school
board, the following were nom
inated: William Bentz, Robert
Classen, Charles Pecena and C.
C. Nelson.
Clearwater Caucus
Names 19 Candidates
. CLEARWATER — Thirty - two
persons were present for the an
nual town and school caucus held
February 28 at the town hall.
C. L. Schneckloth acted as chair
man and Earl Flowers was sec
Nominations for the board of
education which this year includ
ed the newly merged districts,
were: Earl Flowers, George
Wrenholt, Alvin Tinsley and Ed
ward Moser — three-year term;
Harold Hoerle. John J. Thiele
jr., Leslie Herley and Fred Nolze
-two-year term, and Lawrence
Schnabel, H. D. Miller, Crandall
Hopkins and Mrs. Harold Kester
for a one-year term.
For the village board named
were H. M. Wintz, D. W. Peters,
Kenneth Johnson, Floyd . Neal.
Leslie Herley and E. M. Yaryan.
Wintz and HerTey are the incum
bents. Three will be chosen for
school board and six will be
elected for the town board.
Larry Woodruff Gets
Butte Boys State Nod
BUTTE—Larry Woodruff, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Woodruff
of Butte, has been selected as the
representative to Boys State at
Lincoln in June.
He is 17 years old and is a
junior at Butte high school.
Orchard Students
Hit Honor Roll
ORCHARD—The honor roll for
the past six weeks has been an
nounced by School Superintend
ent Fred Deterville.
Straight A students are Dale
Montgomery, freshman, and the
following seniors, Robert Hill,
Douglas Mosel and Karen Weh
These students were named to
the regular honor roll: Fresh
men, Linda Barton, Connie Clas
sen and Lynn Napier; sopho
more, Nelda Vrooman; juniors,
Rick Cowling, Diane Johnston
and Betty Von Seggern, and sen
iors, Diana Classen, Karen Na
pier, Elaine Rang and Dianne
JOE COUFAL of Stuart will
go on tour with the St. Joseph
Military Academy ROTC 7-piece
concert band of Hays, Kan.,
beginning March 17. Joe plays
bass horn in the band, He also
plays in the marching and pep
bands at the Academy.
Richard Cowling Wins
Boys State Honors
ORCHARD—Richard Cowling
has been chosen from the junior
class of Orchard high school to
represent Orchard at Boys State
in Lincoln during June.
He is the son of R. M. Cowling,
science instructor in the Orchard
high school.
Richard will be sponsored by
the local American Legion Post.
He is a top student scholastically
and participates in baseball,
football, basketball and music.
Stuart Honor Roll
Names Announced
STUART—Honor roll students
have been announced here for
the past six weeks at the Stuart
high school.
Placing on the scholastic honor
roll are the following: Senior,
Tom Brewster; junior, Maureen
Coufal, and freshmen, Janet
Brewster, Doris Schmaderer and
Mel Schmaderer.
Citizenship honor roll students,
in addition to the above named
who also placed on the citizen
ship list, are: Juniors, Carmen
Givens and Jim Schmaderer;
sophomore, Denny Gill, and
freshman, Charles Krobot.
Verdigre Lists Eleven
On Honor Roll
VERDIGRE — Superintendent
Robert G. Sheckler announces 11
students who have been placed
on the past six weeks honor roll.
Honor students are: Seniors,
JaAnn Chalupnik, JoEllen Far
nik, Mary Ann Kain, Kathy Ma
ly and Ken Maly; sophomores,
Lavonne Hildreth, Betty Randa,
Lana Ruzi ;ka, and Darlene Van
Buren, and freshman, Karen Ja
cob Those students earned four
Those with three A’s and one
B are seniors, Richard McCor
mick and Sharon Sonder, and
freshman Tfathv Kneer*
Ten Students Reach
Page High Honor Roll
PAGE — Ten high school stu
dents placed on the honor roll
during the past six weeks.
They are: Freshman, Tom
Melcher; sophomores, Caroline
Max and Connie Nissen; juniors,
Aletha Rutherford, Alvin Crumly
and Linda Smith, and seniors,
Norman Wettlaufer, Dennis
Ickes, Bonnie Crumly and Fred
Verdigre Names 7
At Town Caucus
VERDIGRE—The village cau
cus was held at the Verdigre
Fire House March 1 at which
time Edward S. Pavlik; Gordon
McElhose and Anton Chocholou
sek were nominated for town
councils The first two are mem
bers of the board at the present
Named for the school board
were Russ Woodard, incumbent,
Phillip Schreier, Wencel Kurka
and Ben Ruzicka.
12 Lynch Students
Named on Honor Roll
LYNCH—Twelve high school
students have been named to the
honor roll for their scholastic av
erages here the past six weeks.
Following are the students
named to the honor list: Seniors,
Marlin Barnes and Judy McGill;
juniors, Marjean Birmeier, Nan
cy Kotas, Loren Pinkerman and
Margene Weeder; sophomores,
Connie Bowlby and Ted Zach,
and freshmen, Rosemary Heiser,
Linda Henderson, Orval Lewis
and Sandra Rihanek.
The Frontier—
Atkinson Students
In Kearney Contest
ATKINSON—Nineteen Atkinson
high school top students will be
competing in Kearney State
Teachers college Inter-high scho
ol contest March 24.
The following will participate:
Seniors, Beverly Meyer, Marg
Winnings, Sharon Hayden, Roma
Fundus and Paul Adams; juniors,
Neal Smith, Dick Galyen, Char
les Dickau, Iris Fundus, Janice
Sweet and Dennis Spence; sopho
more, Bonnie Clifford, Doreen
Manser and Judy Mohr, and
freshmen, Renee Hitchcrck, Den
nis Crippen, Bruce Hale, Cheri
Stevens and Everett Garwood.
Spencer Re-elects
Teachers Tuesday
SPENCER—All members of the
faculty of the Spencer public
school were re-elected Tuesday
evening at the regular meeting
of the board of education.
New contracts have be£n dis
tributed for the 1961-62 school
Siehs Honored
Saturday on
Golden Wedding
NAPER — Mr. and Mrs. Claus
Sieh celebrated their golden wed
ding anniversary at the Naper
auditorium Saturday with 175
friends and relatives at an open
house observance.
Their four daughters were in
charge of the serving and they
took charge of the following:
Mrs. Henry Stachlecker baked,
decorated and served the wed
ding cake; Mrs. Alvin Schone
feld poured; Mrs. Albert Ahlers
served the ice cream, and Mrs.
LhXvrence Ahlers served the
punch. Assisting were Mrs. Har
old Sieh, Mrs. Claus Sieh jr.,
Mrs. Wayne Schonefeld, Mrs. Joe
Maldonado and the granddaugh
ters, Laura Stahlecker and Lois
Granddaughters, Mrs. Kenneth
Stoltenberg had charge of the
guest book, and Rita Ahlers and
Susan Sieh, received the gifts.
Connie Kocer and Mrs. Harry
Wagner opened and displayed
Mr. and Mrs. Sieh were mar
ried near Jamison at the home of
her parents by the Rev. Emil
Kaitschuck March 1, 1911. At
tending the couple were Vera,
sister of the bride, and George,
brother of the bridegroom. Both
were able to be present on this
50th anniversary.
The honored couple have seven
children: Harold of Herrick, S.
D., Raymond and Gladys of
Denver, Hazel and Claus jr., of
Gibbon, Minn., and Vera and
Violet of Naper; 26 grandchild
ren, and three great grandchild
ren. All were present for the oc
casion except three of the grand
children. Mrs. Bertha Klug of
Herrick, S. D., stepmother of
Mrs. Sieh, also attended.
Louis Sojkas
Honored Guests
On Anniversary
EWING — Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Sojka, who recently returned
from a vacation trip to Arizona,
were honored guests at the home
of th6ir son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sojka of
Ewing Sunday, for a belated ob
servance of their 50th wedding
anniversary, which was Febru
ary 21.
A dinner was served and the
hostess presented the couple with
an anniversary cake. Present far
the affair were Mr. and Mrs.
Julian Sojka and family, Mrs.
Eva Kaczor of Ewing, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Sojka and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sojka
and family of Page. Several
other guests were unable to at
tend due to the snow-packed
John Schipmans
Honored on
50th Anniversary
CHAMBERS — Mr. and Mrs.
John Schipanan held open house
at St. Paul’s Lutheran church
Sunday in observance of their 50th
wedding anniversary.
About 60 or more friends and
relatives gathered for the affair
despite the snow and bad roads.
Mr. and Mrs. Schipman were
married February 22, 1901 at St.
Paul. They lived around Danne
brog and Boelus when they mov
ed to the Chambers vicinity, liv
ing on farms until 1959. At this
time they moved into Chambers.
The Schipmans are the parents
of five sons and one daughter.
Living with them is their son,
Neil, and on a farm south of
town their daughter, Mrs. Walter
Haake and family, reside. The
other sons and families, who live
in Montana, were unable to be
present for the observance due to
the inclement weather.
A grandson, Donald Haake and
family of Elwood, were present
also Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nis
sen of Wayne. Mrs. Nissen baked!
and decorated the wedding cake
School Board Seeks
Roof Leak Causes
Members of the board of educa
tion met at O’Neill high school
Tuesday evening for a discussion
of regular business and also to
work out the best method of re
pairing the roof on the grade
school building which is located
just south of the high school
The architect, Harold Strong
of Norfolk, was contacted in an
attempt to determine the cause
of the roof leak and also for his
recommendation of the best cor
rective action.
Board members authorized the
use of the old gymnasium by
members of 4-H clubs.
Lincoln Girl Gets
Homemaker Award
Karen Eileen Heckman of Lin
coln high school at Lincoln has
been awarded the title of 1961
Betty Crocker Homemaker Of
Tomorrow for Nebraska and will
receive a $1,500 scholarship from
General Mills.
Karen Elizabeth Farrell of
Stapleton high school rated
second in Nebraska.
Celia Man Receives
Nose Injury Saturday
CELIA —• Mark Hendricks suf
fered severe damage to his nose
cartilage Saturday afternoon
when a mounted farmloader hose
broke and the loader struck him
across thp nose.
He was taken to an Atkinson
doctor where an. , examination
revealed no broken bones. How
ever, the injury caused great
breathing difficulty during the
night. He was able to return
home Sunday afternoon after re
maining overnight in the Richard
Klinger home at Atkinson.
The accident occurred while
Hendricks was doing repair work
on the loader.
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