FOR SALE ^ALT FOR SALE—Kanapolis $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blocks east, 4 blocks north of traffic light, Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164, O’Neill. 51tf "MAKE PATTON’S BEN Franklin store your candy and nuts head quarters. Always fresh. 27 tfc BABY CHICKS—S t r a i g h t run $12.00; Pullets $26.00; Hybrids $17.00 and $36.00. Two hatches weekly. Book your order now to insure delivery at time wanted. Corkle’s Hatchery, Inc., O’Neill. 44-lp THOENE’S Eleventh annual registered Polled Hereford bull Auction, Bonesteel, S. D., Satur day, March 25. 1:30 p.m. 40 2 year-old, 2 3-year-old bulls. 46-47-48p FOR SAI,E—1 1953 super M; 18 black cows, springing heavy; 6 calves at side now; barbed wire, $7.70; cable rack tires, all sizes, guaranteed; hickory sweep teeth, $1.25 — HOERLE STATION. Ph. j IV 2-2642, Chambers. 41-10p USED MIIJKERS for sale, Dillion Sales and Service, Long Pine, Nebr. 46-47p IARGE SELECTION of used furni ture. Cal’s Furniture, Tilden on Highway 275. 35tfc FOR SALE—1957 Ford Country sedan station wagon, 30,000 miles, A-l shape, contact Bert or Eugene Barnhard or call 916R1, O’Neill 45-46c FOR SHADE-TREE MECHANICS 1953 Ford, $119. See it at Robert son Motor Co., O’Neill. 46c FOR SALE—Used Safeway trailer, 8 x 35 ft. in very good condition. Priced reasonable.—A. J. Koenig, Phone 6F14, Ewing, Nebraska. 45-47c FOR SALE- International C trac tor, 1950, good shape.—Leo Vese ly, Verdigre, Nebr. 45-47p FOR SALE—One registered coming two year old Angus bull. Bardolier b r e e d i n g.—Harold Spahn, Ewing. 46c FOR SALE— Fancy locally grown blue grass seed, new crop. Lloyd Gibson, first place east of trailer court. Highway 20. 46-lc SURGE Pipelines Parolor Stalls Electrobrain ALSO Tonganoxie 5 inch differential The newest Name in Milking CONTACT Dillion Sales & Service Long Pine, Nebr. 46-47p FOR SALE—Purebred Hampshire bred gilts and sows to farrow in February, March and April.— John Sojka, 1% North and 4 East of Page. 43-47c USED TRACTORS 730 J. D. Diesel, like new Model 60 J. D. 1955, good A-J. D. 1949 B-J. D. 1948 B-J. D. 1946 A-J. D. 1943 MACHINERY 15ft. J. D. Disk No. 55 3-14” plow, like new M & M 3-14” plow Other plows all sizes JOHN DEERE DAY FEBR. 20 Harry R. Smith Imp. Phone 562 O’Neill SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Contois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf LOW COST INSURANCE—And prompt claim service. Virgil Laursen Agy., O’Neill. lOtfc FOR SALE—Registered Angus bulls and heifers, two year olds and yearlings, Sun bean, Eileen mere and Bandolier breeding.— Hugh L. Brookhouser, Brunswick, Nebr. Phone VI 2-2394, 38tf FC)R SALE—2 Hereford bull calves.—Kieth Abart, O’Neill or D. C. Abart, Emmet. 40tf SPECIAL PRICES NOBOO FEEDS Delivered or F. O. B. Norfolk or Inman 90-day booking prices on all kinds of feed the year around. $6.00 per ton discount in bulk $4.00 per ton additional on some fppds 10c refund on NORCO burlap bags Low prices on NORCO CATTLE CUBES And old process 41% Soybean meal on hand Call Collect 11-W or 34 Tompkins Livestock Headquarters Inman, Nebraska 42tf FOR SALE- Pool table, excellent condition, standard size, com plete with balls and 8 cues.— Joe* Wallinger, 2 miles south of Stuart. * 45-46p FOR SALE Good heavy oats.— Patrick J. Gokie, RR No. 1, O’ Neill. 41tfc TANKS Now for the fist time you can buy 11 ft. stock tanks with bot tom. Also on hand — 10, 8 & 7’ tanks and 15 & 20 ft. bottom less. KELLY’S PLUMBING 5 Blks South of the New Deal Oil Station 45tfc FOR SALE—Red and Dark roan Shorthorn bulls, eleven to thirteen months of age; one, two year old. Come and see them. Farm is 3 miles west and 1 and Yt mile north of Chambers, Nebr., phone IV 2-2581.—E. R. Carpenter. 44-46c 10 Registered ANGUS BULLS To Sell at The Regular Tuesday Auction JANUARY 14 At The Atkinson Livestock Market, Atkinson, Nebr. 46c Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE -Priced to sell. Im mediate possession. Modern 3 bedroom house at 517 E. Clay, ideally located to schools and stores. Full basement with finished bedroom and bath. Pavement paid.—Contact Edwir A. Sevcik, Ainsworth, Nebr. Ph. 4W11. 46tf r« * r Tn TTT!_1 T_1 O i uiw unjuxj-»» uv-v.i xim xiiuu-*, x* modern units, 5 bedroom home, trailer park. Phone 8901, Box 524, Atkinson, Nebr. 45-46p FOR SALE—Houses—two, three or four bedroom types in Bas sett. Write Box U, or Phone 360, Bassett, Nebraska. 45^8c FOR SALE OR LEASE—2.77C acre Holt county ranch. Will carry 150 cows year around, abundance of water and pro tection. Immediate possession, For more information contact Fleming Realty, Atkinson, Nebr Phone 7192. 46-47c REAL ESTATE Just recently listed 2 and 3 bed room homes. Excellent terms. Virg Laursen, O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 434 38ti FOR SALE—Improved 1,320 acres, some alfalfa, prairie hay and balance pasture, creek thru place. 8 room modern house. 14 miles northeast of Bassett, Nebr. Well balanced ranch, dailj mail. Roy Foxworthy, Phone 304 Valentine, Nebr. 45-47c FOR SALE—Priced to sell. Im mediate possession. Modem ! bedroom house at 517 E. Clay ideally located to schools anc stores. Full basement witl finished bedroom and bath Pavement paid.—Contact Edwir A. Sevcik, Ainsworth, Nebr., Ph 4W11. 41 tf< Real Estate FOR SALE For sale at private treaty, 80 acres of land owned by the Estate of Elmer Butterfield, situated near Inman, Nebraska. Interested parties may contact EARL WRIGHT, Executor Ewing, Nebraska or WM. W. GRIFFIN, attorney O’Neill 45-46c TAVERN FOR SALE—Include; building and fixtures and 3 bed room modern home. $7,500. Rea son for selling—health. Also 60( acre ranch. For further detail: contact or write Floyd DeLong Inman, Nebr. 46-48< MUi'iJt x ru iajain—un nomes farms and ranches. Low interest prompt service. Virgil Laursen O'Neill. 10tf< FOR SALE—Two one bedroon houses—will sell separate oi together.—Kieth Abart, 321 Wes Clay, O’Neill. 12tfi REAL ESTATE 2 bedroom modem home. Ideal Location 3 bedroom home Many other good homes listed 480 Acres north of Emmet, Very Good Terms 240 Acres located west of Page 320 Acres west of Page Other farm and ranch listings ED. THORIN Real Estate Broker Ph. 207, O'Neill, Nebr. _ 38tf FOR SALE To settle estate, 946 acres stock and grain farm in North Centra: Nebraska, in new irrigation pro ject. Well improved — foui houses. 323 acres nearly leve: land, black loam soil — ideal foi irrigation. Balance in rolling pasture. 8 miles to countv seat Contact Sawle Brothers, Nortl Star Route, Ainsworth, Nebr. 45-46g FOR RENT FOR RENT—Business building located on main street neai center of town.—See Pontor Agency, O’Neill. 33tj FOR RENT—2 bedroom apart ment, close in. Phone 139, O’ Neill. 46tfc WANTED WANTED—Wall and floor tile work, papering and painting.— . See my "Deko” wall paper . samples at 120 So. 7th or call 360-W.—Joe Bazelman. 45-46p WANTED—Office girl, bookkeep ing and typing experience neces sary.—apply Central Finance, O’Neill. 46c WANTED MAN OR WOMAN— Part or full time work. Earn $2 . to $5 per hour. Write Box 652 Hastings, Nebr. 46-49c NATIONAL CONCERN Offers op portunity. Married man above 30 preferred. Must have late model car, knowledge of trac tors and machinery helpful. , Sales experience not necessary. We train if hired. Drawing ac count, when qualified. For per sonal interview, write qualifica tions, address, and phone num ber to Warren Garrett, Dept. A 11, P. O. Box 392, Dallas, Tex. 46p Salesman and Sales Trainees (2) Salary Plus WEEKLY COMMISSION Reputation must stand strict in vestigation. Away from home Monday to Friday. Sales experi ence helpful but not necessary. If hired you will attend sales school and receive full training on full pay. Must be available for immediate employment. Age 21 to 45. Write to: Box 7, Fremont, Nebr. You will be contacted soon 46 and 48. OPPORTUNITY Franchises are available for farm dealers in short line farm equipment such as roller mills, grain bins, loaders, hoists, etc., in Holt, Garfield, Rock and Knox counties. No inventory to carry. Write Box 441, Norfolk, Nebr. 46-47c WE TRAIN YOU Quickly, easily. You start eam i ing immediately. Avon Cos metics have wide acceptance. A pleasant, friendly activity for you. WRITE Box 365 North Platte, Nebr. 46c WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair.—403 N. 1st St. Phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL CO., O’Neill 3 blks. W. & 3% blks. N. stoplight. L. Guthmiller Half Block East of t Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of i automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. ! LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Reo — Clinton. - - - - ■ ■ ■ "WE" DON’T WANT “ALL” THE BUSINESS We just want “YOURS” PATTON’S BEN FRANKLIN _ 23tf WELL DRILLING ’ For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— • Kelly's Well Service 1 5 Blks. south of the New Dpal Oil Station—O’Neill _ 50tf DONOHOE CONST. CO. CAT—SCOOP—DOZER Domor Elevated Grading • John E. Donohoe, Phone 447-W O’NEILL, NEBRASKA NEED MONEY We make quick cash loans on automobiles and furniture. See us also for your insurance needs. Central Finance Corp. O’Neill Phone 14 Nebr. _ 21tfc WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf LOST & FOUND FOUND—A pairs of men’s gloves were left in The Frontier office two weeks ago. Owner may call for them. nc MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LOAN $50 to $3,000 Small Monthly Payments O’NEILL LOAN CO. Virg Laursen 38tf NEW DAIRY CREDIT Y4 or 1/3 down, balance month ly. Finance a new herd or double your old herd Shores’ fancy quality closeup Wisconsin springers. Reasonable prices. Vaccinated. Delivered. Shadow Lawn Farms, Neligh, Nebr. Ph. TU 7-4060. 46tf AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207O’NEILL CURTIS BREEDING SERVICE Offers you the best half of your herd in dairy and beef breeds. It costs less to raise a good one. Call 470, Duane Gray, O'Neill. 41tfc NOTICES MOTICE 0£ ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Orch ard Rural Fire protection Dis trict will be held at the Orchard Town Hall on March 18, 1961 at 8 p.m. for the election of of ficers and other necessary busines. Willie L. Shrader Secretary - Treasurer 46c NOTICE We have been buying in this vicinity over 15 years. We still pay the top prices for articles | that are old. Iron kettle, small i iron stoves, quilts, china doll I heads, guns, wash bowls and pitchers, picture frames, furni ture, glassware, iron toys, dishes, cut glass, kerosene hanging lamps. CHAMPNEY’S Fremont, Nebr. 44-46p CARDS OF THANKS I WOULD LIKE to say thank you to everyone who sent cards, letters and gifts while I have been sick. Also Dr. Carstens and the hospital staff for their good care. Every thing was very much appreciated. Kerry Erington 46p I WISH TO TAKE this opportunity to thank my relatives and friends for the gifts, cards and letters I received during my recent hospital stay. Thanks also to those who visited me. David C. Johnson 46c A SINCERE THANKS to each and everyone who remembered me and my family with cards, letters, flowers and prayers during my stay in the hospital and since I’ve been home. A special thanks to the doctors, nurses and hospital staff, to Rev. and Mrs. Linder. To all who helped my family in any way. Your thoughtfulness will not soon be forgotten. R. V. Crumly 46p I-Legal Notices First pub. March 2, 1961 William W. Griffin, Attorney No. 4455 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF ELMER BUTTER FIELD, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the probate of the will of said deceas ed and for the appointment of Earl Wright as Executor there of, which will be for hearing in this court on March 23, 1961, at 10 o’clock A. M. (COUNTY Louis W. Reimer COURT County SEAL) Judge 45-47c (First pub. March 2, 1961) Rice and Raymond, Attorneys No 4454 NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FEBRUARY 24, 1961. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF EMMA K. FLEMING. DECEASED. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Robert A. Fleming as Adminis trator of said estate, and will be heard March 23, 1961 at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. (COUNTY Louis W. Reimer COURT County SEAL) Judge 45- 47c (First pub. March 9, 1961) No. 4459 William W. Griffin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF FRANK BELIK, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the pro bate of the will of said deceased, and for the appointment of Will iam Belik as Executor thereof, which will be for hearing in this court on March 30, 1961, at 10 o’clock A. M. (COUNTY Louis W. Reimer COURT County SEAL) Judge 46- 48c (First pub. March 9, 1961) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals will be received up to 7:33 p.m., C.S.T., Tuesday, April 4, 1961, at the Chambers ■Public School Building, School District No. 137, Chambers, Ne braska, for the Construction of Alterations and Additions to Chambers Public School, District No. 137, Chambers, Nebraska, in cluding appurtenances thereto, according to plans and specifica tions prepared by Frank N. Mc Nett & Company, Grand Island, Nebraska. Proposals will be opened and pub licly read by the Board of Ed ucation of said School District No. 137 at the above stated time. Proposals will be received for this project on separate .propo sals as follows: (1) General Con struction, (2) Plumbing, (3) Heat ing & Ventilating, and (4) Elec trical Work; Plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the Ar chitect F. W. Dodge Corporation and Omaha Builders’ Exchange, both of Omaha, Nebraska; Lin coln Builders’ Bureau, Lincoln, Nebraska; Hastings Builders’ Bureau, Hastings, Nebraska, and the Grand Island Plan Service, Grand Island, Nebraska. Contractors who wish to bid on the work may obtain plans and - specifications for individual use from Frank N. McNett & Com- I pany, 1803 West Second Street, 1 Grand Island, Nebraska, iby de positing Ten (10) Dollars for each set required. Deposit will be returned to bid der when plans and specifications are returned to Frank N. Mc Nett & Company in satisfactory condition. Bidders may not withdraw their bids for a period of thirty (30) days after the date and time set for the opening thereof. The Contractor is required to fur nish a performance bond in an amout equal to one hundred per V/* VIIV VWltUUVI, X t 1V/V,( A certified check, cashier’s check or bid bond for an amount to five (5) per cent of the proposal must accompany each proposal or pro posal will not be considered. If the bid bond is utilized, it must be by an authorized surety com pany or companies. In case the bidder selected by the Board of Education, School District No. 137, Chambers, Nebraska, refuses to enter into a contract for the per formance of the work, such check or bid bond shall be forfeited to the Board of Education, School District No. 137, Chambers, Ne braska, as liquidated damages. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any technicalities or irregularities where it appears in its interest to do so. E. R. Baker Secretary 46-49c Amelia News By Miss Florence Lindsey Mrs. Maude Forbes prepared dinner Sunday for Mrs. Lindsey and Florence, Mrs. Gertie Adair and Mrs. Edith Andersen. Due to the snow storm some of the women were not able to walk to Mrs. Forbes’ home, so she packed the dinner and took it to the Lindsey home where all met together and enjoyed it very much. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Skala of Fremont visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Clemens and family visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter at Chambers 9unday. We received about 12 inches of snow in Sunday’s storm. The wind has not blown too much as yet and the snow is laying quite level. Everyone vowed we need ed the moisture although travel was difficult. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Skala and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Doolittle Rodney, Ricky and Timmy were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton. It was a belated birthday dinner for Mrs. Skala Word was received from Mrs. Delia Ernst that she planned to go to Leo Carneys at Hays, Kan., and would probably foe home about April 1. Mrs. Effie Withers also plans to be home about that j time. Mr. and Mrs. August Boltz of j Grand Island came Thursday and ! visited their son-in-law and j daughter Mr. and Mrs. Vernon j Berry. Mrs. Hienie Frahm and family and Mrs. Gertie Adair were At- 1 kinson callers Monday of last ■ week. Mrs. Frahm took one of the children to the doctor. Mrs. j Adair visited Mrs. Maudie Han-\ sen. Scottie Fix, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fix has been having ear trouble. His parents took him to the doctor one day last week. “ Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Waldo were _ dinner guests Sunday with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Werner at Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. William Fry rear arrived home Thursday from Phoenix, Ariz. where they had been visiting since the early part of January with their granddaughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees were | O’Neill callers Saturday Mrs. Bertha Sammons visited I Mrs. Link Sageser Monday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett helped the Glenn Whites with wall papering Monday. The Whites have had some remodel ing done at their heme. Mrs. Bernard Blackmore at ended a party at the home of ler daughter, Mrs. Vernon Beck nth of Page March 1. Womens Society of Christon lervice met for their regular neeting at the home of Mrs. Ed th Andersen March 1. Fourteen nembers and one visitor were >resent. Mrs. Donaldeen Thomp son was lesson leader and Mrs. Rose Backhaus led the prayer rircle. Mrs. Bonnie Watson read i letter of thanks received from in Indian Mission at Phoenix, \nz., for clothing sent to them ly the society. Mrs. Blanche Sa ?eser gave another portion of the special study lesson on “Christ ian Religions.’’ Mrs. Florence Rees was hostess, and Mrs. Dor ithy Fullerton and Mrs. Alice Widman served the lunch. There will he a special meeting March 21. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brau of Omaha came Friday evening and visited until Tuesday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce. Mrs. Brau had den tal work done in O’Neill while here. Myrtle White of Omaha spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White./ Mrs. Gertie Adair spent several days last week with Mrs. Stella Sparks in Chambers. Mrs. Vem Sageser, Mrs. Link Sageser and Mrs. Edith Ander sen were O’Neill callers Thurs day. Little David Svatos visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. An ton Svatos, Thursday. iwing News By Mrs. Harold Harris Science Club Hears Address by Dr. Bruce The Ewine Hieh School Sci ence club held their regular meeting February 28 at the home of George Keller, sponsor. The business meeting was opened by the president, Douglas Shra der, with 13 members present. A trip to Norfolk and a tour through the Norfolk State hospital was planned. The guest speaker was Dr. Kenneth Bruce, veterinary at Orchard. He is a graduate of the Veterinary School at Man hattan, Kan. On adjournment, lunch was served by the girls. Mrs. Rose Bauer was a Tues day evening guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tucker and family. Home made ice cream and cake were served. The occasion was in honor of Mrs. Bauer’s birthday. A poem was read by Mrs. James Tinsley, vice-president, to open the meeting of the Womens Society of Christian Service at the Methodist Church parlors Wed nesday afternoon. Mrs. W. W. Elliott conducted the devotionals and Mrs. Willis Rockey presented the lesson. The secretary’s report was approved as read by Mrs Earl Billings filling in for Mrs Harry Van Horn, secretary, whc was absent. Other reports were given by Hazel Ruby, Mrs. Hen ry Fleming, Mrs. Tinsley anc Mrs. Earl Van Ostrand. The an nual conference of the WSCS wil beheld at Grand Island March 15 17. Several members plan to at tend. The nominating committee includes Mrs. Ray Sedivy, chair man, Mrs. L. A. Hobbs and Mrs, Van Horn. New officers will be elected in April. Thank you cards were read from the family oi Mrs. Emma Fleming of Ewing and Mrs. Glen Cramer of Albion, Cards were sent to Mrs. Mary Hales of Neligh, Mrs. J. H Wunner of Stanton, Mrs. Martha Hill and Mrs. Albert Larson. Mrs Roy Sedivy and Mrs. Willis Roc key were appointed visiting com mittee for March. Table decora tions for the luncheon were car ried but in a St. Patrick’s Day theme. Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Tin sley were hostesses. Sixteen members and two guests, Mrs. Weldon Alexander and Mrs. Stan ley Davis, were present. The two guests became members of the Society. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Norwood, accompanied by the Rev. Mrs. Nina Haines and Mrs. Edna Lof quest, transacted business in Sioux City, la., Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Bob Crosby came by plane from Omaha February 26 and landed at O’ Neill where they were met by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al lan Pollock, to return to Ewing to spend the day. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sojka are now at their home in Ewing after spending several weeks in Ari zona with friends and relatives. Alice’s Beauty Shop 3 Operators Open 8:30 am. to 9:00 p.m. 125 East Douglas Phone 263 — O’Neill TIRE VULCANIZING and repair ALL SIZE TIRES JOE'S TIRE SERVICE Phone 716 O’Neill, Nebr. Marshall's QUALITY ROSES The best roses in years Top varieties test-grown for our climate. Guaranteed to grow and bloom. Phone 788 or leave your name at The Frontier Mr. and Mrs. Everett Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Orval Miller of Oakdale, Mr. and Mrs. Mer win Murray and family of Ne ligh and Mrs. Leonard Knapp of Ewing were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tom jack and family. The occasion was in honor of the fifth birth day anniversary of their son, Ste ven. “Arthritis” was the theme of the lesson for the Facts and Fun Home Extension club which met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jessie Angus. Mrs. Ella Ziems and Mrs. Ben Larsen were the leaders. Mrs. J. L. Pruden was in charge of the short busi ness session. Roll call was an swered with something portain taining to the Irish, by the 10 members present. Mrs. Ralph Eacker, a guest, became a mem ber of the club. Birthday cakes, baked and decorated by Mrs. Ben Larsen and Mrs. Harry Van Horn, honoring the anniversaries of Mrs. Pruden and Mrs. C. R. Alhers, were a part of the re freshments served by the hostess. Mrs. Richard Edwards and son, Danny, were dinner guests Wed nesday at the Elvin Hamilton, home. In the afternoon, the wo men and their sons attended a birthday party at the Jerry Tom jack home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk and family made a combined busi ness and pleasure trip to Nor folk Friday. Mr. and Mrs. James Mlnarik were hosts at a one o’clock din ner Sunday in observance of the birthday anniversaries of Dwight Schroeder and Mrs. Leland Fin ley. Other guests were Mr. Fin ley and family of Page and Mrs. Schroeder and family of Ewing. Mrs. Laura Spittler had /as her guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Bartak and family. Guests Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Huemes nr/vwn ltltf ,, nr] Tttnn TA rt.. wl Anson and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Schroeder and family. Karen Mlnarik spent Saturday at Neligh visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Siems sr. and family. Lavonne Schroeder was an ov ernight guest Sunday at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mlnarik. Mr. and Mrs. Don Mackel and son, Steven, of Elgin spent Tues day evening visiting at the hon\e of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mlnarik. Carl Christin, a former resi dent of the Ewing community, now at Midland, Tex., is a sur gical patient at the Midland Memorial hospital. He is report ed to be making satisfactory progress toward recovery. His home address is 403-B West Cowden, Midland, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Finley spent Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rut ledge at Clearwater. Mrs. Edna Lofquest and Mrs. Alfred Doud attended the Pan cake Day festivities at Clearwa ter Saturday and also called at the home of Mrs. Lillie Meyers. The Rev. W. W. Elliott, Aubrey Wood of Ewing and George Wren holt of Clearwater will lead the discussion groups on the “Stew ardship of Talents” at the Sub district Laymens’ Round-Up to be held at O’Neill Sunday, beginning at 2:30 p.m. at the Methodist church. The Rev. Elliott is pas tor of the Ewing and Clearwater Methodist churches. Mrs. J. L. Pruden and her daughter, Mrs. S. M. Burtwistle, were dinner guests Friday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pruden and son. The oc casion was in honor of Mrs. J. L. Pruden’s birthday anniversary. Recent callers at the Henry Fleming home were Mrs. Dora Townsend, who was returning from a visit with relatives in Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. Gay lord Albright from Cedar Falls, la. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rother ham made a business trip to Carroll Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan took Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies to Omaha Friday, where Mr. Jef feries had a medical checkup. Mr. and Mrs. John Turay hx>k their four-year-old daughter, Con pie, to Omaha Friday for a checkup. The doctors’ report on her hip condition was encourag ing. Max Graver of New Windsor, 111., was a Wednesday evening guest at the H. R. Harris home. Mr. and Mrs. Graver left for their home Friday. Mrs. Graver has spent the past month at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter. Mr. Graver, who had a week’s vacation, from his work came after her. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hord were dinner guests at the Dewitt Gun ter home Sunday. Afternoon cal lers were Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter. Mrs. Delbert Carl jr. and daughter, Debbie, went to Omaha Friday to spend two weeks at the home of her sister, Mrs. Donald Drey and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tucker spent Monday evening visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones and family of Chambers were Sun day guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tuck er. Sunday afternoon and evening guests at the Max Wanser home were William Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Duke Kersenbrock, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin R'uzicka and Mrs. Winnie Barger, all of O’Neill. The Rev. and Mrs. Leo Best of Norfolk were guests Friday of his sister, the Rev. Mrs. Nina Haines. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Moritz and children of Norfolk were Sun day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kropp and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Jer ry Tuninka of Elgin, transacted business in Lincoln and Omaha Wednesday. Plans are being made for a special service Sunday at the Church of the Nazarene in Ew ing. There will be singspira tlon, slides on the Holy Land ami a sermon by the pastor, the Rev. Mrs. Nina Haines. The Deloit Pinochle club was entertained Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Willis Rockey in honor of her mother, Mrs. Lou is Pofahl, who is a member and has been staying at the Rockey home since coming from an Om aha hospital. Prize winners were Mrs. Minnie Miller, Mrs. Paul Punk and Mrs. Harold Werkmies ter. Other members present were Mmes. Charles McDonald, Stan ley Bartak, Lambert Bartak, Le on Sisson and Anna Savidge. Guests were Mrs. Dean Pofahl and Mrs. Bill Simmons, Mrs. Louis Pofahl, who has been convalescing from a recent illness at the home of her daugh ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Kockey, returned to ‘her home in the country SaturdaV. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis and children spent the weekend at Valentine as guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Davis. Tuesday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis were Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Alexander and children . The occasion was in honor of the birth day day of their daughter, Deb ra Dawn. / Rescheduled Auction Sale Having rented our land, we are offering all of our personal property at auction at the premises located 2 miles east of At kinson on Highway No. 20, then IV2 south, on— MONDAY. MAR. 13 Starting at 1 p.m. An Excellent Line of Machinery and Equipment 1954 Model 50 John Deere Tractor with live power 1941 J. D. Model B tractor Ford V-8 truck sweep Slide stacker and cage on wheels Massey-Harris No. GO 16-foot windrower, power take-off driven J. D. No. 44 2-bottom 16-ln. plow J. D. Van Brunt grain drill J. D. 2-row lister with fertilizer attachment Tandem disc and three-section land roller Corn planter Two 16-ft. discs 32 ft Kelly Ryan Elevator 3 IHC hay rakes, 2 are 12 ft’s., 1 14 ft 3-Rake hitch Massey-Harris side delivery Swather for mower bar 2 J. D. No. 4 trail mowers 1 No. 5 J. D. power mower 2 Running gears, 1 wooden, 1 steel, with boxes Dearborn cultivator 2-row horse drawn cultivator Buzz saw mandrel and frame Hydraulic wagon hoist Hammermill Clipper fanning mill 2 Large hog self-feeders Pump jack 11 Individual hog farrowing houses Some used lumber 120 Creosoted posts 3 and 4 Inch tops Several rolls of used woven and barb wire 2 Stock tanks, 1 with built-in hog waterer Several barrels Many smaller articles too numerous to mention. 11 Stacks of Alfalfa Hay Terms: Cash. Lunch on the grounds John and Mary Schorn, owners Dean Fleming and Elmer McClurg, auctioneers First National Bank, Atkinson, clerk