The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 09, 1961, Section Two, Image 12

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    Page News
By Mrs. Ben Asher
A large crowd attended the an
nual family supper held Wednes
day night at the ItNA Lodge held
at the'IOOF hah. The rest of
tlie evening was spent playing
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy
and Pat and Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Scheinost were Wednesday
night guests in the George Wett
„ laufer home.
HOA members met Tuesday
with Mrs. Harry Lampert sr.
with Mrs. Lampert jr. as a guest.
The ladies did their own needle
work. Mrs. Leo Neubauer will
be the next hostess.
The Eagle Hustlers, beef div
ision, met at the home of Tom
and Jim Melcher Monday at 8
Paul Shierk
Insurance of All
For assistance in filing your self
employment and tax reports,
call on—
We work for your interest and
appreciate your business.
Downey Building, O’Neill, Nebr.*
Pli. 534 — Res. Ph. 161 W
37 tf
p.m. for the reorganization of the
Beef club division. The meeting
was called to order by former
president, James Melcher. The 4
ri pledge was recited by the
members. Roll was answered by
naming projects members plan to
take m 4-H. There is one new
member and six former ones.
Ribbons were distributed to the
people who earned lierdsmensbip
ribbons at Ak-sar-bcn. Election of
oficers was held with the new of
ficers as follows: Alvin Crumly,
president; Lynn Grass, vice-pres
ident; Becky Beelaert, s«*retary,
and Bonnie Heiss, news repor
ter. Meetings will be held Tues
day nights, once a month begin
ning at 8 pan. Each member is
required to pay $1 dues to the
treasurer. Year books were' filled
out. The club will meet next with
Bonnie Heiss. After the meeting
the members and parents present
observed Tom’s and Jim’s pro
jects. Lunch was served by Mrs.
Harold Melcher.
Mrs. Jessie Kelly and Mrs. An
na Thompson were Tuesday cal
lers of Mrs. Bernard Grimes of
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hannon were
Thursday visitors in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Godel of Ven
Mrs. Maud Brion of Neligh and
Mrs. Dick Brion of Ewing were
Tuesday afternoon visitors of Mr.
and Mrs. Bud Godel.
Ben Asher had an accident
one day last week at Page high
school. His hands were badly
skinned up and required sev
eral medical treatments.
Oliver Zimmerman, brother of
Mrs. Icie Snyder, returned to his
home in 9an Diego, Calif. Mr.
Zimmerman had been here since
the first part of October.
Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart were
A most practical offering sells in
Elkhorn Valley Hereford and Polled Hereford
Rale to be held at the Norfolk Livestock Sales Company pavilion
Norfolk, Nebraska — Wednesday, March 15
Sale to begin at 12 o’clock
Included will be ten young proven sires, forty coming two-year
old bulls, fifteen Junior bulls and twenty females of various
ages from leading herds.
Bulls for Breeders, Ranchmen and Farmers
Hereford and Polled Hereford Females of Top Quality
Write for catalog addressing
Charles Corkle, Sale Manager — Norfolk, Nebr.
Here's A Good Man To Know
Byron Grenier
• Motor Overhaul
• Rear Axle Overhaul
• Spring Build-up
• Rear End Repair
• Ford Tractor Over
Your Ford Dealer
310 E. Fremont O’Neill, Nebr.
with micronized
Bismuth Aiuminate
Recent laboratory tests proved that
BISMA-REX powder neutralizes
excess stomach acid faster than
three of the products most often
taken for acid-indigestion. Tests also
showed that the action was more
prolonged. And its fresh mint flavor
Pound, 1.98 makes Bisma-Rexso pleasant to take.
• Mms heartburn due to excess acid
• Eases gastric distress when doe to acid-indigestioa
• Soothes and protects irritated stomach membranes
• Calms “butterfly stomach"
NEW PINK BISMA-fiEX TABLETS. Easy to carry...
_easy to take. 100's, 1.79; 50’s, 97*
Bob Devoy, Pharmacist
Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings
O'Neill, Nebr.
Saturday overnight guests in the
home of their daughter, Mrs. H.O.
Hill of Orchard.
Due to the storm the supper
and card party which the Gold
en Rule Extension club was to
have Sunday evening at the
Ivan Heiss home was postpon
poned. A new date will be de
cided at the next meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Esmond Weber
and Janet of Denver, Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Trowbridge and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trow
bridge and family were Friday
night visitors in the Elmer Trow
bridge home.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith of
Neligh were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stevens.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nissen and
family were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snyder
of O’Neill. Also there was Mrs.
Tom Cunningham of O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski
left Friddjfc^ spend a few days
visiting their son and daughter
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tro
shynski in Max.
Mr. and Mrs. Esmond Weber
and Janet left Friday morning
for dinner with Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Eby of O’Neill, before con
tinuing on their way home to
Denver. The Webers have been
here to visit Mrs. A. O. Weber,
a patient in the hospital, besides
other relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Landreth
and Mrs. F. W. Hendrichs of
O’Neill left Thursday for Indian
ola, la., to attend funeral ser
vices Friday for Stan Zahller,
who was a nephew of Mrs. Hen
drichs and a cousin of Mrs.
The officers and helpers of the
alumni association met last Tues
day with Mrs. Robert Van Horn
to make for the banquet usually
held in May. The women present
included Mmes. Art Grass, Elmer
Trowbridge, Neven Ickes jr.,
Marvin Stauffer and George Cla
sey. They will meet, weather per
mitting, Tuesday with Mrs. Mar
vin Stauffer.
On Friday, nine members were
present when Mrs. Glen Stewart
entertained them at Chatter Sew.
The men enjoyed an afternoon
of visiting and doing their own
needlework. They will meet Ap
ril 8 with Mrs. Harry Thomsen.
Mrs. William Ragland accom
panied Mr. and Mrs. George Cla
spv to T inrnln 'T’iu\r TVTr R cr_
land visited with some friends
while the Claseys visited their
daughters, Mrs. William Plautz
and Mrs. William Baum and fam
ilies. They* returned the same
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trow
bridge had Sunday dinner with
Mrs. A. O. Weber.
Mrs. Kenneth Braddock of Om
aha brought Mrs. Richard Bux
ton and children to Norfolk Fri
day evening where Mr. and Mrs.
William Buxton met them and
brought Mrs. Buxton and family
here. Mrs. Braddock returned to
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart
were Sunday supper guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Gray.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch
sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Marcus
Dwinell of Brunswick, who have
been houseguests of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Finch jr., were dinner
guests of the latter couple. After
noon callers were Mr. and Mrs.
Leon Timmerman and family and
Frances Hildreth, all of Verdi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beelaert,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaert and
Becky were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prill.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Olson of
Oakland arived here Sunday to
spend a couple of weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French jr.
Mrs. French is the daughter of
the Olsens.
Marie Heiss and Viola Haynes,
both of Hastings, were here vis
iting for the weekend. Miss Marie
was a bouseguest of Mr. and
Mrs. Merwyn French sr., while
Miss Viola visited with her par
ents, Allan Haynes.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Art Grass were Lyle
Frerichs and Mrs. Anna Thomp
son. Afternoon callers were Mr.
and Mrs. Emmitt Thompson,
Carol and Everett and Mr. and
Mrs. Jessie Kelly. The occasion
was the 25th wedding anniver
sary of the Grasses.
Mrs. Merwyn French accom
panied Mrs. Howard Manson of
O'Neill to Norfolk to attend a
two day course in music. The
course is being sponsored by the
Baldwin organ and piano com
pany. The instructor is from the
Julliard school of music in New
York City.
Mr. and Mrs. Esmond Weber
and Janet of Denver and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Beelaert were Fri
day dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Beelaert.
Mrs Robert Pease and Craig
of Niobrara spent Tuesday visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Ethel War
ing. In the afternoon the women
visited in the Duane Finch and
Veldon Godel homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Finch were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Finch.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heiss and
family, Mrs. Alta Finch and Mrs.
Ethel Waring were all Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Waring of O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnott Buxton
and family of O’Neill and Mrs.
Richard Buxton and children of
Omaha were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. William Buxton.
Mrs. Vernon (Beckwith enter
tained a group of women Wed
nesday at a party. Mrs. Ken
neth Wettlaufer won the door
Mr. and Mrs. William Sorensen
and family were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Soren
Sorensen sr.
Mrs. Richard Heiss and Mrs.
Mae Copes accompanied Mrs. Al
vin Alberts and Stevie on a trip
Wednesday. Mrs. Alberts and Ste
vie remained overnight at Waco
and then Thursday continued on
to the Lincoln Orthopedic hospit
al. Mrs. Heiss went as far as
Columbus and visited with Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. King. Mrs. Copes
visited in Lincoln with Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Woods, Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Woods and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Pappas. Mrs. Heiss and
Mrs. Alberts returned on Friday.
Mrs. Copes will remain a little
GGG and G club met Friday
with Mrs. Hester Edminsten.
Cards were played for entertain
ment with Mrs. Alta Finch, Mrs.
Anton Nissen and Mrs. Elsie Cork
winning prizes.
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Anthony and
family of Inman were Thursday
night callers in the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mat
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Woods,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haynes, all
of Lincoln, and Melvin Haynes of
Columbus were here Sunday. Mr.
Roy and Mr. Melvin Haynes and
Mrs. Jessie Cronk were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Haynes. Mrs. Roy Haynes spent
the day visiting her sisters,
Grace and Nell Woods. The Ed
gar Woods and Mr. and Mrs,
Kenneth Asher and family of At
kinson were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin Harvey. Before
returning home the Woods also
visited in the home of Grace
Woods, who just returned from
the hospital.
On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Sor
en Sorensen sr. accompanied Jes
sie Kelly to Grand Island where
the Sorensens visited in the home
of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Sorensen. They returned the
same day.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mudloff
of Page were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. E.
Davis. Other guests included
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Davis, Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle Davis, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Revell and Jim and
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Revell. The
occasion was the birthday of
Mrs. E. J. Revell.
Paragarous Lodge 548 met Fri
day night at the IOOF hall with
10 members present. After the
meeting lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. George Andre
of North Platte spent Friday to
Tuesday visiting with her mother,
Mrs. Ellen Blaine.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heiss
and Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes
were Monday night guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John Gray.
WSCS met Thursday beginning
with a study period .conducted by
the Rev. Robert Linder on “Heri
tage and Horizons in Home Mis
sions”. This was followed, by a
covered dish luncheon at noon.
Mrs. Esmond Weber of Denver
was a guest. In the afternoon ses
sion Mrs. Harold Heiss had the
devotions entitled “Thy Will Be
Done”. There was no lesson. Mrs.
Harold Kelly was the pianist.
Mrs. J. Finch will attend a meet
ing in Grand Island March 15-17.
It was announced that the Rev.
Mr. Linder is going to Washing
ton, D. C. the later part of April
to attend the Christian Social Con
cern meeting. Get well cards
were signed for Grace Woods,
Mrs. A. O. Weber, Mrs. Norman
Saltz and Mrs. Louella Parker
of O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and
family were Thursday night sup
per guests of Mr. and Mrs.
George Wettlaufer. Don Kramer
of Atkinson was an evening guest.
At the farm 3 miles north and 4 east of Page or 5 miles west and
8 north of Orchard or 25 miles west and 1 south of Creighton on—
Sale starts at 12:30 p.m. Lunch served on the grounds
10 HEAD of CATTLE 10
3 Holstein milk cows; 1 Black whiteface cow; 2 Whiteface heif
ers; 1 Black whiteface heifer calf; 1 Black whiteface steer calf;
2 Holstein heifer calves.
7 sows w/4-wk-old pigs, 1 sow to farrow in Apr.
1936 A J-D tractor; A6 Case combine; 2 J-D power-lift cultivators;
IHC 2-bot. 14” plow; J-D 2-bot. 14” plow; BlackHawk 4-row
planter; Fertilizer attach, for BlackHawk planter; J-D 15’ disc;
4-sec. harrow; 2-row planter; Loader; IHC spreader; Kelly Ryan
32’ elevator; J-D 22” thresh machine; IHC 6’ tractor mower; J-D
No. 5, 6’ mower; 10’ rake; Booster Buck; 2 Wagon boxes on rub
ber; IHC hammermill; IHC endgate seeder; 2 25 bu. hog feed
ers; 80-gal. hog waterer; 100-gal. fuel tank; Rite Way 1 unit sur
cingle type milker; IHC No. 3S cream separator; 2 Electric
Brooders—500 chick size, used 1 year; Chicken feeders; Old iron.
TERMS: Cash or make arrangements with the clerk
Edward and Alice Sukup, owners
Harold Meyer, auctioneer Willie Shrader, clerk
Dorsey News
By Mrs. Harold Osborn
This community had another
snow storm Saturday and Sun
day. The snow was a very heavy
one. If it goes off slowly it will
provide the fields with lots of
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Cihlar
spent Sunday evening at the Will
iam Podany home near Butte.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Slack
and Mr. and Mis. Thomas His
cocks spent February 26 at the
Lyle Wells home. Little Donna is
recovering after having another
sick spell the week of February
Howard Slack, Lyle Wells and
Thomas Hiscocks attended the
Hammon sale Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carson
spent February 26 at the Gordon
Barta home.
Leslie Graham spent Saturday
night and Sunday at the Cecil
Miller home.
Roger Rosenkrans was a busi
ness caller at the Harold Osborn
home Monday. Mrs. Harold Os
born called at the Lyle Wells and
Thomas Hiscocks homes Monday
on the Heart Fund Drive. Lee
Brady sr. called at the Osborn
home Monday afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Greene
and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Car
son visited at the Harold Osborn
home Tuesday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carson
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Os
born were Lynch business callers
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Caldwell
and daughter of Niobrara called
at the hospital to see her sis
ter, Norma Barta, Wednesday,
afternoon, and also at the Barta
farm to see her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Kalal who are help
ing with the work at the Gordon
Barta home while Mrs. Barta is
in Sacred Heart hospital. Mrs.
Barta returned home from the
hospital Saturday. She will have
to be in bed several days at
home. Friends hope for a speedy
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hrbek were
O’Neill visitors Thursday.
Sadie Derickson accompanied
Roger Rosenkrans from O’Neill to
her home on the creek.
Riverside News
By Mrs. Lionel Gunter
Mrs. Martha Shrader, Eddy
and Alice, Mrs. Kitty Fry, Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Wetlauffer and
Gary, Mrs. Emily Johnston, Kar
en Mlnariik, Mr. and Mrs. Ar
chie Johnston, Sharon, Marilyn
and Barbara were supper guests
Thursday at the Willie Shrader
home in honor of Mrs. Martha
Shrader’s birthday anniversary.
Mrs. Archie Johnston, Marilyn
and Barbara were Norfolk vis
itors Saturday.
Keith Biddlecome spent the
weekend visiting relatives and
^ left Sunday morning for Belvi
dere, 111.
Mrs. Max Graver visited Wed
nesday afternoon with Mrs. Keith
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hord vis
ited last Sunday at the George
Montgomery home.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Switzer of
Clearwater visited last Sunday
evening at the Ora Switzer home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry, Jane
and Kevin were O’Neill visitors
Mrs. Dale Napier helped at the
Richard Napier home the past
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry were
O’Neill visitors Thursday after
Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry had
dinner Sunday at the Wilbur Ma
hood home in Orchard.
Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom
ery were guests Wednesday eve
ning at the Will Conner home.
The Free Methodist Mission
ary society had an all-day quilt
ing session at the Grant Mott
home Thursday and the men
worked on the church basement.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lofquist
and family visited Friday eve
ning at the Wendell Switzer
Glenda, Leroy and Dennis were
dinner guests Saturday at the
R. A. Hord home.
Mrs. William Lofquist and Mary
Jo were O’Neill visitors Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. John learner and
children were dinner gS^ts at
the Jerry Cuddy home in O’
Neill Wednesday.
Mrs. Alfred Napier gave the les-1
son to the Forum group Friday
evening at the church annex.
do it yourself •••
save money!
Why hov* duB, wom-looklng floors*
Just us* oor Clark* roatol floor
ofluipmtnl lo 9IW* your floors llko
a*sr ArBlioncol W* provid* ow*rythl*fl
you oood and loll. *ory instructions.
phone tor your Clarke
rmntal mqvipmnnt today!
O'Neill, Nebraska Phene 74
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson vis
ited Thursday evening at the Ru
dy Ahiers home.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier at
tended the Cub Scout meeting
Monday evening.
The Seek ant! Share Project
club and their husbands iiad a
surprise housewarming for Mr.
and Mrs. John Napier Thurs
day evening. The club present
ed the Napiers with a scatter
rug and a tablecloth for their
new home. Lunch was served
by the guests after an evening
of entertainment.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and
children visited Friday evening
at the Richard Napier home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke were
Neligh visitors Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Serr and
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hord were
supper guests Friday at the
George Montgomery home.
Richard Taylor and the Grant
Mott family visited Friday eve
ning at the George Frances
home in Neligh in honor of Mrs.
Frances’ birthday.
Mrs. Z. H. Fry visited Satur
day at the Richard Napier home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and
family visited at the Richard Mil
ler home at Oakdale Sunday.
Meek News
By Mrs. Fred Lindberg
Word Received Here of
Illness of Cecil Haynes
Mrs. Ella Hull and Bill receiv
ed word from Mrs. Cecil Haynes
of Parmalee S. D., saying Cecil
had been quite ill and was hos
pitalized at Martin, S. D., for
about two weeks. He had a siege
of influenza and it affected his
heart. He was expecting to be
released from the hospital the
latter part of the week.
Ben Devall was a Sunday din
ner guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Dewayne Anson.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Roberts and
family visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. George Nelson Wed
nesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rouse
and Lloyd were Tuesday evening
supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Delbert Rouse.
Ben Devall was a Sunday din
ner guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Dewayne Anson.
Mrs. Blanche Rouse of Inman
tame iviunuay spena a lew
days at the home of her son-in
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Garold Risor.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters
and Norma were Saturday night
visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Nelson.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindberg
were supper guests Tuesday eve
ning at Walter Wells of Bristow.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schmitz and
Jerry were visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Huston of Emmet Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Devall,
Mrs. Orville Peterson and Delia
Harrison went to Omaha Thurs
day returning Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Borg and
family have moved from the
farm home to an apartment in
O’Neill and Oswald Drueke has
the ranch rented for the coming
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kleppinger
of Jewell, Kans., came Wednes
day to visit their son-in-law and
daughter, the Rev. and Mrs. Ivan
Christofferson. They left for home
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones ar
rived home Friday from a visit
with relatives on the West Coast.
Gerald Harding accompanied
his mother, Mrs. Vernon Harding,
on her trip home from Califor
nia. Mrs. Harding reports a fine
trip, but glad to get back home.
Thurs. Mar. 9
Pat Boone - Shirley Jones
Family Nite - Entire Family $1.00
Fri.-Sat. Mar. 10-11
In Superdynamation
Eastman Color
Kerwin Mathews
Jo Morrow - June Thorburn
I Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Mar. 12-13-14
Deborah Kerr - Robert Mitchum
Peter Ustinov
Wed.-Thurs. Mar. 15-16
CinemaScope - Technicolor
Jeff Chandler - Dorothy Malone
Family Nite - Entire Family $1.00
They were met in Grand Island
by Vernon Harding.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krogh and
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rosenkrans,
Jerry and Lynn attended the
Homemakers class party at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
Wetzler of Verdigre Thursday
evening. They served lunch and
had a devotional service.
Mrs. Garold Risor and her mo
ther, Mrs. Blanche Rouse, called
on Mrs. Jessie Kaczor Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby
were Thursday evening visitors
at Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jensen’s
home and were Friday evening
visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kac
zor s.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walters
and boys were Tuesday evening
supper guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Walters. Mr. and
Mrs. Merlin Anderson and girls
were Thursday evening supper
Alton Perron, American S. S.
Missionary of Long Pine plans
to be present March 12 at Pad
dock Union church, weather
The Young Married group
planned a Sunday school party
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al
len Walters Friday evening, but
the inclement weather changed
plans for some of the group.
However Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Meyer jr. and Vickie Sue of At
kinson, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert
Rouse and boys and Mr. and Mrs.
Merlin Anderson and girls brav
ed the weather and came anyhow.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anson of
Atkinson visited Thursday eve
ning at the home of their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Dewayne Anson.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sharp
and children from Vandenburg
Air Force base in California
came Wednesday and are vis
iting his brother-in-luw and sis
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Kennis Han
sen and Mr. and Mrs. William
Hansen, also his mother, Mrs.
John Nolan of Fairfax, S. D.
They gathered at the home of
New Handbags
1.00 to 1.98
Smart plastic calf. Latest
clutch, box, village styles.
With zip, novelty fittings.
Mr. and Mrs. John Nolan Son
day. Also attending were Mr.
and Mrs. Earny Hall of Ver
del and Mr. and Mrs. I.yle
Burgard and baby of Niobrara.
Mr. Sharp is serving in the Air
Force and is having a vacation
before being sent overseas to
French Morocco in Africa.
The Paddock Community aid
met at the home of Margretha
Kaczor Wednesday afternoon. A
number of visitors were present.
Mrs. George Hansen was in
charge of Hhe program. Plans
were made for serving lunch at
Walter Eggers sale March 13.
Next meeting will (be at the
home of Mrs. George Nelson Ap
ril 5. Lunch was served by the
hostess at the close of the meet
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters
were Wednesday evening supper
guests of Mrs. Christine Johnson
at O’Neill.
The Frontier—
General Repairing of
Locks of All Kinds
Cars • Homes - ItusinuaaaH
Jas. P. Shanner
112 So. 4th O'Neill
See your dealer or the It & N
Grinder Co., Ewing, Nebr. Ask
for a demonstration of the 1901
Sickle Grinders
Grinds 7-0-9 foot sickles
"No Bum and Correct Bevel’*
Public Auction
FRIDAY, MARCH 17 — 2:00 P.M.
Schoolhouse, Barn and Equipment of
LOCATED — lk miles north, 1 west and 1 north of 1'age.
Schoolhouse is 18x32, barn is 16x24, 2 sots of swings, pump
and about 65 feet of pipe, 300-gal, fuel tank, some concrete
blocks, 2 Warm Morning heating stoves, sand table, 2 black
boards, teacher's desk, school bell, flagpole and some books.
Ed Thorin, auctioneer Clayton Nelson, secretary
. . . accents for Spring fashions!
Glittering fashion glamour for j
your new spring outfits! Richly
styled necklaces, bracelets, ear
1 rings and pins in an assortment
I of metallic or jewel cluster
29c' to 1.00'
Dressy Belts
Heraldic or antique 7g_
trims! Plastic calf. "
* Plus F.E.T.
Shop Ben Franklin and Save
PATTON'S O'Neill, Nebr.