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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1961)
Riverside News By Mr*. Lionel Gunter Mrs. Z. H. Fry stayed Wednes day, Thursday and Friday at the Richard Napier home while Mrs. Napier was in the Neligh hospital. Mrs. Napier and Sonjia Lynn came home from the hospital Friday afternoon. Her callers were Mrs. Don Larson and Linda, Mrs. Lynn Fry and Sheila, Mrs. Alfred Napier and Steve and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry. Supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Richard Woslager and Z. H. Fry. Mrs. Emily Johnston and Mrs. Martha Shrader, Eddy and Alice were guests last Sunday at the Archie Johnston home. Mrs. Alfred Napier went to Om aha last Tuesday morning to at tend a school on better sales. He returned home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry, Sheila and Jack were Norfolk visitors Tuesday and Saturday. Julie and Jody Fry each spent a night with Patty Lofquist. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud spent Tuesday night with the John Miller children while Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Ann and Mary were in Omaha where Ann went to a doctor for a check up. They spent Tuesday night with the Joe Miller family in Omaha. Mrs. Max Graver, Dewitt Gun ter and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hord were supper guests Friday at tho Alfred Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock were dinner guests Sunday at the Kenneth Pollock home in Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Jensen and family of Newman Grove were Sunday visitors at the Richard Napier home. They also attended services at the Ewing Presbyter ian church in the afternoon. Keith Biddlecome, Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett attended Star Kensington at the home of Mrs. Waldo Davis Fri day afternoon. Bruce and Jackie Morrow are spending the weekend at the Wil bur Bennett home. Z. H. Fry and Richard Napier went to Omaha Monday night. They visited Mrs. Frank Emsick in the Omaha hospital returning home late Tuesday evening. Sharon Johnston, Mary Ann Bauer, Douglas Shrader, Roger Strope, Gerald Ruroede and Ed dy Shrader attended the Ice Ca pades in Sioux City Friday eve ning. Mrs. Alfred Napier visited Mrs. Richard Napier in the Antelope Memorial hospital in Neligh Tues day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Bus Napier, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Mr. and Mrs. William Lofquist, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDaniel, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry were guests Sat urday evening at the Don Larson home. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier and the Lynn Fry family were guests at a birthday supper Monday at the Floyd Napier home in hon or of Dale’s birthday. Mrs. Earl Pierson visited Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Walter Woeppel. Richard Taylor of Valentine vis ited Friday evening at the Grant Mott home. The women of the Riverside Free Methodist Missionary socie ty worked on a quilt Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at the Grant Mott home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson vis ited Tuesday evening at the De witt Hoke home. Edgar Switzer spent last week at the Ora Switzer home. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer, Ed gar Switzer and Jay Butler were supper guests Friday at the Wen dell Switzer home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink visited one evening last week at the Dave Pollock home. Mrs. Dale Napier and Mrs. Z. H. Fry visited Mrs. Richard Napier in the Neligh hospital Tuesday afternoon. Willie Shraders ate supper Tuesday at the Lynn Fry home. Later in the evening they visited Kitty Fry. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston, Marilyn and Barbara visited Fri day evening at the Leo Miller home. The Frontier— Venus News By Mrs. Ralph Brookhouxr Mrs. Max LeMasters entertain the Work and Fun club February 21 at her home. Eleven members and one visitor, Mrs. Elvin Ham ilton of Ewing, were present. Each member received a card from the absent member, Viola Pospeshil, who is visiting friends at Denver. This was the first meeting Vi missed since it start ed several years ago. Mrs. Le Masters served a lunch at the close of the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Pierce and Eddie Heggemeyer attended the Farmers Union convention at Om aha last week. Mrs. Mary Volquardsen and son, Johnnie, visited at the Reno Boelter home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tyler moved to the Hull farm northwest of Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey were Saturday evening visitors at the Ora Caskey home. Mr. and Mrs. G. Fehrenholz of Stuart were February 19 vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffery and family. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Moser and Mrs. Harry Caskey were Sioux City visitors February 20. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhou ser and Mrs. George Jeffery were O’Neill visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davey of Bellevue spent the weekend at the Ralph Brookhouser home. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davey spent Saturday at the Russell Ick ler home. They also visited at the H. J. LeMasters home that afternoon. Henry Pospeshil of Worthing ton, Minn., visited the fore part of last week with his brother, William and Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffery and son. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey were Friday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. La Vem Caskey and Monte at O’ Neill. Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser was pleasantly surprised Friday eve ning on her birthday anniver sary when her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bartos, arrived with an evening dinner. Later in the evening another group of relatives came with home made ice cream and cake. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davey, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bartos and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Han neman and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brookhouser and son of Bruns wick. Mrs. Bartos and Mrs. Hanneman each baked birth day cakes for the occasion. Mrs. Brookhouser received l SEE Bankerslifeman — Ernie Brinkman IN ATKINSON He can show how your Life Insurance can also provide Disability Income I BANKCm-y^COMPANY 0(1 MOlNd tow - ■ — many cards and gifts. Visitors Friday evening at the i Arden Laursen home were Mr. J and Mrs. Donald Caskey and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ottie Mitteis en tertained a group of neighbors . at a card party at their home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Caskey of Omaha spent Saturday night with ther parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey. Sunday they visited at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. El mer Sukup, before they returned home that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhou ser visited at the RJjssell Iokler home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dav*y and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tusha home Saturday evening. Vlonowi News By Mrs. Mike Fiklapp LOcust U 2520 Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rihanek and family took Mrs. Joe Rihanek to Merriman, Nebr., Saturday where she was met by relatives to go on to Disk, Wyo. for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ed May were Yankton visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed May and Dwayne and Mr. and Mrs. Har old McColley and Grandmother May of Niobrara were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Micanek. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Country man and family of Chamberlain, SjD. were at Glen Rihanek’s Sun day. A most practical offering sells in Elkhorn Valley Hereford and Polled Hereford AUCTION Sale to be held at the Norfolk Livestock Sales Company pavilion Norfolk, Nebraska — Wednesday, March 15 Sale to begin at 12 o’clock 65 BULLS OF ATTRACTIVE QUALITY 20 CHOICE COWS, HEIFERS AND CALVES Included will be ten young proven sires, forty coming two-year old bulls, fifteen Junior bulls and twenty females of various ages from leading herds. Bulls for Breeders, Ranchmen and Farmers Hereford and Polled Hereford Females of Top Quality Write for catalog addressing Charles Corkle, Sale Manager — Norfolk, Nebr. 45-46 Mrs. Rudy Eiler and children, Mrs. Mike Piklapp and Mrs. Tom Jour a were O’Neill visitors Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heiser were business callers in O’Neill Thursday. Vickie Seiler spent Monday with Rene Eiler. Mrs. Leo Jorgensen spent Sat urday night with her mother, Mrs. Inger Levi, at the Herman Heiser home. Frank, Butch, and Sharon Ertz, Anna Wells and Bob McGeorge were in O’Neill Friday for dental care. Mrs. Rudy Eiler and Rene and Jack and Carla Rihanek called on Mrs. Piklapp Friday night. Quarterly Conference was held at the Monowi Methodist church Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis were Thursday visitors at the William Burger home In Lynch. Several from this community attended he Hamm on farm sale Monday. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! Public Auction FRIDAY, MARCH 17 — 2:00 P.M. Schoolhouse, Barn and Equipment of MINEOLA SCHOOL LOCATED — 15 miles north, 1 west and 1 north of Page. Schoolhouse is 18x32, barn is 16x24, 2 sets of swings, pump and about 65 feet of pipe, 300-gal, fuel lank, some concrete blocks, 2 Warm Morning heating stoves, sand table, 2 black boards, teacher’s desk, school bell, flagpole and some books. TERMS: CASH. Ed Thorin, auctioneer Clayton Nelson, secretary 45-46-47 Rexall TV Twin Values RO-BALL DEODORANT Reg. 69c each, now 2 for 79c Save 59c MI-31 ANTISEPTIC MOUTHWASH Reg. 89c, now 2 for 99c Save 79c POLYMULSION - Liquid Vitamins Reg. $3.89, now 2 for $3.99 Save $3.79 MONACET APC 100's, Reg. 89c, now 2 for 99c Save 79c REXALL 900 CALORIE DIET Compare with others at higher prices 8-oz. can only 89c Also available in liquid and individual 1 meal packets REXALL INSTANT PROTEIN The natural Protein Concentrate A quick, delicious food supplement that you drink Mixes instantly with water — Tastes great! „ High in Protein — Low in Calories Only $2.49 Free mixer with each can for limited time only ASPIRIN SPECIAL McKesson 5-grain Aspirin — Bottles of 100 tablets Regular 59c per 100 Now 2 bottles of 100 for 59c NEW FROM MC KESSON McKesson "Cut 'n Scratch” Cream Antiseptic — Anesthetic Helps prevent infection — Promotes healing 69c PRESCRIPTIONS The next time your doctor finds it necessary to prescribe for you or one of your family, take the prescription to DEVOY’S REXALL DRUG to be filled by a PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST. Remember, for your convenience, DEVOY’S is open evenings until 9:00 p.m., with a REGISTERED PHARMACIST on duty to fill your prescriptions. DEVOY REXALL Drug I Bob Devoy, Pharmacist Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings O'Neill, Nebr. NATIVE BRAND Cherry m , $f Pie Mix 4 " I MAJOR CHOCOLATE DRINK 46-oz. cans $ J 00 PILLSBURY'S H30 Flour 50-lb. Bag A UiiuuimOT I Kalian Dressing."." 41c ! M Kraft | French Dressing 49c i ■ Krey ( Beef Stew .^oz- 39c M Can BUTTERNUT COFFEE 2-1 b. can ———————mm ARMOUR FULLY COOKED HAl] SHANK PORTION, lb. Butt portion, lb. 49c Center slices, lb. 79c Delicious Barbecued Spare Ribs . -3 lbs* $1 00 Lean Meaty Short Ribs.£ lbs. $1®® Armour Bacon Squares .lb. 29c First Cut Fork Chops.2 ^s. $1®® Spiced Luncheon .lb. 49c 100% PURE GROUND BEEF 2 ,bs- 79c CATSUP I Stockton NEBRASKA RED SPUDS.100 lbs. $£29 FRESH CRISP CELERY.Each 15' SFNKIST ORANGES ... 3 doz. $ J 00 SALAD FORK GET A FREE PIECE OF DINNERWARE EACH WEEK HERE’S ALL YOU DO ... Each week, starting with o^e shown on Cou pon you receive one piece of dinnerware FREE. Each week there wifl be a new coupon in our Thursday ad. COUPON NO. 4 )1 PjlCE With This Coupon and P V " Purchase of $3.00 or More STAINLESS >S SALAD FORK >1 Offer expires March 8, 1961 . ■ LIMIT — 1 Coupon Per Family . ■ FREE! FREE! Package of 10 Wiener Buns 1 FREE with the purchase of 1 1 -lb. Package flW JL m Armour Star All Meat ^E^R ^ ^ m Wieners IS VOLUMES library-bound edition Bring the wonders of science right into your home The Shu NATURAL SCIENCES Ml AM -- ILLUSTRATED I Edited by the m American Museum of NatanlHistory m Bring Hi* wond*r> and t*tr*ti of ■ Ki*fK* and natwr* — from •arlfa't ■ smallest cr*atur*« to *wt*r spoc* — M (nto yovr awn horn*. m Start yoar 16-vaiwm* Natural Minn M library today! m