There’s no place But your ever-dependable U.S.D.A. Grade'A, tender, full'meated CHICKENS WHOLE A JIL# |j|c JLCut-up...Lb. 35c Safeway’s Fryers are especially selected for superb eating qualities by Safeway’s own poultry buyers. Every bird is U.S. Inspected and U.S.D.A. Government Grade-A, the highest grade. You’re assured of the very finest when you buy frying chickens at Safeway! ONLY U.S.D.A. CHOICE At Safeway, all beef is U.S.D.A. Choice Grade, | aged to perfection, the qual ity that gives you the most in tenderness, juiciness and flavor. This grading is done I by United States Depart ment of agriculture experts who judge the meat strictly and impartially, awarding the choice grade only when U.S.D.A. specifications are | met. SCIENTIFICALLY AGED Even the finest quality meats reach peak flavor only after proper aging. In our vast air-conditioned aging rooms, Safeway meats are held under con trolled temperatures the ex act number of days required to insure perfect tenderness and flavor This meticulous aging is one of the reasons it pays to shop Safeway for meat. ;. .v.-.y.-.-.-.v.w..v.v.v '.v.v.'.'.v.vkvmm o > «r.v.v.v.v. Choose the extra special individual chicken parts you prefer ... •! BACKS & NECKS.Lb. 15c j; WINGS.Lb. 25c i! LEGS.Lb. 59c ;i | BREASTS or THIGHS . Lb. 69c ! Cod Fillets Captain’s Choice; frozen ... Pkg. 39c Halibut Fillets ^’B.Choice:..ii£69c Fishsticks SSfiiSSt.. 5 7c You get more gifts for less books with valuable Cold Bond Stamps Free with your purchases ... at SAFEWAYl Baked Beansrr ...2s?35c Kna Pie Mix r 39« Sk CB i iffl Peatock Brand— 4WMIBI mm &t li «H Mustard or Oil pack.7,„, (gl C Evap. Milk- 6 s 89c Cherub Evaporated Milk-6 Tall Cans 85c linnlf IOC xi^-oz. nn. UUuKICa Cremes, fresh.Pkg. OwC Hnnlfioe Sunshine—Cocoanut 14-oz. QO UUUIUCO Macaroons, crisp.Pkg. 05IC Vanilla Wafers 25c Instant Coffee JSE'fe**,, .*£ 94c Bisquick S‘‘epS°“:.X 49c Instant Coffee {ETE5S 94c Nestle’s Cocoa KSf... .16Pk“: 59c Rkniik PUJsbury or 9 8-02. 90. Illdbllllg Ballard, refrigerated.. fc Pkgs. £wC Cat Food SPtSTr.2 Si 29c Napkins 2 3£ 29c Cranberries IT°£ “£ 2 NtT 39c Apple Jelly Empress .... .10X 23c Lucerne Butter 69e Caiih Mrs. Grass—Chicken 2-pack WUtl|l Noodle or Vegetable.Pkg. fcOC Date Bar Mix 59c iniiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw U.S.D.A. Choice Grade, | ^Aged, Safeway Superb Lamb Roast I LAMB SHOULDER LEG O' LAMB 1 591 Trimmed just right for perfect eating and trimmed before weighing I ,uck Steaks Gra£^A^°&f. .Lb. 59c Lamb Chops ....ILb:79c ..LLb:89c I _L Shoulder Blade cut, M LOmD mops Arm cut, Lb. 59c Lb 4tC Lamb Stew t sting, breast or flank .... Lb. 15c 1 | Beef Sausage Safeway Brand .. . Roli 39c PLmimillliniminilHUlimii"" 'iiitlimillimniimiiiiim.llilllllimmnimirmnimnmminmmnimmminimminniimmiimnniiiiiHiimiin*..* ' Bakery Feature-of-the* Week — Save 6c on Skylark Black Bread Old World, fresh, sliced, . . IM Mfflk with true Continental flavor, 10-02. H ideal for making sandwiches. Loaf Skylark—Protein 16-oz •# a SrCQCl Power Packed, sliced.Loaf | yC Hanufr Mrs- Wright’s—Plain, Old Pkg. A a 1/OnUTS Fashioned, (Save 5c pack). .. of 6 itOC Dinner Rolls SSftin. ^28c White Bread t£ySKF!.uS19« English Muffins Wright’s Pof « 3 Oc plllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll,lllllllllllllllll„ | Lucerne Party Pride | ICE CREAM %-gal. Ctn. " Available in 13 delicious flavors Ice Cream Scoops Esch 79c iMHHBHUHiiiwBiiHiBniHminjiiiiiiiniiinnHuniiiimiHiiiiiniiinitmiiiimiiiiHiimiiimi/HniDiiiiinmunfHit A top-quality produce buy.. Safeway’s plump, ripe Golden Bananas 3 «»s. 39c I WIN...An RCA ( WHIRLPOOL FREEZER Get full details and entry blanks at Safeway. 200 persons will each win an 11 cu. ft. RCA Whirlpool Freezer and 2000 others will receive 2nd prizes. The contest is easy and fun, so hurry to Safeway to get your entry blanks. 0 .. 0 I. . I» 0 ■■ 0 ■■ II « » II * » » » II . II » > n ^ w cr Golden Book Picture | Atlas of the World Book No 4 on Asia now - fnr only 99o -...******...‘““niminn § ^ sPec^a^ ripening rooms Safeway’s bananas come to full sweetness and flavor 13 ... ripen from the inside out as nature does it. Because Safeway doesn’t use hurry-up methods, bananas never taste "chalky.” You can’t buy finer bananas! Grapefruit red or white’“meated” .. .3 for 29c Reddish Yams moist flesh, smooth.. ^2iLbs. 29c Green Peppers.Lb 19c New Cabbage green heads, crisp.Lb. RIGHT RESERVED TO LIMIT QUANTITY All prices effective thru Saturday, February 25, in O’NEILL, NEBR 2 _ E i { i I i IVORY LIQUID 47 Mild to hands, 12-oz. Bottle 39c.22-oz. Bottle 0/ C LIQUID JOY 47 IVORY SNOW nc Gentle, gets washings cleaner.123,4-oz. Pkg J jC TIDE DETERGENT 07 20-oz. Package 35c.49V4-oz. Package 0«3C C.HEER DETERGENT oo 21-oz. Package 35c ... .49%-oa. Package OjC DASH DETERGENT 40 Controlled ends.24y4-oi. Pkg *1 jC OXYDOL DETERGENT or Contains oxygen bleach.19^ Pk? j£ COMET 'l oo All-purpoae cImumt ........ JL JjC