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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1961)
Frontier BILL RICHARDSON. Publisher BRUCE J. REHBERG. Editor Terms of Subscription: In Nebraska, $2.50 per year; elsewhere in the United States, $3 per year, rate abroad provided upon request. All subscrip tions payable in advance. Entered at the postoffice in O’Neill, Holt coun ty, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter under tin* Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. This news paper is a member of the Nebraska Press Asso ciation, National Editorial Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations. NATIONAL EDITORIAL All ministers are Invited to send their church notes to The Frontier. For guaranteed publication, we ask that the notes are in our office by Saturday, one week prior to the services. St. Patrick’s Catholic Church (Msgr. Timothy O’Sullivan and Father Robert Duffy, assistant) Sunday: Masses 7:30 a.m., 9 and 10:30 a.m. masses in the church everyday at 7:45 a.m. Saturday: Confessions from 4 pan. until 5:30 p.m., and from 7:30 p.m. until 9 pjn. Church of Epiphany Emmet (Father Ralph O’Donnell) Sunday, Febr. 26: Mass, 10 a.m. Bethany Presbyterian Church (The Rev. John Hart) Sunday: Worship 9:30 a.m.; Sunday school, 10:30 a.m. First Presbyterian Church (The Rev. John Hart) 9unday: Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m. Monday: Bible study, 2:30 p.m.; men’s council, 7. Wednesday: Junior Youth fel lowship and adult choir, 7 pan. senior youth, 8 p.m. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Chambers (The Rev. William Roten) Sunday: Sunday school and Bi ble class, 9 a.m.; worship, 10 a.m. Methodist Church Chambers (The Rev. Charles Cox) 9unday: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m. Immanuel Lutheran Church Atkinson (The Rev. A. S. Gedwillo) Saturday: Confirmation classes, 1:30 p.m. Sunday: Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; worship, 11 a.m. Tuesday: Third Lenten service, 8 p.m. Christ Lutheran Church (The Rev. A. S. Gedwillo) Saturday: Senior confirmation class, 9 a.m.; Junior confirma tion class, 10 a.m. Sunday: 9 a.m., Divine worship. 10:15 a.m., Sunday school and Bible classes. Wednesday: Lenten vespers, 8 p.m. I . Farm Machinery For Sale TRACTORS 2—Farmall Cs 2-VAS's 1940 John Deere "B" 1942 John Deere "B" with power lift 1937 John Deere "A", gas with aluminum pistons We'd like to trade a "C" Farmall for "B" Farmall for wrecking purposes -- i WE ARE WRECKING Farmall M, H, C, B, F-12 ,F-30, F-20 John Deere 1937-A, 1942-B, 1936-B Case VAC, Allis Chalmers C MISCELLANEOUS 3—14 M-H Powr-trol plow 3—14 Case plow 3—16 1 -H plow 2—No. 5 John Deere mowers 2—14 Ford plow Pair of cast wheels and rims for "H" Power lift with Baker controls for 1942 John Deere "B" We Have 2 NEW UNDERSLUNGS On Hand — Real Heavy — Without Platform $675 Ea Brady Welding Shop ATKINSON, NEBRASKA Phone 6362 Res. Phone 8061 43-44 Emmet Methodist Church (The Rev. Glenn Kennicott) Friday: Woman’s Society study class at Robert Fox home, starts in forenoon, bring covered dish for lunch. Mrs. Charles Gates of Atkinson will be teacher. Sunday: Children’s Sunday School, communion services, 9:30 am. Page Methodist Church (The Rev. Robert Linder) Sunday: Church school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.; MYF, 8 p.m. Assembly of God Church (The Rev. Ivan Christoffersen) Friday: 10 a.m., Womens Mis sionary Council. Sunday: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11; junior church, 11; adult prayer, 7:15 p.m.. young people’s service, 7:15; evangelistic service, 8. Wednesday, March 1: Prayer. This concludes training course. Wesleyan Methodist Church (The Rev. Don Olmsted) Sunday: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; morning worship 11 a.m.; Bible study, 7:30 p.m., and evening wor ship, 8 pm. Monday: Wesleyan Youth, 8 p.m. Wednesday: Mid-week prayer hour. Dorsey Presbyterian Church (The Rev. Lee Hicks) Thursday: Dorsey Ladies aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Lee Brady at O’Neill. Sunday: Church school, 2:30 p.m., and worship, 3:30 p.m. Ser vices are being held earlier as the pastor is leaving for a three day conference at Billings, Mont. First Methodist Church (The Rev. Glenn Kennicott) Thursday: Prayer circle, 10 a.m., Claude Bates home; Dorcas, 2 p.m.; church board, 8 p.m. . Saturday: Men’s breakfast, 7 a.m.; junior choir, 10; training 1 p.m. Sunday: Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; morning worship, 11 a.m. Monday: Intermediate Metho dist Youth Fellowship, 7 p.m. Wednesday: Choir, 7:15 p.m.; Senior Youth Fellowship, 8 p.m. Inman Methodist Church (The Rev. Robert Linder) Sunday: Church school, 8:40 a.m.; worship, 9:40 a.m. Wednesday: Choir and MYF, 8 p.m. Thursday: W3CS. Center Union Church (The Rev. Don Olmsted) Sunday: Morning worship, 10 a.m.; 9anday school, 11 a.m., and Christian Endeavor, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday: Cottage prayer ser vice, 8 p.m. Electric Motors Rewinding — Rebuilding Call 243-W — 24-hr. Servtoe Northwest Electric O’Neill Dr. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Phone 167 — O’Neill, Nebr. Hours 9 5—Mon. thru Saturday Closed Wednesday Emmet And Community Dolores Tunender Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler vis ited the sick at the Atkinson hos pital Monday. They were Mrs. Frances Timmerman, Mrs. Rog er Johnson and Fred Saunto. Mrs. Joe Ramold sr. and Hu bert were Thursday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tunender and family. Mrs. Freddie Grothe was host ess to a party Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. John Schaaf and family were Tuesday night cal lers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Ramold and family of Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler cal led at the homes of Mrs. Walter Puckett and Mrs. Jim O’Donnell. Mrs. Elmer Schaaf, Mrs. Larry Donlin and Mrs. Alfred Schaaf spent the day in Atkinson visit ing Mrs. Orville Seger. Tom Schaaf spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schaaf. He is a student at Wayne. Mrs. Joe Ramold and sons were Thursday night callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Timmerman and family. Mrs. Joe Pongratz, Mrs. John Babl sr. and Luann, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cavanaugh and Pamela Kay visited Mrs. Agnes Heeb Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Priester and family of Humphrey and Mr. and Mrs. George Pongratz visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pon gratz and family Sunday, Feb. 12. Joe Winkler attended the Farm ers Union convention in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Daily cal led at the home of Mrs. Georgia McGinnis Sunday afternoon. Mrs. James McNulty helped Mrs. Bernard Pongratz can meat Friday. Around 30 friends and neigh bors gathered at school district 90 for a Valentine party. Sev eral exciting games were play ed. Later in the evening cards were played. High prize for pin ochle went to Mrs. Robert Gal lagher and Mrs. Raymond Schmidt, low prize to Robert Gallagher and Raymond Schmidt. Pitch high score was held by John Conway and low by Ray Conway. Miss Schmidt and pupils served a delicious lunch. Mrs. John Babl called on her mother, Mrs. Agnes Ileeb Wed nesday and Thursday morning after church. Mrs. Esther Harris and Mrs. Mable McKenna called at the home of Mrs. Georgia McGinnis of Emmet Monday afternoon. Mark and Jeanette Fehringer of Bloomfield were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Havranek and Ellen. Donald Schaaf came home Fri day from Fort Campbell, Ky. to spend 30 days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schaaf and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Babl call ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Janzing and family of O’ Neill Thursday. Fred McCart called Saturday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Babl. Pat Cole spent Saturday in At kinson with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Humpal. He return ed home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Pongratz and Dewey were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz and family Wednesday. Helen Dusatko spent last Sun day at the home of Mary Rich ards. Mrs. A1 Havranek spent Tues day evening at the home of Mrs. Bill Mullen. Leonard Dusatko jr. was an overnight guest at the home of Mrs. Henry Benze Monday eve ning. Mrs. Duane Pongratz and Dew ey came out with Duane Wed nesday and spent the day. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz on their way back to town. Mrs. Jim Havranek, Donald and Leonard called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Havranek Wednesday evening. The Live and Learn extension club met at the home of Mrs. Ed Winkler on Thursday. Mrs. Mary Lewis was co-hostess. Fifteen members were present and one guest, Mrs. Joe Winkler. Lunch was served at 1 o’clock followed by a business meeting. A few games were played and the lesson on “Parents and Purse Strings” was given, followed by discussion of the subject. Emily Dusatko spent Friday night at the home of Mary Rich ards. Circle 2 is having a card party Sunday, Feb. 26 at St. Michaels Hall at Emmet. Pinochle and pitch will be played. Delores Pettinger visited at the home of Mrs. Joe Pongratz Tues day after school. The lower grades at the Emmet school had a Valentine party Tuesday and also the mothers were entertained. Gerald Ferris visited at the home of the Joe Pongratz family Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Babl sr.. Lionel, Edwin, Luann and Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pongratz, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Babl jr., Col leen, Curtis and Cathy were din ner guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. Agnes Heeb. The after noon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Duane Pongratz and Dewey. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family were Tuesday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Carr of Amelia. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Jirak call ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family Fri day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rentschler, Leon and Randy, and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Marcellus called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Marcellus Thursday evening. The evening was spent viewing pictures the Marcellus’ took in California. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and children, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCart and children and Mr. and Mrs. FYarik Soukup and children were . Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Soukup in honor of their 36th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rauterkus and boys of O’Neill. The Rauterkus family came out Sunday afternoon to the Marcel lus home. Venus News By Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser Mrs. Ethel] Waring entertained the Help U Club at her home February 15 with 10 members present. Mrs. Waring served din ner at noon. Mrs. J. W. Finch assisted her mother in prepar ing the meal. The afternoon was spent in sewing carpet rugs. Mrs. Alta Finch received the door prize. Miss William Buxton will have the next club meeting March 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Meyers and family of Grand Island were February 12 visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Kinnison. The family attended the 50th an niversary dinner and open house at O’Neill held in honor of Mrs. Meyer’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Block. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Spath and children of Lincoln spent Febru ary 11 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Finch. Mrs. Clarena Finch sr. was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser home Thursday. Evening guests at tlie Brookhouser home were Mr. and Mrs. Harold * Seger otf O'Neill. Mrs. Max LeMastqrs called at tlie Brookhouser home Friday morn ing. Clarence Finch sr. called at the Dale Dorr home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. LuVern Held en tertained a few neighbors at a card party Firday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch left for Scottsbluff Thursday where they visited with their daughter, Mrs. Larry Taylor and family. Attending the Block open house Sunday from this vicinity were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Cihlar, Mr. and Mrs. Art Parkhurst, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Cihlar and Sherrie, Mr. and Mrs. Frankie Cernousek, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cernousek, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Kinnison, Edna Boelter, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boelter, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Boel ter, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Block and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook houser. Mrs. Cecil Moser entertained the Anniversary club at her home Thursday. Mrs. Moser served lunch at the close of the after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mott vis ited with his brother and sister -in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Mott at O’Neill Sunday. Friday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Cas key were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser. The Frontier— Find it fast in the YELLOW PAGES of your phone book • • Royal News By Mrs. R. ,1. tiering Band Mothers Hold Card Party Friday Evening ROYAL—Band Mothers Club at Royal sponsored a card party at the schol auditorium Friday eve ning and realized $25 for the ef fort in spite of a threatening snow storm that kept many away. There were 10 tables of adults and four of children. Adults win ning prizes were Mrs. Edna John ston, Melvin Colson, Marlene Ra der and Russell Burch. Children winning prizes were Wilfred Hen ry, Connie Beutler, Sandra Rund quist, Kathryn Weber and Gay land Helm. Lunch was served. World Day of Prayer was ob served at the Methodist church Friday morning with 33 persons from Orchard, Venjs and Royal in attendance. Mrs. Edna Johnston conduct ed the service, assisted by Mrs. Melvin Colson, Mrs. Charles « Meyer and Mrs. Dwain Lena of Orchard. Foreign countries were repre sented by Mines. Clarence Weber, M. Charf, Otto Storm, Lee Skal berg of Orchard, Boyd Mitchell of Orchard, T. R. l>odds, Gust Erickson and Carroll Clifton of Orchard. The WSCS met Wednesday with Mabel Meyer who was assisted in serving by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Charles Meyer who is the president of the society, and who also hail charge of the devotion als and the lesson which was a discussion of the Lord’s Prayer. The nert meeting will be with Mrs. Edna Jctmston, March 1 with Mrs. Kenneth Eyer present ing the lesson, “Giving Thanks in Lent’’. There were 10 members and several visitors including Mines. C. F. Storm, G. H. Holm, R. E. Trautman and Edd Charf. I'i v the Frontier Want Ails. I N C O M E TAX For assistance in filing your self employment and tax reports, j call on— GEO. (). ROBERTSON, Agency We work for your interest and appreciate your business. Downey Building, O’Neill, Nebr. I’ll. 534 — Res. I’ll. 161 W 37tf CHERRY CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM Kssdov Oold pnnnts • pend* •I ripe charias end tosdous •tranks of tasty chocolate in rich ■uadow Oold Ics Craam, It's a salats to food sattnf, so daUdooi Tour family will bettls for mssa. At yaw terorlta store. •j I ry This is the lane that leads home—and he has driven it more times than he can remember. But there’s something different about it today— for this is the first time it has rolled beneath the wheels of his new Cadillac car. And here, as he is now discovering, is motordom’s truest miracle in motion. First of all, there’s the way a 1961 Cadillac smooths out that familiar surface. By the time those bumps and irregularities have been absorbed in that marvelous new suspension system . . . and cushioned in those deep Cadillac seats . . . they are almost impossible to detect. Then there is the car’s extraordinary quiet. Cadillac’s careful craftsmanship and precision engineering provide such silence of operation that you can speak in a whisper. And what poise and balance the car has! It is wonderfully steady and sure-footed through every mile . . . and it has a feeling of solidity and substance that comes from no other motor car. Of course, these are but a few of the myriad pleasures of driving the new "car of cars”—in addition to its great handling ease and its mag nificent interior comfort and luxury. May we suggest that you take a 1961 Cadillac out soon on some challenging stretch of highway— and see for yourself? Your Cadillac dealer will be happy to let the car work its magic for you at any time. VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER VAN VLECK MOTORS, INC. 127 NORTH FOURTH ST., O’NEHA