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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1961)
Dorsey News By Mrs. Harold Osborn Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Wells took their little daughter, Donna, to Sioux City Tuesday for a medi cal check-up. Reports are she is recovering nicely. We’re sure all her friends will be happy to hear the good news. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ruzicka and family visited at the paren tal home of the Otto Ruzicka’s Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruzicka and George Kubic were business callers at the Otto Hrbek home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rjzicka and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pavlik visited at the Otto Ruzic ka home Sunday. Mrs. Claude Cole and children called on the Carson sisters Feb ruary 10 to wish them a happy birthday by giving them a heart shaped cake. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pickering were Friday evening guests at the Thomas Hiscocks home. Mr. and Mrs. William Conard and Neta were Sunday visitors at the Howard Slack home. Mr. and Mrs. William Oltie of Sioux City and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Millard and girls spent Saturday night and Sunday at the Harold Osiborn home. Mrs. Os born consulted the doctor in Lynch Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta and Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Cih lar, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Carson and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Car son spent the evening with the Carson sisters, helping them cele brate their birthday. Mrs. Guy Hull called on her way home from school to visit them. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Webber spent Tuesday afternoon at the Harold Osborn home and were coffee guests. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Derick son and children called at the John Derickson home Sunday evening. Callers at the Harold Osborn home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Buss Greene, Mrs. A. W. Aim, Lyle Wells and Donna and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hiscocks. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hughes were visitors at the Willis But terfield home. They were help ing them load some items that they wanted to put in the sale they had near Norfolk Friday. Albert Carson was a business caller at the Osborn home Wed nesday. Meek News By Mrs. Fred Lindberg Mrs. Devall Is Paddock Mission Society Hostess The Paddock missionary soci ety met at the home of Mrs. El mer Devall Friday. The women worked on Christmas cards pre paring them to be Used in the mission, fields. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Lawrence Rouse. There were 14 present. Mrs. John Hall visited at the Jesse Dobrovolny home at Atkin son from Wednesday until Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wrede and boys came from Omaha Sunday to spend a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DObrovolny and Mrs. Mabel Wrede. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Devall and Kathy and Will Devall of Spencer were dinner guests Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Devall of Norfolk. The Norfolk and O’Neill C. A. group united for a valentine par ty at Slats Cafe Tuesday evening. The Rev. Nolan Christian of Norfolk was the speaker of the evening and the Rev. Ivan Chris tofferson was master of ceremon ies. There were 35 in attendance. Mrs. Christine Johnson and Sharon and Carla Anson were Sunday afternoon visitors at the George Nelson home. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby were Thursday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Rouse. The Rev. E. Turner plans to be at Paddock Union church for services next Sunday morning, weather permitting. Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Anson and girls and Mr. and Mrs. Aus tin Searles and girls were Mon day night guests of Virgil Hub bys. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jensen called Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Schmitz of Bonesteel, also William J. Schmitz, were Sunday visitors at Jack Schmitz’. Ben Devall attended the ice capades at Lincoln Friday night. Mrs. Deha Harrison visited at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Johnson Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kaczor and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson. Tbe oc casion marked Mrs. Kaczor’s birthday celebration. Elmer, Ben and Ricky Devall, Larry Nelson and 'Hammy Jo Drueke attended the coyote bunt Sunday in Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Roger. Rosen krans, Marion, Jerry and Lynn were Sunday dinner guests at Fred Lindbergs. Dr. Marcum from Spencer made several calls in this community Monday vaccinating cattle. Garold Risor, accompanied by Edith and Art Risor made a trip to Tilden Monday. The adult Sunday school class met Tuesday noon at the Assem bly cl God church parlors. There were 25 present. The afternoon was spent with a continuation of discussion of the previous Sunday school lesson. Ronnie Schmiechel was an ov ernight guest of Gary Devall Fri day. Saturday the boys were Nor folk visitors. Wayne and Dale Rouse were supper and evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kac zor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Devall of Lincoln were weekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Seger and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Devall. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rouse attended a Wesleyan Methodist fellowship gathering Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Green of Butte. A chili supper was enjoyed by the group, followed by devotions. Mr. and Mrs. Al Gaskill spent Paul Shierk INSURANCE AGENCY O’NEILL, NEBR Insurance of All Kinds the weekend at St. Paul, Minn., visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Borg. Mrs. Axel Borg was a Tuesday visitor at the home of Mrs. Delia Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walters and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters and Norma, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Johring and family, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Anderson and girls, Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson, Larry and Sue, Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Anson and girls all packed their supper and went to O'Neill to enjoy the evening with Mrs. Christine Johnson Wed nesday evening. The occasion being Mrs. Johnson’s birthday. Be Sure To Attend Today! BOLLWITT FARM SALE Thursday, Feb. 23 Sale Starts 12:30 p.m. FARM MACHINERY 30 HEAD CATTLE HOUSEHOLD GOODS 520 AC TIES LAND 5*/2 miles south of Ewing, 3 West, V* North Ed Thorin, Licensed Real Estate Broker, Auctioneer Roy Kirwan, Auctioneer GIANT DOUBLE DIP ICE CREAM CONES Only Saturday - 1:00 to 10:00 p.m. (PAUL MARK PRESERVES »-oz. Jar £ VISTA CRACKERS 2-lb. Box ^ GARDEN GLOW PEACHES 4 - $1 BEET SUGAR ^M AM ^M M» AM AM AM MA AM M M ML J g COUPON NO. 3 | I FREE With This Coupon and r | Fl%EE p„rchase of $3.00 or More | 4 HOSTESS PATTERN » < STAINLESS SOUP SPOON | EXPIRES Mar. 1. 1961 LIMIT — 1 Coupon Per Family \ fH 111BB Jupytim EXPLORE THE WORLD IN WHICH WE LIVE . THE NATURAL SCIENCES ^ ILLUSTRATED Edited by the if || the listing below gives only a hint of the wide range of subjects brilliantly covered N p BIOLOGY: SOCIOLOGY: The evolution of onimolt, fishes, amph&kms. birds The development and habfts of the races of man » 'dnd, ancient ond modem. | BOTANY: H flowers, trees, plant life, in pictures, from smcAest ASTRONOMY: jo flower to greatest tree. — , . B The secrets of the sun. stars and plm*. » ORNITHOLOGY: R Audubon's Florida bird pictures, land birds see ZOOLOGY Is birds, song birds, birds of prey. Anfaofs of the world, from ptohimoric times to 1 the present. H ASTROPHYSICS: B The study of interstellar space and how urns w® ARCHAEOLOGY: H some day travel It How man uncovers the history of his < pA»s ether ticftin: feet*... too Cottage Cheese 12 oz. pkg. 19C I2-Ib. pkg. 45c I AMERICAN MUSEUM \ o/NATURAL HISTORY ) U. S. D. A. CHOICE Beef First Cut Pork Chops .2 lbs. 79c I Dllffu • WHITE • YELLOW •SPICE Jiny • DEVILSFOOD CAKE s MIXES ~ TASTY SEALED UNPEELED BANGO WHITE OR YELLOW WHOLE APSSCOTS a 23c popcorn 2 & 25c Philadelphia , 8-o*. pkg. KRAFT Cream cheese.33c Marshmallow Creme.7^25c I SDA Choice Beef Front 45c Cut and Wrapped FREE Fresh lean Ground a Beet ST_ ARMOUR 3-oz. pkgs. Dried Beef.3 for$t ARMOUR — Braunschweiger .lb. 49« USD A CHOICE Rib 7Qc NEBRASKA RED 100 lbs. TEXAS MARSH SEEDLESS Grapefruit.10 « 49° ICEBERG LETTUCE S0"" 2 for 29c ONIONSvr. 3 ib. 25c I TOMATOES Si u 25c KREY CHILI 15!/2-oz. OOc can W w MRS. CLARK’S SALAD DRESSING 2 DOUGHBOY FLOUR LENTEN SPECIALS ) Fresh Frozen V Rainbow Trout.Lb. 79« I Lake of the Woods m Walleye Pike.Lb. 59c I Fillet of m Frozen Haddock.Lb. 39c S