The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 23, 1961, Section Two, Image 10

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    Ewing News
It) .Mrs. Harold Harris
Pat Hahlbeck
Chairman for
Heart Fund
Pat Hahlbeck has been named
Heart Fane! chairman for Ewing.
The annual drive for the Amer
ican and Nebraska Heart Fund
association Likes place in Febru
ary. Sunday a group of high
school girls canvassed the town
in a house to house solicitation
for donations. A special benefit
program will be held in the near
future, the date to be announced
The Rev and Mrs. W. W. El
liott accompanied the Rev. and
Mrs. Lisle iMewmaw of Neligh to
Lincoln on Tuesday where they
attended a minister’s spiritual en
richment meeting which included
a mass evangelism service con
ducted by Bishop Kenneth W.
A family night gathering is be
ing planned at the First Metho
dist church in Ewing for Sunday
at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome
and urged to come. Ray Sedivy
will conduct the devotional period.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis are in
charge of the entertainment.
Members are asked to bring ei
ther cake or sandwiches for re
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis
were dinner guests at the home
of her mother, Mrs. Louise Beal
at Orchard. In the afternoon they
went to iPlainview to visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tomjack
celebrated their birthday anni
versaries and their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Hawk celebrated their
36 th wedding anniversary
Sunday. In observance of both
occasions a family gathering
was held at the Tomjack home.
A one o’clock no-host dinner
was served and the afternoon
hi.Hirs were spent informally.
Present were Frank Hawk and
family of Ewing, Leslie Herley
and family of Clearwater, Al
bert Kallhoff and family of O’
Neill and Connie Murphy and
family of Stuart. Afternoon cal
lers were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Lee. The Tom jacks receivt-d a
telephone call from their son
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Tomjack at Rock Springs, Wyo.,
and many eards of congratula
tions from friends and relatives.
Mrs. Hawk and Mrs. Kallhoff
baked and decorated the anni
versary cakes.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urban and
Myra Leigh Ann and Bobbie Pru
den visited Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bollwitt.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen York have
been guests the past week at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Olson, and with
other relatives. They left Satur
day from Omaha for their home
at Seattle.
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Ross
went to Atkinson Monday to call
on Mrs. Robert McLachlan, a
patient in the hospital there.
An Easter Cantata will again
be s]>onsorcd by the United
Presbyterian church. This ob
servance is a community pro
gram and Mrs. Keith Biddle
come, director, extends an in
vitation to ail who sing and de
sire to take part. A play is in
cluded with the musical and vo
cal claims. The first practice
will be held March 1 at the
Word was received Sunday of
the death of Mrs. Carston Peter
son of Neligh, who had broken
her hip sometime ago and had
been a patient at the Antelope
Memorial hospital. Her funeral
was held Tuesday afternoon at
the congregational church in Ne
ligh. Mrs. Peterson was the mo
ther of the late Hans Peterson,
a former resident of Ewing.
Marie Davis was a weekend
guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Don Clemens and family at
The Rev. and Mrs. W. W. El
liott went to Plainview Sunday to
attend the layman and ministers
prayer retreat held at the Meth
odist church.
The Busy Hand 4-H club held a
reorganizational meeting Febru
ary 14 at the home of Mrs. Dale
Napier. Officers were elected
with the following results: Mar
ilyn Johnston, president; Cathy
Lofquest, vice president; Joan
SpangleT, secretary and treasur
er; Judy Spangler, song leader,
and Sheila Ryan, news reporter.
Mrs. Dale Napier is the leader
for the new year with Mrs. Wen
dell Switzer, assistant. Projects
were chosen for the year. The
next meeting will be held at
Frenchtown, March 17 with Mrs.
Switzer as hostess.
Mrs. Frances Reid of Albion,
district supervisor, was the guest
of the Jephthah Chapter No. 85.
Order of the Eastern Star Tues
day. Mrs. Reid conducted a per
iod of instruction in the after
noon at the Lodge room.
A 6:30 banquet was served at
the annex of the United Pres
byterian church by the women of
the Church. Tables were decorat
ed in a Valentine theme. The
evening’s meeting consisted of the
regular business meeting and an
exemplification of the initiatory
work, with Mrs. Elmer Berg
strom, worthy matron, and John
A. Wood, worthy patron, presid
ing. Out of town guests were Mrs. ^
Time For
Is your planting overgrown?
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On hand: 1961 Pontiac Catalina 4-Dr. Hardtop
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1954 Pontiac 4-Dr. Sedans—3 to choose from
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1953 Chevrolet 1 Ton w/Comb. Box
See this fine selection of used cars and trucks today. All units
honestly represented, priced to sell, and guaranteed according
to year and model. QMAC financing available on all models.
See the full line of Maytag Laundry Appliances at Krotter’s
today. “The favorite for 3 Generations” has just come out with
an call new dryer—completely automatic. Don’t let the others
tell you they have something just like it, just as good, or some
dung better. Let us explain the difference in dryers to you before
you buy.
We have a good selection of Used Washers, (many Maytag
Wringer Machines), Maytag Automatics, and some good used
Automatic Dryers. See us today.
Complete display of the latest in Milking equipment on hand
at all times. See the famous milking equipment made by DeLaval
today Estimates without obligation.
. Phone 581
West O Neill
••Serving North Nebraska Since 1891”
Lee Wood of Lingle, Wyo., Thel
ma Shrader and Mrs. Vera Mc
Pherson of Neligh and Mrs. Eve
lyn Grey of Page. Mrs. Reid was
a guest of Mrs. Elmer Bergstrom
while in Ewing.
The Young Matron Pinochle
club was entertained Tuesday
evening at the home of Mrs.
Rose Bauer with Mrs. Ralph
Munn as co-hostess. Mrs. George
Tuttle, Mrs. James Boies and
Mrs. George Keller won prizes.
Refreshments were served by
the hostesses.
The Try and Do Home Exten
sion club was entertained Thurs
day evening at the home of Mrs.
Nadine Anderson. Twelve mem
bers were present. The lesson on
“Parents and Purse Strings” was
presented by Mrs. Wayne Pollock
and Mrs. Jerry Rotherham. Mrs.
Merlyn Meyer, president, presid
ed at the business meeting. The
group voted to donate to the fol
lowing: March of Dimes, Heart
Fund, Cancer Fund, Red Cross
and the Muscular Distrophy Fund.
Five dollars was given to the
local fund for little Steven Good,
son of Mr. and Mrs. James Good
of Ewing. Refreshments were
served by Mrs. George Keller.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wright and
family moved Friday to the ranch
home of his mother, Mrs. George
Wright. She moved to the resi
dence vacated by her son and
family in Ewing.
Guests Wednesday at the Er
nest Pierson home were Mrs.
Joe Tomjack, Mrs. Eva Kaczor
and Mrs. Maud Boies.
John Kallhoff, a former resi
dent of the Ewing community,
is hospitalized at Guthrie Cen
ter, la., where he now makes
his home. He is the brother of
Mrs. Anna Miller and Mrs.
Ludwig Koenig.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Pofahl went
to Omaha Friday where they at
tended the Midwest Golden Glove
semi-finals and finals, in which
his brother, “Butch” Pofahl par
ticipated. He was winner in Fri
day evening’s bout over A1 Phil
lips in the middleweight class. In
the finals Saturday evening, A1
Carbin of Omaha won by a split
decision over “Butch”.
Mr anH Mrc T.pp WooH who
have been guests at the home of
his sister, Vina Wood, for the
past three months, left Wednes
day to return to their home at
Lingle, Wyo.
A miscellaneous shower, honor
ing Mrs. Clifford Steskal, a bride
of the month, was held Thurs
day at St. Dominic’s hall. Forty
friends and relatives were in at
tendance. Decorations in blue and
white were in charge of Karen
Mlnarik, Bertha Harris and Shar
on Johnston. Leonora Tuttle and
Thelma Spangler were in charge
of the entertainment consisting of
games. All prizes were given to
the bride. Mary Ann Bauer and
Karen Mlnarik assisted in open
ing the gifts. Sharon Johnston was
in charge of the gift book. Mrs.
H. R. Harris substituted at the
guest book for her daughter, Ber
tha. The girls of the senior class
of the Ewing high school were
hostesses. Assisting with the serv
ing of refreshments were Mmes.
James Mlnarik, H. R. Harris, Ar
chie Johnston, Wilma Daniels
and James Tinsley. Servers were
Thelma Spangler, Sherry Daniels
and Judy Tinsley.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Munn were
hosts at their home Thursday
evening for the regular meeting
of their Pitch club. Guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Bergstrom, Mr.
and Mrs. John Miller and Mrs.
Rose Bauer. Prize winners were
R. H. Shain, Mrs. Bauer and Mr.
and Mrs. Knapp. Lunch was
served by the hosts.
World Day of Prayer was held
Friday afternoon at the River
side Free Methodist church with
the Methodist and the United
Presbyterian churches of Ewing
participating. Mrs. Bert Fink was
in charge and she opened the
meeting. Mrs. W. W. Elliott, Mrs.
Dale Napier, Mrs. Don Larson,
Mrs. Walter Miller, Mrs. Fink
and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett were
on the program.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks re
turned Monday from their vaca
tion trip to California where they
visited their son-in-law and daugh
ter, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Waters
and son, Douglas, and other rela
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hobbs
and Bobbie of Omaha were guests
at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs Sunday.
Phone Your News to
The Frontier
Phone 788
Rosedale News
Carol Mahlendorf
Phone 7374
H. Mahlendorf
Honored Sunday
On Birthday
Sunday dinner guests at the
Harry Mahlendorf home were
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Allen and fam
ily of Fremont, Carol Ellingson
of Sioux City and Ronnie Wither
wax. Other Sunday visitors were
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mahlendorf
and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Mahlen
dorf and family. The occasion
was Harry’s birthday.
Diane Nelson spent Tuesday at
the Fred Nelson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Land
holm were ooffee guests of Emily
Peterson Friday evening after the
World Day of Prayer service.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Johnson and
boys were Wednesday visitors in
Pastor Anderson went to the
Sunshine Bible Academy near
Miller, S. D. Friday for a visit.
Margaret Johnson accompanied
him back here and she spent the
weekend with her parents.
The Commission Covenant
Youth group held a Valentine
party at the church Tuesday
evening. Guest churches were
Spencer Methodist and Wes
leyan Methodist and Bristow'
Lutheran. A large crowd of
youth attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Johnson and
family spent Saturday with Os
car Anderson in Butte.
Carol Ellingson of Sioux City
spent Friday to Sunday at the
Harry Mahlendorf home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nelson
and Diane visited at the Fred
Nelson home Friday.
Mrs. Ivar Johnson visited at
the Roy Stockwell home Satur
Deloit News
By Mrs. H. Reimer
_ 1
Lambert Bartaks Go
Deep Sea Fishing
Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Bartak,
who have been vacationing in
Flordia, started home February
19. They have been doing some
deep sea fishing and caught fish
weighing around 54 lbs.
Madine Stearns and a school
friend from Lincoln spent the
weekend of February 11 and 12
at the Maynard Stearns home.
Mrs. Ralph Tomjack spent the
past week in an Omaha hospital
where she was 'undergoing a
check up.
The two small daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. James Koenig were hos
pitalided last week with pneumon
Mrs. Louis Pofahl returned
home from the hospital in Omaha
last week and is at the home of
her daughter and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Willis Rockey.
We had about 3 or 4 inches of
snow which fell Friday evening
and Saturday morning.
Mrs. Henry Reimer spent Fri
day night with Mrs. Sidney An
derson in O’Neill. They spent
Friday evening at the Clair Mc
Vay home.
Ralph Tomjack went to Omaha
Sunday. Mrs. Tomjack returned
home with him after spending
six days in the hospital there.
Butch Pofahl scored a decision
over Bill Talbot, Norfolk Legion,
in the Midwest Golden Gloves
Boxing Tournament in Omaha
Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert 1 arson
were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Reimer in Ewing
Tuesday evening.
Janice Bauer, who attends high
school at St. Boniface in Elgin,
is ill at her home with mumps.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fritz
moved to the Charles McDon
ald’s south farm from the El
gin locality last week.
Mrs. Dana Sisson has been hir
ed to teach the Deloit school for
the coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hanpster,
and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harpster
called Monday at the Roy John
son home in Neligh.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibbs and
family were Clearwater visitors
Winifred Johnson Kaminson has
Here's A Good Man To Know
Virg Morrow
• For Car Wash
• For Waxing Jobs
• To Steam Motors
• Install Seat Covers
and Accessories
To Give your car that spring feeling—see Virg
Your Ford Dealer
316 E. Fremont O’Neill, Nebr.
purchased a beauty shop on Ne
ligh main street. Miss Cooper is
the operator.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Bauer
took Mrs. Myrtle Jewell to Yank
to, S. D. Sunday. She returned to
her home in Dallas, S. D. They
visited a son-in-law, Harry Sprec
kles in the hospital in Yankton.
Riverside News
By Mrs. Lionel Gunter
Mrs. George Montgomery and
Mrs. John Miller and Ann were
O’Neill visitors last Monday af
Susan, Nancy and Rita Napier
are spending a few days at the
Dale Napier home while their
mother, Mrs. Richard Napier, is
in the Antelope Memorial hos
pital in Neligh.
Roger Strope and the Archie
Johnston family were dinner
guests last Sunday at the Gerald
Wettlauffer home in O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ahlers
and family of Wisner and the
Fred Ritter family of Tilden were
dinner guests last Sunday at the
Rudy Ahler home.
The Busy Hands 4-H club held
the first meeting Tuesday eve
ning at the Dale Napier home,
with 18 members present.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schneck
peper of Greenville, S. C. were
supper guests at the Wayne Fry
home Thursday.
The Wayne Fry family were
Neligh visitors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs Earl Pierson vis
ited Wednesday evening at the
Will Conner home in Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cary and
Nila of Bloomfield were Sunday
afternoon callers at the Lionel
Gunter home.
Mrs. Keith Biddlecome, Mrs.
Raymond Schmidt, Sharon and
Jeanette visited Sunday at the
Joe Hcgr home at Madison. They
also called on Mrs. Althea Peter
son at Neligh.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mont
gomery visited Sunday afternoon
at the Wilbur Mahood home at
Mr. and Mrs. Art Busshardt
and family of Neligh were guests
Sunday at the Dave Pollock
home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mil
ler were evening callers.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hobbs
and Bobby of Omaha spent Sat
urday night at the Dewitt Hoke
Mr. and Mrs. George Mont
gomery visited last Sunday eve
ning at the Jihn Miller home.
Mrs. Wilbur Bennett assisted
Mrs. Keith Biddlecome enter
tain the United Presbyterian
Women Thursday afternoon at
the Biddlecome home. There
were 14 members present.
The Riverside Free Methodist
Missionary society met Thursday
afternoon at the A1 Anson home
Ernst Trowbridge visited from
Tuesday until Thursday at the
Howard Miller home.
Becky Miller was an overnight
L. V. Gant & Sons Annual
Saturday, March 4
Selling GO head, 40 coming 2 year old bulls, 20 bred heifers
Sale will be held 2 miles west of Geddes, 8. D.
guest of Julie and Jody Fry and
Janie Fry sipent the night with
Ellen Miller.
Jaw Butler was a supper gjest
at the Leo Miller home Friday
in honor of his birthday anniver
Hie Rev. and Mrs. Ernst
Chambers were dinner guests at
the Grant Mott home Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Switzer ol
Clearwater called on Mr. and
Mrs. Ora Switzer last Sunday
The Mike Williamsons, Ix>r
raine Montgomerys, Grant
Motts, Teddy Hagemoser,
Wayne Shraders, Lester Berg
stroms, Leo Millers, Milan and
Bonnie Welke, IJonel Gunters
and the Melvin Scheers visited
Saturday evening at the Chet
Taylor’s home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom
ery visited last Sunday afternoon
at the Lester Kienow home at
Cecila Vandersnick is spending
a few days thus week at the
Wayne Fry home while her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Vandnr
snick, are in Omaha.
Mrs. Z. H. Fry and Mrs. Ralph
Munn visited Saturday evening
with Mrs. Richard Napier in the
Antelope Memorial hospital.
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