The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 26, 1961, Image 7

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    Atkinson News
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Colfack of
Atkinson were Sunday afternoon
callers at the home of their son,
Emil Colfack and family.
William Ahle went to Grand
Island Thursday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stein
foauser, Tommy and Peggy of
Stuart were Saturday afternoon
visitors with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Johnson and
Mr. and Mrs. William Mor
gan went to Sioux City last Fri
day where they consulted an
eye specialist for their son,
Peter, who had eye surgery.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson,
owners and operators cf the
Wheel Inn motel, returned Thurs
day after attending the funeral
of Accie Cummings at Sunny Side.
Wash. He was a cousin of Claude
Johnson. They were accompanied
by Cecil Bowman of Peru and
Jessie Jam of Berdnn.
Modern Furmrrettes will meet
at the home of Mrs. Perry Barnes
Thursday, Jan. 26.
Sunday evening dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bouska
were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hitch
cock and Mr. and Mrs. Len Ul
Mrs. Bud Wondercheck and
family of Newport visited her
parents in Atkinson Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bonenber
gesr and Jean went to Sioux City.
One Show Nightly 8 o’clock
Thnrs. - Fri. - Sat.
Jan. 26 - 27 - 28
Sun. - Mon. - Tues. - Wed.
Jan. 29 - 30 - 31 - Feb. 1
Tut Fugitive
— Kmo_
Monday on business.
The Guys and Gals 4-H club of
Stuart met Sunday afternoon at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Morgan and family.
Two new members were taken
into the club, Gordon and Bev
erly Dvorak.
After the meeting the group
practiced the skit which they
plan to give at “Fun Night” in
O’Neill soon. Lunch was served
and the group adjourned to meet
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don
Engler February 19.
Mrs. Ivan Roth and children of
Valentine left for their home Sat
urday after visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Roth in Atkinson and
friends in and around the Amelia
and Chambers area.
Sunday dinner guests in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roth
were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd John
son and family of O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. George Randol
and Mona Rae spent Sunday in
Valentine with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Roth and family.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr
and Mrs. Robert Le Munyan and
family were her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Smith and Mr. and
Mrs. Laurence Pacha.
.Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Morgan
returned from Omaha, where
Mrs. Morgan received medical
attention. She re-entered Atkin
son Memorial hospital.
Mrs. Albert Spann was a Fri
day evening caller at the home
of Mrs. William Wefso.
Page News
By Mrs. Ben Asher
WSCS met Thursday for the
regular meeting starting with a
covered dish luncheon. Several
men, who had been cleaning up
the church in the morning, re
mained for lunch. Coffee hostess
es were Mrs. N. D. Ickes and
Mrs. I. O. Woods. In the after
noon Mrs. Harold Heiss was in
charge of the devotion and the
lesson. It was announced that the
World day of Prayer will be held
February 17. An executive meet
ing which had been set for Janu
ary 30 was postponed until Feb
ruary 2 when it will be held
over the noon hour of the next
regular meeting. Thank you cards
were read from Mrs. Mina Stauf
fer and Mrs. Clarence Stevens. It
was also announced that the
sahool of missions will start. Sun
day nights in February. Sympa
thy cards were sent to Mrs. Rich
ard Copes, Mrs. Harry Snyder
and the Carlson family at Dix
on. Get well cards were sent to
Final and Complete Dispersion of
All our Livestock and Equipment
at the Atkinson Livestock Market, Atkinson, Neb.
All Bred To Registered Angus Bulls
175 Choice 3 and 4 year old Angus cows, all bred to registered
Angus bulls. Many of the cows are registered.
350 Big, roomy, yellow Hereford cows, 85% of which are 4 year
olds, the balance 5. Bred to registered Angus bulls.
All cows will be TB and Bangs tested, eligible to go anywhere.
There will be about 50 pairs of cows with January calves at side
and another 50 with November and December calves at side.
The balance will be closely sorted ior calving dates, starting
around the 15th of February to the 15th of June. They will be
sold in any number you desire.
150 Fancy Angus calves out of our Angus cows. 350 Angus-Here
ford cross, out of our Hereford cows and Angus bulls. 250 Here
ford calves that we bought last fall. Will run 60% steers and
40% heifers. All triple vaccinated. The heifer calves are also
I Bangs vaccinated. They will sell by the pound, in uniform lots.
The lightest fall calves weigh around 300 lbs., the spring calves
from 400 to 500 lbs. average.
We have used these bulls 2 seasons. All cows selling are bred to
these bulls and 90rr of the calves are sired by these bulls. The
oldest will be 4 years old this March, the youngest coming 4
years in November. All are TB and Bangs tested and we will
guarantee a fertility test if requested. 22 of the bulls were
bought from Archie McGregor. 12 from Jennings Bros., and
13 head from Miller Bros. They are the large type, not over
conditioned. Pedigrees will be furnished on every animal.
Machinery Sale Starts 10:30 a.m. Immediately South of Sale Bam
5 late model tractors—John Deere and Internationals. Massey
Harris “92” model self-propelled combine,' complete with pick
up and grass seed sieves. Massey-Harris 16 ft. self-propelled
grain swather. John Deere 1960 model deep furrow drill, 10
inch spacing with press wheels. Conventional J. D. 7-inch press
drill. Koiker portable grain elevator. Late 1960 model 2-row com
picker, John Deere with the new oiling system. An old Inter
national 2-row com picker. John Deere "Chuck Wagon” mounted
on a Ford chassis. Several feed wagons, one of them automatic.
2 International hydraulic discs. A straight disc. Two 4-section
harrows. Davis built crimper-cracker feed grinder. 2 J. D.
rotary' hoes. Allis Chalmers round baler. International hay
rakes. Mowing machines. 4 real good underslungs. Listers. Culti
vators. 2 late model tractor winches. 2 International. 1 all
American and 1 Farm Hand hydraulic loaders, complete with
all attachments. Last year’s model International single-row
silage cutter. A lot of good shop equipment, etc. Most of this
machinery is of 1936 to 1960 models.
These are only one year from certification and averaged 85
bushels to the acre, test weight 42 lbs. dry land. State germina
tion and purity tested. Buy them either for seed or feed in any
amount you desire.
Sale Conducted by Atkinson Livestock Market for
Ernie & Frances Weller, Owners
Atkinson, Nebraska
Mrs. Bertha Downey and Mrs.
Stella Russell.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher,
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and
Lyle and Valjean Park stopped
at the Ben Asher home Tuesday
after the basketball game frr re
freshments in honor of Harold
Asher’s birthday.
A few neighbors and friends
dropped in at the Roy Hansen
home Sunday night for a fare
well party for them. The Han
sens are moving to Omaha.
Cards were played for enter
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Matschullat
were dinner guests Sunday at the
Otto Matschullat home.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stewart
entertained the following for din
ner Sunday in honor of their mo
thers, Mrs. Carrie Sterner and
Mrs. Fanny Stewart for their
birthdays. The guests included
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mudlcff and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart
and Mickie, Mrs. Lei Neubauer,
Oscar Young, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Stewart and Robbie, Mrs. H. O.
Hill, Stevie and Leah of Orchard
and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Juracek
and Lyle of O’Neill.
Mrs. Frieda Asher entertained
members of the GGG and G
club when it met Friday. They
enjoyed an afternoon of playing
cards with Mrs. Hester Edmin
sten, Mrs. John Steinberg and
Mrs. I. 0. Woods winning prizes.
Mrs. Steinberg was a guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fetrow of
O’Neill and Mrs. Icie Snyder
were Sunday afternoon callers at
the home of Mrs. Stella Russell.
Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen
jr. and family of O’Neill attend
ed church services at Page and
then ate dinner with Mr. and
Mrs. Soren Sorensen sr. Mr. and
Mrs. William Sorensen and fam
ily joined them for lunch.
David, 15-month-son of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Summers, is
suffering from a recurrence of
an ear ailment for which he
was hospitalized at Thanksgiv
ing time.
Aftemocn and supper guests of
Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes were
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Belmar and
family of Ewing, Elbert Chiches
ter and Buster Noubeuer.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorensen
of Grand Island were Thursday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Soren
Sorensen sr.
On Saturday afternoon the fol
lowing ladies called cm Grace
Zellers to wish her “happy birth
day” that were Mmes. P. E. Nis
sen, Herb Stevens, Harley Kenne
dy, R. E. Copes, Frieda Asher,
Hester Edminsten and Grace and
Nell Woods. The self-invited
guests brought lunch.
School district 55 and their
teacher, Mrs. Gordon Harvey,
were guests Friday morning at
the George Wettlaufer heme to
watch the inauguration of Pres
ident Kennedy. Ihe pupils and
teachers as well as Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Stauffer and Nancy remain
ed for dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. William Anson
bought a farm at Springview near
the home of their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Clay. The Ansons are the parents
of Mrs. Harold Blaine of Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Park and
family were Sunday dinner guests
of Roy and Goldie Alder.
Page Extension club met Tues
day with Mrs. Harry Harper for
members and their husbands. Mr.
and Mrs. >N. D. Ickes were
guests. In the afternoon when
the ladies had their meeting the
men attended the Township meet
ing. Roll call was answered by
naming interesting reading ma
HOA met Tuesday with Mrs.
Harry VanHorn as hostess. All
members but one, Mrs. William
Neubauer, were present. Mrs, Mi
lan We Ike was a guest. The mem
bers did fancy work. Mrs. William
Wattermann will be next hostess.
Neighborhood club met Wednes
day with Mrs. Louise Heese. They
voted to give $3 to the polio
fund. Needlework was done for
the hostess. Mrs. J. W. Finch
won the door prize. Mrs. Leslie
Summers will be next hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch en
tertained members and their hus
bands Wednesday night at a card
party. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink,
Glen Harris, Mrs. Leslie Sum
mers and Mr. Leslie Summers
won prizes.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waring
visited Monday night with Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Finch.
He!p-U-club met Wednesday
with Mrs. Otto Matschullat for
a noon day dinner. The members
did fancy work for the hostess.
Mrs. William Buxton wen the
door prize. Mrs. A'ta Finch will
be the next hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waring
and Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Finch
were Tuesday night guests at the
home of Clarence Finch sr.
Hostesses were Mrs. Leila
Snell and Mrs. Evelyn Gray
Wednesday night when the RNA
lodge met at the 10OF hall.
There were eighteen members
East Side Kountry Klub met
Wednesday with Mrs. Dale Lewis.
Two visitors were present, Mrs.
Alvin Alberts and Mrs. Carl Max.
The ladies worked on their year
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach and
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski
went to Osmond Wednesday night
to play cards at the Gus Goelter
home. Mrs. Roach remained for
a few days with her sister, Ca
tharine Grosse Rhcde, also of
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat
were Sunday night guests at the
home of Mr. ami Mrs. Jay Treese
of Orchard.
Mrs. Frank Beelacrt taught
district 139 Friday as the regu
lar teacher. Mrs. Prill’s son,
Scott, was ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaert
and Becky and the Rev. and
Mrs. Robert Linder and Dick
were Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bee
Mr. and Mrs. Diin Troshynski
went to Merriman Sunday and
met their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd
Powell and children of Alliance.
The Troshynskis returned home
with the Powell children, Mary
Jo and Larry, who will stay with
them a week while Mr. and Mrs
Powell go to Denver on business
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher
and family were Sunday dinner
guests of Mrs. Frieda Asher.
James, son of Mr. and Mrs
Don Nissen, spent the weekend
at home. James is employed in
Mrs. Harold Blaine and students
of District 55 watched the inaugu
ration on television at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon, Mr
and Mrs. William Scheinost and
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy at
tended last Monday night county
meeting at Stuart,_
*V#o Delicious Meals (romtVte One Meat Buy
Sliced . . Lb. 35c £
6 to 8-lb. average
Tender and properly trimmed, hocks removed, cellophane-wrapped. Get one for
Sunday dinner and then use the remainder in a planned-over casserole for a
mid-week meal. These smoked picnics cost so little . . . yet °ive so much!
C „
In assorted speckled patterns
Instant Coffee Sw.S 69c fi
Ice Cream assorted flavors ... Carton 79t |
Pancake MixOL 3S39c |
Biscuit MixjiffyBnsi.*p£29t
Pure vegetable, aU-purpose ®
The shortening that’s ideal
for frying or baking
3-lb. Can 79«
Shortening Royal Shortening .. Can 69<
All-purpose, pure vegetable, smooth and creamy.
A first quality, Safeway guaranteed product!
|% _ ||_ Skylark—Multi-Grain, Brown Pkg. «l
rVOIIS & Serve, (Save 5c pack) .of 12 X4C
D D_I or Power Packed 16-oz. <t ft
rvye Dreaa Protein, Skylark Loaf | VC
Dry Milk ■eally instant, non-fat . .Pkg. 75«
Pork Steaks shoulder (Boston) Butt.Lb. ^^P€
,rZ“ Boneless Pork Roost.Lb 49c
Shoulder (Boston) Butt cuts, rolled and tied
Fine quality at a savings .. • that’s ivhat you get at your evcr'dependable Safeway!
H S ■ H ^ Mrs. Wright’s—Sweet 2 8-oz. 1 5 £ Ballard or 3 8-oz. 2 £
^ <&i 'JtfB Kl M 9 Milk or Buttermilk. . . A Pkgs. ■ . . .Pillsbury Pkgs. MV
Serve your family hot, steaming biscuits with U.S. Fancy, EMPRESS STRAINED FIONEY. .. .24-oz. Jar 4lV
Cake Mixes .16-oz. Package
Betty Crocker—Chocolate Swirl or Pineapple-Orange Angel Food, a new arrival at Safeway.
Dried Prunes...;«J5«
Town House—medium size, soak in pineapple juice before cooking, an ideal breakfast treat!
5c Candy Bars Save 2c on each bar.Each
Hershey Almond or Milk Chocolate . . . Baby Ruth . . . Butterfinger . . . Hershey Krackel ... Mr. Good Bar
Fruit Juice Pineapple-Orange .. 2 Cans 45c
ftiiAbiae Supreme—Dutch Apple, 1-lb. aQ_
U 0014165 fresh, Ideal for luncnes ....Pkg.
PaaI>!a* Sunshine—Hydro*, 1114-or QQa
UOOKieS cream fiUed, fresh.Pkg. WOG
PaaLiaa Nabisco—Oreo Creme 1-lb. 4ft ~ »
U00RIC5 Sandwich, Ideal with milk . .Pkg. *tSw
Chocolate Chips ....’nj 49c
Noodles N' Beef „„..■*•&; 3le
Chili with Beans Em,.35c
Ellis Tamales 1S&S2*. "°: ™ 29c
Brown Beans Western style 2 Cans 29c
Ellis Beef Stew Fashioned.Can 39c
Lima Beans N’ Ham w .. n.°<-“ 37c
Ellis Spaghetti ME ™«Noc" 29c
Stuffed Olives man zan ilia.Jar 39c
Sno-White Salt. 2ac£ Ile
n I _ -1, n._ _ . _ Trader Horn; ideal 4-or 4C.
DlaCK r epper tor seasoning.Can «JwC
Log Cabin Syrup on pancakes ... BtL 33c
Cold Drink Cups Dixie.of 25 31c
Toilet Tissue SS.’S'S* ....SS 29c
Fresh from California, seedless, Sunkist Brand
Navel Oranges
Medium size, easy-to-peel ^^^B jm|
Dozen If j/y
Have plenty on hand for school lunches and in-between snacks!
Tomatoes .,19c
Apples or Rome Beauty ... .2 lbs. 3 3c
Washington-State quality, ideal for cooking and baking
Celery natural greerTcolor.2 Stalks 35c
Yellow Onions medium sise.Bag 19C
Golden Book Encyclopedia
Volume No. 1.. .49c
Volumes No. 2 thru 16.. .99c
Complete 16 volume set.. .$15.34
You get more gifts for less books with Free
* with your purchases ... at SAFEWAY!
flf Mrs. Wright's 20-oz. Loaf, 21c — 1-lb. Loaf 19c