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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1961)
A Glance at Holt County Sports The Week in Pictures i ST \ K h A LOOSE ItALL ON THE FLOOR sends Chambers and St. Mary’s players scrambling for possession. Despite Chambers best efforts, tlie St. Mary’s crew racked up a 53-38 victory to earn them third place honors at the tournament. Cal Peter and Jim Spitzenberger I<mI the Cardinals anil Darrel Elkins was high point man for Cham bers. All-County Team Tourney Scenes Trophy Winners Golden Gloves » THE O’NEILL HIGH EAGLES downed a hustling Page quintet B5-60 Friday evening to win first place honors in the 24th annual Holt County Tournament. Playing without the services of Gene Har vey, who received an injured wrist and hand in the St. Mary-Page game, the Page crew displayed an abundance of hustle and deter ruination to crowd the Eagles through the entire game. O’Neill’s Rich Hill led the O’Neill boys with 21 points followed by John Kurtz with 16. Fred Cronk led the losers’ scoring attack with 21 points followed by Rod Kennedy with 15. This Is the first time that the O’Neill high Eagles have taken championship honors since 1953. The O’Neill high team Ls shown here receiving their first place trophy from Marvin Miller. I HOLLAND CLOSSON OF O’NEILL drives Mark Kube of Nor folk into the ropes in a semi-final bout fought Tuesday evening at the Golden Gloves in Norfolk. Closson, who weighed in at 127, went on to win the match in first night bouts. The win entitled Closson to a match with Henry Stevens of Sioux City in the finals held Wednes day evening. Stevens decisioned Bill Koenig of Norfolk to win his • '■rth in the finals. He is also one of the fighters who participated / t:ie j,re-golden gloves bouts held earlier in O’Neill. JERRY DEXTER (34) OF O’NEILL gets a firm grip on the ball as Fred Cronk (30) Loren Boelter (22) and Jon Cork (23) of Page look for a chance to grab it. Page was able to stay within a few points of O’Neill during the final game but were unable to take the lead. • V . ELEVEN PLAYERS WERE NAMED to the All Holt County Team named Friday evening at the Holt eounty tourney. The team members were chosen by the coaches and represent the best in in dividual talent and team play displayed throughout the tournament. There was a three way tie for ninth and tenth positions so all eleven players received recognition. Named were: Fred Cronk, Page senior; Post Office Authorizes Release of Conservation Stamp February 3 The United States Postal De partment has authorized the re lease of the third commemorative conservation stamp. The 4-cent stamp, printed In three colors, will be issued February 2 at the American Society of Range Manage ment’s annual meeting at Salt Lake City, Utah. The stamp will go on sale at the post of fice here the following day. The stamp is in two parts. One part is a reproduction of the famous drawing, ‘'‘Trail Boss,” by Charles Russell, the dis tinguished artist of western life. The other part shows a modern range conservation scene. The new stamp, symbolizes the development of range conserva tion from the pioneer days of the open range to today’s scientific tnanagement techniques. The first commemorative con servation stamp was one on Soil Conservation issued at the Soil Conservation Society of America’s annual metting at Rapid City in late August of 1959. The second was a Water conser vation stamp issued at the National Watershed Congress in Washington, D. C., in April I960. Ira Moss, local Postmaster stated that about 1,000 stamps would be on hand at the post of fice and that if any group wishes to make sizeable purchases of this stamp, requests should be made to the Post Office as soon as possible Bowling Results Men’s League Streamline League W L Pfister Hybrids 6 3 Page Oilers 5 4 Peppetruppers 5 4 Redibird Warriors 5 4 Methodist Men 5 4 Dankerts Warrengas 5 4 Bowes Seal Fast 4 5 Fehrs Trac. & Eqpt 1 8 High Scores: Bud Krugman 218 and 571; Dankert Warrengas, 836 and 2421. Round-LIn League W L Ye Olde Farmers 8 4 Prouty’s Cagers 7 5 Haymakers 7 . 5 K of C Red 7 5 Bazelman’s Service 6 6 Deloit Farmers 5 7 J. C. Maybees 5 7 Blue Chips 3 9 High Scores: Harry Spall, 216; F. Gilg, 569; Bazelman’s Ser vice, 2457; Deloit Farmers, 849. Varsity League W L Dick’s Bar 10 5 Johnson Jewelry 10 5 Old Home Bread 9 6 Drayton Elevator 9 6 O’Neill Cleaners 7 8 Hamm’s 5 10 Shelhamer’s Oil 5 10 Dodd’s Oil - 5 10 High Scores: Loren Wilson, 249; Ben Hanlon, 566; O’Neil] Cleaners, 939 and 2553. Classic League W L Legion Gold 37 26 K of C Green 36 27 TenPin Lanes 36 27 VFW Post 926 31 32 Ideal Cleaners 28 35 Cudahy Hams 21 42 High Scores: Levi Fuller, 205; Don McKamy, 531; Legion Gold, 866 and 2344. Shamrock League W L Shonka Agency 60 24 Van Vleck Motors 48 36 Scovies Western Auto 43 41 Fanners Store 42 42 O’Neill National Bank 40 44 Virg Laursen Ins. 38 46 O’Neill Lockers 37 47 Atkinson Teachers 34 50 High Scores: Ralph Larson, 221 and 557; Virg Laursen Ins., 842; Shonka Agency, 2407. Beef League W L Wick’s Body Shop 34 26 Sam’s Bar 33 27 New Deal Oil 32 28 Mac’s Bar 31 29 Page Oil Co. 31 29 Earley Oil Co. 29 31 O’Neill Auto Supply 28 32 Foree Tire & Supply 22 38 High Scores: Jack Everitt, 231 and 594; New Deal Oil, 918 and 2641. Chumps League W L Pinkerman’s TV 8 1 KBRX 6 3 Court House 5 4 Coast to Coast 5 4 Meadow Gold 4 5 Ewing Conoco 3 6 Diamonds 3 6 Gambles 2 7 High Scores: George Fuller and Rex W. Wilson, 213; Rex W. Wil son, 547; Coast to Coast, 844 and 2402. Women’s League Booster League W L Caterpillars 40 20 Dick’s Bar 36 24 O’Neill Auto Supply 30 30 J. M. McDonald 30 30 Town House 27 33 Hunt’s Plumbing 26% 33% Nite Owls 25% 34% Ten Pin Lanes 25 35 High Scores: Jo Ann Wecker, 204; Bernice Harrington, 496; Town House , 773; Caterpillars, 2129. Strikettes League W L Pinkerman’s TV 40 23 The Toppers 39 24 Page Oil 31 32 Coca Cola 31 32 Gillespies 31 32 Checkerboards 29 34 Seven Up 26 37 Candy Bill’s Cafe 25 38 High Scores: Virginia Tomlin son, 207; Phyllis Linder, 503; Pinkerman’s TV 707 and 2036. Majorette League W L L & R Cafe 39% 23% Orchard Implement 36 27 Ed Thorin Auctioneer 35 28 Melcinas 33 30 First National Bank 29 34 Lucky Strikes 28 35 Pin Pals 26 37 Harry R. Smith 25% 37% High Scores: Beulah Berney, 185 and 507; Lucky Strikes, 714; Ed Thorin Auctioneer, 1961. Chambers Cagers Place In Two Tournaments CHAMBERS—The high school basketball team fared well in re cent tournaments held in the county. In the Sandhills Gateway tour ney, the Chambers team placed second, and in the Holt county tournament, they placed fourth. Dennis Iekes, Page senior; Ron Selimeichel, O’Neill high senior; Dale Adams, Chambers junior; Jerry Dexter, O’Neill high senior; John Kurtz, O’Neill high senior; Cal Peters, St. Mary’s junior; Keith Kivett, Inman senior; Rleh Hill, O’Neill high sophomore; Larry Swanson, Chambers senior and Jim Johnson, Atkinson high junior. Old Timers Baseball Association To Hold Annual Meeting at Wayne Eight Teams Entered in Spencer Town Tourney The Spencer town team Tourna ment Will be held Sunday, Mon day and Wednesday at Spencer. Teams entered are Winner, O’ Neill, Lynch, O’Neill All Stars, Orchard, Page, Spencer and Lake Andes.1 All teams entered will see ac tion Sunday beginning with the Winner-O’Neill game at 2:30 pm. Ainsworth Nips O'Neill Eagles 84-82 Tuesday The O'Neill Eagles received their second set-back of the sea son Tuesday night when they were downed fay the “Fighting Bulldogs’’ of Ainsworth 84-82. The Eagles got off to a quick eleven point lead in the opening minutes of play but then watched Ainsworth pull up the slack and take the lead midway through the second quarter. The bulldogs led at half time 44-38. High scorer for the Eagles was Ron Schmeichel with 25 points. The 5’ 11” senior hit 9 of 10 shots from the floor and connected on 5 free throws besides recieving 2 points scored by an opposing player at the wrong basket, be cause he was high scoring game captain. Jerry Dexter followed with 18 points and Rich Hill hit for 15 for the losers. Four of the Bulldogs scored in double figures with Morgan and Jacobs leading the way with 20 and 19 points respectively. O’Neill’s next game will be this Friday night when they play host to Pierce. The Eagles record now stands at 10 wins and 2 loses. Deloit News By Mrs. H. Reimer Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Stearns vsited their daughter, Madine, in Lincoln Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harpster and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer were guests Sunday evening at the Glenn Harpster home in hon or of Mrs. Fred Harpster’s birth day. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bartak of Deloit, Mrs. Alice Lodge, Mrs. Vonie Paul of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Lodge of Petersburg attended the funeral for Mrs. Lodge’s sister, Mrs. Jim Feehan, Saturday in Grand Island. Bill Virdon, Pittsburg Pirates flashy centerfielder, will be the principal speaker at the Old Tim ers Baseball Association meeting at the Wayne City Auditorium, Wednesday evening, Jan. 25 at 8 o’clock. Virdon was one of the Pirates’ World Series stars. His timely hitting and sensational fielding figured prominently in his team’s victory over the New York Yankees. He should have many interesting stories to tell you about the World Series. Vern Hoscheit, president of the Three I League, will be toast master. Vern reached the high minors in the Yankee farm sys tem and at one time caught for the Norfolk State League. He is the son of Walt Hoscheit of West Point. Richie Ashburn, Tilden's major league star now with the Chicago Cubs, will also be present and will be called on for a few re marks. Joe McDermott, Yankee scout, and Bill Kimball, Wjflfe Sox soojt of Sioux City, are also ex pected to be present. Six old time ball players of Northeast Nebraska will be honored at this meeting. Thoee honored last year were: Perry Dunnaway, Plain view: '* Fred Forsberg, Wlnnetoon; Vgp/feu da, Verdlgre; Martin L. Ringer , Wayne and Frank Malone, Mad ison. The program committee, C. B. Misfeldt and Leo Jordon, has completed arrangements for some excellent entertainment. Lunch will be available for those who desire it and free refreshments. The meeting will be open4© the public. Old time ball players are especially invited to attend »nH enjoy meeting up with those asso ciated with the game “» their day”. ./ <»( Present officers are: Judge Lyle Jackson, Neligh, president; Ervin Kamrath, Madison, vice president, and Norris Weible, Wayne, secretary-treasurer. 1961 officers who will be install ed at the Jan. 25 meeting are: Ervin Kamrath, president; Leo Jordan, Carroll, vice-president, and Norris Weible, secretary treasurer. St. Mary's Cards Win Over Greeley 63-48 O’Neill St. Mary’s traveled to Greeley Tuesday night and came home with a 63-48 victory over Sacred Heart Greeley contested the game pretty closely until the last quar ter when the Cardinals poured in the points. Jerry Gokie’s 19 points was high for St. Mary's, Mud loff was next with 14, Donohoe had 13, and Spitzenberger came up with 12. Rodney Kennedy and Gene Harvey, co-eaptains for the Page Eagles, accepted the second place trophy on behalf of the Page team Friday evening.