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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1961)
Riverside News By Mn. IJonel Gunter Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter joined Mrs. Anna Pollock and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gunter of Odebolt, la., Mr. and Mrs. R. A Hord of Ewing and Duane Hord of Sycrause at the Dewitt Gunter home for dinner Sunday in honor of Florence Hoke's and Dewitt Gunter's birthday anniversaries. Mrs. Emily Johnston and the Archie Johnston family were din ner guests Sunday at the Wayne Lautensclager home. The Archie Johnston family were guests last Sunday at the Sylvester Reed home at Bruns wick. Kitty Wanser visited Saturday afternoon with Marilyn Johnston. The Rev. and Mrs. William Ross called Tuesday afternoon at the Archie Johnston home. The Robert Ahlers family of Wisner visited Saturday evening at the Rudy Ahlcrs home. Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Meyer of Wisner and the Fred Ritter family of Tilden. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock went to O’Neill last Tuesday and took Mrs. Rollie Snell, who had spent the past 10 days In the hospital there, to her home at Page. The Seek and Share project club entertained their husbands at an oyster supper Friday in the church annex. Mrs. S. S. Schlotman visited in Neligh Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry and Mrs. Richard Napier and Susan were dinner guests Tuesday at the Dale Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgo mery visited Wednesday evening at the R. A. Hord home. Richard Napier visited in Oma ha Tuesday. Mrs. Wayne Fry, Julie and Jody were Neligh visitors Satur day afternoon. The World Day of Prayer will be held at the Free Metho dist church February 17, as FINAL c On All Winter Merchandise AT APPAREL SHOP Come Early for these Wonderful Values DRESSES Values to 29.98 $5 and $!0 All these dresses are this year’s fall and winter stock. REAL VALUES SKIRTS Values to 12.98 $4 to Good Selections Sizes 8 to 16 SWEATERS Ban Lon — Wool — Fur Blends Values to 12.98 $2 *° Slipovers and Cardigans 4 CAR COATS Values to 19.98 NOW *10 ea. Sizes 10 to 12 PURSES Values to 5.00 NOW $1 to $2 Plus Tax JUST 6 LEFT WINTER COATS . sia to $30 TO 69.98 t&L ^ SLACKS One group in wool and blends. Values to 12.98 $5 to $8 Values to 10.98 HATS .. $1 to $4 BLOUSES Cotton and drip dry Terry Ship 'N Shore Values to 5.98 $2 ancl $3 NO RETURNS NO ALTERNATIONS APPAREL SHOP Winnie Barger, owner O'Neill stated by the Methodist, Church of Christ and United Presby terian churches. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Anson and the A1 Anson family were dinner guests Sunday at the Bert Fink home. Mrs. Melvin Napier entertained the Free Methodist Missionary Society Thursday afternoon. The Alfred Napier family were supper guests Sunday at the G. D. Ryan home. Mrs. Ed Hoag stayed with the John Napier children Saturday afternoon. The Charles Rotherham family visited Friday evening at the William Lofquist home. The George Keller family were supper guests last Sunday at the Alfred Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hord visited Friday evening at the Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hobbs were Omaha visitors last Mon day. The Richard Napier family were dinner guests Sunday at the Lynn Fry home. Mrs. Keith Biddlecome visited Friday evening at the Clarence Hahlbeck home. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgo mery visited last Sunday night at the Wilbur Mahood home in Orch ard. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson vi sited in Norfolk, Wednesday. Monday night Patty Lofquist stayed with Becky Miller and Steve Miller spent the night with Terry Lofquist. On Tuesday Joan Miller was an overnight guest of Cathy Lofquist. Mrs. Archie Johnston, Mrs. Martha Shrader and Alice visited in Norfolk Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Duane I’rimus moved from near Chambers Saturday to the Timm place and will work for Howard Mil ler. They were supper guests at the Miller home Saturday. The United Presbyterian wo men met Friday afternoon at the Lionel Gunter home. Mrs. William Ross helped with the lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hobbs vi sited Friday evening at the George Montgomery home. Mrs. Elmer Williamson and Jo Ann, Mrs. Leo Miller and Joan, Mrs. Grant Mott and Sharon, Mrs. Lester Bergetrom and Carolyn and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Scheer and Faye visited Friday evening at the John Miller home. The Leo Miller and Walter Mil ler families were guests last Sun day at the William Lofquist home. The Archie Johnston family were supper guests Friday at the Martha Shrader home. Barbara Johnston was an overnight guest. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter attended funeral services Thurs day afternoon at Elgin for Mrs. Lucinda Cooper. Alice Shrader went to Mead Sunday afternoon to visit a couple of days at the Verl Gunter home. Warranty Deeds QCD-Charles Prussa jr., to Frank Prussa 1-18-61 $1 SWy4 5 SEy4 6 NW'/i 30-29-14 and EV2 1 29-15. QCD-Frank Prussa to Charles Prussa jr., 1-18-61 $1 NEy4 7 SWy4 19-29-14 and S% 26 and E^ and NW% 27-29-15. WD-Bessie Burge to Harold Burge 1-16-61 $20,000 % int. in E^ swy4 8 NEy4swy4 s%swy4 SEy4 18 NEV4 N%NWy4 19-28-12. WD-Bessie Burge to Harold Burge 1-16-61 $3,250 % int. in lots 12-13-14 and 15 blk 49 McCaf ferty’s add O’Neill. WD-Harold Burge to Bessie J. Burge 1-16-61 $4,800 Vz int. in lots 5 and 6 blk O Fahys Park add O’ Neill. WD-Raymond F. Wilkinson tc Lois P. Breiner 12-23-60 $3,000 So 50 ft. lot 16 blk 6 O’Neill. Phone Your News To The Frontier Phone 788 Just Pho le 74... And Say FIX IT! Let Our Fix-It Service Help You On HOME IMPROVEMENT OR HOME REPAIR PROBLEMS Floor or Wall Tils Ceiling Tile Small Remodel Jobs Roof-to-Basemenfr Repair Service Venus News By Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser Mrs. Otto Matschullat enter tained the Help U club January 18 at her home. Eleven members and one visitor, Mrs. Jessie Cronk attended. The hostess served dinner at noon. The after noon was spent in doing needle work for the hostess. Mrs. Wil liam Buxton received the door prize. Mrs. Alta Finch will have club February 1. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Finch and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waring vi sited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch Tuesday evening. January 14 dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sladek were Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Finch sr., Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Sladek and son of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sufficool and Craig and Steven of Ver digre. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Boelter of Creighton and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boelter and Loren vi sited during the weekend at the home of their mother, Mrs. Edna Boelter. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ickler were hosts at an oyster supper at their home January 15 in honor of their son, Stanley, who will leave for the armed forces January 29. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ickler of Royal, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schwager and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Schwager and son of Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Knapp and family of Ne ligh, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thelander and son, Mr. and Mrs. J. Alder of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. V. Jackson, Tommy and Patty and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ickler and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook houser were January 18 evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bartos and family. Willis Waring had the cast re moved from his knee Tuesday. The injured leg is getting along as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch visited at the William Buxton home near Page Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elden Butterfield were January 16 evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch sr. Mrs. Thuber is helping with the work at the Harry Metteis farm home. Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffrey, Paul Lee and William Jeffrey were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Haba near Bloomfield. Sunday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boelter and Loren were Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffrey, Paul Lee and William Jeffrey. Mrs. Clara Groeling of Creigh ton visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Rokahr Tuesday. Mrs. Donald Kinnison is a patient in a Sioux City hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Caskey, Suellyn, Joan and Douglas were Wednesday over-night guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey. Lester Watterman accompanied by the Jeffrey brothers motored to Bloomfield Wednesday. Mrs. Arden Laursen is a patient at St. Anthony’s hospital at O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Caskey at Norfolk Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook houser were Tuesday evening dinner guests at the Ray Brook houser home in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boelter were Norfolk visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coover entertained a group of relatives at a dinner January 15 in honor of Mrs. Coover’s father, John Frisch, and her sister, Mrs. George Heggemeyer’s birthdays. Those present were Mr. Frisch, Mr. and Mrs. George Hegge meyer and Eddie, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frisch, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ruzicka, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dranselka, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heggemeyer and family of Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch jr., visited with his sister, Mrs. Gordon Gentzler, at Tilden Tues day evening. Mr. Gentzler is coach of the Tilden high school. They attended the ball game be tween Tilden and Creighton that evening. January 18 dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hansen and family of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Butterfield, Mr. SEE Bankerslifeman — Ernie Brinkman IN ATKINSON V • ' ■1 - about buying a Fortune on the Installment Plan ' ~~ and Mrs. Ora Caskey and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Caskey ami family, Mr. and Mrs. Kennth Caskey and family of Norfolk and Kenneth Carnell, Carmon and Roy of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Butterfield and family of Center were evening guests. Harold Gerdes of Osmond spent a few days last week with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Finch. Mr. and Mrs. Hryan Finch vi sited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claus Vogt at Naper January 15. Mrs. Finch and Mrs. Vogt are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Verlyn Gibbs, Randy and Terry of Clearwater were January 15 dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey. I WHEN IT'S A Q "MATTER OF *f FORMS" SEE US 3— We print forms for every business need H Let us design and print to perfection the forms that will suit your business to a T. On anything from a label to a letterhead, get our sugges tions and estimates. * THE FRONTIER Phone 7KH — O’Neill KUBIK CLOSING I Because I have decided to quit farming and have sold my farm I will sell the following described personal property at Public Auction at the farm (known as part of the Carl Grant ranch) LOCATED—From O'Neill, 11 miles east, 10 north, 4 east, 3 north, 1 east and ^2 north . . . OR . . . from Verdigre, 12 miles west, 3 north, 3 west and l/2 north ... OR ... 22 miles southeast of Lynch (watch for Farm Sale Arrows) on . . . Monday, January 30 Sale Starts at 1 p.m. 115-ft. John Deere disc, very good Mounted lister for Allis Chalmers John Deere Eli (go-dig), very good FARM MACHINERY Rubber-tired wagon with grain box John Deere rubber-tired wagon gear and hayrack John Deere 16-in. plow, good shape Letz Burr Mill with blower 300-Gal. fuel tank on stand with hose I 20 HEAD OF CATTLE 20 4 Black Angus cows to freshen Apr. 1 2 Black Angus cows, calves at side Whiteface Hereford cow, calf at side Whiteface Hereford cow, fresh Apr. 1 REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS BULL WITH PAPERS. Out of Revell herd Blue Roan cow ( 2 Black Whiteface cows, freshen soon Black Angus heifer to freshen soon 2 Black Angus bull calves, 11 mos. old Black Whiteface bull calf I Black Angus heifer About 8 stacks first crop alfalfa 4 Stacks second crop alfalfa 2 Stacks third crop alfalfa HAY & GRAIN 2 Stacks of hay & sweet clover mixed Stack of alfalfa & sweet clover mixed 500 Bushels of oats (wt. about 42 lbs. per bu.) Stack of last year's prairie hay 250 Bushes of ear corn in crib 200 Bushels of rye HOUSEHOLD GOODS I I Coronado Electric washing machine Combination propane-wood kitchen range Dining room table and chairs Big buffet for dining room Dining room couch Some dishes, silverware and other articles too numerous to mention I TERMS: CASH. No Property to be Removed Until Settled For I GEORGE KU IK, Own r I RUDLOFF BROS., Auctioneers FIRST NATIONAL BANK, O'Neill, Clerk I