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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1961)
Paul Hiatt Is Injured in Eye When Struck by Cow's Tail Paul Hiatt received a painful Injury to his eye when hit by the rows tail as he* was [jutting on the milkers. A small piece was cut from the eye hall. Earlier in the week he received a cut above the same eye when some wrenches he was using (jn some machinery slipped and hit him. Amelia News By IVHhh Florence Undiwij Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cihal and son, Andy, of Omaha were vi sitors over Memorial Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boshart north of O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman went to Sioux City, la., Sunday to get their daughter, Marcia, who attended Momingside col leg e the past year. She will visit at home for a week and then return to school for the summer session. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White, H. S. White, and Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett attended the golden wed ding anniversary celebration Sun day afternoon for Mr. and Mrs. Chris Madsen of Burwell. Mr. and Mrs. Vera Kaiser and family and Art Kaiser of Hardin, Mont., wen? here to attend the wedding of their niece, Miss La veme Whitcomb to John Kamp haus Saturday. Cathy Lee Fix fell on a sharp piece of old machinery while playing in the yard. She was taken to the doctor and three stitches were taken to close the wound. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fix. Mrs. Julia White returned to her home in Atkinson Thursday after visiting over Memorial Day with friends in the Amelia com munity. She spent Monday night with Mrs. Lindsey and Tuesday night with Mrs. Link Sageser. She went to the home of her nephew, Glenn White Wednesday and vi sited until Thursday, going to Atkinson with Mrs. Eklith Ander sen. Charlie Sigman returned home Saturday evening from a visit with relatives at Edgar. His daughter, Mrs. Cecil Brown, Omaha came for him May 25. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Sageser and Mrs. Link Sageser attended the wedding of Dorine Gleed at Chambers Methodist church Fri day. She was married to Charles Blevins of Alta Vista, la. A school board meeting was held at the schoolhouse Wednes day evening. Tom Murray and daughters. Cle ta and Demaris, of O’Neill visit ed in the Floyd Adams home Wednesday evening. Mrs. Lindsey and Florence were O’Neill callers Wednesday. Mrs. Vem Sageser accompa nied Mrs. V. Robertson to Norfolk Thursday to attend an iris show. Mrs. Bob Blackmore and daughters, North Platte, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Watson, Joyce and Sharon the past week. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Blackmore and with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Tib betts and family at O’Neill. Dick Doolittle and Vem Sageser attended the Hereford meeting in O’Neill Tuesday evening. Cousins of Clyde Widman from Chapman visited at the Widman home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle, Mrs. Gertie Adair and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson visited Mrs. Bob Adair. Jerry and Diane Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Svatos were O’Neill callers Thursday. Mrs. Floyd Adams, Mrs. Blake Ott and Sally Landrum were At kinson callers Saturday. Mrs. Adams has been consulting a doctor there as she has not been well for sometime. WSCS met with Mrs. Ernie Jonhston Wednesday. The Rev. Ernest Chambers has been painting the house and other buildings at the Arthur Hiatts LEMON MIST 1C CREAM It’s lemon ice cream as you like it—by Meadow Gold, of course—with flakes of lemon stick candy and a delicate lemon flavor that filters through on every spoonful. Dandy! Ask for it everywhere. the past week. Mrs. Della Ernest received graduation announcements from Karen Canr and Sonja Marcei lus. They are nieces of Mrs. Ernst. Karen lives at Santa Monica, Calif., and Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Em mett Oarr, and Sonja Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Marcellus of Montebello, Calif. The Rev. Cox, pastor at Ameha and Chambers Methodist churches attended the annual conference at Omaha the past week. He ex pects to return to this charge again for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. August Pospichal attended Memorial services at Dwight, and were overnight guests with her brother, Otto Koboz and family at Rising City. Gary and Gregg Pospichal of Atkinson are visiting their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Pospichal. The Altar Society of the Catho lic church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sladek Sunday for a picnic dinner with a busi ness meeting and social time following the dinner. Mrs. Vem Sageser, Mrs. Link Sageser and Mrs. Van Robertson attended the iris tour in Atkinson Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Sperling and family, Cotesfield, were Mem orial Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo. Mrs. Paul Fisher and Mrs. Clyde Burge went to Omaha Sat urday to meet Dorothy Fisher who was returning home for the summer from Greenville, 111., where she completed her junior year in college. Miss Venita White also returned with them from a visit with her sister Myr tle in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. Berl Waldo at tended the nnen house for Mr and Mrs. Chris Madsen at Bur well Sunday. The Madsens were observing their golden wedding. Tony Kamphaus of Verdel vi sited Mr. and Mrs. Anton Svotas over Saturday night and Sunday. He had teen here to attend the wedding of his brother, John Kamphaus, and LaVeme Whit comb Saturday at Amelia Metho dist church. Glen Siebkin, Denver, Colo., visited relatives in the Amelia vicinity Saturday. He had been to the Chambers cemetery to care for his mother, Mary Gil man Siebkin’s grave. He and his family are moving to Grand Island. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adair and boys was the scene of the Gilman family re union Sunday. Present were Mrs. Gertie Adair, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adair, Jerry and Diane, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schmitt, Sara, Margie and Bill, jr., DesMoines, la.; Mrs. Mabel Enbody, Winlock, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bal lagh and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bilstien and Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Tomme Doolittle and fami ly, all of Amelia; Mr. and Mrs. Bus Enbody and daughters, At kinson; Mrs. Stella Sparks and Lonnie, Chambers; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Everett and Harley Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Claussen, Debra, Linda and Harold Lynn, Denver. Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Har old Gilman, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thompson, Barbara and Pamela, and Sam Gilman, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilman, Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hyland of Stuart. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! INSURANCE Hospitalization Mutual of Omaha LIFE United of Omaha Oscar Spitzenberger Box 667 Telephone 888 O'Neill, Nebr. Office at 429 Xorth 3rd Street 38tf REG. *4.98 4-PLAYER SET 344 Everything you need for a four-party game fitted into a plastic carrying case to take along on picnics, vacations . . . summer funl Set includes 4 rackets, 2 shuttle cocks, 2 extension poles, 19-ft. net, instruction book. Shop Ben Franklin and Patton's O'Neill Page News By Mrs. Ben Alter WSCS Group to Have June 11 Student Day WSCS met Thursday in the Wes leyan room of the Methodist church. Mrs. Alton Braddock had the devotion and lesson entitled “Home for the Refugees”, as sisted by Mesdames John Stein berg, Arnold Stewart, Jessie Kel ly, Raymond and Harold Heiss. Mrs. Edgar Stauffer was the pi anist. Mrs. Raymond Heiss, new ly elected president, conducted the business part of the meeting. Floors are to be the special pro ject of the members this fall. June 11 was designated to be stu dent day. The recognition of read ing points was discussed. A get well card was sent to Mrs. Gina Cronk. Hostess were Mrs. R. F. Park and Mrs. R. V. Crumly. Chatter Sew club met at the home of Mrs. Harry Thomsen. The members worked on their own work and made plans to have a picnic June 25. Mrs. Merwyn French jr. and girJs spent from Thursday to Sunday visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Olson at Oakland. Stephanie and Julieanne remain ed with their grandparents for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski visited Mrs. Art Givens in the Atkinson hospital Sunday. They also visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Babl. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher and girls of Atkinson and Mrs. Robert Asher and children of Al liance were last Monday over night guests of Mrs. Frieda Ash Cl . Mrs. Cyril Hansen and children of Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Kelly and Mrs. Anna Thompson went Monday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Grimes in Chambers. Mrs. Hansen and child ren returned to her home in Car roll Tuesday. Mrs. Dale Matschullat and Jo an were Sunday to Wednesday guests with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harrison in Lincoln. Little Jan Matschullat stayed with Mr. and Mrs. A1 Anthony in Inman while her mother was away. Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlau fer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wettlaufer and family of Page, Mrs. Gerald Wettlaufer and Gary, Mrs. Andrew Wettlau fer, all of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd May and family of Van Nuys, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stron g and children , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Strong and Terry and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stevens and family of Norfolk attended a picnic Sunday at the park in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Kelly went to Stanton for Memorial Day and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Reed near Stanton and Mr. and Mrs. 9. R. Reed at Bruns wick. Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Woods of Cen terville, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Ed gar Woods, Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher and family of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Mernon Chase and Betty left Tuesday for their home in Portersville, Calif. Mrs. Chase had been here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mat schullat and other relatives. Ben Asher, Page, Floyd But terfield, Atkinson and Homer Ernest, O’Neill, all ASC commit teemen and William Miller, of fice manager entertained Mr. and Mrs. Mack Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lohaus, Francis Hav ranek, Miss Margaret Mullins, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Latzel all of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ad ams, Chambers, and Mrs. Asher and Mrs. Butterfield at a supper party Thursday night at the Town House. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Coday of Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Edw Coday of Chambers were Sunday guests in the George Wettlaufer home. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mudloff, Norman and Dale were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Davis of O’Neill. The annual June breakfast of the Improvement club was held Monday morning at the Improve men clubhouse. There were 15 members and one guest, Mrs. Lorenz Riege, present. Installa lation of officers was held. Mrs. Robert Asher and child ren returned to their home in Al liance Monday. She had been here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleby, Inman, Mrs. Har old Asher and Mrs. Dan Nissen, and Mr. Asher’s mother, Mrs. Frieda Asher, as well as other relatives. Connie Nissen and Di ane Kemper, both of Page, ac companied her home. Mrs. Harry Pappas and family, Lincoln were here for the week end. She returned home Sunday taking her grandmother, Mrs. R. D. Copes, back with her for a short vacation. Major and Mrs. Lynn Lamason and children, Omaha, are visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lamason. Mrs. and Mrs. Edd Stewart and Mickie left Monday for Kearney where Mr. Stewart is attending a custodian school. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aughe of Norfolk visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. King and family and Mrs. Mary King, all of York, were here from last Fri day to Sunday visiting in the Roy Zellers home. Mrs. Robert Frels and children met Mr. and Mrs. Larry Taylor and Mark of Scottsbluff at Thed ford and accompanied them here where she visited in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mer wyn French sr. The Taylors vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and Ron and Linda Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Don Nisseen and girls, Jean Nissen, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and family and Mrs. Frie da Asher were among those from Page who attended a picnic at the O’Neill park last week. GGG and G chib met Friday with Mrs. Clarence Stevens. Cards were played with Mrs. Elsie Cork, Mrs. Anton Nissen and Mi's. Otto Matschullat winning prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschul lat were Friday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Goeke of Atkinson were Sunday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyndley Crumly. Linda, Lurene, Vonda and Chuckie Asher were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher, visited Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Robbins at Rushville. A no-host dinner was held at the J. W. Finch home last Sun day, with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Taylor and Mark of Scottsbluff and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tay Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pease and family, Niobrara, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waring were Mem orial day dinner guests of Mrs. Ethel Waring. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink attend ed Bible school program Sunday night of the Methodist and United Presbyterian church in Ewing. Their son, Bruce, stayed with his grandmother, Mrs. Kitty Fry, at Ewing so that he could at tend school there. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hurst, Red field, la., and their son, Fred Hurst of Pierre, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller, Chambers, and Glenn of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray, Page and their son, Veldon of San Francisco were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart. Mrs. Hurst, Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Stewart are sis ters of Mr. Miller. Veldon Gray left last Thursday for his home in 9an Francisco where he is employed by the Grey Hound Bus company. Mr. and Mrs. Lei and Stalling and daughter of Orchard were Sunday evening guests in the Ed Eggan home. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Copple and family spent Memorial weekend with heir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge. Mr. Copple is recuperating from a knee operation and is getting along just fine. They will spend there summer in Greeley, Colo., where Mr. Copple will attend school and receive his master’s degree. Memorial dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fin lay were Mr. and Mrs. Vernie Finlay and daughter, Mrs. Jim Good and family, James Nissen and Diane Cork. Afternoon cal lers were Mr. and Mrs. Leland Finlay and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Finlay and Sheila of Bronson, la., spent the Memorial weekend with relatives at Page. Mrs. Lawrence Finlay of Wellington, Colo., who had been a guest at the Bert Finlay home since Saturday, returned home with them. Jim Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gailen Miller, left Friday for San "Free Free" Sunday Morning Special With every purchase of beer to take out — a FREE Sunday World Herald. This offer good every Sunday for remainder of the summer. Joe Langan's Tavern Diego. His parents took him to Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch were Wednesday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French sr. for an outdoor supper. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Handke of Clark, S. D. visited last Friday morning with Mr, and Mrs. Or ville Kemper. In the afternoon they called on his aunt, Mrs. Em ma Kemper. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ballantyne and family and his mother, Mrs. J. O. Ballantyne of Independence, Mo., spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wegman. Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen jr and family were Sunday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes. Dennis Ickes was home for the weekend. He is employed at the Howard Miller home in Ewing. Mrs. Merwyn French jr. began Tuesday to give private piano lessons to 12 pupils ranging from the first grade to seniors in high school. Plans are being made for an organ class to begin soon. Elmer and Harlan Saltz spent last week touring the Black Hills, Estes Park and Rocky Mt. Na tional Park. They also visited points of interest in Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Troshynski went to Wayne Friday. On Mon day they registered for the sum mer session at Wayne State Teachers college. Hugh will teach in Orchard this fall. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cronk were Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Roach and Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Richstatter and Jimmy of Os mond. The occasion was Joan v^ruuik £» ursi communion. A family get-together was held at the Improvement club building Memorial Day. The guests includ ed Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cronk, Fred and Julie, Mr. and Mrs. Lar ry Heiss and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cronk and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fetrow, Mrs. Ed Pierson, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lorenz and family, all of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Wood and family of Elm Creek, Mrs. Char les Cronk and Mrs. Bess Wanser of Fremont. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Saltz ob served their 25th wedding anni versary with a family dinner Sun day. Relatives were present from Ewing, Norfolk and Spencer. Their daughter, Mrs. Merle Sehi, baked the cake. The Saltzes were married June 3, 1936 at Bruns wick. She was the former Augus ta Johnson and ran a beauty shop at the time of her marriage. The Saltzes are the parents of four children, Elmer, Duane, and Harlan and Mrs. Merle (Lois) Sehi. Mrs. Jessie Cronk was a house guest of Mrs. Ethel Hall in Or chard from Thursday to Sunday. Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge accom panied Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fus selman to Omaha Tuesday where she attended the Nebraska annu al conference of the Methodist church at St. Paul’s church in Omaha. A no-host dinner was held Mem orial day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Summers. Among those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Copple and family of Norfolk,Mr. and Mrs. Dick Trow bridge and family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trowbridge and family and Mrs. 0. A. Weber. Mr and Mrs. C. E. Walker and Larry spent Sunday visiting rela tives in Norfolk which included the Anthony Craig family and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Baber. Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French sr. took their daughter, Mrs. Ro bert Freis and children, to her home in Hershey Friday. Mrs. Freis had been here visiting for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kennedy entertained at a picnic Memorial Day. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Allely and daughter, Jean, of TcJtamah, Mrs. E. L. Deming, Blair, Mrs. Genevieve Mumford, Beatrice, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Albright, Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ken nedy, Ainsworth and Mr. and Mrs. William Sorensen and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ken nedy and Pat of Page. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cronk en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trowbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Dar rell Heiss, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Heiss Friday evening. Cards were played and homemade ice cream and cake were served. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski will leave Sunday for Alliance where she will enter St. Joseph hospital in Alliance Tuesday morning to undergo surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prill ;ind Scott were Sunday dinner guests of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper. Mr. and Mrs. Berget Wiseman of Ogallala were May 28 sup per and overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Steinberg. Mr. and Mrs. John Steinberg, Mrs. Marie Clemans and Mrs. Paul Hartigan and Donelle at tended the wedding of Miss Jan ice Steinberg and Wayne Hoff man at the United Brethren church in Orchard 9unday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Don Prill and family of Spencer, la., spent their week’s vacation with his mother, Mrs. Bertha Prill of Page. The Nifty Needlers 4-H club met at the home of Andrea Wett laufer May 31. The members an swered roll call by telling “How I Can Improve my Manners'’. The Lets Sew members discussed different size needles and their use. They looked at their towels and were told to bring their ap ron material to next meeting. The Skirt and Blouse members put in a zipper and gathered a skirt. The Lounging and Sleeping mem bers discussed pockets, stay stitching, and decided to have their dusters done in June. The Beginning Meal planning division judged food menus. The cakes and pies members learned how to roll out pie dough. The first year food preservation division got books and discussed projects. Connie Summers was in charge of games. The next meeting will be with Laurie and Roberta Schei nost. Jolene Grass will have games, Reporter, Roberta Asher. WARRANTY DEEM WD-Mary Whaley to Margaret L Timmerman & hus 5-29-61 $1 Lots 3 St 4 Blk J- McCafferty’s 2nd Add- O’Neill. SHERIFF’S DEED-Leo S Tom jack to John Conard 2-7-55 $10 Lots 9 & 10 Blk G- All Blk H Lyons Add- Emmet. QCD-Nelle M Scott to Leo F Harte 7-20-59 $100- 3 acres in SEV* 17-28-10. WD-Edwin A Sevcik to Carl G Schenzel & wf 5-29411 $10,200 West 35 ft lot 4 & East 20 ft lot 5 Blk 14- O’Neill. WD-John Shald to Ivo L. Shald and Sandra Shald 6-2-61 $l-NVi NEti 10-30-16. QOD-William J Humipal to Re gina J Witter-no date- $1- Non descripts Nos 40 & 46 in SEV« 32 30-14. QCD-Arthur Humpal to Regina J Witter 5-26-61 $l-Non No. 40 St 46 in 32-30-14. WD-Edw Humpal to John W Schorn & wf 5-24-61 $1-S& lots l 6 2 Blk 2- Collins Add- Atkinson. WP-Eleanor Rothchild to Lyle H Worden & wf 5-25-61 $23,760 EViNWVii-EVfc 22-Twp 25-Range 15 except 3.842 acres deeded to State of Nebr. WD-Marcella Bollwit to L A St W A Hobbs 3-24-61 $12,800-WW 6-25-9. WD-Phillip Cohn to Tony Asi mus 10-3-60 $4000 Lots 19-20-& 21 Blk B- O’Neill & Hagerty’s Add O’Neill. QCD-John .1 Dougherty to Lucy Dougherty 3-61 $1- NWV4- SEVi 11 SW'ASEVi 13- SEVt 24-27-10 Subj to indebtedness. HARTZ CERTIFIED Go To Scovie's For HARTZ SEED CORN We Have A Replanting Agreement ALL EARLY HYBRIDS SCOVIE'S WESTERN AUTO STORE... O’Neill A Gift With Every Sale TO CUSTOMERS OF CONSUMERS PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT_ III We wish to express our appreciation for the excellent response to our recent survey regarding proposed jjj Legislation to prevent Public Power Districts from selling household appliances (LB-578). Since we have received requests for the results of the survey, we feel it is our obligation to give you this in formation. m 76.2% of the opinions expressed were opposed to prohibiting the District from selling electrical appli ances. i • • • • Cards were sent to every 10th name on the customer list, asking the following question: "Should Consumers Public Power District be pro hibited from selling electrical appliances?" Opinions expressed on the cards re turned were NO — 76.2% Yes — 23.8%. Consumers Public Power District