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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1961)
Celia News Mrs. Merrill Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Roy Huffman and sons attended a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Beck Sunday evening in honor of Mr. Beck’s birthday. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Orval Beck and son Jerry, Springfield, Mr and Mrs. Robert Jonas and fami ly, Mrs. James Beck, Inez Hayes and Charles Jonas, all of Atkin son. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Frickel and family were dinner guests Mon day at the home of Mrs. Frickel's brother, Felix Laitole and family. Approximately 75 [x-rsons at tended the charivari for Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Goeke, who were married May 21 at Page. Mr. and Mrs. Merill Anderson visited at the home of their son, Merlyn Anderson, Monday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKath nie attended the high school alum ni banquet at Inman Saturday night. Honored were the graduat ing classes of 1911, 1936 and 1961. Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKathnie and family attended the all-day consecration services at the Meth odist church in Atkinson Sunday. The Celia 4-H club met Fri day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKathnie with 16 members and their parents at tending. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman conducted a training les son on square dancing. A busi ness session with discussions on money raising projects and fu ture plans was held with Milton McKathnie in charge. The next meeting will be held June 15 with a wiener roast at the Clarence Foeken home. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heiser went to the home of Mrs. Heiser’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dobro volny, to get their son, Jerald, ■who had been there visiting since Thursday. While there Jerald at tended the school picnic. Other guests in the Dobrovolny home were their daughter, Gloria Dob iovolny, who is a beauty opera tor in Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beelaert of Page and Mr. and Mrs. Don Dobrovolny and daugh ter, Donna Rae. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Frickel and family visited at the home of Mrs. Frickel’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Laible of Stuart Thursday evening. A sister of Mrs. Frickel’s, Sister Beatus of Milwaukee, Wis., is spending a brief vacation with her parents. Mr. tind Mrs. Joseph Laible cele brated their 33rd wedding anni versary with a family dinner at their home Sunday. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Frickel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred White and son, Darrel, Schuyler, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Laible, Stu art, and Sister Beautus of Mil waukee, Wis. A son, Father Ad rian of Ft. Gates, N. D., arrived Monday and that evening a fam ily gathering was again held at the Laible home. All the family was able to be present for the occasion except a son, and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Laible, Salem, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman and sons attended the baseball game in Atkinson Wednesday eve ning between East O'Neill and Atkinson’s Little League team. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hoffman and sons, Roger and Garry were all day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Beck Friday. Mrs. Le Roy Hoffman will be teaching the nursery class at the Daily Vacation Bible school which op ened at the Immanuel Lutheran church in Atkinson Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Goldfuss of Atkinson were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. Gold fuss’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Da vid Rahn. LeRoy Lauridsen stayed with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lauridsen and attended Bi ble school at the Methodist church in Bristow last week. Bibb- school opened Monday at the Wesleyan Methodist church in Atkinson. Mrs. Da vid Kahn is acting supervisor. Celia 4-H club families attend ing the 4-H banquet in Atkinsoi Monday evening were Mr. am Mrs. Milton McKathnie and fam ily, Mr. ami Mrs. John Schwind and family, and John Sichene der and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thi lo Poessnecker and family ant Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman and sons Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Sichene (ier and Mrs. Loraine Zahradnic ek and daughters, Linda and Car olyn, were dinner guests Sunday tit the John Sicheneder home. Mr. and Mrs. John Sichenedei visited with Mrs. Ed Bausch Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. John Schwindt, Mr. and Mrs. Gerhardt Momm sen and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Goldfuss visited at the Jim Sich eneder home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coleman and Charles Kubart and son, Jim, were Sunday afternoon guests at the Victor Frickel home. LeRoy Lauridsen sjjent Monday afternoon with Steve Vincel. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendricks and family and Dorothy Scott spent Friday at the Lauridsen pond fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Huertz and family of Le Mars, la., were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Natchel Rzeszotarski. Michele Rzeszotarski was a member of the eighth grade grad uating class at St. Joseph’s school in Atkinson. Following gradua tion exercises Thursday evening, Michele’s grandmother, Mrs. Ber tha Gonderinger, entertained at lunch in her honor. Attending were M\ and Mrs. Natchel Rzes zotarski, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Meals, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Meals and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Peters of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks and son, Arlin, returned home Thursday evening following a week's vacation at the Leon Hen drick's home m Manhattan, Kan. They were overnight Ernests Wort. nesday at the Joe Hendricks home at Hastings. Monday night supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Hendricks were Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel and son, Kurt, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Collins and son, Mark, of Omaha. Saturday was a l'uoky day for fishing, at least for Mrs. Omer Poynts. Mr. and Mrs. Poynts spent the day on the banks of the Niobrara River north of Atkin son. Mr. Poynts thought he was doing quite well with a total of 40 bullheads when his wife land ed a catfish weighing just slight ly less than five lbs. This she caught in a bayou boidering the river. The family, including Mr. and Mrs. Poynts, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks and son, Arlin, and Mr. and Mrs. Roberts Hen dricks and family enjoyed a fish fry that evening at the Robert Hendricks home. Lynch News (Last Weeks News! The Lynch Pony League play ed baseball against Spencer Sun day afternoon. Lynch won with a score of 12 to 9. On Sunday a farewell party was held in the basement of As sumption B. V. M. Catholic church for Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lookota who have been long time members of the parish. Loukotas ■wore guests of honor at a 7:30 sup per. They were presented a gift from the members of the parish. The evening closed in visiting. We regret to see them leave but wish them much happiness and good fortune in their new home in Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Moody sr. and Mary Jo Stenger called on Mrs. Gladys Gallop in honor of her birthday Friday. Cake and ice cream were served. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Coulter of TRADE NOW PERK UP YOUR KITCHEN WITH A ROPER 36" AUTOMATIC GAS RANGE Brightens cooking . . . brightens your home . . . brightens your life . . . You’ll love the Gold Star features . . . Tem-Trol top burner . . . new low temperature oven heat control . . . 4 hour timer clock . . . silent roll smokeless broiler . . . and much more. Now only *2less giant trade-in allowance. Other models as low as $169.50 • While they last . . . free with purchase of any new gas range a 9-cup Corning Ware Coffee Percolator. These same ranges may also be purchased through your favorite gas appliance dealer. KBBli) For Dependable GAS Service Hooper and Mrs. Elsie Richard son of Council Bluffs, la., are spending Memorial weekend at the Leman Huber home. Mr. and Mrs. Bus Green went to Roseland to visit the Stanley Green family. They returned , home Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Bus Green and Mr. and Mrs. Leman Huber spent Sunday evening at the Pat Os born home. Mrs. Mary Fusch called on Mrs. Leman Huber Monday morning Verdigre News By Vac Kanda last weeks news Ionic Lodge No. 87, AF & AM held the regular communication May 25 at the Niobrara Temple with Howard Mayberry, master, presiding. The secretary read sev eral communications and announ ced that the new 50 star flag was placed in the lodge room. Grand Lodge will be held this year June 6 and 7. Those who will attend will be Howard Mayberry and Tony C. Paesl. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sukup and Mrs. John Holan drove to Omaha Friday and visited a few days with Ethel Louise Sukup, who has a secretarial position at Western Electric. They also vis ited at the home of Mrs. Sukup's sister, Mrs. Frank Vaca and family, returning home Sunday with their daughter, Rosalie, who completed her two years at col lege. She will spend a week’s vacation at home before she be gins her secretarial job at WOW TV in Omaha. The forepart of the week the Verdigre Improvement club held a meeting for election of officers for the ensuing year. Twenty three members were present. An ton Chocholousek was named president; Kenneth Stolph, vice president; Bruce Walton, secre tary and Whitfield Marshall, trea surer. The executive committee named are Johnny Hospodka, James A. Mott and Robert G. Steckler, and those appointed to the road committee are Joe V. Beran, Walter Dobrichovsky. L.E. Mastalir, Gordon McElhose and Henry Prokop. The Memorial Day Service was held May 30 at 10 a.m. at the Verdigre city park. Adolph Ko trous, commander, presided. The American Legion Post and the Verdigre Legion Auxiliary spon sored the program. Frank Kves, secretary of the Verdigre ZCBJ Lodge Bila Hora has announced that the seventh district meeting will be held here in Verdigre June 4. The Verdigre lodge will serve a public dinner at noon after the meeting at the ZCBJ hall basement. Lodges that will attend are Atkinson, Spencer, Lynch, Niobrara, Ver del, Pierce, Verdigre and Os mond. The Catholic Sokol Social Club of Tabor, S. D., will present a three act comedy in the Czech language, entitled “Two Soldiers from the Music Department”. There will be 11 people taking part in this play June 11 at the local ZCBJ hall at 8 p.m. Years ago Verdigre used to put on Czech plays by local talent. Larry Viterna, vice-president, Neil Uhlir, news reporter, and Advisor Ted D. Ward, traveled to Camp Merrill at Fullerton May 24, to attend the first ses sion of the FFA leadership camp. The group returned Satin'd ay. Fort Randall News Janice Kirwan L-ist weeks news The Pickstown school com mencement was held Friday eve ning in the school auditorium and it was well attended. Those from this community who graduated this year were Susan Kirwan, senior graduate, and Tim Kir wan and Sharon Adams, eighth grade graduates. Mr. and Mrs. Don Olson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Emp frey Olson and Lor in were Sun day evening visitors at the Mel vin Kirwan home. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Kirwan and Joe were Monday evening visitors at the Eld Roeder home. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Lang of Dallas, S. D. and Mr. and Mrs Roy Rask of Gering were Thurs day evening visitors at the John Cassidy jr. home. Mr. Lang, Mrs. Rask and Mrs. Cassidy are brother and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hausmann and Jill were Sunday evening vis itors at the home of his mother, Mrs. J. P. Hausmann. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Kirwan of Gregory and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kirwan sr., of Randall Valley were Saturday overnight guests at the home of Bob Kirwin and family of Vermillion. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCright and family of Winner, S. D., were Sun day visitors at the Dan Kirwan sr. home. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kocer jr. of rural Wagner were Sunday din ner guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kir wan sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry lhuis rnann and Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Kirwan attended the funeral of J. P. Hausmann held in Bonesteel on Monday morning. J. P. Hausmann died Friday morning in the Lynch hospital - after a week of illness Harry llansmann is his son. The annual Pickstown award night was held in the school aud itorium Wednesday evening. A large crowd attended from this community. Janet Cassidy, who attends Southern State Teachers college spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cassidy. Olga Bengston visited at the Harry Hausmann home Wednes day evening. Sunday visitors at the G. R. Kirwan home were Leo and Har old Roeder and Conrad Olson of rural Fairfax, Ken Soulek of rural Lake Andes, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kirwan of Colorado, Mrs. Melvin Kirwan, Susan and Tim and Gene Kirwan of Indiana. Alice’s Beauty Shop 3 Operators Open 8:30 a.m. to 0:00 pan. 325 E. Douglas Phone 263 — O’Neill .1 THREE BIG DAYS THIS YEAR At Carney Park Arena - - O'Neill, Nebr. ISCHEDULE I I FRIDAY, JUNE 16 I I 6.O0 p.m.-Parade throogh Cjty. Sponsored I I by Lions Club; $200 in Prizes by I I o nn Chamber of Commerce. I I 8.00 p.m.—Rodeo Performance. I I SATURDAY, JUNE 17 I I 8.00 p.m.-Rodeo Performance. I I Cl ,'r P'm'~DanCe at Amer'ean Legion dob. I I SUNDAY, JUNE 18 I ft._2 00 Pm~Podeo Performance. I 100 Head of Top Rodeo Stock NSRA Approved - Hollenbeck Bros., Contractor and Producer LUNCH STAND ON GROUNDS Contestant Must Place in One Biding Event to Qualify for All-Around Trophy BUCKLES WIU BE GIVEN FOR EACH EVENT ALL AROUND COWBOY WILL RECEIVE A SPECIAL TROPHY CARNIVAL ON GROUNDS PROGRAM Event Entry Fee Purse SADDLE BRONC RIDING .$10.$125 i BAREBACK BRONC RIDING .$10.$125 CALF ROPING .$20.$125 l STEER WRESTLING .$15.$126 BRAHMA BULL RIDING .$10.$125 LADIES BARREL RACE . $10.$ 90 1 Entries Close Noon Friday, June 16th Mail or Phone Entries to Virgil Laursen, O'Neill ADMISSION: Adults $1.25; Children 50c