Janice Steinberg Weds Wayne Hoffman At Orchard Miss Janice Steinberg, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stein t>erg. Orchard, became the bride of Wayne Hoffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoffman, Cham bers, Sunday, June 4, at the Ev angelical United Brethren church in Orchard. The Rev. Duane Lenz officiated at the 7:30 p.m. candlelight cere mony before an altar decorated with baskets of white snapdrag ons and blue carnations. The candelabra was decorated with large blue bows. Mr. Stanley Lambert, Ewing, was soloist, ac companied by Mrs. Harvey Hol brook sr. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor length gown of white organza over brid al taffeta. The- molded bodice was nigh-lighted by a portrait neck line designed with folds of or ganza edged in white embroidery motifs. Embroidery motifs were scattered over the bouffant skirt A small crown, etched in pearls, held in place the bride’s finger tip .vlk illusion veil. She carried a bouquet of pink roses. Miss Shirley Steinberg, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Miss Carole Hoffman, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Carole Johnson, O’Neill, were brides maids. They wore ballerina length gowns in heaven blue or ganza styled like the gown worn by the bride. They wore matching shoes and headpieces and carried colonial liouquets of pink carna tions. Scott and Angela Haswell of Orchard, friends of the bride, were candlelighters. Gordon Fox, served as best man. Groomsmen were Dale Wood of Chambers and Zane Edwards, Amelia. Ush ers were Bernard Gribble, Cham bers, and Tom Langan, O’Neill. A reception was held in the church parlors following the cere mony for 150 guests. Mrs. Dean Clyde, O'Neill, presided at the guest book and Miss Joanne Lans worth, Mrs. John Lee Farrier and Mrs. Ray Lampman arrang ed the gifts. Miss Janice Micanek fxiured coffee and Miss Corrine Brinker presided at the punch bowl. Mrs. Ernest Kinquist, Sioux City, la., and Mrs. Harold Dex ter, Kittery, Me, sister of the bridegroom, cut and served the wedding cake which was baked and decorated by Mrs. Waldo Rodgers. Waitresses were the Misses Linda Barton and Karen Wehenkel. Mesdames Leon Mit chell, Ray Clifton, George Hamill, George Bonge and Homer Barton assisted in the kitchen. The bride is a graduate of Or chard high school and is employ ed by Consumers Public Power District in O’Neill. Mr. Hoffman, a graduate cf Chambers high school, is engag ed in the 1 rucking business. After a wedding trip to Colo rado, the couple will make their home in O’NeilL Church Honors the Rev. Spragg Family at Farewell Party Hie First Methodist church sponsored a picnic at the Lynch park Sunday noon in the Rev. and Mi's. Lester Spragg's honor as they will be moving next week to a new location. They do not know to what cdurch in this dis trict they will be sent. The Pastorial Committee of the First Methodist church held the regular meeting Sunday after noon. Robert Conklin, a layman of the church was hired to con duct services and give the ser mon each Sunday from June 1. 1961 until June 1, 1962. Lynch News Bv Mrs. Fred King Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Courtney, Allen and Nancy vi sited friends in Omaha Sunday. Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Leman Huber and Mrs. Mabel Mulhair were visitors in Butte Saturday. Loren Pinkerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Pinkerman. has accepted a scholarship to attend the Kansas University Summer Fine Arts Festival in Lawrence. Kan. The summer camp will be How many ti m*t do you repeatedly write or type the same message over and over every day? U9K A RUBBER STAMP OWH IT ISOM M THE FRONTIER Phone 788 O'Neill gin June 18 and last for six weeks. He won the scholarship as a result of his receiving a superior rating at the O’Neill Music contest in April. Dennis Darnell has been of fered a four year athletic scholar ship at Doane college of Crete. Mr. and Mrs. L. Christensen of Lynch and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wat son of Bellevue spent the week end at Winner with relatives. They stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Horan and boys while there. The Wesleyan Bible school was held from Monday until Friday of last week. A picnic was held at the park Friday noon and the program was given that evening. Quite a number of Lynch stu dents will attend the summer Music camp at Wayne this year. Application forms may be obtained from Mr. Miller or one may register when arriving at Wayne for the camp. It begins July 30 and will last a week. The cost includes room, board, instructions and enter tiiinment throughout the week. A large crowd attended the Memorial Day program at the new auditorium Monday. The color bearers of the Legion and the Lynch school band marched from the Legion hall to the audi torium. The Rev. Mr. Dyer gave the address. John Bowen sang a solo and four numbers were played by the band. Mr. and Mrs. J. Watson and family are visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. Christensen this week. Guests Memorial Day at the Louie Nelsen home were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas and daugh ter. They arrived May 27. Guests at the Leland Moody home Memorial Day were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ohlmann of Norfolk, Roy Rossmeier of Utica. S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Lumir Cizek and boys of Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rossmeier of Verdel. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kassa at tended the graduation exercises at Shelton, where their daughter. Gaylene, graduated this year. The Alford family reunion as held at the Legion hall in Lynch Memorial Day- There were about 60 persons present. Guests at the Wilmer Craw fords May 30 were Mr. and Mrs. John Larson of Laurel. Janice Crawford of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coleman of Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gowler and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Otto and daughter of Lindsay. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! Celia News Mrs. Merrill Anderson L. Chaffins At Graduation Of Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chaffin left Sunday for Miltonvale, Kan., to attend graduation exercises Monday at Miltonvale college. Their daughter, Frances, is a member of the graduating class. Following graduation Miss Chaf fin will enter Dana Teacher’s college at Blair where she will attend Summer classes this week. Miss Chaffin will remain at Blair and Mr. and Mrs. Chaffin plan to return to Atkinson Tuesday. Mrs. Claud Miller of Tina, Mo, was an overnight guest Monday at the Leonard Chaffin home. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith of Page were visitors at the Chaffin home Tuesday. The boys remain ed until Thursday evening. Linda Chaffin spent Friday at the Frank Kulmurry home. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman and sons, Garry and Roger, and Mr. and Mrs. George Syfie visited Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Spald ing Thursday evening. Mrs. Spald ing is a sister of Mrs Hoffman’s and Mrs. Syfie’s. They are pre sently living on the place former ly owned by Ralph Armold. Mrs. Hoffman took a carload of the Pony League players to the game at Elgin Wednesday evening. The; Hoffmans attended the baseball game in Atkinson Monday even ing. The Little League team play ed Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Doc Newman of SJuart were Tuesday afternoon callers at the Victor Frickel home. Terry Terwilliger and brother-in-law, Lonnie Dister haupt, visited at the Frickel home Tuesday. Mr . and Mrs. Fred Young of Caldwell, Ida., were dinner guests Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Seh windt. Mrs. Dale Wilson and son, nr*- r wt u ■ j . » . . a im. auun x lcLLLtr vioucu at the Sehwindt home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ncrbert Dobias and family were Sunday dinner guests at the John Sicheneder home. Supper guests at the Sich eneder home were Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Mommsen. The Sichene der family were supper guests ‘ Memorial Day at the home of her mother, Mrs. Fern Morsett at Royal. Gail, who has been vis iting her grandmother for the past two weeks, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sicheneder were Sunday afternoon visitors at the .Alex Frickel home. Calling in the evening were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Spalding of Yoncalla, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Beck anti family and Inez Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck and family attended a family dinner Memorial Day at the home of Duane’s mother, Mrs. Helen Beck in Atkinson. Others attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mlinar, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Mlinar, Mrs. Libby Mlinar, all of Atkin son, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Lock mon and Mr. and Mrs. Garry Lockmon of Stuart; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson and Mrs. Mar vel Jean Batenhorst and daugh ter, Lynette, of O’Neill and Mrs. Nan Klentz of Norfolk. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Strode of Norfolk. Saturday a family dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Mlinar. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mlinar, Mrs. Marvel Jean Baten horst and daughter, Lynette, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson, Mrs. Harvey Kettlehut of Lincoln, Mrs. Libby Mlinar, Mr. and Mrs. Gar ry Lockmon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Lockmon, Mrs. Hel en Beck. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck and family and Merlyn Quigley of Omaha. Mr. ana Mrs. ivmii cottack at tended the Mitchell-Putnam wed ding at the Lutheran church in Butte Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Denton Colfack of Bristow were supper guests Wednesday evening at the home of Denton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack attended the Win ings-Dobias wedding at the Metho dist church in Atkinson May 29. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel and family visited at the home of Mrs. Frickel’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coleman, Sunday eve ning. Dorothy Scott was a dinner guest Friday at the Frank Kil murry home. Memorial Day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Frickel were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Laible, Sister Beatus of Milwau kee, Wis., Father Adrian of Ft. Gates, N. D., and Mr. and Mrs. Felix Laible of Stuart. Afternoon visitors were Gordon and Mrs. Smith of Beloit, Wis., and Bennett Smith of Butte; also visiting the Frickel family in the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Spald ing of Yoncalla, Ore. Mr. and Mrs Robert Hendricks and family visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel Sun day evening. Memorial Day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Spalding of Yoncalla, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith of Be loit, Wis., Mrs. Paul Nelson of O’Neill and Bennet Smith of Butte. Enjoying a picnic and fishing at the Jim Lauridsen dam Sun day were Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck and family, Mrs. Helen Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ket tlehut, Mr. and Mrs. John Sch windt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson, Mrs. Marvel Jean Batenhorst and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mlinar. Several of the families gathered at the Duane Beck home for a fish fry that evening. Memorial Day dinner guests at the Mark Hendricks home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendricks and family. Mr and Mrs. Rich ard Klinger and Terry Nolan, Mr. and Mrs. Omer Poynts and John ny House. The mi n went fishing in the afternoon and report good luck. Helping Robert Hendricks ce lebrate his birthday Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hen dricks and Arlin, Mrs. Richard Klinger and son, Terry, Mrs. Sharon Root and son, Brian, and Mrs. Robert Hendricks, Becky. Bobby and Ricky. They had a picnic at the Laurdisen pond and spent the day fishing. Memorial Day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Rahn were their daughters, Mrs. Walter Miller of Omaha and Mrs. Leonard Goldfuss of Atkin son and husbands. Mrs. Jesse Hupp spent the weekend at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Leonard Goldfuss and Mr. Goldfuss. The Wesleyan Methodist Mis siunaiy society met at th© church parlors Friday. The morning was spent cleaning the church. The regular meeting was held at 2 p.m. follower! by election of of ficers as follows: President, Mrs. David Rahn, re-elected; vice pre sident, Mrs. Lawrence Thurlow; secretary, Mrs. Leonard Goldfuss; treasurer, minister’s wife; work director, Mrs. Mark Hendricks; WMWB director, Mrs . Leonard Chaffin; auditing, Mrs. Celia Backhaus; membership, pastor’s wife and Mrs. Leonard Goldfuss: visxuxig uumimuee, lviib. ±j. mux low, Mrs. Leonard Chaffin and Mrs. Roy Thurlow. Devotional leader for the year, Mrs. Merrill Anderson; Conference delegate, Mrs. Charles Phipps, alternate, Mrs. Leonard Chaffin; reporter, Mrs. Merrill Anderson; song leader, Mrs. Mark Hendricks; mission study, Mrs. Richard Klinger; prayer partners, Mrs. Maize Cents, and program com mitte, Mrs. Robert Hendricks, Mrs. Vivian Vaughn and Sharon Root. Harvest Home committee, Pas tors wife, Mrs. Charles Freouff. Mrs. Leonard Chaffin; Temper ance leader, Mrs. Celia Backhaus, Magazine solicitor. Mrs. Maize Cerns and pianist. Mrs. Vivian Vaughn. Verdegre News By Vac Randa The Seventh District of the ZCBJ Lodges met Sunday at Ver digre attended by lodges from At kinson, Spencer, Lynch, Verdel, Pierce, Osmond and Verdigre. The meeting opened with Ed Kerbel of Spencer, district chairman, presiding. Frank Kves of Verdi gre is secretary. It was voted to have the next district meeting in Niobrara. Following the close of the lodge meeting the Verdigre lodge members served a luncheon in the lodge basement. At 1:30 pun. a program was held with Frank Kves as program announcer. Ladislav Krejsa, district repre sentative of the Western Bohem ian Fraternal association gave a resume of the association. The 50 year membership pins were presented by Ed Kerbel to Frank Dobry, Frank Mlady, Mrs. Marie Forman, Mrs. F. Jerman, Mrs. Emma Wirth, August Tikals ky. Frank A. Sooner, Edward Ko cina, William J. SvcJboda and Frank Kves. Another 50 year member is Ludvick Klimes. who will have his pin mailed to him in Ontario, Calif. Following the pin presentation a program was given. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kotrba had an auction of their home and fur nishings Saturday afternoon. Fol lowing the sale of the furnishings the frame house was sold to the highest bidder for $3,000 to George Kubik of Verdigre. June 1 a truck load of Dr. James Carlson’s furniture and of fice equipment was trucked here from Lincoln by Gordon McEl hose. The clinic is not quite ready for occupancy as yet, as the car penters are doing some inside finishing. Dr. and Mrs. James Carlson of Lincoln were in Verdi gre Friday and Saturday. They me iv/ mi/vc v Cl uigl t* JU1) l. Memorial Day exercises which were slated to be held in the Verdigre city park had to be changed to the ZCJ Opera house as it rained from 6 to 10:30 a.m. The exercises were sponsored by the American Legion Post and the Legion Auxiliary, and presid ing over the program was Adolph Kotrous, commander. The pro gram participants were the col or guard; high school chorus; the Rev. Charles J. Gborny; Jan et Rudloff; the Rev. David T. Gustafson; Ted T. Ward; Tommy Zerbe; Patricia Paesl; Frank C. Kroupa; Mrs. Eldiva Jedlicka Paviik; Max F. Randa and John ny Farnik. On Saturday Poppy Day there were 760 poppies sold and the total recepts were $129.52. Mrs. Adolph Kotrous was the chair man of the Legion auxiliary com mittee. Verdigre Methodist Bible school closed Friday with 75 pupils at tending during the school weeks. Parents attended open house Fri day afternoon at the church and guests also called at the Dr. and Mrs. V. A. Walstrom home to visit the youth group which as sembles there for the session. Mrs. Otto Uhlir, Sunday school superintendent. spoke at. the chlurch. The pupils have started a church library. Jolene Jacot Weds Ted Yager At Verdigre VERDIGRE — Miss Jolene Jacot, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Jacot, and Ted Yager, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Yager, were united in marriage May 28 at the Methodist church in Ver digre. The Rev. D. T. Gustafson, Creighton, officiated at the 5 p.m. ceremony. Wilbur Drown, Central City, was soloist, ac companied by Miss Martha Chocholousek. The bridal gown was fashioned of hand clipped Chantilly lace over taffeta. The slim-sculptured bodice was styled with a portrait scoop neckline overlaid with pearl and iridescent embellished lace appliques. The sleeves were long and tapered. Her bouffant floor length skirt was fashioned of six tiers of scalloped lace and flowed into a chapel train. A bouffant bustle length veil of im ported silk illusion was held by a demi-crown of pearls accented by pearl teardrops. Red roses formed her bouquet. Miss Karen Jacot was maid of honor and she was attired in ice blue chiffon fashioned with a draped bodice and a full skirt. It was worn with matching blue shoes and clip hat. White mums were used in her bouquet. Miss Carla Swartz, Bloomfield, and Miss Judy Jacot were bridesmaid and wore identical gowns as that of the maid-of-honor. Lee Yager served as best man and groomsmen were Robert Cederburg, Norfolk, and Ivan Novak, Omaha. Ushers were Dale Smith and Donovan Frank, Nor fold. Miss Mary Margaret Jacot was flower girl. Candlelighters were Richard Jacot and Mike Smith. After the ceremony a reception was held in the ZCBJ hall where Miss Margaret Dryak and Miss Ardis Bennar presided. Miss Jo Ann Chalupnik and Miss Jean Pavlik were in charge of the gift table and guest book, respective ly. Serving were the Misses Frances and Lavone Hildreth, Ella and Ardith Moser, Noreen Forman, Lynette Viterna and Marilyn Paesl. The bride received her educa tion in the Verdigre high school and Wayne State Teachers col lege. Prior to her marriage she taught in District 27. Mr. Yager attended Verdigre high school and has served four years in the U. S. Navy. He is associated in business with his father. Following a wedding trip to the Rocky Mountains and Denver, the couple will reside in Verdigre. Atkinson News Mrs. Skrdla At Official Judges Meet Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skrdla went to Mapleton, la., last Sat urday, where Mrs. Skrdla at tended the annual regional meet ing for official judges of the American Iris society. Break fast was served at the home ot Mrs. Agnes Whiting, a noted Iris hybridizer for many years. This annual meeting is where offirial judges meet to choose or select iris which will be award winnei s of 1961. The group had dinner in Sioux City and toured the gardens of many iris hybridizers in that area. About 50 cars and one bus made up the tour which w as one of the largest regional meetings held in recent years. Mrs. Skrdla is an official garden and exhibi tion judge of the American National Iris society. Recently Mrs. Skrdla also attended a meeting held in Omaha for of ficial judges. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pacha w'ere Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Wefso. Many from this area attended the wedding in Butte Saturday night when Miss JoAnn Putnam became the bride of Larry Mitc hell. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Haas and son, Bryon, of Valentine vi sited Mrs. Haas parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wahl, Sunday eve ning. Harvey and Kenneth at tended the stock car races in Stuarl and Mrs. Haas and Bryan visited with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Charf of Arvada, Colo., came Saturday to visit relatives and friends in Ne braska for two weeks. Mrs. Charf is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alois Mlnarik of Atkinson. The Charts will spend this week in Royal visiting friends and rela tives in that area and will spend next week in Atkinson with her parents. Memorial Day guests of Mrs. Frank Skrdla were her sister-in law. Mrs. George Walter Blake of Valentine. Mrs. Blake’s son, John, accompanied his mother. Mrs. Alois Mlnarik and Mrs. a i-t- ta ati :i_ • . r a n.:_ rvivid 1U1I1U1 iiv Jl •, Ul ilinuia''!! spent Sunday in Butte visiting Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Holm. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bee man and family of Laramie, Wyo., spent last week visiting relatives and friends in and around Atkinson. Mrs. Beeman is a sister of Mrs. Max Hamik. When the Beeman family re turned to their home, they were accompanied by Mrs. Josephine Judge, who will spend sometime with her daughter and family. Enroute home the group toured the Black Hills. The Pitch club met Monday af ternoon at the home of Polly Davis with all members present. Mrs. Jim Kubart. Mrs. Susie Tusla and Mrs. Francis Dobias won prizes. Mrs. J. P. Brown of O’Neill and her sister, Mrs. Lester Anderson of Buffalo, N. Y.. vi sited Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wefso. The wo men are sisters of Mr. Wefso. Mr. and Mrs. Dayle Hewitt of O’Neill returned home last Sun day from a trip to Washington state where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hewitt and family. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Osborn of Wisner were Sunday dinner guests of their son and daughter in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Os born and family in Atkinson. Oapt. and Mrs. Norris John son and Kathleen and Bridget left last Monday for their home of It Y Sairimp Alp Rdwn Sn Gwinn, Mich. They planned to stop enroute at Fargo. X. D., where they would visit his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson. Mrs. Johnson had spent the past six weeks visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mack, and Capt. Johnson spent the past two weeks in At kinson with his family here be fore leaving for their home in Michigan. Claude Johnson went to Schu bert Sunday morning to visit his uncle, Irvin Schubert, who has been ill for several months. He returned home Tuesday. Emil Colfack went to Burwell last Tuesday to meet Lodema Wefso who came to attend the funeral of her uncle, Dr. J. P. Brown at O’Neill. She returned to Denver Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Origen Wesc and family visited briefly last Tues day with Mrs. West’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William Wef so. They spent Memorial Day weekend at Burwell. Mrs. Art McMullen and son. Herbie, of Dunning came Wednes day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shane and family spent last Sunday at Alda visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith jr., and family. They were accompanied home by Barbara and Joan Smith who came to Atkinson to spend a week with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith sr., and other relatives. The girls par ents plan to come to Atkinson for them this Sunday to take them home . ATKINSON—Bible school is now in progress in many of the At kinson churches. Monday was opening day for classes at the Wesleyan Methodist church and school will be held un til Friday. Mrs. Viola Rahn is in charge, assisted by Mrs. Robert Slaymaker, Mrs. Leonard Gold fuss. Mrs. Raymond Dobias, Mrs. Mark Hendricks, Edith Chaffin. Becky Marshall. Mrs. Vivian Vaughn and Mrs. Richard Klin ger. Pastor Emil Ruehn is super intendent of Bible school at the St. John Lutheran church Mon day through Friday. Teachers are Mrs. Eugene Poessnecker, Dorine Gleed, Charles Blevin Wed at Chambers CHAMBERS The Methodist church of Chambers was the scene for the wedding Friday, June 2, of Miss Dorine Gleed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gleed, and Charles J. Blevins, son of Charles J. Blevins sr. of Alta Vista, la. The Rev. Richard E. Carlyon of Scottsbluff performed the double ring ceremony in the presence of 100 guests. Candelabra and white gladioli decorated the altar for the occasion. Miss Kay Gesa man, Sioux City, organist, ac companied the soloists. Miss Carol Guthmiller and the Rev. Ralph E. Cooke, Sheffield, la. The bride chose a floor length gown of chantilace and nylon tulle over ruffled net and taffeta in the skirt. The basque bodice front was detailed with embroid ery and sprinkled with sequins and seed pearls. The long fitted sleeves ended in bridal points. Her French illusion veil was held by a sparkling crystal and pearl crown. She carried a white Bible centered with an arrangement of white roses and carnations. Miss Ruth Ann Milier, Lincoln was maid of honor, and Miss Mrs. Max Karo. Shirley Olson, Mrs. Emil Kuehn and Mrs. Ruby Poessnecker. The Methodist church school is being held Tuesday through Fri day and the Immanuel Lutheran church conducted a week of Bi ble school May 31 to June 7. Thirty-two young enrolled May 30 for school at the United Pres byterian church which endede Sat urday. Mrs. Jack Stevens was in charge and the teaching staff in cluded Mesdames Ken Ruggless, Chet Anderson, Leland Anderson, Keith Jones. Raymond Kersting and Walter Puckett. The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints held Youth camp Sunday after noon at the Horne-Peterson ranch norm of Atkinson. Riverside News By Mrs. Lionel Gunter Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shrader and family and Mrs. Susie Shrader, Scottsbluff were dinner guests last Monday at the Martha Shrader home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hegr and baby, Leigh, visited Wednesda> at the Keith Biddlecome home. Joann Plog visited Glenda Napier last Thursday. Charles Rotherham, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kay and Jimmy visited with the Alfred Napier family last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier and the Wayne Fry family had a picnic supper Saturday at the Richard Napier home in honor of Norma and Reta’s birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Plog and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gun ter, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clayton. Duane Hord, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hord and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter were dinner guests Tuesday at the Alfred Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier and John Napier called in the af ternoon. Janet Switzer and Patty Munn spent Friday night with Reta Napier, and Jody Fry was an overnight guest Saturday. A1 Gibson visited Friday eve ning at the Wayne Fry home. Mrs. Darrol Switzer and family and Sandra Jenkins, Omaha, came Saturday evening to spend the Memorial weekend with rela tives. Darrol came Monday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer accompanied them home Tuesday evening for a few days visit. The Dan Robbins family visited last Sunday at the Ora Switzer home. They left Monday for their home at Rochester, Minn. Sharon Mott helped teach Vacation Bible school in the Wesleyan Methodist church in Neilgh last week. She will teach this week in the Riverside Free Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgo mery were dinner guests Sun Gloria Carson, Grand Island, was bridesmaid. They wore identical dresses of embroidered white ny lon over blue taffeta, and their head pieces were while short net veils. They carried colonial Ixmquets of white carnations and blue streamers. Jan Miller, Colesburg, la , was best man, and Darwin Carlson, St. Petersburg, Fla., was grooms man. Ushering were Dennis Wal ters and Dale Adams. The Misses Lois Cixiki and Kathleen Prill were flower girls and Dan Prill, Spencer, la., was ringbearer. Philip a n d Sam Cooke, Sheffield. la., were candle lighters. Following the ceremony a re ception was held in the church parlors. Mrs. Lynn Prewitt pre sided at the coffee service, and Miss Edythe Grimes, Lincoln, served the punch. Mrs. G. II. Adams and Mrs. Art Walters cut and served the wedding cake. Servers were the Misses Barbara Hoaglund and Mary McKenna, Brady. Mrs. Don Prill, sister of Ihe bride, had charge of the guest book. Another sister, Mrs. Ralph Cooke, assisted by Mrs. Jack Christensen, Miss Marietta Cooke and Miss Margene Walters wen in charge of the gift table Following a wedding trip to the west coast, the couple will lx* at home in Lincoln. day at the Robert Montgomery home. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgo mery- visited Friday evening at the Joe Tomjack home. Lynn Plog spent Sunday night with Dennis and Leroy Napier. Dr. William Ross called Friday evening at the S. S. Schlottman home. Mrs. Martha Shrader and Eddy visited Friday in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. George Fink. Grand Island, were dinner guests Monday at the Bert Finks and on Tuesday both families joined the Lee Fink family at the Frank Snyder home in Page for din ner. Bruce Fink spent Monday night with David Shrader at the Willie QhraHnr homo Mr. and Mrs. Jack Strode and Nancy Kemp, Norfolk, visited Monday afternoon at the Grant Mott home. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mott, Sharon and Tammy attended Memorial services at Atkinson Tuesday. The Willie Shrader family vi sited Monday evening at the Lynn Fry home. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgo mery attended the Silas Schlor man funeral services in Valpraiso May 29. Mrs. Gene Streeter, Lincoln, is visiting at the William Lofquist heme. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napier and Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry visited in Long Pine last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hubbard, North Platte, visited Saturday at the Grant Mott home. The William Lofquist family vi sited Monday evening at the Har old Mlinar home in O’Neill. Patricia Ritter, Tilden, is vi siting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Ahlers. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Brockmil ler, Scribner, were dinner guests Tuesday at the Rudy Ahlers home. Keith Biddlecome left Sunday morning for Chicago after spend ing his vacation at home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller and Danny went to Exira, la., to at tend a cousin’s wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Elza Wolfe, Ericison, ac companied them. Mr. and Mrs Wayne Hubbard spent Friday night at the Howard Miller home. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kienow, Plainview, were dinner guests last Sunday at the George Mont gomery home. Melaine and Ellen Miller have the measles. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Richards. Orchard, the Kenneth Pollock family, Neligh, and the Wayne Pollock family' visited Thursday evening at the Dave Pollock home. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgo mery visited Wednesday at the Robert McGinn home in O’Neill. Phone Your News to. The Frontier Phone 788