The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 22, 1960, Section One, Image 8

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    Mr. and Mrs. William Edward Wilson announce the engagement
of their daughter, Cathryn Joan, to Raymond Joseph Hoffmann, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Reynhold M. Hoffmann of Detroit, Mich.
Miss Wilson is a graduate of St. Mary’s academy in O’Neill and
the College of St. Teresa at Winona, Minn., where she was affiliated
with St. Mary’s hospital, Rochester, Minn. She is presently employed
as a public school nurse in Denver.
Mr. Hoffmann is a graduate of the University of Detroit high
school and the University of Notre Dame at South Bend, Ind.
No definite date has been set for the wedding.
Club Notes
Jeudi Cluin Meets
A Christmas dinner was held
Tuesday evening at the Town
House by members of the Jeudi
club. A gift exchange and social
hour followed.
Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year
Beauty Salon
To extend greetings we offer to
you a special on $10 waves, or
give a gift certificate to that
special someone.
Society Has Party
Members of St. Patrick’s Altar
society met Thursday evening in
St. Mary's gymnasium for a
Christmas party. Gifts were pre
sented to Monsignor O'Sullivan,
Father Kucera, Father Duffy and
the Sisters. Terry Gallagher en
tertained with two accordian
solos and following this a talk
was presented by Monsignor O’
Sullivan. The meeting was under
the direction of St. Theresa’s
guild with Mrs. George Winkler
as chairman.
Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted
Contact Lenses
Phone 1G7 — O’Neill, Nebr.
Hours 9-.")—Mon. thru Saturday
Closed Wednesday
Complete Visual Care
Contact Lenses
By Appointment Phone 2101
Spencer, Nebraska
1:30 p.m. — December 25
Sung by the 250-voice Messiah Choir,
Independence, Mo.
1350 K€.
The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Inman, Nebraska
FRI., DEC. 23
American Legion
O'Neill, Nebraska
Music by The
Admission: 75c
No-host Dinner Held
A group of friends which
regularly meets for card parties,
held a no-host dinner at the Town
House Sunday evening, followed
by a gift exchange. Present were
Dr. and Mrs. Bob Waters, Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Kyster, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Gakle, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Mickey
Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. iXin
Becker and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Entertain at Coffee
Mrs. Ben Grady, Mrs. Max
Golden and Mrs. Marvin Miller
were hostesses at a “coffee”
party at the Max Golden home
Thursday afternoon. Refresh
ments and decorations were in
keeping with the holiday season.
Mrs. C. J. Gatz, Mrs. A. P.
Jaszkowiak and Mrs. W. C. Artus
presided at the coffee service dur
ing the afternoon.
Waist Whittlers
Members of the Waist Whit
tier’s club ended a weight losing
contest last Friday and began a
new one.
Mrs. Joe Menish was declared
the winner of the $5 offered to
the one who lost the most weight
over a six week period. Her loss
was 7 3/4 lbs.
The current contest will be
under a new rule, requiring each
member to lose at least a pound
a week to be eligible. The con
test will be concluded only when
every member has failed to meet
that requirement.
Mrs. Mike Langan joined the
club at Friday’s meeting.
New members are welcome.
Members meet each Friday after
noon at 2 p.m. at the home of
Mrs. Durl Anderson at 301 W.
Hancock St.
Dinner Party Held
Members of the Wesleyan Ser
vice guild met at the M and M
cafe for dinner 7 o’clock Monday
evening. The business meeting
and program followed at the
home of Mrs. J. L. Sherbahn. A
cash gift was sent to the Omaha
City Mission in lieu of a gift ex
Holt Happy Homemaker Exten
sion club met at the home of
Mrs. Harold Van Vleck for a
Christmas dinner December 8.
All members but one were pre
After the dinner a short meet
ing was held, read the Creed in
unison, Sec.-Treas. report was
read, singing by the group and
roll call was answered by what
each wanted for Christmas. Of
ficers will appoint committees for
showers, weddings, etc. We open
ed gifts from our grab bag. The
next meeting will be held in Jan
News Reporter
Mrs. II. J. Kurpgeweit
Nellie Okpik to Wed
Shane O'Neill, Friday
Miss Nellie Okpik of Pt. Bar
row, Alaska, will be married Fri
day at 5 p.m. to Shane O’Neill,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H.
O’Neill of O’Neill. Miss Okpik is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joshua Okpik at Pt. Barrow.
The wedding will take place at
the Church of the Immaculate
Conception in Fairbanks. Alaska.
Miss Okpik attended school at
St. Mary’s at Ft. Yukon and at
Mt. Edgecumbe.
Mr. O’Neill attended Creighton
university at Omaha and is pre
sently city editor at the Fair
banks Daily News-Miner.
Home from Hospital
Steve, 11-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Forwood was
released from St. Anthony’s hos
pital Wednesday following medi
cal care for an injured spleen.
The lad received the injury while
playing with friends December
20. He will have to remain on
his back for two more weeks to
allow time for healing.
Legion Auxiliary
Holds Joint Session
Members of the American Le
gion auxiliary, Simonson Unit
No. 93, and the Junior auxiliary
held a joint meeting December 7
with Junior President Gayle Mur
phy presiding.
Thirty-eight senior members, 35
juniors and one guest were pre
It was reported that $43 were
realized on the food sale Novem
ber 19 held by the Junior auxili
ary. Jean Holz, rehabilitation
chairman, reported that she had
made six tarlatan dolls which
were sent to the Veterans hos
pital. The American Legion and
Auxiliary each contributed $20 to
be used for gifts for “The Yanks
Who Gave”. Three dollars were
donated to the “Little Red School
house” fund.
Following the meeting a gift
exchange and Christmas program
were held. Hostesses were Laura
Miller, Mary Reynoldson, Doro
thy Reynoldson, Rose Minton,
Mary Ann Schmidt, Gertrude
Streeter, Marjorie Stuifbergen.
Berniece Harrington and Neil
Annual Party Held
A Christmas dinner and eve
ning of cards marked the annual
holiday observance by members
of the Catholic Daughters Tues
day evening in the Knights of
Columbus hall. Cards furnished
the entertainment and the prizes
were won by Dorothy Janzing
and Berniece Harrington. Claire
Hickey and Kathleen Wameke
w-ere co-chairmen.
World War I Vets
Christmas Party
Approximately 75 Holt County
World War I Veterans and Auxili
ary members met at the Legion
hall Monday evening for a Christ
mas party.
Following a no-host dinner at
6:30 p.m., the evening was spent
playing pinochle and pitch.
Personnel Parties
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Patton en
tertained their Ben Franklin store
personnel at a dinner party Wed
nesday evening at the Town
Mrs. Winnie Barger, proprietor
of The Apparel shop, entertained
her store personnel and friends
at a Christmas dinner and party
Sunday evening.
Others celebrating the Christmas
season with dinners at the Town
House for employees included the
Northwestern Bell Telephone com
pany, O’Neill Auto Supply and
Sidles Auto company, Saturday
evening; Harding Creamery, Sun
day evening; Gambles store,
Tuesday, and McDonalds com
pany, Wednesday.
Dobrovolny's Plan
Celebration Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Do
brovolny will observe their 25th
w-edding anniversary December
27. A family dinner will be served
at noon and an open house obser
vance held from 2:30 until 5 in
the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Dobrovolny invite
their friends to call. The couple
has requested that no gifts be
Mr. and Mrs. Dobrovolny were
married on Christmas, December
25, 1935. They have two children,
a son and a daughter.
Handel's "Messiah"
To Be Broadcast
Inman's RLDS church will join
with approximately 1,000 con
gregations to present a radio
broadcast of Handel’s “Messiah”
by the Messiah Choir of Indepen
dence, Mo., Christmas Day.
Station KBRX will carry the
broadcast in this area at 1:30
Tpe above announcement was
made by Donald L. Keyes of the
Reorganized Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints at In
man. The RLDS church sponsors
the choir. Accompanying the
choir are 32 instrumentalists!
selected from the Kansas City?
Philharmonic orchestra.
-• |
Cleveland Bible Camp
Plans 1961 Session
Plans were made Sunday af-!
ternoon to open the Cleveland*
Bible camp, located north of§
Stuart, for the 1961 camp pro-*
gram through the month of June.|;
The Camp board of dir- |
ectors met at the Cleveland |
Presbyterian church to discuss 5.
summer plans and appoint- i
ments. The directors are the |
Rev. Herbert Young of Stuart,
the Rev. John Hart of O’Neill, f
Clarence Focken of Atkinson,
Stanley Cobb of Stuart, Charles g
Mulford and Mrs. James Al- y
lyn of Cleveland.
As a result of an expansions
program begun last summer the|
number of directors was in-g
creased from eight to eleven!
members. It will include a mem-|
her from each of the O'Neill and§
Bethany Presbyterian churches.!
The pastor of these churches is|
automatically a member.
The Rev. Hart attended a state*?
camp conference at Lincoln andg
reported that the Cleveland campi
met state camp qualifications, g
Next year there will be a weekg
of camping for each age group!
with activities similar to those ofg
the 1960 season. The Rev. Harts
was appointed senior high campy
dean, and directors for the juniorg
high and junior camps are thes
Rev. Roy Bird of Valentine and|
the Rev. Ray Kersting of Atkin-$
- i
Spencer Clips
St. Joe's 82-43
For Fourth Win
Spencer romped over Atkinsoni
St. Joe’s 82-43 to hand them their!
fourth defeat of the season. Thelj
Kopecky brothers were the top*j
scorers for Spencer as they tossed^
in 58 points. Mark and Mike Mc-8
Kay did the scoring honors for St*
Joe’s as they tallied 31 points. S
In a game played Friday night*
at Spencer the 9pencer Piratesj
downed Burke 61-52. Ronny Ko-S
pecky tossed in 34 points and Leo-|
nard Kopecky was second with 11.|
D. Wilson was tops for Burke withj
17. Spencer has a 4-0 season thusj
far. ___1
. —————— g
For assistance in making out your 1960
Income Tax Return, see—
Golden Hotel Corner
Phone 106 — O'Neill
Please Make Appointments
Santa Claus, who could well qualify for the title of “most popu
lar man in town” Saturday, listened to a good many requests from
the younger set as he made his annual visit to O’Neill. Mild weather
made his trip perfect and his arrival was greeted hy a host of child
ren, anxious to get in a good word for themselves before Christina*.
Verdigre - Center
The Verdigre Hawks defeated
the Center Panthers 69-50 in a
game played at Verdigre Friday
night. Verdigre trailed 33-26 at
the half but rallied in the final
periods to cinch the win.
Allen Boelter was high point
man for Verdigre with 17 points
followed by W. A. Nelson with 15.
L. Sealer was tops for Center with
23 and G. Allen was second with
O'Neill Locals
Ronald Holly arrived home
from the fleet sonar school at
Key West, Fla., Saturday to spend
the holidays with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Holly.
Larry Boyle, who also attends
school there, accompanied h;m
to O’Neill to visit relatives during
the Christmas season.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Wanser
will go to Ainsworth Christmas
day to spend the holidays with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don
McAndrew. Mr. and Mrs. Wanser
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Den
nis Hansen at dinner Saturday
evening at the Town House.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Golden left
Sunday for Smyrna, Tenn., where
they will be holiday guests of
their son-in-law and daughter
Capt. and Mrs. James Butcher
and family. Enroute to Tennes
see, they stopped at Kansas City
for a visit with another son-in-law
and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. It.
L. Owens.
Mrs. Henry Mangan and daugh
ter, Rosamond, of Omaha aid
Mrs. Mangan’s sister, Mrs. Grace
Gillham and son, Bill of Greeley
will be Christmas guests in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
G. L. Burney of McCook ar
rived here Thursday to spend the
holidays with his son, Mike Bur
ney and family.
Clear Golden of Cheshire,
Conn., is in O'Neill this holiday
season, visiting relatives and
Dr. and Mrs. L. R. Sutcliffe
will spend the weekend at Vermil
lion, S. D., as Christmas guests
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Sutcliffe.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Spittler
and children of Valentine will ar
rive here Friday to spend the
Leaving Tuesday for Cedar
Rapids, la., were Mr. and Mrs.
Harden Anspach, who will spend
the holidays with their daughter,
Mrs. Charles Marsten and family.
Peggy Sullivan spent the week
end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Sullivan, returning
Sunday to her work in Omaha.
She will return to O’Neill for the
Christmas holiday.
Omaha where tney will spend
Christmas with their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
nie Oetter and Larry.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kamphaus
and family of Lynch and Mr. and
Mrs. Wiiliam Shaw and daughters
were Thursday dinner guests in
the home of Mrs. Juliana Kamp
Mrs. Tess Murray went to Om
aha Sunday to the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Fritz Welsh. She
had a Monday apointment for a
clinical check->ap.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlau
fer and children will -be Christ
mas Day guests in the Andrew
Wettlaufer home and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Strong jr. and child
ren and Mrs. Harold Strong sr.
will be afternoon visitors.
Carl Kamphaus of Bartlett and
Mr. and Mrs. William Shaw and
daughters were Monday guests in
the home of Mrs. Juliana Kamp
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spall will
visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Hutchinson at Valentine the
first of next week.
Expected guests Chrismas day
in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Winkler will be Mrs. Em
ma Kemper and son, Orville of
Page, Mr. and Mrs. Casper Wink
ler of Emmett, Mrs. Mary Eth
erton and family of O’Neill, Mrs.
Frances May and family and Mr
and Mrs. John Gallagher, all of
Members of the Kansas-Nebras
ka office force and their wives
or husbands met at the Town
House Wednesday night for din
ner, then went to the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Curren for an
evening at cards. Present were
Mr. and Mrs. Don Schommer,
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gray, Mr
and Mrs. Dean Clyde, Lavern
Stevens and Wayne Reynoldson.
Vilia and VaReane Gray enter
tained a dozen girls SaDjrday
evening at a Christmas party
Games were played and the girls
went caroling around the neigh
borhtxxl before refreshments were
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Curren
attended the annual Christmas
party at Valley Sunday at the
Legion Hall. About 50 guests were
in attendance.
FOR 1961!
Our sincere thanks to our advertisers and subscribers for their patron
age and interest during the past year.
Bruce Rehberg
Marvin Ziska
Genevieve Sauser
Bill Richardson
James Jankiewicz
Mike Champion
Claranna Witherwax
Eddie Ennen
Della Eriksen
Betty Burney
Rachel Iekes
And the many correspondents of ———
"North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper"