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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1960)
A Poem From Mrs. Eby... —Christmas Time— Glad Christmas time is coming fast and all the world is bright. I see the crowds go drifting past, each face with joy alight, Each heart just talks to hearts and then I seem to hear them say; “God rest ye, Merrie Gentlemen; let nothing you dismay”. And as I pass my way along through early hours and late, Amidst the over-shifting throng, all envy, greed and hate Seem banished from our hearts, and then, I know I hear them say; “God rest ye, Merrie Gentlemen; let nothing you dismay’’. “God rest ye Merrie Gentlemen”, let love fill every heart, No matter how, or where, or J when, let each one have a part I In Christmas joys; and near and j far let hearts he glad and gay, “For Jesus Christ, our Savior j was born on Christmas day’’. “God rest ye, Little Children,” | lot nothing you affright” For all of you, may Christmas dawn in beams of rosy light, And in the joys of Christmas cheer may all of you have part, Because all men throughout the year keep Christmas in the heart. When a wrong wants righting or a work wants doing. Or a truth wants preaching or a continent wants opening, God sends a baby into the world to do it, That is why, long, long, ago a ! baby was born in Bethlehem. j (Bariham) Amelia News llv M»s Florence Lindsey Merry Matrons The Merry Matrons club met at the home of Dorothy Fullerton, Dec. 15 with 25 members present, j The meeting was called to order by Dorothy Fullerton. Roll call j was answered by telling what we j would like to do for Christmas, j Names were drawn for our 1%1 mystery sisters. Christmas boxes of fruit, candy and cookies are 1 made up for the following: Ber- i tha Sammons, Libby Watson, Nel lie Haskins, Mr. and Mrs. Link : Sagaser, Julia White, Maudie Han sen, Donnie Sladik, Roger Dobias, Bill Dierks; Doris Boettcher, Ed ith Andersen, Milo Hupp, Art Waldman, Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Barnett, Charlie Sigman, John Zinkon, Florence and Emma Lind-1 sey, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bak er. Progressive Extension The Amelia Progressive Exten sion club met Wednesday at the borne of Mrs. RaLph Rees for the Christmas party. All members were present. The business meet ing was called to order by Mrs. M. E. Madsen. Mrs. Clyde Wid man and Miss Florence Lindsey had charge of the program. There was an exchange of gifts and mystery sisters were revealed. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Elmer Coolidge. Correction We stated last week that Lyle Fix bought the house in Amelia belonging to the late Mrs. Etta Ott. The house was purchased by Elmer Fix and moved to his farm. Jeffrey McClenahan, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McClena han, underwent major emergency surgery Thursday night at the O' Neill hospital. Mr. McClenahan is the upper room teacher in the Amelia grade school. Mrs. Lawrence Barnett and Connie of Greeley, Colo., came Saturday and visited until Wednes day with Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Bar nett and Mr. and Mrs. Ned Al derson at Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Earnie Johnston attended the funeral of Earnie’s oldest sister, Mrs. Walter Ur bom, at Holdrege last Wednes day. Mrs. Urbom was the grand mother of Richard Wehland. Mrs. Tressa Wagner of Mackey. Ida., is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Earnie Johnston. She re turned home with the Johnstons when they were called to Hold rege by the death of Mr. John ston’s sister. Mrs. Wagner had MILLER THEATER ATKINSON One Show Nightly 8 o’clock Thtirs. - Fri. - Sat. Dec. 22 - 23 - 24 -■. - 1 •vir" . VICTOR MaTUREIjP „SuperCimesccpe Technicolor* IwtS _,MWlflHE«8«0S._y^ I Sun. - Mon. - Tin's. • Wed. Dec. 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 m i.'mnf «chaad *uu*i hvc* on_o»<f (WMN W Mm OCT MM) Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Dec. 29 - 30 - 31 been visiting another daughter at Holdrege. Mrs. Mae White returned to her home at Fremont last week af ter visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harlan Dierking and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Dierking and Cynthia were in Omaha a few days last week where Mr. Dierk ing attended a convention. Mrs. Nettie Bilstien and Pat re turned Thursday from California where they had been visiting re latives the past month. Mrs. Gertie Adair visited from Thursday to Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Stella Sparks, at Chambers. Mrs. Julia White accompanied Mrs. William Thompson of Atkin son to Amelia Wednesday. Mrs. White visited Mrs. Lindsey while Mrs. Thompson attended club at Mrs. Rees’. Mrs. Gertie Adair accompanied her son, Bob Adair, to Norfolk Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilman and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Everett and Harley Lee were Sunday din ner guests at Dunk Peterson’s. Mrs. Elsie Doolittle, Jimmy, Denny and Mickey of Stuart were Sunday visitors at the Marvin Doolittle’s. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce plan to go to Omaha Wednesday and spend Christmas. Their daughter, Mrs. Charles Bligh, and grand daughter, Mrs. Dick Brau, ex pected to meet them in Norfolk and help them drive on to Om aha. Mrs. Bligh will return home with them. Mrs. Violet Stewart, Marvin and Everett of Inman called on Mrs. Lindsey and Florence Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blackmore and family of North Platte visit ed during the weekend with their parents. The Methodist Sunday school program was given Wednesday evening, Dec. 21 due to conflicts with other events. Mrs. Vem Sageser, Mrs. Ed ith Andersen and Mrs. S. C. Bar nett were Atkinson callers Friday. Floyd Adams has been sick with flu the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle were Sunday evening visitors at Harold Fullertons. They enjoyed an oys ter stew for supper. Mr. and Mrs. Hienie Frahm and Mr. and Mrs. George Fulerton attended a birthday party for Mrs. Dankert at the Don Dan kerts Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Werner of Chambers were other guests. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Sageser at tended the annual Christmas din ner for the board members and their wives and the employees of REA at the Town House Tuesday evening. Dorothy Fisher, a college stu dent at Greenville, 111., is at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fisher for the Christmas va cation. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Milton of Denver, Colo., Miss Myrtle White of Omaha and David Adamson of McPherson, Kan., plan to be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen White, Venita and H S. White at Christmas time. Mr. and Mrs. William Morovec of Comstock and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Thompson were supper guests on Wednesday evening at Tenus Madsen's. Martin, Sharon and Dale Collier of Arcadia spent the past week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tenus Madsen. Mr. and Mrs. Collier came for their child ren on Thursday. Mrs. Gene Carr visited her par ents, Mr. ;md Mrs. Joe Souk up, near O’Neill over the weekend. Gene was a supper guest at M E. Madsens Sunday evening. Mrs. Darrel Carr, Debra and Darla visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Peter, near O’Neill over the weekend. Relatives here received word of the serious illness of John Kel k)gg, a former Amelia resident, and for the past several years of Arlington, Wash. He suffered a severe heart attack and has been hospitalized for some time. Mrs. Art DeWolf and Susan Ann of Kimball are spending sev eral days and Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Thompson. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! Sliced Pineapple 39c Fruit Juice ?2£j£5w 2 ££ 45c Cffa yrcr Lucerne - blend of rich ^a-gal. QO ^Bo ■’®0 cream, eggs and spice . ...Ctn. wOC Green Beans No:S 29c Date Bar Mix Betty Crocker.Pkg. 37c Cove Oysters delicious . .8c£ 29c Uin«A Ua.| None Such- makes 9-oz. OA. mmcc meal old time mince pie _Jar fc»IC Hi Ho Crackers Sh^VcrisP. S 35c pr—-L-_c Nabisco—Cheese Ritz, 8-OZ. OA. OfO vRCfa perfect for snacks.Pkg. fiwC Paper Napkins 19c We will close at 6 p.m. Christmas Eve, and all clay Sunday and Monday so our emplcyoes can spend Christmas with their families. TOWN HOUSE FRUIT COCKTAIL.3 No. iVl Cans $1.00 \ •i | , \ In assorted flavors, for gelatin salads and desserts, add color to your holiday menu! | ern oa* Ftas.osz-41 * i Bel-air—Premium Quality, frozen, Whole Kernel Golden Com or Sweet Peas | Ripe or Green Olives 3 1 No. 1 Can Town House Colossal Ripe Olives . . . 5-oz. Old Fashioned Jar Empress Thrown Stuffed Manzanilla Olives | , Ice Cream.wc™49c j Snow Star—Chocolate, Vanilla or Strawberry ... be sure to have plenty on hand for those unexpected holiday guests! Angel Food Cakes. .. .*_■& 29c j 1 17. S. D. A. Qrade-A, 17. S. Inspected, fresh-frozen | yyianoA. ^5^ 20 to 24-lb. t 1 TOMS ib. I 17 to 20-lb. TOMS.Lb. 41c 12-lb. and up HENS.Lb. 45c 9 to 12-lb. HENS.Lb. 49c I All young, tender roasting turkeys (not 1-year olds). Broad breasted, plump and spotlessly clean! i Ma Brown Pickles O c Sweet Dill-icious.1-pt. Jar C Argo Corn Starch 1 7 Ideal for making gravies.1-lb. Pkg. I m V* Kaiser Foil *J c Wrap your turkey for roasting, 25-ft. Roll Alcoa Wrap *5 jr Keeps food fresher, longer . . . 25-ft. Roll ^ t ^ Now... 8 ii complete your set I of the Illustrated | I Golden Book | | Encyclopedia 1 s U in time for Christmas giving! g All volumes now available ... I f buy a complete set of $ \ g 16 volumes for only S15.34. 1 g I _T V Christmas-wrapped, First'quality | WHOLE HAMS AOc I 14 to 16-lb. size.POUND ;gf *• 1 Hormel Dairy Ready-to-eat or Cudahy’s Puritan fully-cooked :g UMII MSHANK HALF f« 4** BUTT HALF jT» *■ :& BN^Il Hock Removed, Lb. ^ 3 . .in full, Lb. Jj-p ^€ |j. Half Hams are vacuum-packed in cry-o-vac as soon as properly processed — the result is constant better protection and retention of tastv goodness! '-•£ I Canned Hamsc”S *3.§9 I P.T.*j -rm *.-***, « Hormel Buffet—boneless, &>. ft i »y SP*whole, half, or quarter.Lb. U# %' £ .*• Sausage Safeway Bulk —all pork.... 3 'J * Sliced Bacon regular .Pkg. 49c § Boiogna »7arge.1,^1:4 9c I f RIGHT RESERVED TO LIMIT QrAVTITTES :ff ‘ ~ — -- 0 IP w |gpgn 11iif ■ i }MuiImM3&&uJ! i AU (nicei effective thru Saturday, December 24, in O’Neill ||| Orach's § |Chocolate I Covered Cherries i ; A holiday favorite that makes an •». ideal Christmas gift! Light or Dark Chocolate. JM 4^ .•» 12-oz. Box % : , £ I Fresh from o California, & seedless, #• Sunkist Brand 3 I avel Oranges i Large size, 3 & ££EN m§m 'S jj Easy-to-peel and segment, ideal for your Christmas fruit bowl! | Celery SEM"1..2 IfiSE 29c \ Cranberries ?S"Spray 2A% 29* | Tangeios SKTSSr?.... ^ 59c i Yams with marshmallows . .2ibs 25c l % * *■ English Walnuts... f \ Brazil Nuts... Pecans... Filberts Large size, jm 0^ Lb. 49c Fancy Roasted Peanuts.Lb. 39c