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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1960)
FOR SALE FOR SALE Purebred Hampshire boars, ready for service.— Henry Stelling and Son Orchard, Nebr. _ 18tf FOR SALE -Good heavy oats.— Hurival, lit, O'Neill. 30tfc| SALT FOR SALE K a n a p o 1 i s j $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 aj ton; while block 75c Ixjcated 3 blocks east, 4 blocks north of tralfic light, Everett Gorgan, Ph. 161, O'Neill. 51tl MAKE PATTON'S HEN Franklin! store your candy and nuts head-! quarters. Always fresh. 27 tfc j SPECIAL~PRICES Early Hooking Prices on NOItCO CATTLE CUBES Delivered or F.O.B. Norfolk or Inman Special 90-day prices on all kinds of feeds $6.00 per ton discount on bulk feeds plus special gift items. 10c refund on Norco burlap bags. Old process 41% soybean meal $76.00 Hi-Phos. Mineral $99.00 Cali collect 11W or 34 Tompkins Livestock Headquarters Inman, Nebraska 31-36c ....___ • - IXDWEST WISCONSIN CATTLE IN YEARS From our WISCONSIN dairies. All new cattle just arrived. Springers and fresh with heifer calves. Real large and fancy quailty Ilosteins, Guernseys and Swiss. Prices lowest in years. Everybody wants good ones. Shores. Neligh. TU 7-1060, or TU 7-4850. 29tf FOR SALE Heavy duty under slung.—Gerald O’Connor, Atkin son, Phone 2194. 35-38p FOR SALE- 2,000 choice Angus arid Hereford cows and heifers; immediate delivery and part con tract. Cows or calves in bunches to suit buyer.—Dayle Hevvett, Box 533, O’Neill, Phone 195. 35-36c MOBILE HOMES LOOK AT THIS 1960 Safeway 50’xl0’ 3 Bedroom Many Extras-Used One Month New Guarantee $4895.00 This is just one of our many Rood buys. We are going to sell every' unit we have in stock before the first of January. In the O’Neill vicinity see Clarence Johnson. Elms Court O’Neill, Nobr. MIIJJIR TRAILER SALES Albion, Nebia«ka EX 5-2170 Parts & Service LARGE SELECTION of used fumi-; ture. Cal’s Furniture, Tilden on Highway 275. 35tfc FOR SALE OR TRADE—For live stock. F-10 Farmhand. Mounted for International tractor. Every thing but hay basket.—Bill Strong, 727 E. Grant, O’Neill, Ph. 469-W. 35-36p SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Contois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf A FINE CHRISTMAS gift—Pitts burg Plateglass mirrors. Variety of sizes in stock.—Coyne Hard ware. 34-35c DO-ALL LOADER for sale, com plete with grapple fork. Neale Hamilton, Stuart, Nebr. 33-35p r un —ocuuuu jn.uiaiciii heifers.—John Sojka, Page. 24tf TOR SALE—Baled rye straw and prairie hay. square bales.— Eugene L. Sobotka, Rt. 1, O’ Neill, 2 miles west of Inman. 33-35c FOR SALE—Real good red polled Shorthorn bull, coming three years old. Market price.—Roy M.Gannon, Inman. 33-35p I FOR SALE—2,000 bushels ear i com. This is dry corn. 1960 crop. | —Alfred Schneider, Page. 34-35p LOW COST INSURANCE—And prompt claim service. Virgil j Laursen Agy., O'Neill. lOtfc FOR SALE—We have on hand first! and second calf Holstein heifers, J fresh or heavy springers.— Arnold Thiele, Clearwater, ph.; HU 5-3200. 17-24p 25-42c j MACHINERY □ 47 Farmall M Farmall 400 50 Farmall C ; 48 Farmall C 41 Farmall H 53 Farmall H 46 Farmall H Farmall 450 50 Farmall H 51 Farmall H IHC Christmas Toys Tractor Comfort Covers Tool Boxes Many other practical gifts Ask about our Bonus Program SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O'NEILL NEBP IHC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool I ricM* ukT*}. ' 3>pu I SgKS* MACHINERY 32 ft. elevator, double chain, good Farmhand loader COMBINES J.D. 55 M. H. 7 ft OOK.VPICKERS Woods Bros., good John Deere 226 USED TRACTORS J.D. Model GO, 1955 J.D. Model 620, 1958 J.I).. B, 1950 J.D., A, 1914 J.D., G, 1949 JD, B, 1943 John Deere B 1952, fuel Harry R. Smith Imp. Phone 562 O’Neill Real Estate for Sale HOUSE FOR SALE—Attractive modern two bedroom house. Full basement with finished bedroom and bath. Attached garage. Im mediate possession. Phone 780, O’Neill. 35-36p FOR SALE—Good six room house to be moved. REA wired.—Don ald Marcellus, Atkinson. 35-36p FOR SALE—Two one bedroom houses—will sell separate or together —Kieth Abart, 321 West Clay, O’Neill. 12tfc MONEY TO LOAN -On homes, farms and ranches. Low interest, prompt service. Virgil Laursen. O’Neill. lOtfc FOR RENT FOR RENT—Business building located on main street near center of town.—See Ponton Agency. O’Neill. 33tf FOR RENT—Two homes at West Fremont and South Jefferson.— Kieth Abart 30tfc FOR RENT—Nice 4-room fur nished apartment, gas furnace, automatic washer.—O. E. David son, Phone 126, O’Neill. 32tf TOR RENT—Sleeping r o o m.— Mrs. C. H. Switzer, 113 E. Everett, O’Neill, Phone 466J. 25 tf WANTED WANTED—Party wishes to pur chase good hay land. Vicinity of Stuart or Atkinson. Buildings ac ceptable.—Write A. J. in care of The Frontier. 34-36p WANTED—Night waitress from 6 pm. to 1 a.m.—Candy Bill’s Cafe. 13tfc WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair. — Write Box 562, phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL CO.. O’Neill 3 blks W & 31/2 blks N stoplight. WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week. —Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf L. Guthmiller Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Reo — Clinton. "WE" DON’T WANT “ALL” THE BUSINESS We just want “YOURS” PATTON’S BEN FRANKLIN _23tt WANTED—Reliable party to take over last few payments of 58.92 on 1960 Singer Slantomatic Sew ing Machine. To see: Write, Credit Manager, Box 83, North Platte, Nebr. 33-34c WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neill 50tf DONOHGE CONST. CO. CAT—SCOOP—DOZER Domor Elevated Grading John E. Donohoe, Phone 447-W O’NEILL. NEBRASKA NEED MONEY * We make quick cash loans on automobiles and furniture. See us also for your insurance needs. Central Finance Corp. O’Neill Phone 14 Nebr. 21tfc EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY— Reliable man or woman from this area to distribute complete line of cigarettes, candy, nuts, or gum through new automatic ven dors. No selling, we will establish accounts for you. To qualify party must have car, references, and cash capital of $900 which is secured by inventory. Excel lent earnings part time- Full time more. For personal inter view give phone, etc. Write P. O. Box 156, Rochester, Minn. 35p MISCELLANEOUS IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly insured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O'Neill, Nebr. 34 tf WE HAVE FARM, RANCH and home buyers. Notify Virgil Laur sen today if you are thinking about selling.—Virgil Laursen Agency. O'Neill. 13tf CURTISS BREEDING Offers you the best in dairy and beef bulls. Now included are performance tested CHAROLAIS. Duane Gray, Ph. 470, O’Neill. 29tf AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207_O’NEILL CARDS OF THANKS WE GRATEFULLY acknowledge and wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to each and everyone for their kind ex pressions of sympathy shown us at the passing of our beloved sister. May God bless you all. Walter Egger John Egger and family 35p I —Legal Notices-1 (First pub. Dec. 1, 1960) NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER 137 OF HOLT COUNTY NEBRASKA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the qualified voters of School District Number 137 of Holt Coun- J ty, Nebraska, that an election shall be held in said District on the 23rd day of December, 1960, between the hours of 8:00 o’clock A. M. and 8:00 o’clock P. M., at which there will be submitted to the qualified votors of the Dis trict the following question: “Shall School District Number 137 of Holt County, Nebraska, be authorized to issue the negotiable bonds of said District of the prin cipal amount of Two Hundred Eighty Thousand Dollars ($280,000) for the purpose of build ing a school house and furnishing the necessary furniture and ap paratus for the same; said bonds to be dated at the time of their issuance and bear interest at a rate not to exceed the statutory rate, payable one year from their date and semi-annually thereaf- ( ter, and the principal of said: bonds shall become due at such | time as may be fixed by the! District Board at the time of their issuance but is not to ex ceed twenty years from their date; provided, however, any or all of said bonds shall be redeem able at the option of the District at any time on or after five years from their date, and “Shall the District Board cause to be levied and collected annual ly a tax by valuation on all the taxable property in said District in addition to all other taxes suf ficient in rate and amount to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as such interest and prin cipal oecame due? ( ) FOR said Bonds and Tax ( ) AGAINST said Bonds and Tax Voters desiring to vote in fav or of said bonds and tax will mark an ,'X” in the square op posite the words “For said Bonds and Tax”; voters desiring to vote against said bonds and tax will mark an “X” in the square op posite the words “Against said Bonds and Tax”. The polling place for said elec tion shall be the Town Hall in said District in the Village of Chambers, Nebraska. The polls shall be open from eight o’clock A. M. to eight o’clock P. M. on said date. BY ORDER OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF SAID SCHOOL DIS TRICT. C. E. Wintermote President E. R. Baker Secretary 32-35c (First pub. December 22, 1960) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF GEORGE McKIM, GUARDIAN OF RUTH HARNISH, AN INCOMPE TENT PERSON, FOR LI CENSE TO SELL REAL ESTATE. Now. on this i9ih day of Decern- i her, 1960, this matter coming onj to be heard before the under signed D. R. Mounts, Judge of the Fifteenth Judical District in and for the County of Holt and State of Nebraska, upon the applica tion of George McKim, guardian of the person, estate and property i of Ruth M. Hamish, an incompe tent. praying for a license to sell the following described real estate owned by said incompetent person, to-wit: The West Half of Lot Six (6) and all of Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8), in Block Thirty-one (31), in O’Neill. Nebraska. for the reason that it would be for the benefit of said incompe tent that said real estate be sold in order to obtain funds with which to care for said incompe tent, and to pay the debts of said incompetent with charges of managing her estate. Upon consideration whereof, and it appearing from said petit ion that it is necessary and would be beneficial to said incompetent that the above described real estate, and all of the right, title and interest of said incompetent therein be sold to pay the debts of said incompetent person with charges of managing her estate, and to care for said incompetent. IT IS ORDERED that the next of kin of said incompetent per son, and all persons interested in her said estate, appear before the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, on or before the 17th day of January, 1961 in the Court Room in the Court House iti the City of O’Neill, Holt County, Ne braska, at the hour of ten o’ clock A.M., of said day, then and there to show cause why a li cense should not be granted for the sale of said real estate above described in accord w'ith the prayer of said petition. IT IS FURTHERED ORDER ED that a copy hereof be publi shed three (3) successive weeks before said day of hearing in The Frontier, a weekly news paper, printed, published and of general circulation in Holt County, aforesaid. D. R. Mounts District Judge 35-37c Published Dec. 22, 1960 NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING To Stockholders of Inman Tele phone Company. The Annual meeting of the corporation will be held January 9, 1961, 2:00 P.M. at Methodist Church Annex at Inman, Nebraska. At such meeting will be submitted for ap proval of the stockholders, a pro posal to sell all of the assets of the corporation to the Chambers Independent Telephone Co., and for dissolution of the corporation. E. L. Watson, Pres. 35c (First pub. Dec. 8, 1960) No. 4436 Cronin and Hannon Attorneys COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF EDWARD L. O’ DONNELL, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the probate of the will of said de ceased, and for the appointment of Helen O’Donnell and Patricia Wadden as joint executrices thereof, which will be for hearing in this court on December 29, 1960, at 10 o’clock A. M. (COUNTY Louis W. Reimer COURT County SEAL) Judge 33-35c Atkinson News Santa Claus is scheduled to make his annual visit to the child ren of Atkinson Friday afternoon at 2:30 p.m., and will have bags of candy for all the children. Santa’s trip is sponsored by the Atkinson Chamber of Commerce. The Merry Mixers Extension club held a Christmas party Mon day. After a 7 o’clock dinner at the Steak House, they met at the home of Mrs. Gerald Upton for entertainment and exchange of gifts. “Mystery sisters’’ were re vealed and lunch was served by the Hostess, me January meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Fred Roberts January 16, and plans will be made for the clubs ac tivities for the coming year. Year books will also be filled out. Mrs. Thomas H. Davis of At kinson celebrated her 90th birth day December 11. Guests at a a family dinner at the Davis home were four of her Children, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Davis of Ericson, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ful lerton of Ainsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Shane and Mrs. Marie Davis of Atkinson. Also present was Mrs. Jennie Shane of Atkin son. Another Atkinson pioneer who celebrated her 90th birthday was Mrs. Paul Seger. Mrs. Seger has been a resident of Atkinson since 1880. Present to help her spend a quiet evening were her sons and families, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Seger and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Seg er, and her daughter, Mrs. Ray White of Omaha who has been with her mother for some time, i Most of Mrs. Seger-s children plan to be here for Christmas. Mr and Mrs. Eli McConnell went to Omaha Tuesday to at tend the state meeting of county officers which was held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Mr. McConnell is the seventh district member of the Holt county board of supervisors. *■ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lemmer went to Omaha Tuesday to meet their daughter. Mrs. Merlin Ot teman, and her son, Scott of Phi ladelphia, who came to spend Christmas with her parents and brothers, Lyle and Bob Lemmer Mr. and Mrs. E. W. (Sami Brady left Monday for a vaca tion trip to California. In Sacra mento they will visit Mr. Brady s brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey, and his aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Millard. They will also visit their son, Sgt. Lavem Brady, who is sta tioned at McClelland Field. They plan to remain until after New Year. _ ^ Sharon Moeller came Saturday from Omaha to spend two weeks vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moeller. She is a student at St. Catherine’s hospital School of Nursing in Omaha. Mary Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chet Anderson, is home from Omaha to spend the holidays. She is a student of nurs ing in Omaha. Mrs. Ronald Frirkel and Aud rey Coxbill came from Lincoln to visit at the homes of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pacha and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coxbill. On Sunday Mrs. Frickel and her mother were hostesses at a pre-nuptial shower at the home of Mrs. Carl Smith, hon oring Miss Coxbill who will be married to Richard VV’acha of Lincoln December 28. Home to visit his parents for the holidays is Denny Hickok, who is a student at Kearney State Teachers college. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Hickok. Dean Garwood, who is a stjdent at the University of Valpariso, Ind., is spending the holidays at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Garwood. Bonnie Steskal of Atkinson was named to the fall-quarter honor roll at the C E School of Com merce in Omaha. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Steskal of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McClurg celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary last week with a family dinner in their home Sunday. Present were Mrs. Harold Miller and family of Council Bluffs, Calvin McClurg and family of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon McClurg and daughter of Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Grossman of Chadron are the parents of a daughter, born December 12 at Chadron. Mrs. Grossman is the former Marlene Brooke, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Brooke of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Brooke went to Chadron Saturday to get acquainted with their __1 J __Ll_ 1ICW (~,L UllUUUUfjlIlVi • Jim Hanson is home from Hast ings college to spend the holidays with his parents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hanson and Carol. Guests at the Hanson home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. John Mohr and daughters, Judy and Jean. Mrs. Harvey Shaw, owner of The Mary Jane shop in Atkinson, plans to go to Omaha to board a plane to visit with her son, Dr. Jack Shaw and family in Con cord, Calif. The American Legion auxiliary held a Christmas party at the Legion Hall December 7 with a covered-dish supper at 6:30 p.m. A special candlelight service was given by Barbara Mlinar, Mrs. Leonard Jungman, Mrs. Joe Ma tousek, Mrs. Harvey Shaw and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman. On the decorating committee were Miss Mlinar, Mrs. Matousek and Mrs. Hoffman. The next meeting will be held January 4. Sick and Injured ORCHARD—Mr. John Stelling returned home from the Plain view hospital last week. . .Mar ion Shipman entered the Veter ans hospital at Grand Island Tuesday. . .Mrs. Elmer William son underwent surgery on Wed nesday at the Plainview hospital. . John Holiday is in the Plain view hospital for treatment. O’NEILL—Walt Grosse entered the Veterans hospital at Grand Is land last week for medical care. Mr. Grosse is manager of the New Deal Produce company. At The Courthouse State vs. Donald Eugene Wright of Ewing, day speeding, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer—E. M. Hast reiter, December 16. State vs. Gene R. Alloway of Bjrwell, night speeding, fined $25 and $4 costs; officer—E. M. Hast reiter, December 16. State vs. Ronald E. Brewer of O’Neill, night speeding, fined $15 and $4 costs; officer—E. M. Hast reiter, December 20. State vs. Alton J. Wiedrick of Fairfax. S. D., no driver’s li cense, fined $5 and $4 costs; of ficer—R. L. Gude, December 20. DISTRICT COURT— Application has been received in district court Monday by George McKim, guardian of Ruth Hamish, for license to sell the following real estate: west half of lot 6, and all of lots 7 and 8, in block 31, O’Neill. The Frontier— FARM AND RANCH LOANS 20 years to repay, low interest rates, pay off as much as you want at anytime. High appraisals, see or call— Gaskill Insurance and Loans - LOCATIONS - Ph. FR 1-9323 Ph. TU 74004 Ph. 710 112 N. 5th Moon Bldg. 124 So. 4th Norfolk. Nebr. Neligh, Nebr. O’Neill, Nebr. 35 and 37-38 This blaze Monday evening at the old Victor II ilva garage building destroyed approximately $1000 worth of equipment stored there. Damage to the building has not yet been appraised. The fire may have been caused by paint fumes according to E. E. Cleveland jr., who rents the building. Cleveland was re finishing a shuffleboard at the time the fire started. Services Held For Former Deloit Man D E LO IT—Funeral services were held Friday at Norfolk for Ferdnand Hupp, 71, who died Wednesday, Dec. 14, in a Norfolk hospital where he had been ill for several weeks. Burial was in the Norfolk cemetery. Mr. Hupp resided for many years in the Deloit community. Clearwater Man Hurt In Rifle Accident CLEARWATER — Jurgen Bhenks was accidentally wounded in the leg Sunday evening when a rifle discharged while being cleaned. The accident occurred as Jur gen stood nearby his brother, Otto, who was cleaning the gun. Bhenks was treated at the Tilden hospital. Services Held In Iowa for Mrs. T. Giblin PAGE—Mrs. Thomas Giblin, 24, of Ruattsville, Md., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chmeler of Norfolk, died unexpectedly about 1.30 p.m. December 13 at her home. Funeral and burial rites were held at Iowa City, la. Mrs. Giblin, the former Julie Chmeler, was a granddaughter of the late Carrie Townsend. The Chmeler family was well known in Page. Julie Giblin was bom at Nor folk, where she was a graduate of Sacred Heart high school and of St. Elizabeth hospital school of nursing at Lincoln. Survivors are her husband, two sons, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chmeler and two sisters, Mrs. T. Dover of Madison and Mrs. Thomas Gilmore of Grange, Calif. Rites Planned Here Today for Mrs. J. J. Melvin Mrs. John J. Melvin, 79, of O’ Neill died Sunday at St. Louis, after an illness of several months. She was residing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Shelton, at the time of her death. Funeral services will be held Thursday, Dec. 22, at 10 a.m. in St. Patrick’s Catholic church in O’Neill with Monsignor O’Sulli van officiating. Burial will be in the Calvary cemetery. A rosary was said Wednesday evening at Biglin’s chapel. Marne Loretta Melvin was bom November 11, 1881 at O’Neill to J. J. and Mary Ann McCaf ferty, well-known pioneers of this city. Her father homesteaded here in 1875 and his land later was platted into blocks and lots—this land now known as McCafferty’s addition. She was married to John J. Melvin, June 28, 1908 and one daughter was born to this couple. Mr. Melvin, who preceded her in death, was a grocery store pro prietor here. She belonged to Court St. Michael, Catholic Daughters of America and St. Patrick’s Altar Society. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Shelton, and one sister, Mrs. Florence Frenking of Omaha. Pallbearers selected were Ed Gallagher, P. C. Donohoe, H. E. Coyne, D. C. Schaffer, Jack Arbuthnot and Bob Moore. Attends Tax Session Edward E. Hannon, O’Neill at torney, attended an institute on federal taxation in Omaha Fri day and Saturday. The Nebraska State Bar associ Sale Dates Claimed JANUARY 7—Hereford Bull Sale, Atkinson sales pavilion, 1 p.m. Nine consignors. Write Ver non Hixson, Neligh, for catalog. ation conducted the institute as a part of its program for continuing legal education. More than 175 lawyers registered for the session. Enters Business School Karen Marie Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur J. Brown of O’Neill, has been notified of her acceptance for the June 19, 1961 class at Grand Island School of Business. Miss Brown is to be graduated from the Inman Consolidated school in the spring of 1961 and will major in the secretarial field at the Grand Island school. Phone Your News to The Frontier Phone 788 Money To Loan! Property, Cars, Trucks, Farm Equipment Household Hoods, Personal HARRINGTON Loan and Investment Company LOW RATES NOTICE 1961 licenses will go on sale January 3. Office hours for January and February will be: Open at 9:00, open during the noon hour and close at 4:00. No new' plates for trucks and cars will be issued for 1901. If new plates are required, the old plates must be surrendered and a $1.00 extra fee charged for a new set. A sticker will be issued for each plate for 1961. This sticker to he placed in the lower right hand corner of the plate. The plate must be clean and dry. The sticker requires no wetting. The 1960 registration certificate must be presented when applying for 1961 or $1.00 additional fee must be charged. No postage for mailing plates will be required for 1961 as no plates will be issued. Fee are same as 1960. J. ED HANCOCK, Co. Treasurer 35-36c Have A Wonderful HOLIDAY SEASON and a HAPPY NEW YEAR We look backward with warm appreciation for your patronage, and forward to serving you in the future. No Cattle Sale TUESDAY, DEC. 27 There Will Be A Hog Sale WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28 CREIGHTON LIVESTOCK MARKET Creighton, Nebraska "The Best in Livestock Marketing for 18 Years" _____