The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 22, 1960, Section One, Image 2

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    BILL RICHARDSON. Publisher
Terms of Subscription: In Nebraska, $2.50 per
year; elsewhere in the United States, $3 per year,
rate abroad provided upon request. All subscrip
tions payable in advance.
Entered at the posto/fice in O'Neill, Holt coun
ty, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter under
the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. This news
paper is a member of the Nebraska Press Asso
ciation, National Editorial Association and the Audit
Bureau of Circulations.
-—ra CT il*;
Church Notes
All ministers are Invited to send their church notes to
The Frontier. For guaranteed publication, we ask that the notes are
In our office by Saturday, one week prior to the services.
1 i
warm wishes and our
sincere thanks to all
our good friends and
patrons. May you enjoy
a happy holiday season.
Jack & Bets i
O’Neill, Nebraska
St. Patrick’s Catholic Church
(Msgr. Timothy O’Sullivan and
Father Robert Duffy, assistant)
Thursday, Dec. 22: Confessions
from 3 p.m. until 5:30 p.m., and
from 7:30 p.m. until 9 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 23: Confessions
from 3 p.m. until 5:30 p.m., and
from 7:30 p.m. until 9 p.m.
Saturday, Dec. 24: Confessions
from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m. No con
fessions after 6 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 25: Masses at
midnight, 7:30 am., 9 a.m. and
10:30 a.m. Masses in the church
every day at 7:45 a.m.
Inman Methodist Church
(Rev. Robert Linder)
Sunday: Church school, 8:40
a.m.; worship, 9:40 a.m.
Wednesday: Choir and MYF,
8 pm.
Thursday: 2:30 p.m., WSCS
Page Methodist Church
(Rev. Robert Linder)
Sunday: Church school, 10 a.m.;
worship, 11 a.m.; MYF 8 pjn.
Church of Epiphany
< Father Ralph O’Donnell)
Sunday, Dec. 25: Mass, 10 a.m.
Dorsey Presbyterian Church
(Rev. Lee Hicks)
Sunday Sunday school, 7 p.m.,
and worship, 8 p.m.
Assembly of God Church
(Rev. Ivan Christnffersen)
Friday, Dec. 23, Young people
caroling, followed by film and so
cial hour, 7 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 25, Sunday school,
10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.; junior
church, 11 a.m. There will be no
evening service.
Wednesday, Dec. 28, young peo
ple will be in charge of service.
First Presbyterian Church
(Rev. John Hart)
Saturday, Dec. 24: Christmas
eve services, 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 25: Sunday school,
9:45 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.
Monday, Dec. 26: Building Fund
committee, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 28: Choir and
Junior fellowship, 7 p.m.; Senior
fellowship with return college stu
dents as guests, 8 p.m.
Emmet Methodist Church
(Rev. Glenn Kennicott)
Friday, Dec. 23, Program prac
tice at the church after school.
Christmas program, 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 25, Morning wor
ship, 9:30 a.m.
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May we, with gratitude and humility,
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with reverence and rejoicing, celebrate this
a Christmas as He would have us do. j
To all, heartfelt wishes for a blessed Christmas. »
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) greet you at Christmas ...
our warm, sincere wishes
for a glad and glorious
holiday. May the inspiration
of the Christmas story ever
be a comfort and a joy
to you and yours.
V ^
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O'Neill Nebraska
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Bethany Presbyterian Church
(Roy. John Hart)
Friday, Dec. 23: Christmas ser
vice, 8 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 25: Worship, 9:30
a.m., and Sunday school, 10:30
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
(Rev. William Roten)
Sunday: Sunday school and Bi
ble class, 9 a.m., and -worship,
10 a.m.
First Methodist Church
(Rev. Glenn Kennicott)
Thursday, Dec. 22, Prayer cir
cle, 10 a.m., Claude Bates home;
Dorcas, 2 p.m. Junior choir will
not practice.
Saturday, Dec. 24, Christmas
Eve communion, 9 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 25, Sunday school,
9:45 a m., and worship, 11 a.m.
Monday, Dec. 26, Intermediate
Youth fellowship will not meet.
Wednesday, Dec. 28, choir, 7:15
p.m. No senior youth fellowship.
Thursday, Dec. 29, Dorcas, 2
Christ Lutheran Church
(Rev. A. S. Gedwillo)
Sunday, Dec. 25, Sunday school
at 9:45 a.m., and worship, 11 a.m.
Wesleyan Methodist Church
(Don V. Olmsted, pastor)
Friday, Dec. 23, Christmas pro
gram by Sunday school, 8 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 25: Sunday school,
10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.; Bible
study, 7:30 p.m., and evening wor
ship, 8 p.m.
Monday, Dec. 26, Wesleyan
youth, 8 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 27, Cottage
prayer service, 9 a.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 28, Midweek
prayer hour, 8 p.m.
Center Union Church
Sunday, Dec. 25, worship at 10
a.m., and Sunday school, 11 a.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 28, Cottage
prayer service, 8 p.m.
Methodist Church
(Rev. Charles Cox)
Sunday: 9unday school, 10 a.m.,
and worship, 11 a.m.
Venus News
By Mrs. Ralph Brookhou^cr
Help-1 -Club
Mrs. Francis Boelter enter
tained the HeJp-U-club at her
home December 7. Luncheon was
served at noon by the hostess.
Nine memi ers were present. Of
ficers for the coming year were
elected. Mrs. Ora Caskey is the
president; Mrs. Gerald Waring,
vice president and Mrs. George
Jeffrey, secretary and treasurer.
The club members assembled
gift boxes which are being sent
to 30 patients at the Brunswick
rest home. The Christmas party
was held at the home of Mrs.
Clarence Finch sr., December 21.
Recent visitors at the Lloyd
Butterfield home were their
daughter-in-law and grandson.
Mrs. Harold Butterfield and
; Kevin of Lincoln.
! To Have Heart Surgery
! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Neuhaus
• visited at the Bernard Kornock
home near Page Friday evening.
Mr. Kornock will undergo heart
surgery in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch
sr., visited with his mother, Mrs.
Alta Finch at Page Saturday eve
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kinnison
and family were O'Neill visitors
December 13.
Wendell Strope shelled corn for
Gerald Waring Wednesday at the
Evans farm. On December 15 he
shelled for Bryan Finch. Those
helping were Aruthur and Dennis
Von Seggren, Sidney Faulhaber,
Ora Caskey, Ralph Brookhouser
and Tom Holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kocina
of Verdigre were December 11
visitors at the home of Mr. and
i Mrs. Fred Uhlir.
Franklin Uhlir, who is with the
National Guard stationed at Ft.
Dix, N. J., will spend the holi
days with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Uhlir and sister An
nett. Mr. and Mrs. Uhlir plan to
meet their son at Omaha Thurs
day when he arrives by plane.
; Mrs. Fred Uhlir was a hostess
to the Work and Fun club Christ
mas party at her home Decern
ber 14. The members did needle
work for the hostess and a lunch
eon was served at noon. The af
ternoon was spent in playing
games. Those with most absences
entertained. Prize winners were
Mrs. Max LeMasters. Mrs. James
Podany, Mrs. Reed Risinger,
Mrs. George Heggemeyer, Mrs.
Ralph Brookhouser. A gift ex
change was held. Mrs. Lavaine
Hines has the January meeting.
The Roland Cook children are
ill due to the mumps.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hill and
family were December 9 visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook
houser visited at the Rudolph
Tusha and Joseph Sokol home
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser re
turned to her home this week
after visiting with her sons-in-law
and daughters, CWO and Mrs. J.
Border and family at Quantico,
Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Marlin E.
Tusha and family of Woodbridge,
Va. Also with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Hranac of Selver Springs, Md.,
an aunt and uncle.
Several days were spent sight
seeing while there in the
Washington, D. C., area.
Orchard News
Mrs. Wilbur Mahood
Phone 2W3-3185
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Albrecht v
of Pierce visited in Alfred and||
Marvin Nelson’s home Tuesday.??
Mrs. Hannah Johnson visited a®
few days with her son and other?!
relatives in Norfolk the past®
week. ®
- a
Couples Pitch
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Laluten-®
schlager were hosts to the pitch®
party Sunday evening. Mr. andy
Mrs. Lester Withee and Mr. and&
Mrs. Richard Knapp won prizes.?!
-- 1
Samba club met with Mrs.??
Bruce Fletcher Thursday with®
five members and three guests,?!
Mrs. Floyd Menning, Mrs. James®
Clifton and Mrs. Lester Withee§!
present. Mrs. Robert Carpenter®
and Mrs. Lester Withee won pri-®
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stevens
were hosts to the postmaster '
meeting last Monday night. Those J
present were Mr. and Mrs. B. H.®
Stevens of Page, Frances Rother-!*
ham of Ewing, Gerald Beltz of®
Brunswick, Wayne Switzer of,;
Clearwater, Layton Baker of Ne-Sj
ligh, George Ponton of Elgin and®
Stanley Montgomery of Royal. |
Bernard Kornock underwent ®
heart surgery in a hospital at Den-?!
ver, Colo. Friday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Barton,®
Mrs. Louise Beal and Gertrude?*
Davis, attended the junior class®
play in Ewing Thursday evening |
Mrs. Bud Edwards spent last®
week visiting in the J. W. Ed-|
wards home. |
Dr. and Mrs. K. L. Bruce and®
Richard were Sunday dinnerg
guests in the Louis Muselik homes
at O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Goiter of Os#
mond spent Thursday in Orchard.®
visiting in the Joanne, Paul andg
Art Goiter homes.
Mrs. George Rector of Mary ?
ville, Wash., Mrs. D. C. Schaffer |
of O'Neill, Mrs. Pearl Johnson|
and Miss Gertrude Gribble were?
guests in the Gurney Drayton!
home Saturday afternoon.
Gertrude Gribble was a dinner?
guest in the D. C. Schaffer home!
in O’Neill Monday night.
_ l
HYOA club held their Christmas®
party in the Legion Hall Friday!
night for members and their fam-?
ilies. Thirty five were present. !
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lautenschla-*
ger of Humbolt, la., were week-g,
end visitors in the Wayne Lauten-#
schlager home
- i
Bridgettes Club
The Bridgettes club met with|
Mrs. Marvin Haswell for their#
Christmas party with seven mem-|
bcrs and one visitor, Mrs. Neil®
Henry, present. Mrs. Lyle Schleu-®
sener, Mrs. Clifford and Mrs.?
Bill Meittes won prizes. A gift#
exchange was held.
_ 3
Postal Party
The Annual Christmas party for?
the postal employees was held at#
the Raymond Steven’s home Fri-?
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| Sale Every Thursday
O’Neill, Nebraska
day evening. Cards were played.
Mrs. Marvin Nelson, Dick Knapp
and Mrs. Zola Herring and E. A.
Runquist won prizes. A gift ex
change was held.
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. Rundquist and Mrs. Zola
Hering of Royal, Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin Nelson, Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Raff, Glen Waring and
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Knapp.
Highland Extension
The Highland Extension club
held their annual Christmas
party, Tuesday Dec., 13 at the
Legion hall. Eleven members
were present. The lesson was
given by Mrs. Everett Jacobsen.
An exchange of gifts was held.
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mrs. Lawrence Hauf
with the new officers presiding.
They are: Mrs. Lionel Gibbs,
president: Mrs. George Itamil,
vice president; Mrs. Ralph
Trease, secretary; Mrs. Tony
Pruss, treasurer, and Mrs. Ferd
Krutz, reporter.
Itirlliday ( lull
Birthday club met with Mrs.
Gordon Drayton Monday after
noon for their annual Christmas
party. Mrs. Gordon Drayton, Mrs.
C. E. Everhart and Mrs. D. L.
Fletcher won prizes. The next
party will be with Mrs. Allen
Hill in January.
Masonic Lodge
E. E. Blackmore was elected
Worshipful Master of Diamond
lodge 291 AF and AM Thursday^
: : __—B
evening at the Masonic Temple.
Other officers elected for 1%1
were: Gordon Johnson, senior
warden; Duard Dempster, junior
warden; H. E. Bradstreet,
secretary', and James Clifton,
L. A. Skalberg, worshipful
master, presided at the meeting.
The elected officers and appoin
tive officers will be installed at
the January meeting.
After the meeting the tra
ditional oyster feed was enjoyed.
Bridge Club
Bridge club met with Mrs. J.
W. Mahood Friday afternoon with
all 12 members present. This
was the annual Christmas party.
The decorations carried out the
Christmas theme.
Eastern Star
OES meeting Order of the
Eastern Star met Thursday eve
ning at a regular meeting. Mrs.
Walter LaFrenz and Gordon
Johnson presided over the meet
ing. At this meeting Mrs. Henry
Drayton was elected worthy
matron; Gordon Johnson, worthy
patron; Mrs. l^oe Skalberg, as
sociate patron; Fee Skalberg, as
sociate patron; Mrs. Dale
Guenameyer, secretary; Mrs.
Gurney Drayton, treasurer; Mrs.
Forest Maple, conductress and
Mrs. Elloit Blackmore, associ
ate condructress.
Mrs. Henry Drayton had charge
of the program after the meet
ing. Mrs. J. W. Mahood led in
group singing, Mrs. Harold
Mitchell gave a Christmas read
ing and Mrs. Henry Drayton
read a Christmas poem. Mrs.
Cecil Lee and Mrs. Wayne I-auten
schlager were co-hostess, assisted
by Mrs. Leon Mitchell, Mrs. liar
old Mitchell, Mrs. Walter I-t
Frenz, Mrs. Forest Maple and
Mrs. Mae Knapp.
WSCS Meets
WSCS met Wednesday after
noon in the E. U. B. church par
lors with 37 members and two
visitors, Mrs. Blanche Fletcher
and Gertrude Gribble present.
Mrs. D. Lenz had charge of the
lesson on the topic, “ The Road
Leads On.” Those assisting were
Mrs. E. E. Bruce, Mrs. Boyd
Mitchell, Mrs. Lester Withee,
Mrs. Vernon Munger, Mrs. Har
old Mitchell and Mrs. Leon Mitc
Mrs. Harvy Holbrook sr..
showed colored slides that Rev.
and Mrs. Duane Lenz had taken
last summer while visiting the
Red Bird Mission in Kentucky.
Mrs. Wayne Lautenschlager pre
sided over the business meeting
Those honored at the birthday
table were Mrs. E. Bright, Mrs.
Ted Berry, Rita Thehinder,
Beverly Maple and Mary Sue Kei
log. The birthday table was
centered with a red and green
decorated cake and a Santa Claus.
Hostesses were Mrs. Lester Wi
thee, Mrs. Henry Drayton, Mrs.
Gordon Drayton, Mrs. Theodore
f..~- May the
spirit of the
first Christmas
shine brightly
in your heart.
Happy holiday wishes to you:
our friends and customers,
•0 1
f and sincere thanks for
? the pleasure of serving yon.
J May your Yuletide be bright
with aii the season’s joys.
I »
j J'enneyS
| . n
i'liay Christinas cheer light up your home
and make all the days of your New Year as
• t*' i' glowingly bright as the sparkling lights on
^ your tree on this happiest of all holidays.
- O'Neill Nebraska