The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 22, 1960, Section Two, Image 14
Stuart News llv Mrs lli rh Skate Friends anil neighbors surprised Mrs Dwaine Ulrich on her birth day December 12 at her home. She received gifts and the self invited guests served lunch. Don and Mary Minnig of Hast ings college arrived home to spend a two week vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Minnig. Sand Crick Improvement club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. George Minnig with Mrs. George Hitchcock and Mrs. Jerome Web er as co-hostesses. Members en tertained their husbands at a cov ered dish dinner. There were 33 present. Grab bag gifts were ex changed. “Mystery sisters” were revealed and new names drawn. A quiz contest was given by Mrs. Dick Wadsworth and was won by Mrs. S. E. Timmermans. Five dollars was sent to the muscular dystrophy fund. Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. George Minnig January 19 with Mrs. Jim Hytrek as co-hostess. A recent Brownie Scout meeting was in charge of the president, Kathy Kunz, and colors were ad vanced by Judy Cadwallader and Jo Ann Skala. The pledge of al legiance Wets given and roll call was answered with the Brownie promise, Judy Cadwallader serv ed refreshments. Next meeting wil! be December 20. Sunday guests of Mrs. Hattie Fox were Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gilg of Newport. Theresa Levi entertained the Hi Five club at her home Fri day. Prize winners were Mrs. B. C. Engler, Mrs. John Shald, Mrs. Lou Steinhauser and No ma Hall. Lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nelson entertained at a card party Fri day. Prizes were won by Frank Johnson, Mrs. Earl Cadwallader, Harry Cadwallader, Mrs. Elgie Irish and Clifford Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson will have the next card party. A group of friend* surprised •f<»e Colson Sunday evening on his birthday. The evening was spent playing cards. Those pre sent were Mr. and Mrs. Don Cadwallader, Kathy and Gary of Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cadwallader and Diane, Mr. and Mrs. Tom King, Mr. and Mrs. Ilerh Skala and family. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Butler and sons moved into the late Mrs. O. 0. Hendrickson home Decem ber 15 Mrs. Roger Johnson and child ren have moved into the resi dence recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Morton Gill and fam ily. Jerry Wallinger of Omaha spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wallinger and sons. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Minnig, Don and Mary were Mr. and Mrs. Wyla Minnig of Bassett and Miss Evelyn Min nig of California. She returned to her home in California Wednes day. Friends and relatives surprised Mrs. Merle Thurlow Saturday eve ning on her birthday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Thurlow. Cards were played. Prize winners were Ernest Greenfield, Mrs. Harry Cadwallader, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Thurlow and Lloyd Thur low. The birthday cake was bak ed by Mrs. Ernest Greenfield. Honored at Parties Marilyn Schmaderer was guest of honor at two miscellaneous showers held Friday at the home of Mrs. George Wallinger and Sun day at the Leonard Olberding home. f YULET1DE GREETINGS Our sincere thanks to all our kind friends for their continued patronage and our best wishes for a happy holiday. VAN VLECK MOTORS INC. O'NEILL, NEBRASKA -:'.:':c:«!£sgtgjgtgig5e!g»:tg!s>gie!gN’’2’S’g,2‘-g!g>e<g’gig!€,e>g!g*s»g!€,gtg*€!g’S!g,'g<g,i:'-2<€!2* As we celebrate the day of His birth, may its inspiration bring you the peace and love He wished for the world... may all the blessings of Christmas dwell in your home and your heart always. FIRST NATIONAL BANK O'Neill, Nebraska Hostesses at the Friday affair were Mines. Leonard Olberding, Alois Schmaderer, George Min nig, Joe Kaup jr., Martha Baum, Ferd Kaup and Aloys Kaup sr. At the Sunday party, all Stuart high school girls attended and bingo was played. Other guests included Mrs. Joe Wallinger, Mrs. Joe Schmaderer and Mrs. Bob Wallinger and Vicky. Hostesses were the Stuart senior girls. Mrs. LaVonne Dvorak and Den nis and Mrs. Lloyd Thurlow spent Sunday afternoon visiting at the Norton Thurlow home in Atkin son. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Clara Baum and sons were Mrs. Agnes Verzal and son, Laverne, Mrs. Rose Baum of North Loup. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stracke and Bill. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Steinhau ser and sons were Sunday sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Pacha. Meek News l!\ Mrs. I red Lindherg School District .16, known as the Leonia school, will have their Christmas program at 8 p.m., Thursday evening, Dec. 22. Sunday visitors at Mrs. Bill Hulls were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kaczor and Mrs. Paul Nelson. Green Thumb Club The Green Thumb Flower club met at the home of Mary Peter son Wednesday with the annual Christmas dinner and exchange of gifts, followed by entertainment. A large crowd attended the school program at Meek last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sanders were Friday evening visitors at the Lawrence Dobrovolny home. Rev. Turner will not be at Pad dock Union church on Christmas day, but does plan to come Jan 5 uary 1 weather permitting. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walters and l sons were supper guests of Henry 3 Walters Saturday night. | Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borg visit § ed at Steve Hick’s in O’Neill Sat | urday evening. 1 - | PADDOCK MISSIONARY 5 Paddock Missionary group met 3 at the home of Mrs. Paul Nel 5 son Friday. § Friendship boxes with cookies | and candy were packed for boys § in the services and friends in the S community. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindberg 3 and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters 5 attended the aduit Sunday school 3 class party at the Assembly of 3 God church held at noon at the 3 C. E. Worth home in O’Neill. 3 Twenty adults were present. | George Nelson and Dewayne An 3 son visited Walter Egger at the | St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill 2 Sunday. | Blanche Rouse called on Jes 3 sie Kaczor Wednesday evening. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mellor were | Friday dinner guests of Mrs. Bill | Hull. H Gary Devall went to Norfolk 3 Saturday. I Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Devall, | Ben and Diane were Friday eve 8 ning visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Devall. $ Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Anson 3 and girls were Sunday dinner *5 guests at George Nelson’s. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harding and Edna Hubert visited Mrs. § Art Kortje at Norfolk hospital ;3 Wednesday. Debra and Nancy Anderson | spent Friday at the Allen Walt | ers home. Garold Risor was accidently | hurt Friday. While building the iS telephone line a pole fell on him. | Mrs. Blanche Rouse spent from § Tuesday to Saturday at the home *5 of her daughter and son-in-law, | Mr. and Mrs. Garold Risor. * Mr. and Mrs. Don Borg and | family spent Sunday evening at | the Axel Borg home. 3 Garold Risors made a trip to | Meadow Grove Saturday night. 5 Garold’s aunt, Edith Risor, was i§ taken to Tilden hospital and | her brother, Art Risor, accom 5 panied Garold home. | Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harding 3 visited at the home of Mr. and | Mrs. Bud Barley of Randolph 5 Sunday and also at the home of | Mr. and Mrs. David Wagoner of | Neligh. IS — - — Mrs. Axel Borg called at the Paul Nelson home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zach and girls of Niobrara were Sun day eve supper guests at William Hansen’s. Mr. and Mrs. William Hansen called at Beryl Bessert’s home in Bristow Tuesday evening. The women attended a woman’s club. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Burgard from Niobrara were Sunday vis itors of Mr. and Mrs. Kennis Hansen. Senator Frank Nelson is attend ing a legislature meeting at Lin coln. Mrs. Nelson is visiting rela tives at Fort Calhoun. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Watson and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watson of ONeill. Junior and Douglas Walters spent Tuesday at the Merlin An derson home. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Rouse and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walters called on Roy Wells at the Vet erans hospital in Grand Island Tuesday. Eagle Belle project club had their Christmas party at the home cf Mrs. Ted Crawford with a pot luck dinner followed by exchange of gifts and enter tainment. Next meeting is to be with Mrs. Don Borg. Ben and Gary Devall were Wednesday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dcwayne Anson. Inman News y y By Mrs. James McMahan t/s ' Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins|| have received word of the birth of § a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Gif-* ford Tompkins of Tuscon, Ariz.*j This is the first great grandchild, y * * Inman Workers The Inman Workers Project^ club met Wednesday, Dec. 14 atg the home of Mrs. Wynn Baldwin.* H* All_i n_1J „ 1UIO. 1WVJ11W1UO *» charge of the meeting. Mystery! sisters were revealed and eachl received a gift. Mrs. Baldwin^ served a lunch in keeping withs the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. South vi-| sited Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Ilarti-g gan at Norfolk Monday. They Souths accompanied Mr. and Mrs.| Ben Troshynski of Atkinson and; Mrs. John Conard of Emmet to! Norfolk. | Mr. and Mrs. R. IS South ! spent Sunday at the Jotui Con- ; ard home. The occasion was the f. birthday anniversary of the | Conard’s son-in-law, Ben Tro- g synski, of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morsbach of} Clearwater visited Mrs. Elizabeth^ Morsbach and Mr. and Mrs.! David Morsbach Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rzeszotarskig and Mrs. Gaines Rzeszotarski of! Atkinson visited in the J. W.| Banks home Sunday afternoon. £ Ralph Schrunk of Atkinson wasf a Sunday caller in the home off Mr. and Mrs. James Banks. The Zion’s Daughters of the; RLDS church met at the home of! Mrs. Donald Keyes Tuesday eve-| ning. After the lesson the hos-g tess served lunch to the group. js The RLDS members held theirgj Christmas party and program ats the church Saturday evening.*? Lunch was served and a fine time; was had by the group. Mrs. Violet Sholes attended the| VFW Auxiliary Christmas party? Tuesday evening in O’Neill. Charles Young spent Wednes-| day afternoon visiting Mr. and? Mrs. Art Kropp at Ewing. Ralph Sholes, who is employed; at Valentine, visited his mother,! Mrs. Violet Sholes over the week-| end. ! Mrs. Ray Siders and Manlyns visited in the home of Mr. and; Mrs. Clarence Juracek at Orch-g ard Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Hubert Kiser was dismis-g sed from St. Anthony’s hospitals Friday. She had been a patient; for a week. | —— ■■ s Pau! Shierk _ | INSURANCE AGENCY O’NEILL, NEBR. a Insurance of AH Kinds fc. ■ m —.. ” " -s Q 5 i5 « 5 s 1 s f5 S R S R S R 5 6 i R S «? * $ § I ■ ■ I I I I 1 1 9 ! R 9 9 . i As the merry Christmas bells echo far and near, as friends and families gather to celebrate the happiest of holidays, we wish for everyone the season’s best. 1 R 1 & M 8 1 4 PATTON'S O'Neill, Nebr. R Clearwater New: Mrs. Charles Curtright Hliiter 5-3290 YML club held the annual Christmas party Friday evening when Mr. and Mrs. Orval Hank la and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sni der entertained the group at the Legion hall. Ten point pitch fur nished the entertainment with prizes going to Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert McDaniel, Mrs. Erick Mine rich, John Koenig, Mrs. Robert Middleton and Erick Minerich. A gift exchange was held followed by lunch. Mrs. John Rix has replaced Mrs. Hal Thompson as secretary at the local high school, Mrs. Thompson resigned after about two years work. Hilda Jones entered a Norfolk hospital last week for medical tests. Santa Claus was in Clearwater Saturday afternoon distributing treats to the “little folks’’ and hearing requests for gifts to be delivered at Christmas time. A free show was given at the Le gion hall and the usual crowd of children turned out for the fes tivities. Tom Kuester was taken to the Neligh hospital Thursday after suffering a head injury while, playing at school. He was re leased Tuesday. He is the eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Kuester. Members of the RLDS church went Christmas caroling Sunday evening and then returned to the church for a chili supper. Mrs. Hoel Allemang is Clear water’s top bowler, with a 194 to her credit. All churches here are plan ning programs and entcrhiin ment for the holiday season. There will be parties and sever al special services. Miss Donna Damme held her Christmas program Friday eve ning in school District 5 east of town. The schoolhouse was crowd ed and a program was presented by the nine pupils. Santa Claus pjt in his appearance at the close of the program. An auction of articles made by the students was held and lunch was served. Tire -Rev. D. L. Braunersreuther has received -a call to serve Im manuel Lutheran church at Til-} den. The call was received the| past week. Relatives here have received-; word that Mrs. Ernie Fuller has? suffered a stroke and is in poor? condition. The Fullers are for mer long time residents of the? Clearwater community. They now| reside at 645 Liberty S., Ashland,? Ore. The honor roll for the second? six weeks of school has been an | nounced here and is as follows:? Seventh grade. Dale Wolfe, Ste-| 2 § t' § § 5 J Hceofimitfi... i 1 1 May the blessed h ! spirit of j this joyous § f season ! ? fill your heart | I with peace, t good will and f I happiness. J I i « [ \ i i j Biglin's Mortuary j Georgo Hammond and Joe Tennis O’Neill, Nebraska *9 rw. • phanie Thompson, Bonnie Snider, Dennis Loewe and Gaylenc Knapp; eighth, Donald Wintz, Joy Knapp and Holly Hoffman; fresh men, Cathy Wiegand, Ronnie Sanne, Rochelle Nolze, Janice Hoerle and Marsha Allen; sopho mores, Bonnie Damme, Cheryl Rice, Helen Snider and Richard Twiss; juniors, Mona Ziems, Tom Wrenholt, Leroy Trease, Bever ly Snider, LaVonne Rice, Max ine Hoffman, Gerald Hoerle, Jack Hixson, Marie Anderson, Sheryl Ahlers and Merlin Alle mang and seniors, Kathy Sehi, Donna Sanne, Joan Sabatka and Tom Patras. For the Christmas lighting and decorating contest this year judges picked the homes of Earl Snider, Bennie Prater and Lowell Herley. The homes were judged Sunday evening. Band sponsors met Monday evening in the high school recrea tion room with about 25 in atten dance. After a short business meeting a film was shown. Ele ven members of the band played a few selections including some Christmas music. Mr. and Mrs. James Wiegand and Mr. and Mrs Geo. Wrenholt were in charge of entertainment. Gifts were brought and will be sent to an orphans home in Omaha. A “grab bag” for members was held. Serving on the lunch committee were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schnabel, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Schrage, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Snider. Electric Motors Rewinding — Rebuilding Cali 243-W — 24 hr. Service Northwest Electric O’Neill : laic’s I t f ? f ? t \ es to all our friends for r a liappy Holiday. ? f \ Niobrara Valley Zfectric Membership j Corporation r rg'e'gtg&tgweterT’rigiaBgteunaeuaKKtineTetetg'eietetg'gteie’e'g'.z’e'c'Z'Z'g'ereietgteitiK ■■ 't I i # \ i \ i I i # i ■ SEGER GIL COMPANY O'Neill Nebraska ;