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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1960)
' Hospital Notes ;.: ■••It .tf'l , V ., . ST. ANTHONY’S ADMITTED Dec. 14—Mrs Joe Langan and Gary Klusman, both «* O’Neill; Mrs. Allen Hargens <*I Spencer. 15— Mrs. Carl Schauer "• *»d Jeffrey McClenahan, both of Chagnbers; Mrs. Norbert Clark, William Gallagher, Mark Kersen brock, Steve Forwood, Pete Web er, Jack Richard Taylor and James Matthews, all of O’Neill. 16—Richard Rauerkus and Mrs. Charles Richter, both of O’Neill; Terry Mosel and Scott Prill, both of Page. 17—Mrs. Robert Cunning ham of Neligh; Mrs. Eld Harvey of Chambers. 18 Mrs. Marie A. Strube and Miss Betty Rodman, both of O’Neill; Mrs. Junior Lud wig of Spencer. 19—None. 20— ■Baby Steven Riley of O’Neill; Bri an Rowse of Chambers; Mrs. Ber nard Troshynski of Atkinson. DISMISSED: Dec. 14 Mrs. Alice Quigley of Orchard; George Porter of Chambers. 15—Terry Paulsen and Ivan Hurley jr., both of O’Neill; Mrs. Hubert Kiser of Inman; Mrs. Norman Salt?, of Page. 16—None. 17—Mrs. Carl Schauer of Chambers; Mrs. Al len Hargens of Spencer; Mrs. Henry Winkler of O’Neill. 18— Gary Klusman and Mark Ker senbrock, both ri O'Neill. 19—Si las E. Howard, Mrs. Eva Hurl bert, Jack Richard Taylor, Mrs. Joe Langan and Richard Rau terkus, all of O'Neill. 20—Bettj Rodman, Steve Forwood, James Matthews and Baby Steven Riley all of O’Neill; Terry Mosel ol Page; Brian RowSe of Chambers 21—Mrs. Bernard Troshynski oi Atkinson. ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED: Dec. 12— Mrs Raymond Dobias of Atkinson; Clint Davis and Mrs. Harry Fis cher, both of Bassett. 13—John Dickey of Stuart; Mrs. Mary Pacha of Atkinson. 14—Mrs. Har ry Polen of Bassett; Mrs. Her man Orsborn of O’Neill; Roy Carr and Mrs. Gary Hitchcock, both of Atkinson; Mrs. Floyd Fox of Newport. 15—Diana Weigel ol Amelia; William Utter of New port. 16 Mrs. G. E. Morgan and Raymond Timmerman, both of Atkinson; Frank Bose of Stuart. DISMISSED: Dec. 12—John Al derman of Stuart. 13—Gerald Win ings, Mrs. Dean Prewitt and son, Mrs. Dennis Edwards and son and Mrs. Arlen Brown and flaughter, all of Atkinson; Den nis Weber of Stuart. 14—Leslie Andrus of Atkinson; Mrs. Anna Baumiester of Stuart. 15—Mrs. William Ludeman and son of Ano ka. 16—William Utter of Newport; Mrs. Mary Pacha and Mrs. Ray mond Dobias and son, all of At kinson. 17—Mrs. Mary Hitchcock of Atkinson; Mrs. Floyd Fox of Newport. 18—Mrs. Herman Ors born and daughter of O’Neill; Mrs. iiiiiww ■■ I Iiiimimi IP II ii> I Mil ini I III ii i«l II—H ' Last Minute Shoppers GIFT SUGGESTIONS From Devoy's Rexall Drug CLOCKS Electric or Wind $2.98 and up WATCHES Timex and Westclox — Men’s or Ladies MANICURE SETS Revlon, Cutex $1.59 and up COSMETIC GIFTS Revlon, Cara Nome, Shulton, Lentheric, Coty, and other leading brands — sets or individual pieces. MEN'S TOILETRIES Stag, Kings Men, Top Brass. That Man, Williams, Shulton, and others — also in sets or individual pieces. SPECIAL FOR THE KIDDIES Christmas Stockings Filled with Candy and Toys 59c and 99c PANGBURN'S CANDY For a gift the whole family will enjoy, take home a box of Pang bum’s delicious WESTERN STYLE CHOCOLATES. If you are looking for a gift that will mean an extra SOMETHING, choose PANGBURN’S in a beautifully decorated gift box. PANGBURN'S Chocolates are available in O’Neill ONLY at De voy’s Rexall Drug. GIFTS FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS Toys, Games Dolls, Rattles, Blocks CAMERAS AND CAMERA SETS These are gifts that will long be remembered Be sure you have plenty of film and flash bulbs to take pictures of all the holiday festivities. FRESH JOHNSON'S NUTS Christmas Dinner is not complete without nuts. For your din ner and for all Christmas gatherings, get FRESH Johnson’s nuts at Devoy’s. DEVOY REXALL Drug Bob Devoy, Pharmacist Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings O'Neill, Nebr. Walter H. Polen and son of Bas sett. SACRED HEART PRESENT: Oscar R. Carmich ael, Mrs. Mary Classen, Mrs. Lena Connot, Baby Sherri Lynn Loock and John Schommer, all of Spencer; Elmer Cleveland of Bonesteel; Dr. J. A. Guttery of Lynch; Erick Ohman of Anoka; Miss Mary E. Wills of Butte. DISMISSED: Dec. 13— Mrs. Cal vin Conklin of Lynch. 14—Claude Collins of Butte. 15—Master Ker ry Jons of Bonesteel; Baby Mary Joan Koenig of Fairfax. 17—Orvie Jones, Mrs. Floyd France and Mrs. Foster Farrand and son, all of Lynch; Mrs. Leo Marx and daughter and Mrs. W. E. Ljdke, all of Spencer. IS—Miss Dolores Van Hove of Bristow. 19—Mrs. Frank Clausen of Naper; Mrs. Janettie Nelson of Center; Mrs. Jerald Loukota and son of Picks town. 20—Mrs. Bobbie Anderson and daughter of Butte. Servicemen's Notes . . . INMAN Jimmie D. Sawyer, nachinist’s mate third class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sawyer of Inman, is serving aboard the attack aircraft car rier USS Saratoga operating with th° Sixth Fleet in the Mediter ranean. The Saratoga is the flagship of Rear Admiral David L. McDon | aid. Commander, Carrier Division Six. O’NEILL—James P. Renze, ap prentice petty officer second class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. Renze of O’Neill grad uated Nov. 18 from nine weeks of Recruit Training at the Naval Training Center, San D^ego Calif. Apprentice petty officers are chosen from the ranks of the sea man recruits to assist Company Commanders. The selection is based on individual aptitude and leadership qualities. SPENCER—Dennis R. Angel, electronics technician second class, USN, of Spencer was serv ing aboard the nuclear powered fleet ballistic missile submarine USS Ethan Allen when it was launched at Groton, Conn. Nov. 22. The Ethan Allen, equipped with the Polaris missile, is the lar gest submarine in the world. _ O’NEILL—Army Recurit Dar old R. Strong, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Strong of O’Neill recently qualified as an expert in firing the M-l rifle on the trainfire range at Ft. Riley, Kan. The trainfier range is designed to simulate combat conditions and features pop-up targets at dis tance unknown to the firer. Twenty-year old Strong, assign ed to the 4th Artillery’s Battery A., attended O’Neill high school and was employed by Stillman Rubber Company of Los Angeles, Calif., before entering army ser vice. O’NEILL—Reed R. Tomjack, boatswain’s mate second class, USN. son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo S. Tomjack of O’Neill is serving aboard the heavy cruiser USS St. Paul. The cruiser visited Taiwan, Vietnam, Manila and Phillipines before returning to her hemeport, Yokosuka, Japan on Nov. 18 fol lowing a six-week cruise to Far Eastern ports. EMMET—Alfred “Doc” Schaaf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Schaaf of Emmet graduated from recruit training November 18 at the Naval Training Center at San Diego, Calif. The graduation exercises, mark ing the end of nine weeks of “boot camp”, included a full dress parade and review before military officials and civilian dignitaries. “Doc” is presently at home vis iting friends and relatives over the holidays. Letters to the Editor Dec. 11, 1960 Sirs: After living thru the battle o Little Rock and now listening t< what is happening in New Or leans, the struggle over O’Neill’! bond issue sounds mild. Usually, the so called Progres sives consist to a large extent o] utility employees and chain store managers. Many of them will noi stay long enough to pay out the bonds. Of ccurse, quite a few arc people who will pay. Some of the Conservatives are downright stingy, but most ol ’em just want to pay as they go Our educators do run too much toward atheletics, why train 11 boys as athletes, while 764 other pupils do no heavier training than putting records on hi-fi? Parents are largely to blame, as few students do home work. The schools teach social activities but not how to make a living. Before a construction contract is let explore every means of low ering the cost. First, is the lane costing too much? Next, the type of construction. I note one Okla homa school was built at half the Federal estimate, because they used local material and local la bor. On most contracts, the high wages and profits go to outsiders. On the other school house, the board never consulted any local dealer. As a consequence, the gas hot plates in the domestic science room were unsafe and of a type discarded 25 years before.. And they paid the contractor without finding out that the gas line had never been run thru the 16 inch outside concrete wall. However, the person who wrote “There Is No Santa Claus” is correct. When you get Federal money you pay thru the nose, The letter from the seventh grader who just might have to get up at 6:30 a.m. almost broke my poor heart. Do all these kids expect to grow up as bankers and golf their lives away? Some of our neighbors kids get on a cold bus at 6:30 and ride 50 miles. “Business Man” talks about driving away farmers. While I realize Holt County farmers are the toughest and meanest lot on earth, they hardly ever bite you if you pay ’em a reasonable price for their produce and don’t over charge 'em on everything you sell. New, why don’t your brave correspondents sign their names? Even down here, where there’s a Bus Schedule Leave Sioux Cit> 11.30 a.m. Arrive O’Neill 3:30 p.m Leave O’Neill 3:45 p.m Arrive Sioux City 7:15 pm Leave Winner 6:00 a.m Arrive O Neill 9:00 a.m Leave O’Neill 9:30 a.m Arrive Omaha 3:50 o.m Return Leave Omaha 8:30 a.m l eave Norfolk 12:30 p.m Arrive O Neill 3*:00 p.m Leave O'Neil 4:00 p.m. Arrive Winner 7:15 p.m .^eavc Valentine 9:10 a.m Arrive ON°ill 12:15 p.m Leave O’Neill 12:25 p.m Arrive Grand Island 4:05 p.m Leave Grand Island 4:05 p.m. Arrive Omaha 7:45 p.m. Return Leave Omaha 7:45a.m. Arrive Grand Island 11:20 a.m. Leave Grand Island 12:30 p.m Arrive O'Neill 4:00 p.m. Leave O'Neill 4:15 p.m. Arrive Valentine 7:15 p.m -_ WINTER TIRES lc Tire Sale 6:70 X 15 TUBE OR TUBELESS 1st Tire.27.25 Plus tax and Recappable Ttre 2nd Tire. ^ q Plus tax and Recappable Tire 2 TIRES.5726 Plus tax and ^■1 a Recappable Tire • Super Traction • Quiet Running • All Nylon • Guaranteed in Writing All 14" and 15" Sizes Available At Joe's Tire Service On South 4th Behind Meadow Gold Phone 716 reward for Republicans, I sign mine. So far, I haven’t even been half-shot. If I ever wear a disquise in O’ Neill, it will be to avoid my creditors. Ralph N Leidy Rente 2 Benton viile, Ark. — Verdigre News By Vac Randa VERDIGRE—Mr. and Mrs. Ed die Zoubek of Verdigre announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Kar en, to Jerry Lou Pavlik of Ver digre. January 12 is the date set for the wedding. The newly constructed forty by one-hundred twenty foot county machine shed located on the coun ty lots in the northeast part of Verdigre is now ready for use. The heavy beams set in solid I - concrete are covered with steel and approach the ten thousand dollar mark on a bid basis. Two Verdigre workmen and two out-of-town men assisted with the construction work. ZCBJ LONGE Frank Kves, secretary of the ZCBJ lodge has announced Dec. 18 as the meeting date for the lodge meeting. Election of officers and other important business will be transacted at that meeting. All members are urged to be pre sent. Directors will also be elect ed. O'Neill Locals Mr. and Airs. John Sieheneder and family of Atkinson were Sat urday evening visitors in the Marvin Ziska home. John Nachtman drove fo Merna Sunday to attend the sale of the personal property belonging to his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Nachtman. Oliver and sons bought a cattle ranch at Silt, Colo., and will he moving there soon. Mrs. L. D. Putnam and Audree Nelson visited in Norfolk Wednes day at the Iva Nelson home. Mrs. Gertrude Marcellus left Friday for Temple, Tex., where she will spend the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. Ted Keeney, and family. Mrs. Grace Patton and Mrs. Mary Michaelis of Spencer were December Ki afternoon coffee guests at the Ella Nelson home. Mr. and Mrs. Dayle Ilewett went to Sioux City on Friday to meet their daughter. Miss Ijdi raine Ilewett of Chicago, III., who came to spend the holidays. Ray Witherwax, who is sta tioned at Ft. Sam Houston, at San Antonio, Tex., is expected to arrive Friday to spend the holi days with his wife. Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson will visit during the holidays at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. It. P. Orth, Oklahoma City, Okla. The Robertsons also expect their son, George T. Robertson, Ilenkelman, to visit the Orths with his family at Christmas. Marie Boyle of Wichita, Kans., is visiting relatives here during the yuletide season. Holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Froelich are their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. James Vetter, and sons, Chuck and J'm, all of Washington, I). C. Chuck Is a student at Georgetown Universi- / ty and Jim attends American University. Mrs. Pat Harty is visiting at the home of her son, Tom Harty and family at Neenah, Wis , dur ing the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKenny visited Mrs. Myrtle Spangler and Delmar and Mrs. Della (Grand ma! Bowden Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Baack and family will spend Christmas day with tlteir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hans and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ranch at Seward. For Your Last-Minute Gift Problems GE APPLIANCES TABLE A40DEL RADIOS is88 *° 33s8 GE PORTABLE MIXER New Model 1788 Electric Skillets . 21.88 to 23.88 Electric Irons . 8.88 to 18.88 Toasters . 14.88 to 16.88 Coffee Makers . 15.88 to 25.88 40 ELECTRIC TRAIN Famous Louis Marx electric train. 5-car freight — measures 40' long. Made of high impact molded plastic. Steam type locomotive has oilless bronze bearings. Heavy gauge steel transformer. 102” oval track and Complete track connector. Accessories 10 VELOCIPEDE Super-sturdy tubular steel bike built to take hard wear. Ball-bearing front wheel for easy maneuvering. Semi- f pneumatic puncture-proof rubber tires, chrome hub caps, plastic grips and pedals. Flame red with white trim. 12" Velocipede . 9.95 14" Velocipede . 11.95 SAVE BIG MONEY 3 SPEED PORTABLE A New World of Sound Attractive — Compact Low Priced Front Mounted Speaker. Turn Over Cartridge. 1^07 AMERICAN LOGS 100 . 198 Brownie Starmite CAMERA OUTFIT Complete with Flashbulbs and Film Only 1Q88 42-Pc. Set STAINLESS STEEL Famous Ni^ht Sky Pattern Only g88 Beautiful Cannon RAYON BLANKETS 72 x 90, in yeJlow, pink, green, red, <395 Each blue, aqua. West Bend Flavo-Matic 8-CUP COFFEE MAKER Only g88 Fully Automatic