The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 22, 1960, Section Two, Image 12
Ewing News lt> Mrs. Harold llarrl* Tlie Seek and Share club met Wednesday for an all day meet ing at the annex of the United Presbyterian church. A covered dish dinner was served at noon. Christmas carols were sung at the afternoon program by the group and by Mrs Don Larson, Mrs. Wayne Fry and Mrs. Lar son. Mrs. Walter Miller was pi anist. Boxes of candy and cookies which each member brought, were packed in boxes and delivered to the shut-ins in Ewing Year books were given each member, anil names were drawn for a “mystery pal” for the year 19(11. It was vot ed to donate $:t to the muscular d is trophy fund. A gift exchange was the concluding feature of the party. Mrs. Willie Shrader will be hostess to the club for the Jan uary llth meeting Hie Intermediate youth fellow ship met at the First Methodist church Monday evening. Gloria Hamilton and Evelyn True con ducted the devotionals. There was a gift exchange. Plans were made for the group to go caroling Fri day evening. Mrs. Elvin Hamil ton and Mrs Thomas Eacker will furnish cars. All will then return to the church parlors for games and refreshments Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wood en tertained at a party after the Christmas program Sunday eve ning at the First Methodist church. Present were the Rev. anil Mrs. W. W. Elliott, and Messrs, and Mines, Har.y Van Horn, Waldo Davis, Dewitt Hoke and Earl Pier son. Orgun music and group sing ing was a part of the entertain ment. The following new officers were elected at the regular •ter - ter -?t& im-cting of the Order of the Eastern Star, Je|>hthah Chap ter Noe 85 Tuesday evening: Mrs. Elmer Bergstrom, worthy matron; John A. Wood, Worthy patron; Mrs. Keith Biddlecome, associate worthy matron; Wil bur Bennett, associate worthy patron; Mrs. John A. Wood, conductress; Mrs. Dewitt, asso ciate conductress; Mrs. Harriet Welke, secretary, her 35th year f«»r this office and Mrs. Vera Anson, treasurer. Officers will be installed at the January meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wood and Vina Wood were entertained Sun day at dinner at the home of Mrs. Florence Butler. Mr. and Mrs. James Mlnarik accompanied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mlnarik of Ew ing, spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Mackel and family at Elgin. Sunday afternoon and supper guests at the James Mlnarik home were Mr. and Mrs. George Siems sr. and Joyce of Neligh, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mackel and sun and Mr. and Mrs. Leunder Hamlin and son of Elgin. Karen Mlnarik was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Siems sr. at Neligh. Sharon Johnston had as her ov ernight guests Thursday, Karen Mlnarik. Mr. and Mrs. John Pruden were hosts Sunday at a pre-Christmas one o'clock dinner at their home west of Ewing. Present were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pru den, James Pruden, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Burtwistle, Mr. and Mrs. Bon Larsen all of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pruden and son of Page. Baptismal services were con ducted Sunday morning during the worship hour at the First Methodist church in Ewing for Robert Dean, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hobbs. The Rev. W. W. Elliott officiated. Mr. Hobbs who _ t Jolly j GOO j Wishes 6, 1 •n l i t i * } i i t t i i i i i May these Holidays he your merriest ever. \ 6 Wick's Body Shop j O'Neill, Nebraska * Devoy's Rexaii Drug O'Neill, Nebraska s>€,s^-,g‘g^!g!g!g,g!g<g!g!g,-g,g‘-gtg!gtg{gtg!g‘g=s!gi€ig^’g^ Thelander Auto p NEILL ORCHARD has been in the army for about four years, returned ltome a few days ago from Korea Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker will be hosts at their home at a family gathering Christmas eve, in honor of their 46th wedding an niversary. An oyster supper will be served. Members of die fam ily, who plan to be present, are Mr. and Mrs. Gen Ruby and children of Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eacker and family' of Ewing and Mrs. Jessie Angus. Mrs. Fred Maben of Clearwater was a Monday guest at the George Jefferies home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker plan to spend Christmas Day at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Jerome Fuller and family at Grand Island. A pageant was presented by the members of the Methodist Sun day school Sunday evening. In the cast were classes from the kindergarten to the high school group. In charge were the teach ers, Mrs. Ray Sedivy, Mrs. Mar cus Pierson, Sandra Elliott, Mrs. Willis Rockey, Mr. and Mrs. De witt Hcke and Waldo Davis. San dra E liott was organist. The Rev. W. W. Elliott, pastor, was in charge of Worship and the benediction. The Rev. and Mrs. Elliott and Sandra were given a •‘pound” shower. Treats were given to all ths children. Enters Hospital Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies accompanied their grandson, Royce Wright, to Omaha Thurs day. Mr. Jefferies entered the Clarkson hospital for a physical checkup and treatment. Mrs. Jef feries and Royce returned to Ew ing Sunday. Mrs. Schueth, who was report ed in a Norfolk hospital, is now at the home of her son, Leo Schueth at Humphrey. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ruby drove to Sioux City Sunday to visit at the home of their son. Gene Ruby and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tucker at . tended a Christmas party of the 5 World War I veterans at O’Neill 3 Monday evening. Attending the school program i Monday evening at District 125, ; taught by Mrs. Parks of O’Neill, ; were Mrs. Ralph Eacker, a for i mer teacher of this district, Mrs. | Jessie Angus, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. i Urban, Mrs. Eva Kaczor and j Mike Nickolite. 5 ' —- ■»— Royal News By Mrs. R. J. Hering _ t ' 5 Mr and Mrs. Art Billings of| Neligh were Wednesday afternoon] guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Her-! ing in Royal and of Mr. and Mrs.; Leonard Hall in Pleasant Valley.! Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hergert! i and Candy, Cornelius, Ore., came! 5 Saturday to visit with relatives un-j 5 til after the holidays. Mr. Hergert! 5 is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Her-; J gert and Mrs. Hergert is a daugh-i 5 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lich-! | ty. ! Marvin Johnson of Lineville, la.! and Charles Place of Des Moines] were weekend guests of Mr. John son’s mother, Mrs. Albert John son of Plain view, and all were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Weber. BTC PARTY Mrs. Andrew Jensen was hos tess to the BTC Club at their an nual Christmas party. Gifts were exchanged, games played, and re freshmtnts served. Next meeting will be a New Year’s watch par ty with Mrs. Truman Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bittner and Susan Marie were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bishop of Plainview. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hall and Mrs. R. L. Hering were Sunday dinner guests of the women's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ason cr Orchard. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Dodds Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dodds and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dtxlds and fam ily of Albion. The band concert by the Royal high school band, directed by L.H. Sawyer, will appear in concert at the new auditorium Friday night. Mrs. Dale Weber, who teaches south of town, will hold a Christmas program Thursday evening . Mrs. Warren Holm who teaches the Buckmaster school cn highway 14 will hold her program Friday evening. The Royal schools will hold programs Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Johnston’ of Hay Springs spent several! days last week visiting relatives] in Royal and were guests of Mrs. Edna Johnston. Dorsey News By Mrs. Harold Osborn The Dorsey Aid society met at the home of Mrs. Guy Pinkerman Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta and Evelyn visited at the Tom Alder home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Greene of Lynch and Mr. and Mrs. Ho ward Slack and Robert Wiley call ed at the Harold Osborn home Wednesday evening. Home from Colleges June Carson arrived home Fri t i i i i i ? i a j r ! f t i ? t t ? t 1 f t ! 9 ? t i ? Dean's Barber Shop l O’Neill, Nebraska s 5 § McCarvilles Clothing O'Neill, Nebraska !£*,“? ?e'£'i?,g:gtg!SJg!e!gS£>£tg'«».g,£‘£»S!€’««g,S-2'€-S'^''g!gJS,2'2'<S'g,-€ I <: J ust a friendly greeting to thank all our kind friends and patrons and to wish them the very merriest of hohdays. Moore-Noble Lbr. & Coal Co. O'Neill, Nebraska day evening from Hastings col- ' lege for the holidays. Ruth Os born arrived home from Wayne State Teachers college to spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wells and boys and Mary Ellen Wells spent 3jnday at the Howard Slack home. Callers at the Harold Osborn home Sunday to visit Mrs. Osborn, who is still confined to her bed were: Mrs. Gordon Barta, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull, Mrs. Bill Aim, Mrs. Howard Slack, Mrs. Robert Wells and boys and Mary Ellen Wells. Mrs. T. J. Graham, Mrs. Ho ward Graham and Marlyn were callers at the Osborn home Thurs day and helped with the work. Mrs. Lloyd Brady visited Mrs. Harold Osborn Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and family and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Graham were Sunday din ner guests at the Frank Dobrich ovsky home. Jo Anne Aim spent Sunday with Evelyn Barta. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull called at the Carson sisters home Sun day. Mrs. Ida Hughes was a business caller at the Harold Osborn home Friday. Try the Frontier Want Ads - - - - O'Neill Locals Mrs. Harriet Waters and John Maddox of Scotia will spend the Christmas holiday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Waters. Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Schaaf and family will spend Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Schaaf in Atkinson. Mrs. Sidney E. Anderson left Tuesday for Omaha to visit with her daughter, Mrs. I. W. Briggs. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mansonj will join her mother, Mrs. Ander-S son. in the Briggs home for the* Christmas weekend, returning toS O'Neill Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Spitzen-I berger have their son, Mike.S home for the Christmas holiday.; Mike is stationed at a paratroopers base in Kentucky. Sara Calahro and her mother,; Mrs. Ira Moss, returned the firsts of the week from Rochester.] Minn., where the former had re-j ceived medical care in Mayo] clinic. P. C. Donohoe entertained Mr.j and Mrs. C. J. Gatz, Mrs. Mary! McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lo-jj haus and daughter, Jeanne at8 dinner Tuesday evening at the] Town House. Mr. and Mrs. Orville India andS daughter, Mary Ann, plan to go] —.. t m* •/=’’ ugmp*sr \c? ■ ?»* -v *c- \<=z tr-‘ t Z i | S > I i s \ i s 5 t S * \ s £ l * I s * s? j g 8 S' s I I I 8 Sf 5 ■ ■ s? * V f Sf l I 8 fj I \ i I i | Christmas so that our « employees can spend the holiday with their families ™™_ j 5 ! 5 5 i 5 j ., i I I ■ ■ l l I I I g I - 9 5 J s r« ! fr 5 I? i p a// the wonder and joy of the First ___l j. t £ Afoe/ dwell in year heart once more this Christmas. _J„ d l 1 | FETROWS I Appliances and Bottled Cas | O’NEILL, NEBRASKA jf g^^{e^4gt@€4@gtgtglgtetei6CStCtgtg,£iStg'&g!g«tgt£tg{gigt6<@gtet€:!€!<;tC!€tS«g<«tgtg! J(f_ 5 i? '.f'2S€^'S!€!S!€<S’««g'S^!g!g!«!S«g«©S<S«2i€te*t1!S,S«g!€i€«S*g«gf2tg'€'«'€'g«€,« €^1€»€?€^,5 ; f ' [ i s? I V i i i y i & s? 5? u w I M & V y | 1 I SP ■ S? s f § w w | good will on this happy day. I K and M CAFE ^ O'Neill, Nebraska SP to Clarkson Friday where they will spend Christmas with his. mother, Mrs. Frank lndra. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parker were Sunday guests in the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Parker at Hutte. ' ,, Mrs. Reed Herley entertained sixteen girls Saturday afternoon in honor of her daughter, Sally's twelfth birthday anniversary. Games were in progress and re freshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parker and Jerry Oetter will leave Friday for Miss Betty Schultz arrived this week from Cadillac, Mich., to spend the holiday vacation with Mr. and Mrs. John Kersenbrock. Batty is on a Covenant tour spon sored by the Covenant church ami will join the tour after the holi * days at Kansas City, Mo., for a tour of the western state*. Ellen Ixihaus arrived Wednes day to spend the liolidky vacation with her parents and Mr. and Mrs. John Baker will arriw Fri day to visit in the Lohdus home. 1-Miimic _\<tur niHVH to <XX I | Blessings ! CHRI5ITO5 r f JMay the faith that led the Three Wise Men to His manger fill your heart with love and good will this Christmas time. Helen's Flower & Gift Shop O'Neill, Nebraska CR6GTINGS Our sincere thanks to all our good friends for their continued patronage. May you all enjoy a very merry holiday season and a very happy New Year. Stannard's Store O'NEILL, NEBRASKA w ^ — — — — — — — — — '€tS‘€,C'S,-€'g'«fJS'-2'«^,-€tC,€'€»g'€’2!g!€igte,€!e‘et2X,S,?!€t«:t«’«’-«'€'«<g<e,'3'-e !«’?’€>«'C«ie^ JUST TO SAY, "%mn ChiUmu" AND "JiuHf FOR YOUR FRIENDLY PATRONAGE DURING THE PAST YEAR ? > t t • i f i • i f F i F i F F ? * Lexington Mill and Elevator Co. O'Neill Warehouse F F Just North of the Burlington Depot f Open Saturdays Until 9 p.m. j Jack Bailey, Mgr. Phone 771 * _ _ p «€*$*€ ’€ ?6 *£ ^ *£ K t£ W€ ’Zt&Zt&GWIX 6 _—_ f l \ f f l f i i i i I * V If # I i 1 1 § if 8 ■f v 2 i i 1 2 | Tieartfelt is our wish for y you: have the merriest & Christmas you have ever known. Sf Foree Tire and Supply s* O'Neil!, Nebraska