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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1960)
Riverside News Ky Mrn. Lionel Gunter Kitty Fry was a dinner guest last Sunday at the Lynn Fry home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Napier were afternoon callers. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett called Thursday evening at the Keith Biddlecome and Dale Napier homes. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry were Omaha visitors Tuesday and they called at the Frank Emsick home. Mr. and Mrs. George Mont gomery visited Tuesday overnight at the Henry Wehenkel home in Orchard. Mrs. Web Napier and Mrs. John Napier were O'Neill visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry .and family and the I>>rraine Mont gomery family were dinner guests Sunday at the Floyd Napier home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry's wedding anni versary. The Richard Miller family vi sited Thursday evening at the John Miller home. Mr. and Mrs. George Ruroede visited last Sunday evening at the Rudy Aiders home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mahood of Orchard and Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry were guests Sunday at Dale Napiers home for Mr. and Mrs. Fry’s wedding anniversary and Mr. Fry’s birthday. J^omA 'IBcmh YOU’LL REST EASIER with a low-payment, long-term loan. 1 hat’s why, each week, hundreds of farm ers and ranchers combine their obligations in a long-term Land Bank loan on land — a loan that can be paid in advance without penalty. You can also use a Land Bank loan to buy land, livestock and equipment; to make improve ments, and for other purposes. Come in and talk it over with n» today. Federal Land Bank Assn. LYLE P. DIERKS Manager Phone 91 O’Neill Mrs. Anna Miller visited last ‘ Sunday at the John Miller home. . The Lorraine Montgomery family ] were evening callers. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Ahlers vi sited last Sunday at the Fred Ritter sr., home at Tilden. Ha Napier called Saturday af ternoon at the Alfred Napier home. The Richard Napier family vi sited Wednesday evening at the Dal? Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink visited at the Bert Fink home Wednes day. The Ed Walters family of Chambers visited Tuesday eve ning at the John Napier home. < Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier] and Mr. and Mrs. George Keller were Norfolk visitors Wednesday evening. The John Napier family vi sited Sunday at the Edward Cud dy home in O’Neil). Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller and Danny and th • Leo Miller family were supper guests last Thursday j at the Howard Miller home. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier and the Wayne Fry and Richard j Napier families gathered at the /. H. Fry homo Saturday evening; to help Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry celebrate their forty-first wedding anniversary and also Z. H. Fry’s birthday. The Archie Johnston and Willie Shrader families were visitors at the Gerald Wettlauffer home in O'Neill. Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink were guests Sunday at Melvin Napier’s. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clayton and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hobbs and Bobby were Neligh visitors Saturday. Mrs. Robert Hobbs and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs met Ro bert Hobbs in Grand Island Mon day night. Robert had just re turned from Korea. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston had supper Tuesday at the Town House in O’Neill in honor of both couples wedding anniversaries. The Art Busshardt family of Neligh had dinner Sunday at the Dave Pollock home. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hord vi sited Monday evening at Archie Johnstons. The United Presbyterian Mis sionary Society met with Luella Bennett Thursday. Each lady brought a covered dish dinner and cookies or candy to give to the elderly people and shut-ins. Winnifred Switzer and Ruth Ann Shrader gave the lesson. Seek and Share The Seek and Share Project club had their dinner and Christ mas party at the church annex Wednesday. They packed Christ mas boxes for shut-ins. Reverend and Mrs. Ernest Chambers and family were din ner guests Sunday at the Grant Mott home. Leo Miller, Alfred and Leroy Napier, Ina Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett visited Thursday evening at the Lionel Gunter home. Mr. and Mrs George Montgomery were Fri day evening visitors. The pupils of the Raymond Schmidt school gave their Christ mas program Thursday evening. Mrs. James Kay is the teacher. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hord vi sited Sunday evening at the George Montgomery home. ‘ ' ~“jjl NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS January 1st Is assessing date. All preeinct assessors will start assessing personal property January 3rd. All personal property must be reported a-s of January L The deadline for reporting personal property will be March 1st. All late schedules and omitted property will be subject to penalty as the law provides for. Anyone who lias a mobile home on their land or lot. must report this to the assessor. Anyone who owns a mobile home must apply for a permit or license. If you do not receive a tax statement for your mobile home come to the assessors office at the Curthouse and give us the information, so we can write a tax statement for you. Anyone living in a mobile home must be assessed for head tax. Some people have the opinion that there is no tax on intangible class of property, due to a recent Supreme Court decision, that the 1959 penalty law was unconstitutional. This is not the case. Intangible property must be reported, and the old penalty law is in force. No doubt the 1961 Legislature will provide for a new penalty law on intangible property. Please help us in the assessors office by getting your assessing done as early as possible. Personal schedules can be obtained from any of the precinct assessors or at the Courthouse. Busi ness schedules will be mailed out. Anyone that cannot be here to get their assessing done during the required time can have a schedule mailed to them, by giving us I your address. The following are the assessors for 1961. | Roger Bowen_Antelope and Iowa Precinct Walter Puckett_ Atkinson Precinct and Atkinson Village t Milford Juracek _Belle and Rock Falls Precinct H. R Farrier_Chambers Precinct, Chambers Village and Conley Precinct < Chas Mulford _ Cleveland and Dustin Precinct ; Francis Rohde __ Coleman Precinct Albert Latzel _ Deloit Precinct Paul Newton _ Emmet Precinct and Emmet Village Archie Tuttle _ Ewing Precinct, Ewing Village and Golden Precinct Harlan Kubart _. Fairview Precinct l Robert Lemmer_ Francis Precinct Robert LeMunyan Green Valley Precinct Earl E. Dickau_____ Holt Creek Precinct 1 Vernon Davis.. .Inman Precinct and Inman Village R. E. Bly____Josie, Swan and Wyoming Precinct • Omer McClenahan ___Lake and McClure Precinct 1 Fred Lindberg___ Paddock Precinct Joe Wagman_ —-Pleasant View Precinct Quentin Hickok_ Sand Creek Precinct Ralph S. Cobum Saratoga Precinct Howard Wells Scott Precinct Henry Weber _ Shamrock Precinct Charles Kubart . Sheridan Precinct Francis Sullivan_Shields Precinct C. L. Brady __Steel Creek Precinct A. Max Karo _Stuart Precinct and Stuart Village Robert G. Gray _Verdigris and Page Village Bob Tomlinson Willowdale Precinct Marvin Clouse_ Grattan Precinct Paul Beha _ O Neill « WM. F. WEFSO, County Assessor Naper News By Mrs. John Schonehaum Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schmitz and sons moved Tuesday from the Jerry Hamling farm north of town to their own farm east of town. Mrs. Mary Nicalous, Mrs. Vera Lund and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Green were dinner guests Satur day of Mr. and Mrs. John Nica lous of Butte. Mr. and Mrs. William Ullrich were surprised on their anniver sary at their home Thursday eve ning by friends and relatives. Progressive pitch was played. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stolten berg and Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Ludemann and son moved their trailer homes from Fort Pierre, S. D., to the Stoltenberg lots Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Davis were Sunday dinner guests in the Max Higgins home to help their granddaughter, Laura, celebrate her fourth birthday. Mrs. John Higgins came in the afternoon to help her granddaughter celebrate. Several neighbors, friends and relatives came to the Leonard Schmitz home on Sunday evening for a house warming party. Pre sent were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Honke and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Reisselman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Higgins and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blum and family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schmitz and family, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Blum and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmitz, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Audiss and family and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Blum. Pro gressive pitch was played after which a lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Buss Hoyt were Sunday afternoon visitors in the Susie Spahn home. Dean Graves spent from Tues day to Wednesday with Jake Spahn. Mr. Graves was a buddy of Jake in the service. They hadn’t seen each other for 17 years. Mr. and Mrs. Claus Seih visit ed in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cannenberg, near Jamison, Sunday afternoon. Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Traut man of Herrick, S. D. Fred, Clara and Lydia Spahn were shoppers in O’Neill Friday. Saturday shoppers -were, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stahleckor, Mrs. Wil bur Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. Er nest Juracek and Darrell. Verdigre defeated the* Naper Bears in a thriller Basketball game on Tuesday, Dec. 6 on the home floor. The first team lost in a 3 minute overtime by one point 41-40. The second team also lost by one point, 32-31. Friday night the Bears played at Burke, S. D., and were defeated 50-45. The second team also lost 43 to 8. Help Fight TB Use Christmas Seals ^7*7*3* r-V 9 <1 >5 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 A p 9 9 9 1 9 s p p p p A i A H_ | ■ 1 — these are ffemp - /Meaty &/nfc~wfth A | (Mmatchec/ freshness/ fi g MONKS OTAR Smokeo . | &4££? ' j amem a* 49* cam* cwsa79* | WILSON ! WIENERS 3 us. 1.00 LEAN-MEATY | SpareR/Ss ~ I Swift's Summer Sausage 59# l Fresh Oysters 79# 1 a ^ CRESCENT | BACON 3 POUNDS 1.00 Roorp MU j rwnv.. ^ 1 Vhi/dc/e/phia j A'AWSTFO# most mm P/F&f..,. i &$w*on-m9< | Htz/aiy mya&7B/ » yAMS 1 C„spC£llRy > *PH/C£S £ffCCTIV£....J>£C. /Sm i THmpec.s/sr /see* 8 i! In order that our employees can spend Christmas eve with their families - We will close at 5:30 Saturday, v. December 24th and will be closed all day Christmas. WE GIVE | TOP VALUE I STAMPS ? ' KRAFT CARAMELS LB. BULK 35c PILLSBURYS PIE CRUST MIX 2 PKGS. 39c ALLEN'S SWEET POTATOES 2 a.2* 49c EATMORE CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 3C“, ... 39c FANCY CHOCOLATE DROPS 3 lbs.79c FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS 2 POUNDS _ 59c KRAFT ■ will send you up to l| IN CASH P when you try any 4 of L these famous dressings I Limit: $1.00 per family. l” <| l P.O.Box766 \M \ Chicago 77, Ulinois jp3 I- ?'• KRAFT FRENCH... 25c | MIRACLE FRENCH 25c I KRAFT ITALIAN.. 35c | CASINO_35c I CATALINA . . 35c l. ROKA.37c | COLESLAW... 37c | 8