Ewing News By Mrs. Harold Harris Linda Eacker celebrated her 12th birthday December 9 and in honor of the occasion, she had 12 classmates and friends for an af ternoon party. Lunch was served by her mother, Mrs. Thomas Eac ker. The decorated birthday cake centered the table. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at Franklin for the two-month-old daughter, Dora, of Mr. and Mrs. Hughes of Ewing. The Hughes family had been visiting at the home of his parents for the past month. Mr. and Mrs. George Hayes went to Franklin to at tend the funeral of their grand daughter. Mrs. Stanley Bartos, -who at tends the Wayne State Teachers college, went to Kimball to spend the holiday vacation with her husband at their home. Expected guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Wanser on Christmas Day are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coufal of Kansas City, Mo., John Wanser of Denver, Colo., Jerry Wanser of Peru and Mrs. W. E. Wanser of Page. Mrs. Kittie Fry was a guest Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader and family. Mrs. J. L. Pruden accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burtwistle to Omaha Thursday and was an overnight guest at their home that night. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Meyers and son, Mark, were guests of her par 1»"«k V4 -V, -l, ~ ^ ^ - - - a 3 a a n a a as as as a* i as m a a ■ ■ ■ i l 4 i wishes to you on this happy holiday. A A 9 f A A A A I n 6 ; O'Neill, Nebraska Phone 74 «•;••. /X.. .•cs-2-g-2,s«e,!2«g,€te««!€!etpe«eg«e*ff!eie*g’.2'-s,s’s«'!-s'f2-?.'€,2sg,€'S’-g"i:x’' * ..... fi »»ff».:—- ^•rs^^^Bewrooeworocwesett^OT'K s*e '• r.. * T t * r -■ ■ •; • i I 2 f j I <5 | j 4 I ^ / \ < * ! ' ' X xr * *; J 1 l D , | ^oAeii-j j */l nd may your Yuletide \ be bright with £ peace and happiness. ‘ l i i i Vfc/ O'Neill Transfer and Employees O'Neill, Nebraska 'O'-" f ^ • «**>'f0* w#*.•*** * t ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rab bass of Neligh Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sojka sr. and Mrs. Anna Miller attended fun eral services for Ferdinand Hupp held Friday at Norfolk. Dr. and Mrs. William Ross are expecting as guests for the holi days their daughter, Dr. Mar garet Ross, and Dr. Paul Van Horn of Rochester, Minn. Dr. Van Horn will continue to Aspen, Colo., during the holiday vacation. Thursday, Dr. and Mrs. Ross and Dr. Margaret Ross plan to go to Smith Center, Kan., where they will be overnight guests of rela tives, returning home Friday. Program Presented A large crowd attended the Christmas program of St. Peters church held at St. Domi nic hall Sunday evening. The tree was a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Ker mit Jefferies. Entertainment was presented by the catechism classes. Santa arrived to present treats to the children. This was followed by a social hour, with refreshments served by the ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack and family drove to Norfolk Fri day to see the holiday decora tions of the business section and many homes. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cloyd left Tuesday morning for Sterling, Kan., where they will be joined by their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Napier to go to Mesa, Ariz., to spend Christ mas with their son, David and family, “Butch” Cloyd and their daughter, Mrs. George Garhart Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urban had as their Sunday dinner guests her daughter, Mrs. Robert Pru den and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urban are planning to spend Christmas at 1 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bollwitt. Other expected guests are: Mr. and Mrs. John Kaczor and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bollwitt and family, Mrs. Robert Pruden and family, all of Ewing; Duane Bollwitt of Kansas City, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Wal ter of Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urban went to Omaha Thursday where they met his daughter, Ljcile Urban of San Diego, Calif., who will be their guest for the holiday va cation. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rother ham and daughters, Beth and Lynne, went to Omaha Thursday to visit their daughter, Rowena, and their son, Larry. fg- s'*rr• ^ $ 4 4 A A A 4 | 4 4 4 : i 4 4 4 I 5 In the spirit of Christmas, I | | wish my friends and patrons 4 i a happy holiday season, filled 3 with all the good things of life, jj S j Morgan Ward Accountant and Auditor Mrs. Harriet Welke and grand daughter, Sue, accompanied Mrs. Keith Biddlecome to Norfolk Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Pofahl transacted business in O’Neill Monday. The Christmas party for the Try and Do Home Extension club was held Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. George Keller. There was a social hour, with a gift exchange. Mrs. Gene Zimmerman and twin daughters were surprised by a “baby shower” of gifts. The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Jerry Rotherham with a pot luck supper preced ing the meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs. Keller. “The Greatest Story Ever Told’’ will be the theme of the sermon of the Rev. W. W. Elliott at the First Methodist church in Ewing Christmas Day at 9:45 a.m. Organists will be John A. Wood and Marie Davis. The senior and junior choirs will present special numbers. The Rev. Elliott, also pastor of the Clearwater Methodist church, will conduct services there at 8:30 a.m. with special selection by the high school choir. Miss Helen Snider is the pianist. Mrs. Elliott dir-, ects the choirs of both churches. At the United Presbyterian church in Ewing, Dr. William H. Ross will have as his sermon theme “Your Response to the Christmas Message”. Special numbers will be presented by the choir, with Mrs. Wilbur Bennett as organist. The Church of the Nazarene will have an evening service De cember 25 which will feature the work of the children and young people of the congregation follow ed by a film strip on the Holy Land. The Rev P. F. Burke of St. Peter’s church announces the fol lowing schedule for services: Christmas confessions, Friday, Dec. 23, 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.; Saturday, Dec. 24: 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. No confessions will be heard Satur day evening. Christmas masses will be at midnight and 9 a.m. Martin G. Lewis, minister of the Church of Christ will have as his sermon theme Sunday, Dec. 25, “Christ Is Our Savior”, followed by a childrens program and the Sunday school hour. The Ewing public school will be dismissed Friday for the Christmas vacation which will continue through January 3. College students home for the holiday vacation are: „erry Jef feries, Lois Kaczor, Sandra Shra der and Vivian Bartos, all of Wayne State Teachers college; John Wanser from Denver, Colo.; Jerry Wanser from Peru State teachers; Dennis Scheer of Kear ney and Duane Bollwitt of Kansas City, Mo. Sharon Kropp, teacher at the Riverside school, had a Christ i mas party Monday evening for the students with an exchange of gifts. The group also went carol ing. Refreshments were served at the school house later. The River side school will present the Christ mas program Friday evening. Expected guests at the home of Mrs. Eula Eppenbach and son, Bob, are Mr. and Mrs. Gene Strong and family of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp will be hosts at a family dinner and party Christmas evening at their home. Present will be Mr. -. ^ i s tg<-z*s se *s gg-g •g;g*«ssg!eg!g‘g;g»«x«e«e!e!gieie«s©e>cg>g*ocg,fHPe*?*?*?****** and Mrs. Robert Knapp of Sioux Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw and children of Ainsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack, Cathy and Steven and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hintz, all of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs, ac campanied by their daughter-in law, Mrs. Robert Hobbs, went to Grand Island Monday, to meet Robert Hobbs, who was returning home from Korea where he had spent the past year. Bob is now separated from the army in which he has completed almost four years of service. Mrs. Edna Lofquest spent Sun day visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Doty at O’Neill. Mrs. Kittie Fry was the guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mark Hemenway at Clearwater Wednesday. Christmas carols were featured in the lesson for the Womens Society of Christian Service at the^ regular meeting at the parlors of|, the Methodist church Wednesdays? afternoon, presented by Mrs. W.W.|! Elliott with Mrs. Robert Hobbsw as pianist. Mrs. H. R. Harris con-§ ducted the devotional period, y Thought for the day was givens? by Mrs. James Tinsley. Mrs. Wil-fi lis Rockey, president, was in§ charge of the business session.*? Reports were given by Mrs. Early Van Ostrand and Mrs. Ray Sedi-|1 vy. Plans were completed for the| annual Christmas party Decembers; 21. m Cards were sent to Mmes. Annal Pollock, Louis Pofahl, R. G. Rock-| ey and “Sis” Ebbengaard. On the» visiting committee for December^ are Mrs. Earl Billings and Mrs.y Elliott. Refreshment hostesses were Mrs. Billings and Mrs. Van® Ostrand. | Present were Mmes. Willis| Rockey, James Tinsley, Ray Se4; divy, Earl Van Ostrand, Earl Bil-T lings, Dewitt Hoke, Henry Flem-y ing, H. R. Harris, J. L. Pruder, Frank Schmidt, Ben Larsen, Jes-;: sie Angus, W. W. Elliotc, Andrew^ O'son and Pauline Noffke, Missy Hazel Ruby, Miss Elsie Chaser; and Edie Rockey. Mrs. Robertg Hobbs was a guest. The Young Matrons pinochle§j club held the Christmas party at| the Town House in O’Neill Tues-ij day evening with a 7:30 dinnerf followed by a gift exchange. Pre-|! sent were Mmes. Arthur Kropp,; Tiros. Ercker, Gai! Boies, Ralph* Munn, Elvin Hamilton. Richard Shain, Kermit Jefferies, Charles^ Rotherham, Ray Funk, James; Boies, Archie Tuttle and Rose’ Bauer. 1 _____ I yteion news 15y Mr?.. II. Reimer Mrs. Louis Pofahi was hospi-l talized in Neligh last week. The youngest daughter of 5 Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kallhoff en- | tered the Neligh hospital Satur- 5 day. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harpster* and sons were visitors at the® Richard Napier home Tuesday! evening. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Bauerj and Dan left Wednesday for! Seattle, Wash., and will visit'! Mickey and family. They will gov to California to visit Joan and Patty and families over the holi days. Bill and Mr. and Mrs. R. s Morrow of O’Neill are at the! Bauer farm home. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Tomjack? visited Mrs. Myrtle Jewell and| other relatives in Dallas, S. D.,j Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Larson andj Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon of Midland, Tex., were Sunday din ner guests for a pre-Christmas dinner at the Don Larson home.! Ewald Spahn underwent majors ! ! * _ .: I s i i I ! i I i s I i l! s i I! 5 ! ! 1 1 s i i s i 1 s f ( I l May the holiday l f season be rich in t all the good things \ of life for you and all those you love. j HUNT'S | Plumbing \ and | Heating f O’Neill, Nebraska ! ; ! ' | surgery in a Norfolk hospital Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Spahn visited him Friday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boll witt were visitors Saturday eve ning. Mrs. Spahn spent several days with her husband' in Nor folk. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer visited Mr. and Mrr. Carl Chris ten of Midland, Tex', at the Lar son home in Ewing Sunday. The Christens plan to visit Nebraska relatives and friends over the holidays. The Christmas program was presented by the pupils of St. John’s school Friday evening, it was well attended. (Last week’s News) Roger Lange returned to Sioux City Tuesday for a checkup. He is improving. Ewald Spahn spent Thursday and Friday in Norfolk having a checkup. Mr. and Mrs. E Spahn returned to Norfolk Monday. The HEO club met Thursday at the E. L. Sisson heme. The next meeting will be at Uie Ka.ph Tomjack home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer at tended a cantata at Clearwater Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl 9chindler and family called at the R. Tomjack’s Sunday. Mrs. Glenn Harpster and Mrs. Clarence Schmiser attended an officers club meeting in O'Neill Tuesday. Mrs. Dana Sisson did some sub stitute teaching last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bartak were in Norfolk Monday. The Christian Mothers Christ mas party was held at the St. John’s Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Bill Gibbs was a Norfolk visitor Thursday. . Henry Reimer, older aon of Judge and Mrs. L. W. Reimer of O'Neill, was appointed county at torney of Knox county last week. He lives with his wife and family in Niobrara. A number from here attended the junior class play in Ewing on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Stearns and Mrs. Mary Stearns and Mar tha Kinney visited Madine Stearns, who is attending the University at Lincoln, on Saturday. Mrs. Maynard Stearns and Mrs. Mary Stearns were shopping in Norfolk on Tuesday. Mrs. Bertha McDonald is ill at the rest home in Brunswick. Mrs. Tommy Kaczor is recuperating at her home following major sur gery several weeks ago. The Frontier— si C^nxatmxxa CDay Santa's sleigh ft 1 ' ft * be overflowing ft (R ft with the priceless ft ft ft gifts of health. ft ft happiness and good cheer for ft f you and yours. ft ft -U ft -t-, ' * a S> h I 1 fcr U t; f f;. I' . I':,,'.- ; f.. |i .. [ y 9 I 9 ■ ■ l l l ft $ ft s ft \ Western Auto SCOVIE EVELYN MARIE GERALD O’Neill, Nebraska Loads of thanks to our many good friends for your loyal patronage throughout the year. May you all enjoy a very happy Holiday Season and a New Year filled with 365 days of health, happiness and good fellowship. i i f ? Midwest Furniture and Appliance O'NEILL, NEBRASKA % f M given and received. So, from all of us to all of you. here’s a hearty, friendly greeting for a happy holiday.