Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1960)
FOR SALE FOR SALE—Purebred Hampshire boars, ready for service —Henry Stelling and Son Orchard. Nebr J____lttf FOR SALE -Good heavy oats.— Leo Burival. Rt. O’Neill. 30tfc ^ALT FDR SAIJ5- K anapolii 116 50 a ton; American $20 50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blocks east, 4 blocks north of traffic light, Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164. O'Neill. 51tf FDR SALE—Good quality old or new, shelled or rolled corn and oats. We also sell Conkey's Feeds. Will deliver feed and grain Page Grain and Feed Co., Page, Nebr., Phone 2101. __ 33-34p MAKE PATTON S BEN Franklin store your candy and nuts head quarters. Always fresh. 27 tfc SPECIAL PRICES Early Booking Prices on NORCO CATTI.E CLUES Delivered or F O B. Norfolk or Inman Special 90-day prices on all kinds of feeds $6 00 per ton discount on bulk feeds plus special gift items. 10c refund on Norco burlap bags. Old process 41% soybean meal $7600 Hi-Phos Mineral $99 00 Cali collect 11W or 34 Tompkins Livestock Headquarters Inman, Nebraska 31-36c LOWEST WISCONSIN CATTLE IN YEARS From our WISCONSIN dairies. All new cattle just arrived. Springers and fresh with heifer calves. Real large and fancy quailty Hosteins, Guernseys and Swiss. Prices lowest In years. Everybody wants good ones. Shores, Neligh. TU 7-4060, or TU 7-4850 29tf --.. KEATING IMPLEMENT CO. SAVE-SAVE-SAVE Special Inventory Reduction on TRAITORS. F560 Gas, 3 valve, powersteer ing, wide front, Save $500-00 F460 Gas F460 Diesel F560 Diesel, fast hitch, power steering, 3 valves F340 Gas I 240 Gas Utility I 460 Utility with Stanhoist Loader Demonstrator Cuh I>ow Boy with rotary mower, Demonstrator USED TRACTORS: ‘‘58" John Deere 720 Diesel. wide front, powersteering Farmall MD with new tires Farmall M, H. Super C, B, F20 Used Farmhand Rotary Snow plow with 25 H.P. Wisconsin engine New 55 T Baler with Wisconsin engine Used Chev. 1950 % ton pickup Used 1949 KB5 pickup 1960 I II. Demonstrator, % ton pickup with V-8 engine, power lock, bonus box, snow tires. Only 4.000 miles, new' war ranty. Save $500 00 New No. 21 & No. 30 McCor mick Spreaders New Stanhoist loader New No. 37 Tandem Disk 13-ft. Special on HM24 Power mowers 1 No. 31 Power Mower 12 ft Rakes SAVE-SAVE-SAVE KEATING IMPLEMENT Phone 8111 ATKINSON, NEBRASKA _ 34c SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay Write or phone Contois Motor Co.. Neligh. 30tf FOR SALE—Shop Master planer and 8-inch table saw.—S. J. _ - ■ <14 . ouKer, laynt'u. LOW COST INSURMJCE—And Crompt claim service. Virgil aursen Agy., O'Neill. lOtfc FOR SALE—We have on hand first and second calf Holstein heifers, fresh or heavy springers.— Arnold Thiele, Clearwater, ph. HU 5-3200. 17-24p 25-42c MACHINERY 47 Farmall M Farmall 400 50 Farmall C 48 Farmall C 41 Farmall H 53 Farmall H 48 Farmall H Farmall 450 50 Farmall H 51 Farmall H IHC Christmas Toys Tractor Comfort Covers Tool Boxes . Many other practical gifts Ask about our Bonus Program SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O’NEILL. NEBR fHC - «ehf — RGA Whirlpool I A FINE CHRISTMAS gift-Pitts burg Plat<-glass mirrors Variety of sizes in stock Coyne Hard 14-35c FOR SALE—Beautiful Cyclamen plants in bud and bloom. Natural ly grown, will continue to grow and bloom for many years — O'Neill Flower Shop and Gifu, &19 E Grant St.. O'Neill. Nehr Mp FOR SALE 1959 Chev. 4 ton pick up. 3200 series, long wheel base with standard box. 4-speed trans mission. 15,000 miles —Dean Hor ner, phone 748. O'Neill. 34p DO-ALL. 1CADER for sale, com plete with grapple fork. Neale Hamilton, Stuart, Nebr, 33-35p FOR SALE- Second calf Holstein heifers.—John Sojka, Page. 24tf FOR SALE -Baled rye straw and prairie hay, square bales — Eugene L. Sobotka, Rt. 1, O' Neill, 2 miles west of Inman 33-35c FOR SALE— Real good red polled Shorthorn bull, coming three years old. Market price.—Roy M.Gannon, Inman. 33-35p FOR SALE—2,000 bushels ear com This is dry com. 1960 crop. - Alfred Schneider, Page. 34-35p MOBILE HOMES Year-end Close out Stop and see our large selection at discount prices. Every unit on the lot must be sold before Jan. 1, 1961 Contact us today In O’Neill vicinity contact Clarence Johnson, Elms Court MILLER TRAILER SALES Albion, Nebr. Phone EX 5-2170 We trade - Deliver - Terms 32 tf FOR SALE 1957 Ford 4 ton pick up, radio, heater, 4-speed trans mission. Reasonable price.—Mrs. V. Clemens, Neligh, Nebr. _ 33-34c j 12 Registered ANGUS BULLS Serviceable Age TB & Bangs Tested TO SELL AT Ainsworth, Nebraska DECEMBER 16 1 p.m. CONSIGNED BY Myron Neidig Madison, Nebraska 33-34p FOR SALE—In this area like new Necchi Sewing Machine com plete with button-holer, zig-zag, and attachments. New guarantee. Party with good references may have for 6 payments of $6.72. To see: Write Sewing Machine De partment, Box 250, North Pla'te, Nebr. 33-34c MACHINERY 32 ft. elevator, double chain, good Farmhand loader COMBINES J.D. 55 M. H. 7 ft CORNPICKER8 Woods Bros., good John Deere 226 USED TRACTORS J.D. Model 60, 1955 J.D. Model 620, 1958 J.D., B, 1950 J D., A, 1944 J U., Li, J D„ B, 194.3 John Deere B 1952, fuel Harry R. Smith Imp. Phone 562 O’Neill Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE—Two one bedroom houses—will sell separate or, together.—Kieth Abart, 321 West; Clay, O’Neill. 12tfc MONEY TO LOAN-On homes, farms and ranches. Low interest, prompt service. Virgil Laursen. O'Neill. lOtfc FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished apartment. All utilities including immediate, possession.—Call Golden Hotel, Phone 35. 33tfl FOR RENT—Business building located on main street near center of town.—See Ponton Agency, O’Neill. 33tf FOR RENT—Two homes at West Fremont and South Jefferson.— , Kieth Abart 30tfc FOR RENT—Nice 4-room fur nished apartment, gas furnace,, automatic washer.—O. E. David son, Phone 126, O’Neill. 32tf FOR RENT—Sleeping r o o m.— Mrs. C. H. Switzer. 113 E. Everett, O’Neill, Phone 466J. 25 tf WANTED \ ■' 1 < WANTED—Party wishes to pur- I chase good hay land. Vicinity of ] Stuart or Atkinson. Buildings ac- i ceptable.—Write A. J. in care of i The Frontier ■ 34-36p WANTED^ -Night waitress from 6 pm to 1 a m - Candy Bill ■ Cafe lJtfc I'.lUiNli and well and •'Uiiimil rr^*ir Write bu» in. u*fMne tXi-J »*•' V 1 E WELL Ol) , 0 Neill 3 blks W St blks N stoplight A A.* I.i Plum pigs Loading « Monday I uesday anil rhiifuliij each week Dwaine Locknooo. Stuart, ph. 3741. tl L. Gufhmiller Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson - Keo — Clinton. "WE" DON’T WANT "ALL” THE HI SINESS W> just want ‘‘YOt'RS’’ PATTON’S BEN FRANKLIN 23 tf WANTEEr Reliable party to take over last few payments of $8 92 on I960 Singer Slantomatic Sew ing Machine. To see: Write, Credit Manager, Box 83, North Platte, Nebr. 33-34c NEAT APPEARING Young (21-45) High School Graduates Who like to interview people. Each man selected will have pleasant personality and good reputation, late model insured j car, willingness to travel—not far-j5 days weekly in your part of Nebraska $450 per month salary plus liberal bonus. Full pay starts with schooling and field training. WRITE TO: Box 7, Fremont, Nebr. We will contact you at your home soon. 34-36c WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neil] 50tf DONOHOE CONST. CO. CAT—8COO P—DOZER Domor Elevated (grading •John E. Donohoe, Phone 447-W O’NEILL, NEBRASKA NEED MONEY We make quick cash loans on automobiles and furniture. See us also for your insurance needs. Central Finance Corp. O’Neill Phone 14 Nebr. 21tfc I 1 MISCELLANEOUS WE HAVE FARM, RANCH ar.d1 home buyers. Notify Virgil Laur- [ sen today if you are thinking about selling.—Virgil Laursen Agency, O'Neill. 13tfi IS YOUR insurance costing too| much? Are you properly insured. —ace i norm, agi., u mem, Nebr. 34tf CURTISS BREEDING Offers you the best in dairy and beef bulls. Now included are performance tested CHAROLAIS. Duane Gray, Ph. 470, O'Neill. 29 tf AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN , PHONE 207 O’NEILL < IOST & FOUND LOST OR STRAYED—One White face yearling heifer branded bar diamond bar on right side.— Neil Hipke, Anncar Route, O’ Neill, Nebr. 31-34p CARDS OF THANKS [ WISH TO THANK Dr. Finley, the Sisters and Rev. Kucera for their kindness to me while hospitalized, klso thanks to my friends and rela tives for their cards, letters, gifts and visits to me. if our thoughtfulness helped to Drighten my stay. Mrs. Lod Janousek 34p MY MOST SINCERE thanks to my relatives, friends and neighbors or their prayers, flowers, get-well vishes, gifts and visits while I vas in the hospital at O’Neill and >maha. Also for the many acts of rindness since my return home, everything has been appreciated » very much. Mrs. Lester Riege 34p WORDS CANT EXPRESS my thanks to all my staunch old neigh bors. friends arid relatives for their visits, cheery cards and letters, gift* and flowers while in the bos ptal To Father Kucera, the Sisters. Dr Cars tens and the hos pital staff for their wonderful care. I am ver>> grateful to all. Mrs. Chris McGinn 34p A SINCERE THANKS to friends for cards and prayers, to neighbors for their wonderful help, to Dr Wilson and the hospital staff for the wonderful care during my stay at the hospital. God bless you every one. James Hawk 34c |--Legal Notices-1 (First pub. Dec. 8, 1960) No. 4436 Cronin and Hannon Attorneys COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA ESTATE OF EDWARD L. O' DONNELL. DECEASED THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the probate of the will of said de ceased, and for the appointment of Helen O'Donnell and Patricia Wadden as joint executrices thereof, which will be for hearing in this court on December 29, I960, at 10 o’clock A. M. (COUNTY Louis W. Reimer COURT County SEAL) Judge 33-35C (First pub. Dec. 1, 1960) NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER 137 OF HOLT COUNTY NEBRASKA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the qualified voters of School District Number 137 of Holt Coun ty, Nebraska, that an election shall be held in said District on the 23rd day of December, 1960, between the hours of 8:00 o’clock A. M. and 8 00 o’clock P. M., at which there will be submitted to the qualified voters of the Dis trict the following question: “9ha!l School District Number 177 r\t Ui-iH r,AlinftT Mnkrocli-O ko authorized to issue the negotiable bonds of said District of the prin cipal amount of Two Hundred Eighty Thousand Dollars ($280,000) for the purpose of build ing a school house and furnishing the necessary furniture and ap paratus for the same; said bonds to be dated at the time of their issuance and bear interest at a rate not to exceed the statutory rate, payable one year from their date and semi-annually thereaf ter, and the principal of said bonds shall become due at such time as may be fixed by the District Board at the time of their issuance but is not to ex ceed twenty years from their date; provided, however, any or all of said bonds shall be redeem able at the option of the District at any time on or after five years from their date, and “Shall the District Board cause to be levied and collected annual ly a tax by valuation on all the taxable property in said District in addition to all other taxes suf- , ficient in rate and amount to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as sjch interest and prin cipal became due?” ( ) FOR said Bonds and Tax ( ) AGAINST said Bonds and Tax Voters desiring to vote in fav or of said bonds and tax will mark an “X” in the sqjare op posite the words “For said Bonds and Tax”; voters desiring to vote against said bonds and tax will mark an “X” in the square op posite the words “Against said Bonds and Tax”. The polling place for said elec tion shall bp thp Town Hall in said District in the Village of Chambers, Nebraska. The polls shall be open from eight o’clock A. M. to eight o’clock P. M. on said date. BY ORDER OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF SAID SCHOOL DIS TRICT. C. E Wintermote President E. R. Baker Secretary 32-35c loyal News By Mrs. R. J. Bering Geneva Carpenter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Carpenter, former Royal residents and now of Fremont, who delighted Royal audiences by her singing is making rapid strides in vocal music in Fremont where she is rated as one of the three top soprano singers in that school. She will appear in the program given by the Elks on December 19. She was one of four soloists in a program given Sunday, Dec. 11, by the Fremont high school. A red chrysanthemum that refuses to be ‘put to sleep* for winter, or doesn’t believe In hibernating, sent out blossoms in Mrs. T. R. Dodds’ flower garden the past week. When ponds of shallow water are froeen solid, it is a curious sight to see a flower In the door yard. W8CS to Hold Party The Royal WSCS will hold its annual Omstmas party at the home of Mrs. Bus Chart on Wednesday. Dec. 21, according to plans made at the home of Mrs. Clarence Weber on Wed nesday when 15 women attended the meeting. Mr*. Hans Hofer gave the les son or the subject "Keeping Christ in Christmas," and Mrs T R, Dodds read from the Scrip ture. Instead erf exchanging gifts at the annual party, each member will take 50c to be donated to some worthy cause. Santa Claus is scheduled to ar rive in Royal Saturday, Dec 17 with treats for all the good boys and girls. Mr and Mrs Wendell Wilson went to Wayne Saturday evening to remain over Sunday at the home of their son-in-law and daughter. Mr and Mrs, Cletus Sharer and family, and to attend the Messiah presented by WSTC students and memters of the alumni, of which Mrs. Sharer is a member. Mrs. Sharer was the soloist for the occasion Singing in the chorus were also two Royal students, Sharon Jacobsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ever ett Jacobsen and Glenda Fae Thomsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Clarence Thomsen Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rundquist and Mrs. Zola Hering attended a Yuletide party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stevens of Orchard, Friday evening. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Riclt ard Knaoo. Mr and Mrs. Marvin Nelson and Lester Raff. Refresh ments were served Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hall and Mrs. Robert L Hering attended a birthday supper honoring their nephew, Freddie Thelander, 14, Friday. Christmas Pageant The Royal Methodist Sunday school is making extensive pre paration for a pageant to be staged Saturday evening, accord ing to word received from Mrs. Everett Jacobsen. who has charge of th? program. Participating in this program will be the Junior choir and the Young People’s choir. Readers will be Uene Thomsen, Bruce Meisner, Jean Peterson and Anita Weber. Students from Wayne and Norfolk, members of the Sunday school in Royal. Greg Rundquist, Glenda Thomsen, Sharon Jacobsen and Gary Storm will assist with the singing. Short ponHino nnrf will lip {jivpn Hv members of the Junior choir. Members of the Lutheran church including the families of L. Henry, Walter Beutler, Her man Ennen and Louis Waterman will participate in a program at the church in Orchard Christmas Eve. Children and adults will ap pear in readings and songs given against a background of film strips including some 30 scenes Word has been received from Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Kirby of Sheridan, Wyo., who came on a surprise visit to Mr. and Mrs. Truman Kirby and his brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beutler and family for the Thanksgiving holiday, that they arrived home safely in spite of the storm that was prevalent in parts of South Dakota and Wyoming. Glenn Rundquist, who had been hospitalized in Plainview the past two weeks, was moved Monday to the Veteran’s hospital at Grand Island for further recuperation. Mr. Rundquist is suffering from a coronary thrombosis. Mrs. Zola Hering returned to work at the postoffice Monday following a month's absence oc casioned by hospitalization and recuperation from an appendecto my at the Plainview General hos pital. Her place in the postoffice was taken by Mrs. Harold Daw son, substitute clerk. Herman Ennen was the sur prise guest at a birthday party in his honor Sunday evening when the Neighborhood Birthday club called at his home unannounced, bringing lunch. Cards furnished diversion. Present were the fami lies of Andrew Jensen, T. Kirby, Walter Beutler, Everett Johnston, Clarence Weber and Gus Reinke and Alvin Reinke. Thn R rival rnmmnnitv has cause for rejoicing for another reason than that of the approach of the holidays—the new school auditorium will ‘take a bow' on Friday evening, Dec. 23 when the Royal school band, directed by L. H. Sawyer, will present the annual mid-winter concert at 8:00 o’clock that evening. Both pupils and patrons, as well as the com munity is thrilled over the ad vantages offered by the new build ing for future athletic and other school and community events, which is definitely an important step forward. Mrs. Elmer Williamsen, living i north of Orchard, is hospitalized in Plainview awaiting surgery. Clayton Meisner returned home Saturday from the Antelope Mem orial hospital in Neligh to re cuperate, and will return after the first of the year for further treatment. The Royal high school honor roll is as follows, according to Mrs. Bernice S. Whitmer: Seniors —Jacqueline Meisner; juniors— Janice Chart, Bruce Meisner, Jean Peterson, Marlene Rader and Tom Rundquist;; freshmen —Barbara Ann Henry and Anita Weber. Santa Claus is scheduled to ar rive in Royal December 17 under the supervision of the women of the Daffodilly club with the Co operation of other citizens. Treats will be distributed to the child ren. Mrs. M. M. Colson, housewife of Royal, has been notified that she has won her third $25 prize in a country-naming contest spdn sored by a radio station. Mrs. Cblson has maps on the walls of her living room, history books and circulars at hand and has spent quite a little time in re search work, but "it has been fun, and has paid off,” she says. Phone Your News To The Frontier Phone 788 ^ __ 1 l Stuort News W* Mr* Herb *C,»I» Mrs John Stemhauscr had a birthday supper Saturday honor 21* Mrs Harvey St.mhauser Those present were Mr and Mrs John Friedel, Mr and Mrs. CJt Johnson and Jimmy of Atkinson an * Harvey Stcmhauser and children Mr. and Mrs Dwaine Lockmon spent a few days last week in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs Gary Lockmon entertained at a card party Sun day evening Jim Steinhauser, Mrs. Norman Hixson. Mr. and Mrs Paul Wewel and Mrs Tom Dohrovolny won prises. Saturday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs Sam Marcellus were Mrs. Dwight Moody and Russell of Ainsworth. Mr. and Mrs. George Foltx of North Hollywood. Calif., arrived Saturday at the h me of Mr and Mrs Ernest Greenfield. Hss mo ther, Mrs. Leota Foltx will return to California with them Tuesday to spend the winter with her sons, George. Bob and Bill Foltx A Friday overnight guest of Mr and Mrs. Roy Greenfield was Jasper Hitchcock of Omaha A Sunday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Alexander was Harry Swallow of Norfolk At a pre-Christmas dinner Sun day evening Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Greenfield entertained Messrs and Mmes. George Foltx of North Hollywood, Calif., Frank Wewel and L'^vd Thurlow; also Mrs. Leota Foltx. Monday afternoon callers of Mrs Vic Kaup were Mrs. Paul Babt, Mary Lou and Paula Sue of Newport. Word wti* received by Mrs. John Kramer that her brother tn law, Herman Bremmer, of Boise, Ida., is critically 111. His address is 1902 North llth St. Boise. A Sunday visitor at the home of Herbert Lane was Mrs. Lane’s brother, Harry Bose of Le Mars, la. He also visited his mother, j Mrs F. Bose. Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cadwallader were Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cadwallader and Mrs. Earl Morris, all of At kinson. Sunday evening caller of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cadwallader and Mrs. Earl Morris, all of Atkin son. Sunday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cadwallader were Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Nelson. Card Party Held Katie Papke entertained at four tables of pitch Friday eve ning at her home Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ankney, Harry Cadwal lader, Alberta Hoffman and El gie Irish were prize winners. Mr. < rur FRONTIER. O'Neill. Nrhrw a«l 'tag. Clift Nebon will have the nefk party liecembei it. Mr and Mrs K*rd Naup had as th*»r ,'iynday dRner guest* fir. and hnrtv Hytrek and fM*n ily. Mr mA Mr* Mtrle Thar tow had aa their S.adny dinner guests Mark Kaup and La Vbane Dvorak and Dennis. Sum!ay morning callers of Mr and Mrs. W Kaup And Hum y were Mr and Mrs. Wilfred K.iup and Mr. and Mrs KY ink Schnei iter. I '(* Mr and Mrs. Glen Cadwalluder entertained at cants Sunday ere nmg at their home. Mtke Cad wallader, Mrs Biib' Cartwalkider. Joe Cols m. Mrs. Mike. CkdWalla der and Bob Cadwatlader der won prizes. Mr and Mrs Herb SkaLa will have the next party Decemb*>r 31. Mrs. Clara Baum accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stracke to Sioux City December 8-9 where they visited Mr and Mrs. Floyd Smith. Mr and Mrs Bob Jensen and girls of Rushville arrived Satur day at the home of Mrs Marian Wallinger. Mr and Mrs Jensen took Marian to Norfolk Saturday, while the girls remained at the home of Mrs. Wallinger The Jen sens were Sunday dinner guests at the M. L. Jensen home Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shald were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenfield, Mr and Mrs. George Hitchcock and Renee and Mr and Mrs Don Shald and family. Mr and Mrs. Kasper Harley at tended the funeral of Mrs. William Rieck at Chambers Thursday. En kw ni«r»(Uj December J.v IMP rtWtr ’V.'MjgywtiheC * waited Hferrr Snyde^fl^ihmaii. V —» Mr* Frank Jaoermg an? !♦ nna spent Saturday visiting Mr. and Mr* Leo Sobotka and family at Columbus Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs S.wn kUitellqa were Mr. and Mr* tifpry Waechter. Mr .rnd Mrs Harlan Minaa spent December 8 at Bassett Katie Papke spent the weekend at Burke. b, D She visited Mrv and Mr* Hero Id Johnson and family there Sunday vUmwr guests ol Mr, and Mrs Jnu Hoffman and fait* Ily were Mr. and Mrs Jimmy Hoffman and1 girts Sunday supper guests of Mj and Mrs. .Ura ami fam ily were Mr. ami Mrs, Jimmy Hoffman and girls. Mr. ami Mra. George Swifcser and girls and Rich Shelhamor of O'NelU. .» R. C. (Pat) Patters*>n spoke at the American Legion meeting Wednesday evening at Valentine at the request of the Commander Stan Irish, who is a former res ident of Stuart Mrs. Patterson visited the Hendersons and Earl Irishes, who are also former res ident of Stuart. Saturday evening guest* of Mr. and Mr* Wardell Alexander were Mr. and Mrs Marvin Suiter and Alberta Hoffman Mr and Mrs. Harvey Steinhau ser entertained at two tables qt cards Sunday evening at theiy home. Mr and Mrs. Charles Jan sen, Larry Cobb and Mrs. Fred dy Kaup won prises They had a gift exchange The next party will be January 8 at the home of Mr and Mrs. Freddy Kaup. Special Breeding Cow & Bull Attraction SHI Regular Tuesday Auction DECEMBER 20 Atkinson, Nebraska 50 Purebred Angus breeding cows, from the Wayne Klbby herd In lloyd county, ltred to start calving February Itt. These are big cows with a lot of quality. All Bangs tested <( 10 Registered Hereford coming two year old bulls, Popular bloodlines, Tested and Guaranteed. 6 Registered Hereford coming three year old bulls, from the Edgar Juugman herd, Amelia, Nebraska. Tested and sired by a Son of W’lllt VERN Diamond the noted lni|a>rted English Sire. 4 Registered 1000 bull calves from the Francis Haugen herd, Newport, Nebr. In addition there will be 400 to 500 Spring calves and yearling*. If you have cattle to sell bring them Tuesday • REMINDER — There Will Not Be a Sale December 27 ATKINSON LIVESTOCK MARKET AtkinHon, Nebraska ■ . ?*. . 1 ___ "Feels"clothes with electronic lingers,"sets its own drying time, cuts wrinkling, saves ironing —\ _ \ The new Maytag Halo \ of-Heat Dryer with Eleo tronlc Control sets Its ,**<0^ \ own dry»n« »na \ does it with electronic __) accuracy. Not only are wrinkles never baked in, but for the first time,, it’s possible to dry clothes automatically mUhout losing their natural moisture content. Fibers stay healthy. Wrinkles art minimized. Clothes last longer. 1, I . \ . 1 ' • I ■ s GMAC Financing ;• : ■ • ••••-. <•*». »<s '■» >■ Available • * * < < ■)j.u4.| j.l i, 1 ■ ) . • - ■ ; > *:v- •••: And you know it’s dependable because it’s a MAYTAG Wm. KROTTER CO. Serving North-Central Nebraska Since 1891 O'NEILL-Stuart-Spencer-Naper