The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 15, 1960, Section Two, Image 10

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    Atkinson News
Cub Scouts At
Atkinson Get
Bobcat Pins
The newly re-organised Cub
6cnuls of Pack 1*0, Atkinson, held
their first Pack Meeting Monday
■Jjfbt, in the basement erf the
first Presbyterian church. Cub
• master Fred Roberta and assis
tant cirfimaster, Irvin Krumm
presented Bobcat inns to those
■cnmpleting die Bobcat requlre
nu'nts Parents of the following
boys received RiBcut pins and in
turn pinned them on their sons:
Robert Anson, Darryl Cadwallad
er. It iger Christensen, Cary
Frisch, Dan Hawthorne, Frank
Kuehn, Alan Krumm, Max Mills,
Greg Pospichal, Jack Ramsay,
Michael Shippen, Roger Upton,
and Eddie Wilson.
Den M-thera are Mrs. Zola Mills,
and Mrs Edna Kuehn, in Den 1
and Mrs Betty KrsLng and Mrs.
Bornue Pospwhal in Den II.
Den I presented a skit "A Trip
To The Moon” and Den II sang
• song and displayed a poster on
(ire prevention. About 50 persons
were present Refreshments were
served after the meeting.
The Women’s association of the
First On.ted Presbyterian church
held their December meeting in
the church basemtnt on Saturday.
Mrs Margaret Watsons group
which was lowest in the fund
raising drive during the year
served refreshments.
The (program. "The Meaning of
Christmas," featured a candle
light ceremony and was present
ed by Mrs. Charles Shane, Mrs.
Jim Puckett, Mrs Ronald Wat
son, Mrs. Oliver Shane, Mrs. Bet
ty Kersting and others. Penny
soaks and birthday money were
Mrs Violet went to Auburn to
visit her son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Clark
and family. She returned to her
home Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs. C. C. Raymer
'A We’ll show you how to put up
a beautiful new Armstrong Ceiling
When your friend* and guests arrive for holiday
entertaining,you’ll be proud of your new Armstrong
This is the amazing new kind of ceiling that soaks
up noise and gives your home today’s smart new look.
We’ll show you how to install it yourself in any room
in your home. 10 handsome ceilings to choose from.
O'Neill, Nebraska Phone 74
went to Lincoln Sunday tnd r*
turned Tuesday (hi Thursday
they left for California, where
they will spend *be winter.
Mr*. Louis Zah/ndmcek return
«l home Wednesday from Kan
aas City where the received med
leal attention.
The Celia Homemaker* Exten
sion Club met at the home oJ
Mrs, Inez Hayes in Atkinson Tues
day afternoon with eleven mem
bers and one guest present. The
guest was Mrs. Carl Gettert.
Mrs. Byrl Beck conducted the
meeting. RJ1 call was answered
by "Why I Vote".
The club voted to purchase a
new flag and to assess each mem
ber an additional dollar to pro
vide funds for future expendi
tures. •
Ideas for Christmas gift-mak
mg were presented and displayed
by club members A demonstra
tion on making pillows and vari
ous articles from art foam was
presented by Mrs. Gettert.
Hie annual Christmas party is
planned for December 20 at the
home of Mrs. Robert Hendrick!
with Mrs. Merrill Smith as co
hostess. Mrs. John Kenny wa:
chosen as shut-in to be remember
The reorganization of The Clo
ver 4-H Club was held at th<
home of Miss Helen Martens, f
covered-dish supper was held foi
the members and their parents
Officers for the coming yeai
are: Connie Moeller, president;
Patty Bonenberger, vice-presi
(Hnt; Margaret Seger, sicretary;
Margie Gilg, news reporter; Billy
Gilg and Joe Wilson recreation
leaders and Dora Ellen Ferris
and JoAnn Scripter, song leaders.
New members are Cindy Ram
say and Eddie Wilson.
The next meeting will be held
at Connie Moeller’s and the mem
bers will go Christmas caroling.
The WSCS of the Methodist
church held their annual Christ
mas meeting Wednesday, Dec. 7
at the church. A program em
phasizing Christmas carols was
presented and a film was shown.
The program committee includ
ed Mrs. Richard Braun, Mrs. Dean
Fleming, Mrs Jay Jungman, and
Mrs. A. D. Dobrovolny. The cir
cle chairmen served as hostesses.
Hie Mariners of the First Unit
ed Presbyterian church met in
the church basement Sunday for
a pot-luck supper. Twenty-two
members and two guests, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer McClurg were pre
sent. A white elephant sale was
held after the meeting with El
mer McClurg serving as the auc
tioneer. Plans were made to go
Christmas caroling.
Christmas decorations and
games were provided toy Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Upton, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Steven, Mr. and Mrs. Don
wnu - imiiM m—<—
s e
CHi3^ a |
? ^Epr You Buy for Less
Ip ^ E
I Because
4 C
We Buy for Less I
i P
p_ ►
Includes supply el dteericel^ epperatvs and SS*
Molecular buildup eel,
Includes ■ 3 turret ml res seeps, HI—lie etc r and
epul patent.
Reder scope eet with 3 Hera el parts rad e battery
operated electric meter.
Rugged, Lightweight
All quality featured Ideal
far holiday partial, aaay
portability for carrying.
Rodwood color, roalatont
to bum*, ttalns, acratchoa
and weather.
BmtUry Bootttr
*§99 j
*’ ’* » i
4 pa>|> arlta with mm •
par «U4 dips. Caa ka '
waa4 aa althar 4 ar 12 J
aalt aystaaw. Tara t ■
faat coblaa. C
Dorm EUctrlc P
Alarm Clock tjl
I th Purchase l
of A
C.E. "
Swlvl-Top !
Skopmatm 3/8 Imth
3 *f4H
3 011 imhlii Waaaa biw
7 lafs »Hk |i»« *at ara
epraclala* aat fraa haa*>
leaalad allay ataal.
Worn* Bomd i&77
Automatic 0BL
D«rakU pel lah«4 olualKwa,
450 won li—>lf (IwmI.
CmpI«I* wlik kfdnUt
Wool f«* •• « cantor
place with flowers, or as
a ** snack** tray.
Blp 13 I nek tray far party
snacks or for kaffot-styls
carpet ar
base, king-site, dlspes*
able niter bag and
starring vinyl bumper.
PfMl $14.95
V«ImI D*
lu* Ihnp
Saif W/W -Coni RooC
hg.e. double
21 b«( oa*4 «■• «mI i
wwMi wltii ■ toook of
Dooklo ooffoo
cltathf mI( an4 M
5 Ounce
Lightweight helge ajrl
Preteetlee te IS degree*
belew Bern. HanW wash*
■bl a. Swell, MeWhan, Large,
Carre Large.
Card tabla la wada aaclualvaly far COAST-TO. *
COAST STORES. Tobol or stool logs, nocisllp locks
ond mggo4 stool friM. Ufkolstorod ovor ronovoklo •
waaaalta. "
Up/ie/sfarW *
Noa-warring, cappad faat. Baliad-a. Wansa anawaf j
flalrficfcalrwltfibalpa, Palda far aaay atari.,.*
Dale & Jo
Phone 125
Butterfield, Mr, and Mrs Don
Raeszotarski, and the Rev Ray
mond Kersting,
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mr and Mrs Jack Ste
The Rancho K epers Extension
Club met at the home of Mrs.
E. J. Gotachall Monday, Decem
ber 5. The lesson on rug making
was presented by Mi's. Lyle Ad
dison. Proceeds from the bazaar
will go to the Cedars Children's
Home in Lincoln; provide a two
year a-inscription to a children’s
magazine for tlw Atkinson Mem
orial Hospital; /children’s books
for the Atkinson Township Li
brary, and provide something for
a needy family in Atkinson.
The Christmas party will be
held Monday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Lyle Addison.
Phone your news to 7X8
i _:
Inman News
By Mr*. Jam** McMuluui
The Inman Community Club
met Monday evening at the In
man Public school for their post
poned meeting. Helen Martens of
Atkinson showed slides 0/ her re
cent educational trip to Mexico.
The business session followed.
Refreshments were served after
the meeting.
Mr. and Mrs Livelle Butter
field, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith,
Mrs Dana Lines and Mrs Al
bert Kopejtka sr. attended funer
al services for Roy Woods at
Creighton on December 7.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sawyer and
girls of Atkinson visited in the
Clifford Sawyer home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry
and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coven
try visited Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Vitt of O'Neill Saturday evening
Mrt Gene Couch and Bruce of
O’Neill were Monday overnight
guests of Mrs. Ivan Couch and
Ivan Conch returned to Wahoo,
where he Is employed, on Mon
Butte News
Mrs. l-ols A.mleraon
Phone >!M>
Friends and relatives of Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Fernau and Mr.
and Mrs. Carol Norwood held a
farewell card party in their hon
or Tuesday evening of last week
at the Legion hall. The Fernau’s
and Norwood's are leaving soon
and will make their homes in
Mrs. William Dix left Tuesday
for Omaha, where she has enter
ed the Clarkson hospital for med
ical testa.
SP -i and Mrs Douglas Dtx and
son left December 8 for Williams
burg, Va., after spending a fur
lough at the home of their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Vern Dix anil
Slwriff ami Mrs. Claude ColUns.
Mr and Mrs William Brennan
returned home Sunday from Tex
as. where they had visited few the
past couple of weeks at the home
of a daughter, Mrs Byron Edgar
and family at Fort W'orth, and
son. Bill Jr. and family at El Pa
so. Their daughter, Catherine of
Omaha, accompanied them on
the trip.
The county beard of supervi
sors elected A. A. Classen of
Lynch as chairman of the board
for the remainder of the year.
Herman Helser of Monowt was
appointed supervisor for district
No, 1 to fill the vacancy left
by the death of Joseph Rlhanek.
Tile term will empire In two
Klee* New Officer*
Bernice Chapter ISO, OES, held
eleotfoa 0# officer* meeting nt the
Masonic temple at Butte Decem
ber 5. The following officers were
elected, worthy matron, Mrs, Ron
aid Gustafson; worthy patron,
Ronald Gustafson; associate ma
tron. Mrs Edward Propel, asso
ciate patron. Edward Pei’Pci; sec
cretary. Mrs Mack Muhannah;
treasurer, Mrs A. P, Andersen;
conductress, Mrs Harry Bennett,
and associate conductress, Mrs.
William Hansen,
Following the business meeting
the Christinas party was held
Games were played and an ex
change of gifts was held. Lunch
was served by Mmes. A. P. An
dersen, J. M Abbonhaus and Ver
non Rinehart.
Try The Fronfier Want
Ads — It Pays !
Sioux Mox" Slippers L_ /
for Women and Girls Men's Pro-Jac Bulky Sweaters Lounging Pajamas Slips for Milady
Cuddly warm! ^9% by Bud Berma J95 Sizes 34-40 j95 2-pc. se, £98 Size, 32-40 J98
Soft, pliable glove capeskin with His favorite sport jacket! Wash- Bulky cardigans she’ll wear Black acetate tricot trousers Beautiful slips of nylon satin
a white fur collar. Women’s 5-9, able tackle twill . . , full cut, from Christmas into Spring! topped by a quilted jacket in tricot ... a new nylon fabric
girls' 8-3. water repellent. Vibrant new pastel colors. white, rose or aqua. 34-40. of satin smoothness.
Women's Handbags
Wide choice 498
pins tax wm
A gift to please any woman!
Many styles, fabrics, colors.
Nylon gloves by Kayser _ $2
Doncrest Blanket
Rose print
Warm, lightweight blend . . .
94% rayon, 6% nylon. Pink,
lilac or blue on white. ~
Silhouette" Seamless Hose
The women's choice!
Sizes 8% to 11 00c
A gift always sure to please . . .
Silhouette seamless hose!
They’re a lovely dress sheer
weight in beigetone or blush
A /V
Donfield Dress'Shirt
White or pastel colors
Wash wear
Fine quality broadcloth shirts
have an easy-care wash and
to wear finish. Choice of fused or
soft collar. Neck sizes 14-17.
Automatic Skillet
West Bend
Big 4 quart, triple thick alumi
num fry pan has vented cover.
Heat control included.
Coffee Maker
West Bend 088
Controls temperature and tim
ing automatically for perfect
coffee. 8 cup.
Boxed Costume
Jewelry by Coro
Your choice
plus tax
Earrings, pins, bracelets, and
necklaces individually pack*
Colonial Lady
Full Size ^95
Exquisite heirloom spread
makes a cherished gift! Snowy
Towel Ensembles
bath hand wash
towel towel cloth
98c 59 29c
Thick, pbsorbent terry by Can
non. Beautiful solid colors to
mix or match.
B. V. D.“ Neckties
Smart gifts!
Nationally known ties, made of
the finest tie silks! Wrinkle
proof construction.
She'll Appreciate
Doncrest Pillows!
Floral tick
Soft, plump bed pillows well
filled with "Dacron”'*1 polyester
Boxed Towel Sets
by Martex
Distinctive set—bath towel,
fingertip towel, face cloth. Le
mon, white pink, ming.
Broadcloth Pajamas
For men
Comfortable, full cut pajamas In
handsome prints and stripes.
Boxer waist.
Romeo Slippers
Men's 7-11
Styled In top quality kid leather
with elastic side gore. For in
doors or out
• - *,
Donfield'”’ Socks
Men’s socks of 100% stretch
Ban-Lon*' textured nylon. One
size fjts allL
Men's Sport Shirts
Choose several shirts for the
men on your list. Wide choice
of patterns and colors.
• Jtt