The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 08, 1960, Image 3
Warranty Deeds QCD-H Rex Cobum to Ralph iw.'0b^n^J2*2‘60 11 S4N4 and 2 se^n'ei»4 andE4SEV4 J® W'fr and N4NEV« and SE4 NE4 and NE4SE4 n nwu NW4 14 F4NE4 15-3313 W* NEV4 and E 4 NW v4 34-33-13 WD-Norma Dexter to Fred and Ora Neibauer 7-19-60 $4,000 lots 14 and 15 blk, 9 Atkinson, WD-Peter E Nissen to George F. and Grade M. Zellers 10-17 60 $3,000 lots 5-6-7 blk 12 Page. QCD-Minnie Schollmeyer Cardi nal to Tony Asimus 11-30-60 Valu able cons S4SE4 NWy4SEV4 SW«/4 S4NW4 5 E4SE4 6 N4 NEV4 7-31-10 QCD-Mmnie Schollmeyer Cardi nal to Virgil Pinkerman 11-30-60 Valuable considerations NE4 NE',SK>, 5-31-10 WD-William F. Grothe jr., et al to Leon A. Beckwith and wf. 10-17 60 $9 600 NWV4 22-29-13. WIVLottie S. Coburn to Lottie S. and 11 Hex Cobum 11-22-60 3/9 Int in E4NEV4 23 W4NW4 24-32-13 QCD-Rnlph S. Coburn to 41. Rex Coburn 12-2-60 $1 N4 SWVi 23 NV4 SE»4 24-32-13. QtTM.<nttie S. Coburn to H. Rex Coburn 11-22-60 $1 S4 W4NE4 23 E4 E4NW>4 24-32-13. QCD-Ruth C. Wavman to 11. Rex Cobum 11-22-60 $1 S4N4 and SW4 2 SEV.NE4 E4SE4 10 W4 N4NE% SEV»NEV4 NEy4SEy4 11 NWV4NW, 14 E 4NE y4 15-32-13 and W4NE4 E4NW4 34-33-13 and N4 SW4 23 N 4 and SE4 24-32-13. QCD-Inttle S Coburn to Ralph S. Coburn 11-22-60 $1 S4N4 ""d SW'i 2 SE4NEV, and E4SE4 10 W4 and N4NE4 and SE4 NE*/4 nnd NEV4SEV4 11 NW4 NW4 14 E4NF.4 15-32-13 nnd W4NE4 nnd E4NW4 34-33-13. QCD-Guyla Mae Goodmun to Virgil Pinkerman 11-21-60 vnlu nbel consideration NEV4 NEV4 SE4 5-31-10. QCD-Frances M. Neely to Vir gil Pinkerman 11-21-60 valuable considerations Same land. QCD-C.uyln Mae Goodman to Tonv Asimus 11-21-60 valuable consideration S4SEV, NW4SE4 SWy4 SnNWy4 5 E4SEV4 6 N4 NEVi 7-31-10. QCD-Frances M. Neely to Tony Asimus 11-21-60 valuable consi deration. Same land. WD-Alvina Tesch to Wilbur W. Lange 11-29-60 $17,500 SW4 29-31 Range 13. Atkinson News Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roberts of Atkinson have received word from their son, Garrold, that he has ar rived safely in Spain. He spent a 20-day leave with his parents in October, after having received eight weeks of training in radar c ntrol tower operations. He flew from Charleston, S. C., to Spain by way of Newfoundland, where he was stationed for 20 months in 1958 since 1958. Gary enlisted in the Navy in July of this year. His address is: Garrold M. Roberts, AC/3 , 3198586, GCA No. 51, Box 7, Navy 537, FPO, New York, N.Y. Help Fight TB Richard L Roberta, another aon of Mr and Mrs. Roberts, was recently promoted to the rank of sergeant. He is stationed with the Army in Korea. He has been in Korea since December of last year, and writes that he expects to be home with hts parents for Christmas. Bernard D. Engler, whose par ents are Mr and Mrs. GJbert Engler of Atkinson, has been re leased from the Army, and re-i cently returned from Baumholder Germany, where he spent about! 17 months. He was met in Omaha by his parents and they return ed to Atkinson last Friday. Dennis Hickok sp« nt lhanks giving vacation with h s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Hickok. He is a student at Kearney State Teachers College in Kearney. Sharon Kokes visited her par-1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kokes, in Atkinson over the weekend. Sne is an instructor of speech thcra py in several Lincoln schools. Country Women's Club The Atkinscn Country Women's Club met at the home of Mrs. Richard Crippen with Mrs. Lous S.ebert as co-hostess. Mrs. Ray Elder presented several contests. The next meeting will be a Christ mas party at the home of Mrs. Siebert on December 8. All mem bers are asked to bring a gift, for the grabbag and one for their ' mystery sister. The Live and Learn Extension club met at the home of Mrs. Orville Hitchcock on Thursday, Nov. 17., with Mrs. Ray Grof as co-hostess. Roll call was answer ed by a one-dish meal recipe. Mrs. W. J. Wilkinson gave a re port on now important honey is in the diet The lesson was on Christmas lighting. The Christinas party will be December 15, at the home of Mrs. Ray Grof, with a covered-1 dish luncheon and gift exchange. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Jones, Cin dy and Randy, drove to Lincoln to spend Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. Jones' mother and sister, Mrs. Sylvia Jones and Jean. They also expect to visit relatives in Pawnee City before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Diorks jr. of Lincoln, Mr and Mrs. Justin Dierks of Omaha and Mr and Mrs. Lyle Slaymaker of Atkinson were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dierks and Jan et of Atkinson. Henry jr., Justin, Mrs. Slaymaker and Janet are children of Mr and Mrs. Dierks. Mr and Mrs. Robert Horner jr. and Lisa, of Sioux City, la., are spending Thanksgiving weekend at the home of his father, Robert Horner, in Atkinson. They return ed to their home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Butterfield and daughters, Tara, Pamela, Brenda and Debra of Kearney came Thursday morning to have Thanksgiving dinner at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Rose Podany of Atkinson, and to visit at their parents homes, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Butterfield, sr., and Kenny; and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roberts, Mickey, Ronny, and Mona. They returned to their home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nilson were Thanksgiving guests at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Fred Ro berts and family. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roberts Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Butterfield and daughters of Kearney, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Butterfield sr. and Kenny, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nilson, Mr. and Mrs. Faye Nil son and children and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nilson and Lonnie of Newport. Mr and Mrs. Joseph Kokes went to Grand Island Tuesday en route to Portland, Ore., to attend the wedding of their son, Charles, to Miss Marilyn Jo Beeler of Gas ton. Ore. In Grand Island they were joined by their dsughtrr, Sharon, of Lincoln, and their son, Gary, of Wilmette, III. and all boarded a train for Portland, ex pecting to arrive there Thanks giving morning. The wedding was orginally scheduled for December SI but advanced to an earlier date be cause Mr K >kes, who is employed by the Federal Bureau cf Investi gation. recently was advised of a transfer to New Orleans, La., effective December 8. Dr. and Mrs F J Mancuso and family went to Omaha to spend Thanksgiving with his par entt, Mr and Mrs, Frank Man cuso. Dr. and Mrs. N. P McKee went to Denver Colorado to spend Tharksgiving with their aon Neal McKee and family. Mary Martha Circle The Mary Martha Circle of the United Presbyterian church met Thursday, Nov. 17, at the home of Mrs. Gerald Upton with twelve members present. A Thanksgiving service was conducted by Mrs. Robert Tingle. Mrs. Upton had the devotion* and Mrs Roger Hawthorne presented the final les son on the study of the Psalms. On Thursday. Dec. 15. the Cir cle members will go to Stuart where they will present th-*ir an nual Christmas program at the Stuart Rest Haven. Bakers fVixen The Bakers Doxen Extension club met at the h<vne of Mrs Dora Walhnger on November 1?. The Lesson on Christmas Ideas was presented by Mrs C. Ben nett. Ttie club will have a Christ mas dinner party at the Town H Hise in O’Neill on December 18 at 6 30 pm. Rev and Mrs Charles Phipps wont to Kansas City, Mo, to spend Thanksgiving at the honia of their son and daughter in-Iaar, Mr and Mrs David Phipps and children. They also expect to spend several days vacationing before returning to Atkinson. ^ # PHIL CO Automagic GAS CLOTHES dryer n»w qu;cL i. . 1 ,ck" <?*«•♦ push ^ dry*r fcr Pffrcf drying for ^ load . ^ n'n9for^rytyp#of fronf ‘ * ^ d**^"Wfng "f mounf«d lint-trap . * * * cro« tumbling . fc„ . ' * *CK,,'V# Crfs* TRY BEFORE YOU BUY Try the new Philco in your own home on a 30-day free trial. Easy Terms Payable on your gas bill Free with the purchase of any Gas Dryer ... 2 no-iron sheets . .. and 2 no-iron pillow cases • This same appliance may be purchased at your favorite LOCAL GAS appliance dealer. BBH) For Dependable GAS Service O'Neill Shop 8:30 - 5:30 - Phone 8 Saturday 8:30 - 9 00 f ft # (0 M f v]/ tn QPECInL! i Value-Priced I BRACH'S j I CHERRIES Jeweled Sweaters, g98 & @98 ( Glitters like gold—lavishly trimmed white cardigans! 100%. bulky Orion*1 acrylic. Med. Lge. Also extravagantly beaded cardigans, black or white. 36-40. Jersey Blouses 298 Casual and dressy styles! Black or bright colors in Acrilan1"1 acrylic. Also glamorous black or white in Orion1*1 acrylic and wool. 32-38. Buy on Lay-Away Girls' Dresses 2’8 to 398 Every little girl wants a dress from Santa! Look at these sweet and lovely styles. Bright cottons and beautiful blends with fancy trims! Sizes 3-6x, 7-14. Sheers ' Thrifty sheers in bisque or mist shade dark seam. Full fashioned, 15 denier. 816-11. Sheer seamless. Rein- Q forced heel, toe. 8V6-11. Seamless stretch, rein- 98c forced. Bisque. S-M-L. I p r_l f BRUSHED ORLON SWEATERS All the rage- grey, charcoal, blue, Q green, or red! Cozy long sleeves. jm qo Shaggy Orion1"1 acrylic washes and AND dries in a jiffy! pullovers, 3.98, Cardigans, 4.98. ^ BeAtBuyf ' WOOL SLACKS 399 Beautiful fabric, expert tailoring! Plain black or gray; perfectly matched Scotch plaids. Tabbed belt loops, side zip. “Most-wanted" gift for gals! Misses’ 10-18. GAY HEADSCARFS Fascinating! Prints nr plain in silks or rayons SKATING SCARFS Teenagers love 179 the 6 ft. Ivy League style, wool! 4L DRIVING GLOVES Misses’ wool with leather palm. Stretch to fit. CHIC HANDBAGS Sensational styles! ■ Leathers or plastics in color. •Plus Tax Flannel P. J.'» Brief Pantie, 2” 49* Pastel floral prints! Shrink re sistant cotton flannel, lace trim. Famous "Solita” tricot! Corn Women’s 34-40. fortable tailored style. Full elastic waist and legs. Double Flannel Gowns .... 2.69 crotch. Women's 6-9. w Girls' Pajamas Girk- Full Slips l98 J_69 Dainty lace trimmed collar! Warm and lovely printed cotton Swirly slip has pyelet top' flannel. Sizes 8-14. lace trim- Shirred elastic back‘ Flouncy ever-glaze cotton. Ski Stylo P. J.'s .... 2.49 White. 4-14. V / Cotton-Rayon Panties Towel Ensembles 39c 198 & 298 So nice! Soft pastels that wash Luxury! Richly decorated thick and dry in a jiffy! Smooth fitting terry in soft lush colors! Beauti ■ elastic waist and legs. Double ful gift—sets of 3 or 4 boxed in ■ crotch. gay holiday theme. Chenille Spreads Lunch Cloths 498 J98 & 298 A beauty and bright as a rain- Ad(J charm to your dining! Buy bow! Aqua, gold, green, rose— 1 .. . for gifts, too! Fine cnsp new multicolor designs on colored or white cotton chenille. Full cottons in many colors. 52x52* size. 1.98, 52x70” 2.98. Quilt-Lined JACKETS n« Handsomely tailored blouse stylo, heavy front zipper! 75% wool! 15% nylon, 10% cashmere for winter warmth! Neutral colors in sizes 36-46. Zip-off Hood PARKAS irs Washable! warm Orion'"' acrylic pile lining and Pcppcrell Magnasheen cot ton sateen shell. “Grow" cuffs to fit next year! &-18. Boy's Favorite %' BULKIES 398 Popular gift! Kil> knit slipover in 75% lamb's wool, 257). Orion1"' acrylic V nock or shawl collar Charcoal, gold, red, black. S-M-L (Age 6-16.) "Domain" Sport SHIRTS ¥ 398 Handsome and warm blend of rayon-acetate that looks like wool washes like cotton! Bold and bright plaids, expertly tailored. Men's S-M-L-XL. ____ «ik ■. » i mm I mnssnsuiMDEin BOYS' BEDFORD CORD PANTS Good-looking blue, grey, black or (an in cot- ^^93 ton cord! Ideal for school or dress. 6-18. BOY'S ACRILAN KNIT SHIRTS Roll-high collars or V-necklines! Washable comfortable acrilan"' acrylic in colors! 6-18. BOYS' ORLON COAT SWEATERS First choice of campus crowds! Metallic but tons accent Orion'*' acrylic in olive, gold, blue. 6-12. I_I MEN'S CAPESKIN DRESS GLOVES Black, brown, grey with warm knit lining! Smooth or pigtex grain leather. S-M-L. FUR-LINED CAPESKIN GLOVES Look so neat—feel so warm! Whipstitched. Brown, black or grey in men’s sizes. S-M-L. MEN'S ACRILAN KNIT SHIRTS Tops the list—"Easy-going” Acrilan'*' acrylic Long sleeves. Handsome color choice! S-M-L. MEN'S SLIPOVER SWEATERS Casual ribbed crew neck, cuffs and bottom! I Lamb’s wool-Orlon<*' acrylic in 6 shades. S-M-L. MEN'S BULKY RIB SLIPOVER \ Ribbed shawl collar in contrasting colors 1 Lamb’s wool plus Orion'*' acrylic. S-M-L. INSULATED UNDERWEAR 100% Miracron shell, 8 oz. quilted Miracron filler. Grey, tan. Pants and top. S-M-L-XL.