The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 08, 1960, Image 2

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Terms of Subscription: In Nebraska. J2-50 per
year, elsewhere in the United States, S3 per year,
rate abroad provided upon request. All subscrip
tions payable in advance.
Entered at the postoffice in O'Neill, Holt coun
ty, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter under
the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. This news
paper is a member of the Nebraska Press Asso
ciation , National Editorial Association and the Audit
Bureau of Circulations.
Stuart News
By Mr*. Herb SUIa
Mrs. Karl Bernt entertained
three tables at cards November
18. Mrs. Mary Laible was a
guest. Prize winners were Mrs.
B. C. Engler, Ann Olberding and
Mrs. L. H. Steinhauser. Mrs.
B. C. Engler will have the next
club. Lunch was served.
Those attending the County Le
gion and Auxiliary meeting Mon
day, Nov .21 at Ewing from Stuart
were Mr. and Mrs. Pat Patter
son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murphy,
Mr. and Mr?, Lawrence Hamik,
Leona Jkuerttig arid Sharon Wes
term an.
Judy Babl waa a Sunday and
Monday guest of Diane Olberding.
Thanksgiving day guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Kaaper Harley were Mr.
and Mrs. Blain Garwood and
family of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard McConnel and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harley and
family of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs.
Elvin Harley and family of Plain
view and Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Snyder and family of Fort Col
lins, Colo.
Thanksgiving dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kaup jr were
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mitchell and
Cindy and Marlene Kaup of Grand
Island. They also spent the week
end with the Kaups.
Friday evening visitors of Mr.
and Mrs. Tony Kaup and family
were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin She
pard and family of Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Stracke of Om
aha spent the weekend visiting
Mr and Mrs. Bill Stracke and
Mr. and Mrs. Elgie Irish.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jauernig,
Leona, Don. and Arnold were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Sobotka and family at Co
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kaup and
family were Thanksgiving day
guests of .Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mllnar and family at O’Neill.
Thanksgiving day dinner guests
of Mr and Mrs Tom Schoberg at
O'Neill were Mr. and Mrs. Ferd
Kaup, Mr. and Mrs. Don Kaup
and family of Newport, Mr. and
Mrs Din Myers and family, Cla
ra Mullen and Jene of Omaha,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schoberg of
Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent
Schoberg and familj of Sioux
City and Sally, Davie and Pat
Sunday evening callers of Mr.
an! Mrs. Vic Kaup and family
were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Kaup.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs Ben Kaup sr were Mr.
and Mrs. Chuck Schaafs and
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaup sr.,
Mrs. Hugh Cody and children and
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kaup and
family were Thanksgiving day
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Dennis Kaup and fami'y.
Mrs. Vic Kaup, Connie, Vicky,
David and Doug accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Schneider and
Robert to Mr. and Mrs. John
Gregers at Atkinson for Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Ear' Cadwallader
and Guy Cadwallader were
Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Cadwallader at In
man. Other guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Appleby,, Joe Monish
and children and Mr. and Mrs.
“Bud” Cadwallader and children
frem Hubbard.
Thanksgiving dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Colson and
Joyce were Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Porter and sons of Fremont, Jess
Colson, Bobbie Porter of Atkin
son, and Sharon Clemm.
Thanksgiving day guests of Mrs.
Katie Papke were Mr. and Mrs.
Tommy Papke and family of
Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Johnson and family of Burke.
S. D., Mr. and Mrs Jimmy Hoff
man and girls of Newport, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Wallinger and boys,
Mr and Mrs. Jim Hoffman and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Johnson and girls.
Mr. and Mrs Gerald Soger of
Grand Island were weekend guests
of Mr and Mrs. Elgie Irish.
Thanksgiving supper guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gill at Long
Pine were Mr. and Mrs. Morton
GiU and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Gardner Gill and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Myers and
family of McCook.
Thanksgiving dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs Fred Stracke were
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilier and
Stanley of Akron, la., and Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Stracke and
family of Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cadwailader
entertained four tables at pitch
SunJay evening at their home.
Prtie winners were C.len Cad
wallader, Mrs. Keith King, Jim
my Hcffman, Mrs. Joe Colson
and Glen Cadwallad1 r, Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Cadwailader will
have the next party December
Thanksgiving day guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Don Cadwailader and
family were Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Slachetka, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Cadwailader and family of Maude
Mohin of Newport.
Connie Coufal of Omaha and
Joe Coufal of Hayes, Kan., spent
the Thanksgiving weekend with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Coufal. Accompanied by Mary
Coufal they spent Thanksgiving
day with Sister Carmela at St.
Francis, S. D.
Thanksgiving dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Farr was
Mrs. John Hasch of Newport.
Monday overnight guest of the
Farrs was John Hasch, who was
enroute horns from Pender.
Mrs. Wes Cobb accompanied
Mrs. Stan Cobb to Grand Island
Sunday to take Doug Cobb back
to school at Hastings. She vis
ited her sons, Terry Cobb and
family and Darrell Cobb. Mrs.
S an Cobb v;sited Mr. and Mrs.
Orville Clanton and sons. They re
turned home Monday evening.
In Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Farr spent
Saturday visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Ward Dyer at Grand Island.
Ward is in the Veterans hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weichman
and family had as their Thanks
giving day guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Henr yHamik, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Wewel, Mr. and Mrs. John Weich
man, Mr. and Mrs. FI rian Scholz
Henry Hamik, Mr. and Mrs. F.
Weichman jr. and family, and
Dora Wallinger and family of
Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Max
Weichman and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hamik
spent Friday at the heme of Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Hamik and
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John Kramer were Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Stracke and
family of Atkinson. Afternoon vis
itors were Mr and Mrs. A J.
Iwan of Spalding.
Thanksgiving dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John Kramer were
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kramer and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Alton
Hoffman and family.
Thanksgiving dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Heyne and
Mary Lynn were Mrs. Bessie
Greenfield and Jerry Heyne of
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Eng er and
family of Omaha came Thanks
giving day and spent until Sat
urday morning with Mr. and Mrs.
B. C. Engler. Other Thanksg.v
ing dinner guests were Mrs. Pete
Engler, Mrs. Mary Laibie and
Mr and Mrs. Don Engler and
Saturday guest of Mrs. Fannie
Fuller and Clara was Mrs. Ho
ward Fuller. Thanksgiving uinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Fuller of Newport were Mrs.
Fannie Fuller and Clara.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nelson and
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brayton and
family spent Thanksgiving in Lin
coln. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Braytcn
and family went on t j Reu Oak,
la., and Omaha for the rest of
the weekend. The Nelsons re
turned home Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cadwalla
der left Wednesday for Lincoln
where they spent
day with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cau
wahader, returning home Friday
Dana Bigelow of Lincoln and
Tom Bigelow of Omaha spent
from Wednesday until Sunday
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. Dana Bigelow.
Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Berry were
Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Moody at Ains
Friday evening callers at the
Jim Deming home were Mr. and
Mrs. Rollo Berry and Mr. and
Mrs. Byron Biotz,
Thanksgiving weekend guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Batenhorst
were Mike Batenhorst of Wayne,
Kenny Batenhorst and Miss Judy
Henkel, both of Lincoln and Gary
Hoffman and three sons of Oma
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hamik and
family were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hamik cf
Atkinson. Other guests weie Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Otto of Stuart,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hamik and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Lavrrn
Hamik and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Lavcrn Hamik and family an I
Jerry and Marvin Hamik, all of
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Skala and
family were Thanksgiving tupper
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Col
son and Joyce.
Thanksgiving day gues s cf Mr.
an 1 Mrs. Bob Batenhorst were
John Hirsch, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Batenhorst, Mr. and Mrs. John
Keating and family of Atkinscn,
Mrs. James Batenhorst and Lyn
nette of O’Neill, Mr and Mrs.
Gene Batenhorst and family, Gary
Hoffman and three sons of Oma
ha, Judy Henkel of Lincoln, Ken
ny Batenhorst of Lincoln ami Mike
Batenhorst of Wayne,
Thanksgiving dinner guests cf
Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Ham.k
and family were Mr, and Mrs,
Frank Hamik sr , Mr, and Mrs.
John Friedel and Freddy, Doro
thy 1* rO n igan, Cindy, Kevin and
K.m of Grand Island and Delor
as Hamik of O’Neill.
Thanksgiving day guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Walt Kaup and
were a.r. ana Mrs. Marvin Zifka
and family of O'Neill, Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Z sKa and fami y, Mrs.
Joe Bartos all of Atkinson, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Ziska of Stuart.
NiLc . hCWS
Tuesday dinner guests at Mr.
rn ... s. Virgil Hubby's were
Mr and Mrs. Marriedy Hubby of
Cedar Rapids, la., Mrs. Carrie
B.rg and Marvel of O'Neill, Mr.
and Mrs. Delbert Rouse and sons,
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Rouse and
Dale and Jessie Kaczor.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen
of O’Ncili are spending Thanks
giving vacation with their son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Hansen of Littleton, Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Deans
and fami y of Chadron came Wed
nesday night to spend the Thanks
giving vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harding.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benash were _
also dinner guests Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Garold Risor and
family attended a family gather
ing at Inman Thursday. Mr. and
Mrs. Milton McKathnie and fam
ily of Atkinson, Marvin of Inman
aayl Maude Rouse of O’Neill were
all guests of Mrs. Blanche Rouse
of Inman.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Searles and
girls spent Thanksgiving with his
sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Anderson of Colum- ,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dob
rovo'.ny, Larry and Mrs. Ken
ny Wrede and Lee attended the
57th wedding anniversary cele
bration of his parents, Mr. and
Mr . Frank Dobrovolny of At
kinson, Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kaczor
were Thursday visiters at “Grand
ma" and Bill Hull’s. Levi and
Gaylen Hull called in the after
Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Anson
and girls were Sunday visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anscn of At
kins n.
Mr. and Mrs. Gone Libby of
Omaha spent the weekend with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Halters and Mr. and Mrs. Lor
an Libby of ( Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borgs guests
on Tdanksgiving day were Mr.
and Mrs. A1 Gaskill of O’Neill
an 1 Mr. and Mrs. Don Borg and
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Blake went •
to Re-Heights, S. D., Thanksgiv
ing day to celebrate with their
s .1, km and iamily.
Thanksgiving dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs Henry Walters were
Mrs. Christine Johnson. Mr. and
Mis. Sam Robertson, Mr. and
Mrs. George Nelson, Larry and
sue, Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne An
son, Sharon and Karla, Mr. and
Mi s Marlin Anderson, Debra and
Nancy and Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Wa ters and Douglas.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitx had
a family gathering Thursday. All
ibe.r cmkiren and grandchildren
were present. Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Piers n and family of O'Neill,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Huston and
Cindy of Emmet and Mr. and Mrs.
James Schmitz and sons of Ral
Vr. and Mrs. William Hansen
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
nis Hansen and family, Mrs. Kate
P^n..y of Wagner, S, D. and
.».r. ,.nd Mrs. Lyle Burgard of
N ofljrara were Thanksgiving din
ner guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Nolan of Fairfax,
S. D.
Thanksgiving dinner guests at
Emmet Slaights wore Mrs. Eliza
beth and Nate Conard, Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Watson and Danny of
Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Stevens of Page and George Con
ard of Inman.
Friday dinner guests at Fred
Lindbergs were Mr. and Mrs. Ro
ger Roscnkrans and family, Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Worth and Mr.
We Need
We are paying top market
prices for Mink, Beaver, Musk
rat, Racoon, and Civet Cats.
We want your raw furs and our
prices will prove It! For the best
prices, bring your furs to
Norfolk Iron &
Metal Company
300 Braasch Ave.
We want unskinned Jack Rab
bits, White Tail and Black Tall.
and Mrs. Roy Worth and family of
Carter Lake, la.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson
plan to leave luesday tor Blair,
where Mrs. Nelson will remain
while Frank attends a gover
menlal eouneM In Chicago No
vember 30.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby were
Tuesday evening visitors at Paul
Nelson a.
Guests at Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Devalis for Thanksgiving were
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walters
and family of Chambers, Mr. and
Mrs. Preston Jones and Mearle of
O iNei.i, Mr. and Mrs Dewayne
Devall, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer De
vall, Diane, Ricky and Naucy De
vall and Delia Harrison.
Ted Crawford and family left
for Minnesota to visit relatives
Friday morning. Orville Miller
and Mike are doing the furm
chores in their absence.
Mr. and Mrs. James Schmitz
and family came up from Ral
ston to spend vacation with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Schmitz, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Babl of Emmet.
Carl Krogh went to Faribault,
Minn. Saturday to visit with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Krogh. Latest word from John
Krogh’s bedpide is that he is
slightly improved
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil tfjbby and
Jessie Kacsor were Friday vis
itors of Mr. and Mrs. John Kac
sor of Spencer.
Mrs. Delia Harrison visited her
daughter, Mrs. Orville Peterson
of O’Neill Saturday.
Mr and Mrs. Oswald Dru<*e
anti family were Friday evening
callers at Elmer Pevalls.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ktatse
and sons were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freouf of
Atkinson Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Johring,
Fred. Sharleen and Craig plan to
return Tuesday from Illinois
where they visited Mr. Johring’s
sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Renise Duhon and fam
ily over the Thanksgiving week
Sharon and Karla Anson spent
Friday visiting their grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby
Mrs. Howard Rouse and Mr. and
Mrs Marriedy Hubby of Cedar
Rapids, la. were dinner guests of
Carrie Borg Wednesday.
Frontier Want AiN Pan IMvtileno*
The Equitable Life
Assurance Society of
U. S. proudly
announces the
appointment of
Harvey A.
Inman — Ph. 34 or 11W
... as a full-time Equit
able Life Representative
Harvey has just completed training and is well
qualified to provide you with your Life and Dis
ability Income Insurance needs.
You can count on Harvey for friendly, competent
District Manager
0417 Norfolk Ave. Norfolk, Nebraska
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"Use Your Flexi-Pay Card”
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