Verdigre News By Vac Hand* Plan ( hrWUnit* Program The Rev. Charles J. Obomy has announced December 18 as the date for the St. Wenceslaus Yuletide program to be held in the church auditorium. A pageant "The Nativity of Christ" will be presented by the children and younger folk of tlie church as well as recitations and songs. Rev. Oborny will direct the pageant. At the close of the program Santa Claus will make nis ap pearance and distribute treats to the children. Dr. Verle A. Walstrom, local veterinarian, flew to Lincoln Sat urday to attend an advisory Council meeting with Governor elect Morrison. Attends Convention Ted D. Ward, vocational agri culture instructor in the Verdi gre schools left Friday for Los Angeles, Calif., to attend the National Convention of the American Vocational Association. Mr. Ward was to receive an award at the Tuesday evening session of the I-Con Corporation, based on his position as advisor for Arden W. Uhlir, recently named Star Farmer of America. Mr Ward will contact relatives of Uhlirs by telephone and will return December 11. Hold House Warming A surprise house warming was held last Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Randa to welcome them back to the farm which he left two years ago to enter service. Mr. Randa returned with his bride on November 13 to the farm home in Sparta township. Visiting and cards furnished the entertainment. At cards Mrs Leonard Dufek and Marvin Pavelka earned the high score prizes and Mrs. Robert Liski and Clarence Pavelka took the Help Fight TB Use Christmas Seals low score gift tokens. Mr and Mrs. Leonard Dufek received the traveling award. Neighbors and relatives who at tended were: Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dufek. John Dufek, Mr. and Mrs Robert Liska and children, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pavelka, Mr. and Mrs Marvin Pavelka and son, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pavelka and children and Elmer Pavelka. Inclement weather kept some from attend ing Gifts were presented the honored couple and lunch was served. Ionic Lodge Members of Ionic lodge 87, AF and AM held their regular meet ing Thursday in the Masonic Temple at Niobrara. Worshipful Master, Paul Thier olff, called the meeting to order, Other officers seated were How ard W Mayberry sr., warden; Tony C Paesl, jr., warden; George Skokan, secretary; Glen Foner, treasurer; Bolton Randa, senior deacon, Gail Burdick, junior deacon and Donald Jones, tyler. The last meeting of the year will be held December 29 with election of officers. Installation of officers will be held in Janu ary. Those attending from Verdigre were: Robert Steckler, Tony Paesl, Alvin Fosterman, Bolton Randa, Joe J. Jacot, Floyd Hil dreth, Walter Dobrichovsky and Vac Randa. The Bazaar and food sale held Saturday at the ZCBJ hall was well attended. Methodist church groups, the Ladies Aid, Sunday School and MYF offered fancy work items, food and baked goods in holiday array. Chili and goulash was served until late in the evening. A nice profit was realized. Strings of colored lights, wreaths and silver stars form th pattern of Christmas decora tion put up by lasmard Korina, Improvement club member and Irven Miller, city marshall last Saturday. Catholic Daughters Members of the Catholic Daugh ters of America held their regular meeting Wednesday evening in the St. Wenceslaus auditorium with a large group in attendance. The evening began with a pot luck supper followed by a pro gram of Christmas numhers pre sented by several groups of child ren. The ladies had a gift ex change and Santa Claus dis tributed gifts and treats to the children. Stuart News By Mrs. Herb Stmla Mr and Mrs. Ervin Van Cleave and Patty spent the Thanksgiv ing weekend in Lincoln and Om aha. They were Thanksgiving din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Goeschel at Lincoln. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Heyne and Timmy of Omaha. For Thanksgiving sjpper Mr. and Mrs. Van Cleave and Patty, Mr. and Mrs. Heyne and Timmy and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Goeschel were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. John Maui. Mrs. Van Cleave, Mrs. Goeschel and Mrs. Maul are sisters. Tuesday evening callers of Mrs. Ann Olberding were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Olberding, Mr. and Mrs. Art Olberding and Mr. and Mrs. Luvern Olberding and Lee Ann to observe her birthday. Entertain at Cards Mr. and Mrs. Louie Shald en tertained at a card party Sun day evening. High prize winners were Jim Seger and Mrs. Alfred Stracke, low winners were Gene Batenhorst and Mrs. Jim Seger. Tony Kaup won travelers. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kaup were guests Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stracke will have the next party. Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Shald were Mr. and Mrs. Louie Shald and fam ily and Paul Shald. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Straka jr. were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Allyn, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Straka sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Straka. January nest party Mr. and Mrs Don Bernt en tertained three tables of pitch players Smday evening in their home. Prize winners were Delbert Cental and Mrs Dennis Weber, high. Dick Straka and Mrs Bill Schom, l'w. Raymond Meusch received travelers award. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Weber will have the next party on January S. Mrs. Don Shald, Debbie and boys were Sunday afternoon vis itors of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Van Cleave. Linden Mulford of Osceola, vis ited with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Charles Mulford and at the James Deming family from Thursday till Saturday. Saturday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs Dick Straka jr and family were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sc horn and girls. Jack Hytrek of Norfolk spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hytrek. They entertained at Sunday dinner in Jack’s honor for his birthday: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hytrek and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hy trek of Omaha were afternoon callers. Bridge Club Mrs. B. C. Engler entertained the Bridge club November 30. Prize winners were Mrs. Joe Wa'linger and Bessie Greerf e’d. Guests were Bessie Greenfield and Mrs. F. P. Murphy. Club will meet in two weeks with Mrs. Skip Smith. Mrs B. C. Engler entertained the Hi Five club on Friday. Prize winners were Callista Weichman, Ann Olberding and Mrs. John Shald. Theresa Levi will enter tain next. Mrs. Herbert Young returned home from Colon, where she had spent the past three weeks after the death of her mother, Mr*. Emil Johnson. Mrs. Young's fa ther returned with her. Rev. Young and son, Mark had return ed on November 30. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Van Cleave and Patty spent Saturday until Sunday afternoon, Nov. 26-27 at Omaha visiting Mr. and Mrs. Larry Heyne and Timmy. Entertain at Family Dinner A family dinner was held No vember 27 at the Louis Peter home at O’Neill Present were Mr. and Mrs. Berlin Mitchell of Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mitchell and Cassey of Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mitchell and Pamela of Pierre. S. D. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell and son of Naper. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mitchell and Pamela spent from Saturday till Wednesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Berlin Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Don Myers and family were S'unday evening cal lers of Mr. and Mrs. Don Shald and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Myers were Thursday evening guests of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Jansen after the fight. Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Berlin Mitchell were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mitchell and Cassey of Crawford. They spent the weekend and returned home 9onday afternoon. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Shald were Mr. and Mrs. George Shald and fam ily. The occasion was to honor George Shald on his birthday. Carolyn Schaaf of Omaha spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schaaf. Mrs. Hugh Coday and family has moved into the Coats house between the Jones and Farely residences. Mr. and Mrs. George Min nig entertained three tables at pinochle Sunday evening. High prize winners were Dick Shear er and Mrs. Ed Meusch. Low scorer* were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmaderer. Dick Shearer also won traveling. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meusch will have the nest party. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Steinhau ser and family were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. CJl. Johnson at Atkinson. Hi-FIve meet at Hoffman Home Mrs. W. N. Hoffman entertain ed the Hi-Five club Friday at her hime with 12 members and two guests, Mrs. G. L. Obermire and Cecelia Miksch. Prize win ners were Mrs. Frank Wewel, Mrs. John Hytrek, high score and Mrs. John Miksch, low. Mrs. B. C. Engler will entertain the c ub for her mother, Mrs. Mary Laible in two weeks. Jerry Wallinger of Omaha spent the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wallinger. Twelve neighbor ladies surpris ed Mrs. Ann Oiberding November 30 to help her celebrate her birth* day. She received many lovely gilts am) lunch was served by the self invited guests. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wewel en tert lined at a pitch party Sunday evening. Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Wewel were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wewel and family and Joe Wewel, all of New port. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoffman took Miss Cecelia Miksch to O' Neill on Friday where she took a bus to her home at Tekamah af ter a week's visit with relatives. A farewell dinner waa given November Tt for Mr. unri Mrs. Marvin Fry amt boys who are leaving for Seottsbluff where they will make their home. Those In altendence were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fox and family of Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. Lonls Gilg and girls of Bassett, Lee Spann of Spring view. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bernt ami boys, Sam Fry and Louis Haynes of Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Wilson Cgi€«*C'C*C'C««ICIClC'<>C>€<«'CiCC l,loaat'<1 in money. Safeway', "close- cvcry way- lf y°u don'‘ «Kreo trim" method on every that il completely satiafies, cut of meat always re- your full purchase price will moves excess waste and be promptly and courteously fat. refunded. Chuck Roast s,i„47« U.S.D.A. Choice Grade Aged Beef, a Safeway Superb meat that’s guaranteed to please you or your money will be cheerfully refunded Ground Beef 3. *1.29 You can depend on Safeway for better, richer-flavored Ground Beef, we control the quality so it’s the same every day in every store. Roast or SteakSTUiKaS?..u. 65c Sausage ter1': iBs.'hon29c...,i»rkM 35c Braunschweiger 8AU8AGEB. 39c Bacon Squares wrapped, 25c n fl I I ffi Order your Christmas Turkey at ff 9 Safeway now/ A famous Manor D 6 llouse V.S.D.A. Cirade-A and 6 U.S. Inspected Turkey. i) Manor Houao Turkey* are U S. In* n E apected and then U S D A. Graded 6 a •,A." th* top government grade. Each 1 JJ bird I* broad breaeled with plump n E *weet meat. Any ala* to St your need* C K — 4 to 24 pound*. m Omvsstmissstsa'tmvsttiatmimmvssvsstssssssnmB Select and order your Free Gold Bond Christmas gifts early! ivw tree extra stamps with the purchase of Bama FRUIT PIES 3 a *1.00 Frozen Apple, Cherry, Pineapple, Pumpkin or llince Chili with Beans ■*.35c Ellis Spaghettidar?... 29c Ellis Tamaies 29c Ellis Beef Slew Fashioned ....N.°.^39c I FRUIT JUICE •r DRINK 3 etr 79* LaLani Pineapple Juice ... Libby’s Pineapple Juice or Pineapple-Grapefruit Drink ... Del Monte Pineapple-Grapefruit Juice Drink Lima Beans H’ Ham *.».“ 37c Noodles H’ Beef Km, 31c Brown Beans w«7mStyi. 2 "Sif 29c PAAf PIAM Dinty Moore—tender 24-on. JAa 1 DCUI OIOW beef with rich *ravy ....Can W VELKAY SHORTENING I?. 59C Rich and smooth, your best shortening value I f Karo Syrup for baby a formula ..Bottle 230 8 Spaghetti Franco American.. 2 Cana 29e Whole Cloves 2le | Dog Food 3 £S 49c * Pet or Carnation Canned Milk 6^89c Cherub Canned Milk... .6 Tall Cana 79a Cherub, Caae of 48 Cana.... $C.Z9 Dinner Rolls Si^d 19c Fresh Cookies 39c Fresh Cookies ..££ 29c Baking Cups B«U/ Brite .... 2 » 25c Chocolate Morsels -sssswtt- 30c 12-ox. Pkg. w “ i*-o» Ace Shredded Coconut onm„ Cake Decoration. ST,£ ' * Marshmallow Creme ***. NuMade Corn Od 2Sc l-pt. Bottle • U I. Butter Brtrvd 39C Walnut Meats non*., ,, Pitted Oates « Fruit Peels «— ■ pkg Large size, mix any assortment you wish \ Egg Nog Lucerne... .Carton 69c . Carton 98c Fresh Bread saissste.^,21c Margarines^-.3 cilL 39c Choc. Candies assorted.Box *1.59 Dorothy Duncan Assorted Chocolate Candies... .1-lb. Box 99c U. S. No. 1 Qrcicle, Red Pontiac Variety Red Potatoes 10-lb. c Pofly Bag AVOCADOS Delicate flavored red potatoes, clean, smooth and Large size, 19c shallow-eyed (so there’s practically no waste) Emperor Grapes and delicious . .Lb IOC a 1-1 m M Waldorf Brand—pitted, 1-lb. AO# vooKiDy uaressoz Pkg. .Pkg. "iyc Head Lettuce medium size ..Each 10c RtOttT RKMLRVLI) TO LIMIT Ot'ARTITtlM All prUct efftctive iKm Saturday, December 10, m O’NcllJ Light Chunk Tuna 46ct°,$1.00 Sea Trader—ideal for casseroles Longhorn Cheeso 16-os. wedges •V 59c Cream Cheese delphla plain ... Pkg. 10c nil! Cnoere Bond -Kosher, 20 or OA* Ulll OfHJWS for your rellah dish.Jar slat* Lucerne Ice Milk In five delicious flavors ’/a-gal. Carton Hot Roll Mix ZWZT^r. ..14Hr£ 29c Chunk Tuna ... 6H£; 35c Potato Chips crisp and crunchy .. Pkg. 69c