Page News By «r, Ren Asher (.olden Kulc Club Mrs Orville Kemper, Mrs Ro bert Under and Mrs. Carl Mtx were guests when the G >l«len Rule Extensi n Club met T leidiy af ternoon with Mrs Ivan H iss as hostess. Roll caU was angered by g.ving a T a ksgiving p em. Mrs A. T. Crumly and Mrs Har old Freemi y< r were in charge of the lerson. Christmas Ideas The next meeiing, which will meet with Mrs R. V. Crum'y, will be the Christmas party starting with a noon day dinner and exchange of gifts Each member is to bring a d z< n cookies to be sent to the Nebraska Children s home. IC,»\at Nelglib >rs Mrs Harold Kelly and Mrs Al ta Finch W! re hostesses on Wed nesday night when the RNA Lodge met at the I OOF Hall with 18 members present, IIOA Huh Mrs L. F. Kniidsen who had recently moved to Norfolk enter tained the following ladies at din ner when the HOA Club met with her Tuesday, lhose attending --- I were Mmes. John Steinberg. Ho ”irr Rutherford. Hamid Heiss Harry Lampert, William Watter m mn and Mrs Harry Van Hem Mrs Lewis Ccpple of Norfolk was ■ guest. Next meeting will be wrh Mrs. Homer Rutherford Novem b r 22. Help-1 -flub Tae members of the Help-U Cluh held a first in the series of card parties for members and lh* ;r families at the Improvement Cluj building Prize winners were Mrs. Ethel Waring, Jerry War ing, Mrs. Francis Boelter, Clar ence F.nch and Mrs. Alta Finch. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs, Kenneth Waring, Mrs. George Jefferies and Mrs. Fran cis Boelter. Mr, and Mrs. Edd Stewart and Mickle and Dale and B b Tikal sky were Tuesday night visitors in the lony Mudloff home. Help-!'.Club Eleven members and one guest, Mrs. Paul Baker, were present for a noon day dinner at the h’me of Mrs. Sidney Faulhaber when the Help-U-Club met with her Weeincsday, The ladies did work for the hostess. Mrs. Ervin Held won the special prize and the club will meet next with Mrs. Francis Boelter. George Wettlaufer attended the Antelope County Government Day at Neligh Wednesday. American Legion held their monthly meeting Tuesday night. A stag party was discussed and the date wiU be announced later. Kountry Klub Mrs Dale Stauffer was hostess to 10 members and one guest, Mrs. Robert Prill, when the East Side Kountry Klub met with her. Roll call was answered by nam ing what we wanted for Christ mas from our secret pul. Mrs. Ron Park had the lesson on cake decorations. Mrs. Merwyn French jr. won the door prize. The next meeting on December 21 will be the club’s Christmas party. GGG and G Club GGG and G Club met Friday with Mrs. Ethel Park. Cards were played with Mrs. I. O. Woods, Mrs. Alta Finch, and Mrs. Otto Matschullat winning prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher left Friday to spend the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Robbins i.i Rushville. Two of the Ashers children, Linda and Vonda stay ed with their grandmother, Mrs. Frieda Asher, while Chuck and ! Lurene stayed with Mr. and Mrs. j Calvin Harvey. WSOS Meets WSCS held their regular meet-1 ing T hursday afternoon in the | Wesleyan room with 22 ladies pre sent. Mrs. Harry Harper was in charge of the devotions and les son which was a continuation of .ist week's lessen on missions all )ver the world. Mmes Jessie Kel y, Harry Tegeler, Edgar Stauf er and Merwyn French sr. assist 'd in the lesson by telling about Missionary work in different coun ries. In the business part of the meet ng it was voted to pay $200 for heir missionary pledge. A show ■r for Walter Rutherford’s, bride o-be, was announced for Satur lay night at the Methodist church. Several articles not sold at the aazaar will be brought to the lext meeting and anyone interest 'd can see them there. Get well ■ards were signed to be sent to Vlr. Frank Cronk and Mrs. Jen lie French. A sympathy card sent to the Arnold Tikalskys. Hos :esses were Mrs. Arnold Stewart and Mrs. Ethel Waring. Page Extension The Page Extension Club met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Edgar Stauffer. Mrs. Edgar Stauf fer gave the lesson on “Leather Iboling”. A free-will offering was taken up for Muscular Distrophy. Next month another will be taken up to be given for another wor thy cause. It was decided to meet at the home of Mrs. R. D. Copes November 30 to make some Christmas things from the ideas they had gotten at club. Mrs E4d Stew a t and Mrs Tony Mudloff went to Omaha Friday Mrs Mudloff spent tie night with her daughter awl s n m-law, Mr and Mra. Marvin Pro kup, and Mrs Stewart remained as an overnight gue-d of Mrs Goldie Clark in C nc l B.u'fS. Friends and neighbors ha I a party Friday n gtit f »r Mr. and Mrs Roy Hanson, wh » are mov ing to Omaha. The > leven fam ilies who came to bid farewell to the Hansens were Mr. and Mrs. George WVttHufer, Mr. and Mrs. John Z iinbrum, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Staufler, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch, Mrs Lulse Heese and Wayne and Mrs. Ethel Summers Larry and Con nie. The self Inv'ted guests brought lunch. A treasure chest <~f money was present* I to the Hansens by the group. Mr. and Mrs C. H. Switzer of O'Neill were Sunday dinner and supper guests of Mr, and Mrs Ben Asher. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Landreth. The occasion was Melanie Har mon's third birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grass and family and Mrs. Anna Thompson were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt Thompson. Af ternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Kelly. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Kelly were Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Kelly and family of Wisner. Tommy’s then left to vis it Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Abney of Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat attended a sup|>er party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Park er of O’Neill Friday night. To celebrate the birthdays of Melanie Harmon and EUd Godel. Mr and Mrs Ray Harmon enter tained the Code Is fcr supper on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Gordon Gentzler ef Tilden, Mr and Mrs. Arthur Sufficooi and family of Ver hgr . h r and Mrs Kenneth Tyler of Fremont, Mr and Mrs Clarence Finch jr., and Mrs Alta Finch were S’ tiday dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs Clarence Fnch Mr and Mrs. Feres Henderron and Eldon of Orchard and Mrs. A 0 Web r were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Elmer Troworidge. Aftem on callers to join the group for ice cream ami cake in honor of “Grandma" Web er s birthday were Mr. a. d Mrs. Dick Trowbridge Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Alb; rts were Sunday dinner gues s of Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French sr. Mr and Mrs. Duane Sake? spent from Wednesday to Satur day in Lincom visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs Charles Rus sell Mrs. Sukup also consulted a physician there. Mr, and Mrs. Dan Troshynski tp. nt the‘weekend visiting tluir daughter and her family, Mr. a d Mrs. Lloyd Powell at Alliance. Mrs. Emma Morns. Buster Neu bauer and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zel lers were Sunday dinner and lunch guests of Mr. and Mis. N. D. I ekes. Tim, infant son of Mr. ami Mrs. Norman Trowbridge, was hospita lized Sunday with bronchitis. Marvin Stauffer returned h me Wednesday after attending the Nebraska Farm Bureau Con ference in Lincoln. Mrs. Kenneth Wottlaufer, Biuce and Randy visited with Mrs. Al bina Behk in Inman Sunday, Mr and Mrs Calvin Harvey and fain ly and Lurene ami Chuck Asher visited with Mr and Mrs Ronald Woods Sunday tn Center viHe. S D. Mr and Mrs. Cliff Robbins of RushviUe and their bouse guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ki nneth Asher of Pagj vis ted on Saturday with Mr and Mrs. Rcbert Asher ol Alliance Kenneth s were over night guests in the Bob Asher home. They r turned to P3ge on Sunday evening. Thirty-five ladies were present on Saturday night when the class m ther’s of 195-t held a pre-nup tial sh owe r for Walter Ruther fords fiancee. Miss Judy Couehy. f’b? cateitainment was based cn fhe T V. show ‘Play Your Hunch’. Miss Faye Rutherfcrd and Miss Joan Fisher of Norfolk assissted the bride-to-be with hir gifts. Aletha Rutherford was in charge cf the guest book. Mrs. Ethel Waring was an over night guest on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W Finch. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Finch were Sunday evening callers. Mrs. Eve'yn Gray accompan ied Mr. and Mrs. Cordes Walker to Norfolk where the Walkers vis ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Craig. Mrs. Rose Morris was also a guest. Mrs. Gray spent her day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gene Baber. The freshmen class of Page high school had a wiener roast and hay ride on Tuesday night. Frank Beelaert and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Park were sponsors. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hansen and family were Saturday night sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey of Orchard. Also guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Butter field and Mr and Mrs. Harry Caskey b >th of Orchard On Sunday right Mr ami Mrs Bernard Butterfield of Center ami Mr and Mrs Lloyd Butterfield rf Orchard visited in the home of the Roy Hansens. M" and Mrs Kenneth Wott laufer and family ate dinner on Saturday with K.ith Kennedy Messrs R V. Crumlv, Harold Freemeyer. George C Issey ami Lorenz Riege and tht ir families w re surprise visiters in the home of Mrs. Leila Snell Sunday evening, the occasion being her birthday anniversary. The self in vited guest served lunch. Alvin Heiss accompanied his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Har old Heiss to Powell, Wyoming where they were Thanksgiving guests in the home of the latter’s son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Richard Asher and family. Mr and Mrs, Lawrence Smith and family were afternoon vis itors in the Harold Summers home Mrs. Smith is pastor of the Wesleyan church at Page Last Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dobrovolny at Atkinson were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beolaert. The half section it lain! of fered at public auction earlier this month by the heirs of the Charlie Summers estate was purchased by Walter Johnson for $10,200 and the quarter sec tion with the buildings became the property of L. G. Summers for $31 per acre. Mrs. Quentin Burglund and Phyllis of Kansas City, Kan. were Monday visitors in the Ivan Heiss and Merwyn French homes. The Burglund ffnnly lived in the litt'e heuse east of the Page cemetery kn wn to old-timers as the ManhaIter place They tradtsl places with the Manhaiters and they moved to Valentine aid the Manhaiters moved to Page Mrs Burglund had not been back to Page suice they moved away in 1921. Bob Nissen and Neven lekes jr finished the shingling job Tues day interrupted by the shaketip the carpenter crew received when the scaffolding came down sud denly and unexpectedly. The job was finished without further ui adent, David Summers, small sni of Mr and Mrs Harold Summers, was hospitalised from Tuesday to Thursday at St Anthony's for treatment for a virus ear infte ton. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! with the all new FUEL SAVING, FLOOR HEATING jjj I NOW from SIE6LER i t t You get warm floors in every room! see it soon at | DANKERT'S SERVICE 610 Euat Doug. Chamber* l'hone 4I0-W ,,h ,y 2.21M O’Neill Ninth Annual Fall Bull Show and Sale THURSDAY. DEC. 1 At Keya Paha County Hereford Ass'n Sale Barn SPRINGVIEW, NEBRASKA 38 Good Serviceable Registered Hereford Bulls 12 Registered Heifer Calves Show at 10:00 a.m. Sale Starts at 1:00 p.m. RAY SWITZER, Judge L C HAS. CORKLE, Auctioneer FIELD MEN: Hy Mackey, Omaha Journal Stockman; Law rente Duller, Nebraska Farmer; Gene Johnson, Record Stockman, Denver CASHIER; First National Dank. Sprlngview. Nebraska Lunch Served In Stile Pavilion-Lunch Room anti Pavilion Heated and Comfortable CONSIGNORS C II Fisher. Spencer. Nebr.; Rodney Gierau. Sprlngview. Nebr.; N D. Nelson. Sprlngview, Nebr.; Max Nicholson. Sprlngview, Nebr.; F. F.. Titus & Sons. Sprlngview, Nebr.; Paul Gierau III, Sprlngview, Nebr.; C. C. Nelson & Son. Bristow Nebr.: Dale Nicholson. Sprlngview. Nebr.; W. H. Schudel. North I»up. Nebr.; W. E. Ripley & Sons. Sprlngview, Nebr. For Catalog Write W. E. RIPLEY. Sale Manager Sprlngview, Nebraska fco^0' mea^Qn be delicious meals with-. r Meats from Boneless, lean, tender morsels of TEWDNG BEEF Simmer ever so gently with Safeway s fresh ^0 carrots, cabbage, celery, onions and potatoes 1— Spices to go with your simmer meats... Black Pepper Crown Colony.Can 39c Ac’cent Ideal meat seasoning .......Pkg. 29c Sno-White 11 c Adolph’s Seasoning % 53c Garlic Salt Crown Colony .Bottle 2lc Oregano Leaf Colony- whole ....Fkf. I2c (Ill 1^1#’ D A/1Cf U.S.D. A. Choice 7-Bone or Jm K ^^01 ■ 9 I Grade Aged Beef .. Blade Cut, Lb. ^P 00 IfC U.S.D.A. Choice SIRLOIN, 12 % * T-BONE, O Of 00 I CVllld Grade Aged Beef..Lb. %0 00 *.Lb. M Shortribs or Oxtails.29c x na r ** r i Kc *«*"• 00 ■ ■ *0 w from young tender pork.Lb. ar Sausage Safeway's own Bulk Lb.' 39c Peas, corn. Beans, Beets, White Potatoes 8 Case of No. 303 24 Cans Can. rjtrdensidc cream style golden corn, cut green beans .. . Town House cut or diced beets ... No. 300 Highway white potatoes Skylark Bread Multi-Grain ... Loaf 19c Danish Cups (sawscpado ...pkg. 30c rn 0* _Snow Star; Chocolate, tt-gal- C ft 1(0 Cream Vanilla, or Strawberry . .Ctn. Cheese Cheddar! 12to?6-oz. wedges.... u> 65c ■ Del Monte ' CATSUP 2^39* Highway Catsup.. .2, 14-ox. Bottles 29c Margarine quartered Ctns. 55c Toilet Tissue%?5*«..ii337« Sponges 6C dry or combo.Each 29c Crisco Shortening..St 79c All-purpose, pure vegetable, ideal for baking Ballard or Pillsbury BISCUITS 8-oz. Package 10c , Refrigerated, perfect for any meal Biscuits JSWKfirr:.3 25c Apple JellyEmpre-.%19c Cookies Macaroon Sandwich . 39c Cookies Hydros, cream filled.fpkg. 39c 1 Dried Prunes 9 Town House—medium, U I 2-lb. Plio Bag O Cook and soak ’em in LaLani Pineapple Juice for delightful treat. Your whole family will really enjoy their delicious flavor. R TIDE DETERGENT BLUE CHEER I rJ£.35c «83c *££35c r.^B3c I LIQUID JOY LIQUID IVORY | ££4le £S«i ££4le 69c I OXYDOL DETERGENT DASH DETERGENT ft I ****** 35c 85c 2s-<«. pxck»o 43c jj| I IVORY SNOW COMET CLEANSER p u%-ox pickin. 35c 3 cm 33c 1 21.5-ox Cam Me < Add flavor and color to your beef stew with Crisp Carrots Firm and fresh, ideal vegetables for stews, soups and meats 2-lb. Cello Bag Yellow OmonSforstews..PoiyBagl5c Emperor iirapes Red,..2ib<.25c Cabbage combine in beef stew.Lb. 5c Grapefruit ...**?$ 39c Sandy Saver says: Selert °nd «*» *°ur FREE *m «5s»V" | ( COLD BOND Cifts now in &£&£& ^ time for Christmas giving! $100,000 BIGHT BttBBVZD TO LIMIT OlAXimB* CONTEST and you name y A y KSAFEWAY as your store we will give you a bonus prize of $2500 AO price! r//ecliff thru Wcdncday, November JO, la 0 Neill