Bowling Results Men'* League Champs league W L K B R X 28M, 7* Pinkerman’* TV S) ic Coast-PvCoaet 19 17 C' irthouse 17H 1BH Ewing Conoca 18 *o •Diamonds 16 20 head w Gold 15 21 ■•Gambles 12 24 High Scores: Reg. Pinkerman, 195, LaVrrn Stevens, 518; Mea dow Gold, 826; KB R.X., 2275. Beef league W L Wick’s Body Shop 21 15 Page Oil Co. 20 16 Sam s Bnr 20 16 Mac’s Bar 19 17 Earley Oil Co. 19 17 New Deal Oil 17 19 O’Neill Auto Supply 15 21 Foree Tire & Supply 13 23 High Scores Floyd Hershiser, 230 and 560; Mac s Bar, 868 and 2367. Shamrock League W L Shock a Agency 29 19 Virg. Laursen Ins. 27 21 Scov.e’s Western Auto 26 22 O'Neill National Bank 25 23 Van Vleck Motors 25 23 Farmers Store 24 24 Atkinson Teachers 24 24 O'Neill Lockers 16 32 High Scores: John Schultz, 220; Dale French, 592; O’Neill Nation al Bank, 892 and 2499. Varsity League W L Old Home Bread 23 13 Dick's Bar 19 17 O’Neill Cleaners 19% 16% Shelhamer’s Oil 20 16 Johnson Jewelry 20 16 Dodds OU 13 23 Hamms 15 21 Drayton Elevator 14% 21% High Scores: George Hansen, 208; Tom Cr nin. 557; O'Neill Cleaners, 831 and 2389. Kountl-Un League W 1, iBazdmans Service 27 9 Haymakers 22% 13% Prouty’s Cagers 22% 13% Ve Olde Farmers 18 18 Blue Chips 15 21 J C. Maybees 15 21 K of C Red 13 23 D^'oit Farmers 11 25 High Scores: E Robertson, 235; E. Prouty, 515; Bazelman's Service P37 and 2364. Women’s League Strikettcs League W L Pinkerman’s TV 24 12 The Toppers 23 13 Checkerboards 19 17 Coca Cola 18 18 Gillespies 18 18 Page Oil 16 20 Seven-Up 15 21 Candy Bill's Cafe 11 25 High Scores: Donna Rowse, 187 and 477; The Toppers, Candy Bills and Page Oil, 689; The Top pers, 1996. Clantlc League W L K at C. Green 20 16 Ten Pin Lanes IB 17 Legion Gold IS IS Ideal Cleaners 18 18 V.F.W. Post 926 17 19 Cudahy Hams 16 20 High Scores Bob Clements, 223; Francis Sullivan, 571; K of C. Green, 834 and 2394. Majorette League W L L A H Cafe 23 13 Orchard Imp. 23 13 Ed Ihorin Auctioneer 21 15 Melcinas Powder Puffs 20 16 H. R. Smith 16 20 Pin Pals 16 20 First National Bank 14 22 Lucky Str kes 11 25 High Scores: Vi McIntosh, 169; Catherine Peterson, 472; P.n Pals, 681; Melcinas Powder Puffs, 1964. Booster League W L Caterpillars 24 12 Dick’s Bar 22 14 Nite Owls 19 17 O’Neill Auto Supply 18 18 Ten Pin Lanes 17 19 Hunt’s Plumbing 17 19 J. M. McDonalds 16 27 Town House 11 25 High Scores. Nancy Grady, 184; Myrtle Miller, 465; J. M. McDon ald, 710 and 2019. Streamline League * vV L Pep;>er uppers l 21 12 Pfister Hybrids 19 14 Page Oilers 18 15 Methodist Men 18 15 Redbird Warriors 16 17, Febrs Trac. & Equip. 16 17 Dankerts Warrongas 14 19 Bowes Seal Fast 10 23 High Scores: Carl Max, 234 and 537; Page Oilers, 895 and 2446. Eight Lettermen Boost Hopes for Successful year Eight returning lettermen will form the nucleus of the O’Neill high school basketball team. They are John Kurtz, Jerry Dexter, Jim McClellan, Ron Schmeichel, Darold Ermer, Jerry Kilcoin, Bill Nelson and Terry Ruegge. Prospective members are Rich Hill, Denny Drayton, Terry Kurtz, Gary Brewster, Stan Schmeichel. Rolland Johnson and Harvey Colfack. HOME GAMES Dec. 2 ___ St. Mary’s Dec. 9 Ainsworth Dec. 17 _ Albion Jan. 3 Burwell Jan. 6 Springview Jan. 10_^_ Neligh Jan 10-20 Holt County Tourney Jan. 27 Pierce Feb. 17 Bassett GAMES AWAY Dec. 13_ Ord Dec. 16 Atkinson Jan. 24 Ainsworth Jan 30-Feb. 3 NCNC Tourney Feb. 10 Valentine Feb. 14 _Plainview S. S. Representative James Hoffman, field repre sentative of the Norfolk social security office will be in the Court Room of the Court House in Butte from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on December 1, I960. Amelia News By Mian Florence Lindsey Mr and Frank Pierce attehdod the funeral of Jim Van Every at Page Monday. Dee Ingles of Carlton visited several days last week with Mr, and Mrs Frank Pierce. Mrs. Fioyd Adams and Don w re in O'Neill Tuesday to have dental work done. Don Adams and Florence Lind sey went to Omaha Wednesday re turning home Friday. Don consult ed his doctor and also made ar rangements for his absence from school duties while recov ering from an illness. Florence visited her sister, Mrs. P. L. Strenger, and mphews Keith and Marlin Strenger and families, al so her brother-in-law, P. L. Strenger, who has been a patient in the Veterans Hospital the past six weeks. PROGRESS CLUB The Amelia Progressive Club met Weunesday, November 16 at the home of Mrs. Clyde Widman. There were eight membeis pre sent. The business meeting wts presided over by Mrs. M. H. Madsm. P.ans were mai.e fer the Christmas meeting which wt0 be held December 16 at the home of Mrs. Ralph Rees. Mrs. Elmer Coolidge* auu Mrs. Vern Sageser presented the lesson on “Rug Making”. line friends of the William Thompson family were saddened to hear oi the death of Mr. Tnonvson on Friday, November lit. His pres nt h„me was in At kinson, but be lived in the Amelia v.ciiiity umu returning troni the farm abd-t 5 years ago. Virnon Tnompsun drove to Lin coln Friday to meet his sister, Marilyn Thompson, of McPher son, Kan., and his brother, Gene, who drives a trans-country truck, lliey were called home by the death of their father, William Thompson. Mrs. Birl Waldo accompanied her daughter, Mrs. Ken Werner, to Norfolk Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nielsen and Rodney and Myrtle White drove up from Omaha Friday night to spend the wi ekend with the Clyde Burge and Gienn White families. Mrs. Maude Forbes accompan ied her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Briggs and family to their home near Rose Saturday evening. She will go from there to the home of another daughter and family, the Walter Myers to stay until after Thanks giving. Tiie Briggs helped the Hienie Frahms move to the Dvorak ranch that day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear were dinner guests Sunday at Arthur Hiatts. It was erroneusly stated they were guests there last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fry rear spent that day with their Sole Dates Claimed Doc. 7—MR. AND MRS. LEON MELLOR FARM SALE. Live stock and machinery. Watch for sale ad and more details in the Frontier. daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs Ernest Greenberg, Linda and Carol near Stuart. Rafc>h Rees and Blake Ott were fishing at BonesteeJ and Fort Randall last Tuesday. Joe Stoec kOW KATES Pre-Golden Gloves FIGHTS Stuart Auditorium STUART, NEBRASKA I 8:30 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 1, 8 10 Bouts $1.50 Reserved seats on sale at LANGAN’8 BAR, O’NEUJ. General Admission — $1.00 Dr. H DITOM KTB1ST Eye* Examined—Oliwnen Fitted Contact LtMM riioae 1*7 — O'NeHl, Nebr. Houm *.» ft—Mon. thni Sntnrday Cloned Wednesday --—— " r~ i Bri(e n Gro°m CONDITIONER HAIRDRESSING PLUS LUSTRE! BRITE 'n GROOM is a con centrated, moisturising hair dressing. Economical, too. So little does so much, and only 89|t plus t*i FREE TRIAL SAMPLES DEVOY REXALL DRUG O'Neill i 1 - -—«-% 1 1 I 1 4 Special Offering of New, Misses' LADIES' DRESSES Better style dresses. Reduced for savings. Cottons, rayons and blends. $7 $9 JACKET-SKIRT -r’ i JOr- (X' SETS - . *» Ladies’ all wool plaid jackets with plain matching skirt. Sizes 12-14-16. Regular 16.95. Set 095 4 rr Car Coats Three striking new styles, all at an excitingly low price! II88 A Corduroy coat with “Orlon”'»i acrylic pile inset in collar and concealed hood. Loden green or antelope. 10 to 18. B Lustrous reverse tackle twill fashioned with patch pockets. Plum, gold, loden green, or sable. 10 to 18. C Fashioned in Bedford cord with Villager tab down front, concealed hood w ith pile trim. Willow, beige, ante lope. 10 to 18. •••• • i/f. ■# ' ' • ' Save now on this new Electric can opener! A wonderful choice for a Special Christmas gift! 1588 *" •. * ✓ A practical, yet now and different gift! It's completely automatic, opens any size, any shape can in seconds. Holds can until released, and a magnet holds the lid out of the food. Shuts itself off. — GIRLS' SHOES tri Black-White saddle ox ford or brown swivel strap style. Sizes 9 to 2. A real value! < *.t>ntW Pair 049 KfT?' ftwy r' M - ' i* sii * - ;