The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 17, 1960, Section One, Image 7

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    Church Notes
All mitiUlers are invited to •**» u,.ir churcll
The bonder Por guaranteed publication, we a-k that the note, are
In »ur otllcc by Saturday, one week prior to the M»rvj<c
St. Patrick'* Catholic Church
(Msgr. Timothy Q'SuiUvan and
Father Robert Duffy, assistant)
Sunday, Nov. 20 Masses 7:30
a m., 9 and 10:30. Masses in the
church every day at 7:45 a.m.
Saturday, Nov. 36: Confessions
from 4 p.m. until 5:30 and from
7 30 until 9.
Page Methodist Church
(Robert D. Lirnler, pastor)
Thursday, Nov. 17: W9CS, 2
Sunday, Nov. 20: Church school
10 a.m.; worship, 11; MYF, 8
Wesleyan .Methodist Church
(Mina Smith, pastor)
Sunday, Nov 20: Sunday school
10 a.m.; worship, 11; Wesleyan
Youth, 7 p.m.; evening worship
7 30.
Inman Methodist Church
(Robert D. Linder, pastor)
Wednesday, Nov. 16: MYF and
choir, 8 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 20: Church school
8:40 a.m.; worship, 9:40.
Ilcthany Presbyterian Church
(John Hart, pastor)
Sunday, Nov. 20: Worship, 9i30
a.m.; Sunday school, 10:30.
Assembly of (did Church
(Ivan Christoffersen, pastor)
Thursday, Nov. 17; Young
people service, 8 p.m,; rally at
Valentine services at 3 p.m., 6:30
and 7:45.
Friday, Nov. 18: Women’s Mis
sionary Council, 10 a.m.
Sunday, Nov. 20: Sunday school,
10 a.m.; morning worship, 11;
junior church (ages 4-12), It;
evangelistic service, 8 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 22; Thanksgiving
union service, 8
November 23, 24 and 25: Young
People’s convention in Hastings
Emmet Methodist Church
(Rev. A. S. Gedwillo)
Thursday, Nuv. 17: WSCS at the
Henry Kluppeitborg home, 2 p.m
Sunday, Nov. 20: Children’s
classes and morning worship
9:30 a.m.
Immanuel Lutheran Church
(A. S. Gedwiilo, pastor)
Saturday, Nov. 19. Confirmation
classes, 130 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 2> Divine wor
ship, 9 a.m.; Sunday school, 1015
Tuesday, Nov. 22; Stir,day
school staff meeting, 7:30 p m
Thursday, Nov. 24 Thanksgiv
ing day worship, 9 a.m.
Methodist Church
(Charles Co*, pastor)
Sunday, Nov. 20: Sunday school
10 a.m.; worship, 11.
Christ Lutheran Church
(Rev. A. S. Gedwiilo)
Saturday, Nov. 19: Senior con
firmation class, 9 am.; junior
confirmation class, 10,
Sunday, Nov. 20: Sunday school
and Biale classes, 9:43 a.m.; di
vme worship, 11.
Wednesday, Nov 23; Thanksgiv
ing evening worship, 7 30 p.m.
First Methodist Church
(Glenn Ken incot t, Minister)
Thursday, Nov. 17. Prayer cir
cle at Claude Bates heme, 10 a.
m.; Dorcas, 2 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 19: Junior choir.
10 a.m.
Sunday, Nov. 20: Sunday school.
9:43 a.m.; morning worship, 11;
board planning meeting, 2:30
p.m.; sub-district MYF rally at
Ewing, 2.
Monday, Nov. 21: Intermediate
MYF, 715; Wesleyan Ser
vice Guild, »; WSCS, 8.
Tuesday, Nov. 22: Community
Thanksgiving service at the Wes
leyan Methodist church, 8 p.m
Sponsored by O’Neill Ministerial
association. Public is invited.
Wednesday, Nov. 23 No choir
practice or senior MYF.
Church of Epiphany
(Father Ralph O'Donnell)
Sunday, Nov. 20: Mass, 8 a.m.
Dorsey Presbyterian Churrh
(Lee Hicks, pastor)
Sunday, Nov. 20: Sunday school
7 p.m.; worship, 8.
■ Reg. 1.69 22 guage aluminum, each Ww
With flame guard. Reg. 1.49 Each -
Womens Chic Cotton. Regular 98c v
Terry Cloth. 18x30-lnch ** for
Bailable Plastic. 10 oz. Reg. 15c " for
4-Quart size, white and colors—Reg. 98c ww
Unbreakable boilable plastic in gay colors __ ■ ■
Squeeze-eaay clothes- Reg. 39c
combs 2 29c
Nj ii assortment ™ lor
Combed eottoo *or \
Dish, Pot and Pan. Reg. 2 for 1.38 _-» for ■ ■
Heavy based —- “ *or
LAMPS $944
Tabic and Wall Assortment. Now -- —
w n W all or Table - - W
sups 67c
Children’s, Nylon. Reg- 1.00-■— - w
CAN-CAN SLIP $198 to $133
Shop Ben Franklin and Save
1 i
W.y.U L'JM1.1!.! I ^ -gEL!LV4 L-l.1 ILHmUi! Nl'JU
PATTON'S O'Neill, Nebr.
Wp*byan Methodist Church
(Don V. Olmsted, pastor)
Sunday, Nov. X Sunday school
It am,, morning worship, H;
Bib study, 7.30 p.m.; evening
worship, 8.
Monday, Nov. 21: Wesleyan
Youth at Uie parsonage. 8 p.m
Tuesday, Nov, 22: Cottage
prayer service, 9 a m.; commun
ity Thanksgiving service, 8 p.m
W'ednesday, Nov. 23: Midweek
prayer h ur, 8 p.m.
Chambers News
By Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
Escapes with minor injury
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
have received word that their
granddaughter, Mrs. Charles Gus
tafson iBonnie Grimes) of Eaton
Colo, had narrowly escaped ser
ious injury when htr car, ano
ther passenger car and two trucks
were involved in an accident
just east of Eaton Saturday, Nov
5th. A heavy log Was given as
the cause. Both passenger cars
were badly damaged. Mrs. Gus.
tafson whp received a shoulder
injury and other bruises was the
only one hurt,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hoerle and
daughter, Patty dr ve to Grand
Island Sunday, Nov. 6 to meet
Mrs. Hoerle's brother-in-law ar.d
sister Mr. and Mrs. John Dock
er and family and her mother.
Mrs. Ida Cady of Holbrook who
c me for a visit. The Deckers
returned home but Mrs. Cedy
remained for an extended visit
with her daughters. Mrs. Lloyd
Hoerle and Mrs. Edwin Hoerle.
Mr. and Mis. Terry Mi ore of
Vivian, S. D. were supper guests
of her uncle and aunt. Mr. and
Mrs. E. R. Carpenter Friday.
The Jungbluth Brothers farm
sale held Saturday 3 miles west
and *4 mile north of Chambers
brought vi ry satisfactory prices
as far as the live stuck was con
cerned. Hay and corn also hr. uglit
a fair price.
The American Legion and auxi
liary sponsored a public card
party at the Legion Hall in the
evening of Veteran’s day. Thi y
reported a good attendance and a
fine time. Hamp Smith received
the door prize. Mrs. J. W. Wal
ter was high scorer in pinochle
and Mrs. John Honeywell low and
Mrs. Donald Groin high winner
in pitch and Mrs. H. W. David
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Medcalf
spent Sunday in Atkinson with
their son and daOghter-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Medcalf
Honored ut shower
A prenuptial shower honoring '
Miss Arliss Wright was held Sat
urday evening at the Methodist |
church parlors. There was a large
crowd of relatives and friends pre
sent. The program featuring a
clever pantomime and several ap- •
proporiate songs was in charge
of some of her classmates, Mary
Homolka, LaRue Weller and Ja
nette Klabenes. A beautifully de
corated cake baked by Mrs. Zane
Rowse and decorated by Mrs. Ver
non Smith furnished part of the
refreshments. Miss Wrights mar
riage to Bill Logeman will take
place November 17.
The Junior class play “Dude
Ranch’’ will be presented at the
high school auditorium Friday
Nov. 18.
Mrs. E. R. Carpenter drove to
Atkinson Thursday morning and
from there accompanied her son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Dean Stevens to Vivian. S. D. to
attend the wedding of the for
mer’s niece, Kay Hnwder to Ter
ry Moore. They returned to At
kinson Thursday night.
Bazaar and dinner
N**t $492.52
The Woman’s Society of Chris
tian Service held their annual ba
zaar and chicken dinner at the
Methodist church Tuesday, Nov.
8. Pie and coffee were served
during the afternoon and oyster
and chili soup in the evening. The
ladies report the affair a huge
success. The proceeds from all
sales amounted to $492.52. Those
in charge express their apprecia
tion for the splendid patronage
given by so many.
Friends at Chambers were great
ly grieved to learn of the sudden
death of Rev. Dawson Park in an
automobile accident near Kear
ney Wednesday night, Nov. 9
Rev. Park, a former pastor of
the Chambers and O’Neill Meth
odist churches was in Chambers
only a few weeks ago where he
conducted services. He was sec
retary of the Nebraska Temper
ance League.
Mr. and Mrs. George Thomson
will hold open house at their
home Sunday, Nov. 20 from 2 to
5 p.m. in observance of their 45th
wedding anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. William Jutte vis
ii«d Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder
at Inman Sunday. Other guests
were were Mr. and Mrs, Kasp«r
Harley of Stuart.
Ernest Junguiuth and s>n of
Beatrice came Saturday fur the
Jungu.uth Brothers sale. They re
turned to Beatrice Sunday ac
companied by Chester Jungblutb
who plans to visit there tor two
Rev and Mrs, Charles Cox
Mr. and Mrs Duane Miller, Mr
and Mrs. Vern Whitaker and fam
Uy, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. R bert
son and Mr. and Mrs. E R. Car
penter went to Amelia Sunday
evening to see the film “Far from
Alone" shown at the Methodist
church, and to hear the patrol
man wh > gave a talk and also
showed a film an driving.
Friends at Chambers have
learned of the recent death of
Mrs. Arndts, 77, wife of Rev Ar
ndts of York, a retired Methodist
minister and pastor of the church
at Chambers many years agu.
Attending the Sunday school
teacher’s institute of circuit 7 of
the North Nebraska district held
at Christ Lutheran church in O’
Neill Sunday were Mrs. John
Buhlman, Mrs. John Ritterbush
Mrs. Lyle Hanna, Mrs. Eugene
Hoerle, Mrs. Victor Harley and
Rev. and Mrs. William R ten.
Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Milkr of
Lincoln spent the week nd with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Damme.
Aid to help needy
St. Paul’s Lutheran Ladies aid
met Thursday afternoon at the
church with 16 members and 6
children present. Mrs. Duane
Grossnicklaus and Mrs. William
Jutte each reported on the z ne
rally held at Lynch.
Used clothing will be packed
this month for the needy. The
group is also sponsor!, g a gro
cery shower for the Lutheran hos
pital at Norfolk tube sent Novem
ber lath. Several cards of thanks
were read, one from Mrs. Ken
neth Bauer thanking the congre
gation for the money donations
win fi were used tu plant vege
table gardens in New Guinea, al
so the members for the Bible
dictionary sent.
Newly elected officers were:
Mrs. J. W. Walter, president;
Mrs. Edwin Hoerle, vice presi
dent and Mrs. Duane Grossnick
laus, secretary.
The group will sponsor a fam
ily night in January. There will
be a Christmas gift exchange at
the December meeting.
The meeting closed with the
Lords Prayer. Lunch was served
by Mrs. Elmer Otter. Mrs. Leo
nard Peterson and Mrs. Duane
Week News
By Mrs. Fred Llndberg
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wither
wax from California and Oscar
Witherwax called at Carl Krogh’s “
Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Allen Walters entertained
a large group of ladies Tuesday
Arm R<‘set
Curtis Miller had more trouble
with his broken arm. His parents
took him to Norfolk, where they
reset the arm.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wrede •
and Lee came up from Omaha ,
Wednesday evening. Kenneth re
turned to Omaha Thursday but
Mrs. Wrede and Lee remained for
a longer visit with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dabro
Mrs. Paul Nelson and Mrs. Axel
Borg were visitors at Vernon
Harding's Monday evening.
Agnes Johnson was an after
noon caller at the home of her
aunt, Mrs. Delia Harrison Tues
Gloria Jean Krogh came home ,
Tuesday morning returning Thurs
day to O’Neill where she is em
ployed at the telephone office.
Quite a few from this commun
ity attended he junior class play
of the O’Neill high school Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. Alvin Miller called on
Maude Rouse and Edith Young
Thursday evening. Bertha Hayden
was also there.
Frank Nelson attended a soil
conservation award program at
Springview Thursday night.
Mrs. F. Hendricks was a Wed
nesday afternoon caller at Fred
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters
and Norma were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bennie
Johring and family.
Loses hand in Picker
Bob Wells of Monroe, Wise,
lost his hand in a compicker ac
cident November 10. Bob is the |
son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wells
of Bristow. His wife, Pauline is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
-- " l
The undersigned will sell at public auction at the farm 8
miles south of Burke, 8. D., and 3 west, or 3 miles east, one mile
south and 1 mile east of Carlock store, the following property on
Commencing at 1:00 P.M. Lunch on Grounds
Wisconsin Bred Cattle
Consisting of 16 Holstein heifers to freshen after first of the year;
2 Holstein-Guernsey cross cows, 3 yrs old, just fresh; 2 Holstein
belters, fresh 4 mos.; 4 Holstein cows, just fresh, 4 yrs. old; 7
Holstein heifers, just fresh; 4 Holstein heifers, to freshen soon;
1 Holstein heifer to be fresh by sale date; 1 Holstein cow, fresh
5 mos.; 1 HoUteln-Shorthora cross cow, to be fresh by sale date,
2 Holstein-Guernsey cross cows, to be fresh soon, 4 Holstein cows,
to be fresh soon, all 4 yrs. old; 13 baby calves. TB and Bangs
tested. Bangs calfhood vaccinated.
1938 J D tractor; 1940 .1 I) tractor; 1954 4-row J D Go-Devil; 1954
No. 7 J D mower; J D 2-row lister; J D sweep to fit A. B. G.;
J D 2-row cultivator to fit “B”; A C combine, No. 66 with pickup;
Surge 2-bucket milking machine.
TERMS: CASH, or make arrangements with the clerk.
Pearson & I Arson, Auctioneers Burke State Bank, Clerk
Merril Anderson erf Atk.nson They
have lour children.
Mr and Mrs Delbert Ruuae and
boys, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Rouse and boys, Mr. and Mrs
Howard Rouse ami Lloyd and Mr.
and Mrs. Carol Sumnierer and
family were dinner guests Sun
day of Maude Rouse and Edith
Young Rertiia Hayden from Wig
gms, Colo is visiting there at pre
sent. Afternoon callers wt re
Blanche Rouse and Mildred Keyes
front Inman and Thelma Young
of O’Neill.
Mary Peterson and Mrs Ralph
Stevens of Pago spent Wednesday
with Mrs. Buck Watson of Cham
Sunday guests at the John
Schmitz home were Mrs. Ken
Htsion and Cindy a»*d Mary
Pierson and family.
Mr and Mrs. Henry Walters
were visitors at the William
Claussen home Monday night.
Mr and Mrs. Carl Kregh and
family were dinner guests Sun
day at the Herman Meyer jr
home near Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Fret! Lindberp
w re Sunday dirner guests of
Agusta Lindberg and her daugh |
tors of O'Neill.
Rev. Wayne Hall of Broken
Bow and Rev Allen from Wester
ville were overnight guests rf :
Mrs. Viola Hall Thursday nigh*
Mrs. Jessie Kaczor was a |
’r,t r dav rftern on visitor in the ;
liome of Mrs. Delia Harrison.
Mr and Mrs. Elmer D< vail and
family were Sunday dinner gut s*s
of Mr. and Mrs. Horry Mitche'l i
Twiln Hicks from Fairfax, S.D
spent Saturday at the Elmer De
vnll and Delia Harrison homes
Mrs. Howard Ri use called cr
her mother, Mrs. Carrie Borg
Sunday afternoon.
Don Novok was an overnight
g test at Carl Krogh's.
Mrs. Victor Johnson had Sun
day dmner with her daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
R bertson.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson met
Naomi Nelson in Omaha Satur
day morning and they spent tlv
weekend together with Paul’s
aunt, Mary Nelson of Fart Cal
houn. Naomi is employed at Kan
sas City, Mo. at the Hallmark
Card Co.
Mrs. Delia Harrison called on
Henry and Genie Krier Friday
Sunday dinner guests at Frank
Nelson’s were Mr. and Mrs. Vir
g:l Hubby, Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Kaczor.
Paddock Missionary society wijl
meet with Mrs. Axel Borg Fri
day afternoon.
Servicemen's Notes . . .
Sp. 5 James L. Schneider, 33,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo C.
Schneider, O’Neill was assigned
to the Quartermaster Repair and
Equipment Evaluation Agency at !
the Yuma Test Station, Ariz.
Specialist Schneider, a crane
operator with the agency, entered ;
Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted
Contact Censes
Phone 167 — O’Neill, Nebr.
Hours 9 5—Mon. thru Saturday
Closed Wednesday
the Army in UH6 and has served
in Alaska His wife Larae. is with
him at the Yuma Test Station
Sp. 4 Lester Walton arrived
Friday from Ft. Churchill,
Canada where he has been a
member of a testing crew check
ing machinery for cold weather
He will report to Ft. Bliss, El
Paso, Tex., November 28 to begin
his next assignment.
Walton is married and they are
the parents of three children,
three year old twins. David and
Debra and six year old Charlotte.
The Walton family will move
their trailer home to El Paso.
Sp. 4 Merle P. Jones, 21. son
of Mr. anil Mrs. Preston Jones of
712 E. Benton St., O'Neill re
cently received the gixxi c induct
medal for exemplary behavior.
Fidelity ami performance of
Jones entered the army in
November 1958 and was sent
overseas in April the following
He is a 195? graduate of O’
Neill high school amt was em
ployed by Western Auto before
entering the army.
Gary W Holly, radioman third
class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley N. Holly of O'Neill is
serving with the staff of Q>m
mandor Seventh Fleet aboard the
heavy cruiser USS St. Paul ope
rating in the Western Pacific ami
was aboard ship scheduled to
visit Taiwan, Manila ami Hong
Kong before returning to it* homo
port of Yokosuka, Japan.
lit TTK—
Marine FN t. Raymond l>, Mohl,
son of lUwkxilph Mohl of Rutte,
completed four weeks of indk
vidual combat training October
'J3. which included latest tactics,
first aid, demolitions and ad
vanced schooluig oi\ weapons at
the Marine Cbrpe Rase at (kmp
Pendleton, Caltf.
Phone Your News to
The Frontier
Phone 788
Just in Time for Christmas Buying
Royal Futura
Portable Typewriter
Reg. $136.50
Now only $119?^
" Plus Tax
Ideal Gift for College or High School Student, Home or Office.
• Exclusive "Magic Margin" Setting
• Exclusive Magic Column Set
• Exclusive Personalized Touch Control
• Standard Keyboard Just Like an Office Typewriter
• Exclusive no Smudge Ribbon Change
Yule Window Unveiling
i AND |!
[Unrelated Item Contest
j 7:00 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M.
Under Sponsorship of The Retail Trade Committee
O'Neill Chamber of Commerce
1st Prize.$20.00
2nd Prize.$15.00
3rd Prize.$10.00
4th Prize.$5.00
Contest windows will contain One Unrelated Item of the merchant's choice. Con- j
! test window will be posted. Persons competing must be 18 years old or older. Pick up !
| entry blank at either the Frontier or The Holt County Independent office starting at 7:00 j;
! p. m. Friday, November 25th. Participation limited to paid up Chamber of Commerce ;
! members. C. of C. members and their immediate families not eligible to participate.
View the Contest Windows, Pick the Unrelated Items. Return contest blanks to |j
| either newspaper office between prescribed hours. Entries will be judged on correct- !
; ness and time of return. j!
Winners Will Be Announced In Next Week's Newspapers