The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 10, 1960, Section One, Image 9

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    Servicemen's Notes . . .
i ii
The army cnliatment of Lyle
M. -fohnaon, IS of Spencer, for
training an a military policeman
waa announced by Sergeant Wil
liam ('ounlna, Army repreaenta
live In O’Neill.
Johnaon, the aon of M ra Agnea
•fohnaon, la a graduate of Spen
cer public high arhool.
Fred H. Ummert, Chief Avia
tion Machinist's Mate, 1 8N, of
Gretna, La., and husband of the
former Miss Mina A. Albrecht
of Atkinson, graduated Septem
ber 24 Irom the Naval Air Train
ing Command's Chief Petty Of
ficer leadership school at the
Naval Air Station at Pensacola,
As we are moving to Iowa, we will sell all our Personal Property
at Public Auction at the farm located 9 miles West of Butte,
Nidir., on Highway 12 OR 7 miles Fast of Naper on Highway 12
ON -
TIME: 12:00 Noon Lunch on Grounds
Outstanding Herd of Dairy Cows with a High
Production Record
2 Black Angus bulls, 1—18 months old; 1—30 months old, 2 Black
Angus stock cows, Coming with second calf, 9 White Face stock
cows, 4 and 5 years old, 8 White Face heifers, 2 years old, 13
Holstein heifers, coming with second calf, just fresh or to
freshen soon, X Brown Swiss cow, 3 years old, just had her second
calf, 4 Holstein cows, third calf, could be fresh by sale day., 1
Guernsey cow. third calf. Just fresh, 1 Shorthorn cow, 6 years
old. just fresh, 1 Holstein cow, 6 years old, fresh 8 weeks, 21
Dairy calves, 3-8 months old. Some from Holstein bull, rest from
Angus bull, 10 Sucking calves, 6 to 8 months old. — Stock brand
left hip K3.
Oats straw. Alfalfa hay. Prairie hay, New corn, Oats — Corn
stalks and grassland roughage.
Rightway double unit milker (new In February UMM)) 4 Milk Pails. >
200'gallon Cherry Barrel Milk Cooler, with strainer and ice bank
(1 year old).
Anyone interested In items listed on this Sale are Welcome to
Inspect any time prior to Sale.
TERMS: CASH. For credit, see clerk before sale.
AUCTIONEERS—Roy Klrwan, Butte; Ed Thorln, O’Neill
Burke State Bank—CLERK
Cadet LI. Colonel
Gordon Fat of O’
Neul has been ap
pianted Vice Wing
C mmandec in the
465th Air Force Re
serve Officer Train
ing Corps Cadet at the Univer
sity of Nebraska.
Ine ROTC Program is design
ed to train men to become quail
tied junior officers in the 0. S
Air Force upon completion of col
.Ml of the Wing Staff cadets
were appointed to their positions
on the basis erf performance dur
mg their junior year in ROTC and
upon their performance during a
ftur week summer training per
lod which was completed tills
summer at Air Force bases
throughout the United States.
Cade t Fox is the son of Mr and
Mrs. Charles Fox.
_mi mmm
VFRD1GRE—Mr. and .Mrs.
Richard A. Miller of Verdlgre
recently received notice of a
citation concerning the elevation
of their son Curtis to the rank
of Regimental (Commander’s Or
derly during inspection of the
guard on October 13. This is one
of the few awards a trainee can
win during Basic and Advanced
Training at Fort Jackson, S. C.
Try the Frontier Want Ad».
Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted
Contact Lenses
Phone 167 — O’Neill, Nebr.
Honrs 9-5—Mon. thru Saturday
Closed Wednesday
Paul Shierk
Insurance of AO
Bowling Results
Women's League
Booster League W L
Caterpillars 21 9
Dick's Bar 20 3®
N.te Owls 15 15
Hunt s Plumbing 15 15
Ten Pin Lanes 15 15
J M McDonalds 14 16
O'Neill Auto Supply 13 17
Town House 7 23
High scores: Harriet McKamy,
188; Marie Bright, 484; Cater
pillars, 760 and 2,195,
Strtkette* league W L
Pinkerman's TV
The Toppers 18 12
Coca Cola 16 14
Gillespies 16 14
Checkerboards 16 14
Page Oil 13 17
Seven-up 13
Candy Bill’s Cafe 9 21
High scores: Marcelene Sch
wager, 184 and 454; The Toppers,
693; Pinkerman's TV, 1,983.
Majorette League W L
L & R Cafe 20 10
Ed Thorin Auctioneer 20 10
Orchard Implement 18 12
Me etna's Powder Puffs 15 15
Harry R. Smith 14 16
Pin Pals 14 16
First National Bank 12 18
Lucky Strikes 7 23
High scores: Pat Cleveland,
178; Beulah Berney, 456; Orch
ard Implement, 694 and 1,950.
Men’s League
Streamline League W L
Pfister Hybrids 17 10
Pepperuppers 17 10
Fehrs Tractor & Eqpt. 15 12
Page Oilers 14 13
Redbird Warriors 14 13
Methodist Mon
Dankerts Warrengas 10 17
Bowes Seal Fast 8 19
High scores: Robert Linder,
226 and 610; Pepperuppers, 845;
Pfister Hybrids, 2,398.
Varsity League W L
Old Home Bread 20 10
Dick’s Bar 15 15
Johnson Jewelry 17 13
Sholhamer's Oil 16 14
Dodds Oil 13 17
O'Neill Cleaners 13% 16%
Hamm’s 13 17
Drayton Elevator 12% 17%
High scores: Gene Wolfe, 225;
Duke Kersenbrock, 536; Old Home
Bread. 828; Drayton Elevator,
Round up league W L
Bazelmans Service 22 8
Haymakers 19% 10%
Prouty’s Cagers 19% 10%
Ye Olde Farmers 16 14
Blue Chips 13 17
JC Maybees 12 18
K. of C Red 11 19
Deloit Farmers 7 23
High scores: Marion Woidneck,
208 and 588; Bazelman Service,
807 and 2,357.
Shamrock League W L
Scovie's Western Auto 26 14
Virg Laursen Ins. 24 16
Shonka Agency 23 17
O’Neill National Bank 21 19
Farmers Store 19 21
Atkinson Teachers 19 21
Van Vleck Motors 19 21
O’Neill Lockers 13 27
High scores: Elmer DeVall,
224 and 517; Scovie’s Western
Auto, 847 and 2,453.
Bee! League W L
Wick's Body Shop 20 10
Sam’s Bar 19 11
Page Oil Co. 16 14
Mac’s Bar IS IS
Earley Od Co. 14 16
New Deal Oil Co. 13 17
O'Neill Auto Supply 12 18
Furee Tire and yupply 11 19
High Scores; Dermot E ring ion
Too and 547; Mac's Bar, 885.
Wick s Body Shop. 2406.
Champs League W L
K.B RX. 234 64
Courthouse 154 144
Pinkerman's TV 15 15
Coast-tcvCoast 15 15
Ewmg Conoco 14 16
Meadow Gold 13 17
Diamonds 13 17
Gambles 11 19
High Scores: IXm MoKamy.
206 and 566; KBRX. 888 and 2448
Classic League W L
Ten Pm Lanes 18 12
K of C Green 17 13
Ideal Cleaners 15 15
Cudahy Hams 14 16
VFW Post 926 13 17
Legion Gold 13 17
High Scores Francis G lg, 2 0:
Bob Clements, 536; Ten Pip
Lanes, 862 and Legion Gold. 2294
Venus News
By Mr*. Ralph Brookhtiu.ter
Mrs. Kenneth Waring entertain
ed the Heip-U-Club at her home
Wednesday. Thirteen members
and three visitors, Mrs. Bruce
Johnson, Mrs. Clarence Finch jr.,
and Mrs. Kenneth Heiss were pre
The afternoon was spent tear
ing and sewing carpet rags. Mrs.
Ora Caskey and Mrs. Ethel War
ing assisted the hostess. Mrs.
SjdnCy Faulhaber will be the
next hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kinnison
entertained at a party in honor
of Linda's second birthday. Pre
sent were Mr. and Mrs. Tlieo Kin
nison, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kin
nison and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Cihlar and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Cihlar and Sherrie.
Mr. and Mrs. Thuber of Pro
vidence. Miss., are visiting her
sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Sladek.
Thursday evening visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Newbaus were Mr. and Mrs
Thuber and Mr. and Mrs. Thom
as Sladek.
Mrs. Marcus Snyder and Mrs
I —■ — --
...,..uf .i.yi^r if E*mg w re
. ..... •« ter noon gusts at die
home of Mr, ami Mr*. K..p,i
0. wv4Latuaer.
,.»r. am Mrs Lon Pitchkr ami
1. uiij.y .4 N ciodt spi. t T.»*r
uay wi h her p ..rents. Mr ami
.u.s. bi yan Finch
Mr ami Mrs. J hn K trous of
Omaha were weekmd vis.iurs at
the Mr and Mrs. Harry Ca.k.y
at. ami Mrs. J. W. Finch spent
the weekend at the home of their
daughter ami s n-in-law, Mr and
Mrs. Larry Taylor
Mrs Harold Cihlar and Sherrie
and Mrs. Wallace Cihlar spent
Thursday evening with Mrs Doct
aid Kinmson.
Mr and Mrs. Leonard Dnvey
of Bellevue and Mr. and Mrs L .r
ry Brookhouser were weekend vis
it rs at the Ralph Brockhouscr
Mr and Mrs. Davey and Mr
and Mrs Ralph Brockhcuser vis
ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Emil Bartos Saturday evemng
Mr. and Mrs, Davry called at the
r ■"
home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell
.or and Mrs. Ka^'h Broukhims
or attended HaDoweaUt at Nor.
;oik They wire supper guests at
the home of Mr and Mrs. Ray
o o fc.i user that evening.
Gaykn Ki*r us, i5, son of Mr
and Mrs, Marvin Kotrous of Grant
was snot accidently in the kn»*.
wails hinting with friends. He
underwent surgery for removal of
die kne cap. The K< tr us family
moved to Grant from this vicinity
last spring.
Overnight guests Sat unlay at
the Ora Caskey home were Mr
and Mrs. Leland Caskey erf Om
aha. The Leland Caskeys wire
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs
Leo Sukup
Mr. and Mrs Sidney Faulhaber
took their granddaughters, Su
san ami Barbara Baker to Nor
f dk Sunday where they mt t by
their parents, Mr. ami Mrs Paul
Baker of Schuyler. The girls had
•Vent the past went with their
Mr ami Mrs. tiersUi Wanna
visaed his mother, Mrs Ktbrj
Waring isst Wriiwtlsy.
Mr and Mrs. D me Finch
spe .t Sum lay vis. ting her parents,
Mr and Mrs, Henry Gardes at
Os nil ski
SptHitorvd by the Auxiliary
Serving tram S:90 to t:N
Adulta SI OO - ChiUlran Me
In order to settle the estate of the late John Warren Sullivan, the
following described real estate will be sold at the front door of the
Court House in O'Neill, Nebraska, on—
Monday, Nov. 14--2 p.m.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION — Northwest quarter of Section 20, Town
ship 29, North of Range II, West of the 6th P. M. in Holt County,
POSSESSION — Purchaser may have possession of this real estate
March 1st, 1961.
ABSTRACT OF TITLE — Abstract of Title is in the office of the
Clerk of the District Court.
TAXES — Taxes for the year 1960 will be paid by the seller.
COMMENT: Land is a good level quarter approximately Vi mile
from Northeast city limits of the City of O'Neill and is bordered
on the north by a shelter belt. This tract raised an excellent stand
of corn last year.
TKRMS—20% down upon date of sale. Balance upon confirmation by District Court when Abstract
of Title and Referee’s Deed will be furnished.
John R. Gallagher, Attorney Norman Gonderinger, Referee
It's the unity \
in a community
that gets the job done \
The job at Gordon...
1 .
Students at Gordon are now enjoying the benefits of a new
high school addition, made possible by the united effort of
the community in approving a bond issue.
One of the first “all-electric” public high school buildings
in Nebraska, the addition is heated by low-cost electricity.
Interested in the growth and development of the 355 com
munities it serves, and of the state as a whole, Consumers
satisfies every electrical need of every segment of the
Thi* is another in a series of salutes to
outstanding local and regional achieve
ments which have demonstrated the
power of people working together.
We wouldn’t go so far as to say that your life is an
open book when you’re seen in the company of a
new Cadillac car.
But we will admit that at least a few of the pages
have been turned.
For a Cadillac indicates—with unmistakable
clarity and eloquence—the personal virtues that
lead a man to the "car of cars”.
Beautiful, distinctive and substantial—it reflects
his eminence in his field of endeavor .. . and testifies
to what he has made of his years.
Gracious, spacious and luxurious—it denotes his
desire for comfort. . . and his concern for the well
being of his family and passengers.
Practical, sound, and desired—it evidences his
awareness of the true aspects of value and quality.
And if a Cadillac has historically cast such credit
on its owner—how much more grandly it will do
so in 1961!
For the car now offers more of everything to
inspire the respect of those who behold it.
Its styling is graceful as never before. Its interiors
are remarkably generous in every dimension. And
its performance and ride make every journey a
miracle of motion.
You ought to inspect and drive this 1961 Cadillac.
Your dealer will be delighted to accommodate
you. And we wager you’ll quickly see the wisdom
of letting the "car of cars” reveal a few discreet
secrets about you.