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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1960)
« . __ FOR SALE FOR SALE—Purebred Hampshire boars, ready for service.—Henry Stelllng and Son Orchard, Nehr. ____18 If FOR SALE—Pure bred Spotted Poland China boars Guaranteed. Phone 3761. Martin Hoffman, Spencer, Nebr. 23-30c FOR SALE—Six outstanding used Bulova and Elgin watches, from $10.—McIntosh Jewelry. 29c FOR SALE—Stacked alfalfa hay.— An Ennen, O'Neill. Ph. 489-W t3 LIKE NEW SINGER In a new limed oak console with an auto matic zig zag. Buy it for 10 pay ments of $5.35 each or will dis count for cash. Write Credit Manager, Box 123, Lincoln, Ne braska 28-29c FOR SALE Five registered Black Angus cows, 3 to 7 years old, to calve in February; Two regi stered bulls and 2 registered heifer calves, priced to sell.— W H, Carson Ranch, 10 miles south of Lynch, Nebr. 29-30c SALT FOR SALE-K a na p o 11 s $16 50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; while block 75c—Located 3 blocks east, 4 blocks north of traffic light, Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164, O'Neill. 51tf FOR SALE—Good quality old or new, shelled or rolled com. We deliver. Have both wet or dry corn. For details call collect.— J. E. Meuret Grain Co., Inc., Brunswick, Nebr. Ph. VI 2-2205. 29-31c FOR SALE—House to be moved or tom down, wired for REA.- Ed ward Cernous 'k, Page. 27-29p FOR SALE Purebred Hampshire boars, vaccinated and guarante ed—-John Sojka, 1V4 North. 4 east of Page. 24tf On large size loans. I can loan Money at 5% interest, R. H. Park er, O’Neill, Nebr 3tf THREE MONTH OLD WHITE por table sewing machine with a but tonholer, sews forward and re verse. Buy it for 6 payments of $5.25 each. Write Credit Man ager, Box 123, Lincoln, Nebraska. 28- 29c FOR SAIJv-3 unit DeLaval milker, 73 pump. 3/4 hp. motor, 1 yr. old; 618 DeLaval crenm separator; 15 gallon electric water heater; stainless steel wash vat.—Melvin Rexin, Ewing. 29- 30c MOBILE HOMES New and Used DELUXE New 55’ x 10’ 3 Bedroom $4,295.00 New 45’ x 10' 2 Bedroom $3,595.00 Many Models and Brands To Choose From We will show you why we can sell for less Open Everyday In O’Neill vicinity See Clarence Johnson Elms Court, O’Neill MILLER TRAILER SALES Albion, Nebr. - Ph. EX 5-2170 We Trade-Deliver-Finance 28 tf LOWEST WISCONSIN CATTLE IN YEARS From our WISCONSIN dairies. All new cattle just arrived. Springers and fresh with heifer calves. Real large and fancy quailty Hosteins, Guernseys and Swiss' Prices lowest in years. Everybody wants good ones. Shores, Neligh. TU 7-4060, or TU 7-4850. 29tf All—BREEDS BOAR SALE 6 breeds of top quality meat type boars from outstanding herds Gregory Livestock Auction Co. Gregory, S. D. November 14, 1960 8:00 p.m. For cataloge write County Agent Burke, S. D. 29c MACHINERY Winch for H or M Wagons, Baxes. Hoists—Special prices Farmall 450 Farmall 400 51 Farmall H 46 Farmall H Farmall Super H 40 Farmall H 51 Farmall M 47 Farmall M 50 Farmall C IHC shelter Woods picker IHC 24 picker 101 John Deere picker IHC 2-ME picker Letz Burrmill PTO Knoeiiler mill PTO J P Hammermill No. 20 IHC picker, new this season on Farmall H ready to go SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O'NEHJL, N"EBR IHC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool MAKE PATTON S BEN Frankll? store your candy and nuts head quarters. Always fresh. 27 tfi FOR SALE- Second calf Holsteir heifers —John Sojka, Page. 24t SEE US for new SPARTAN o: SAFEWAY mobile homes. 2SS down, b'fr int.; up to 84 month! to pay. Write or phone Contois Motor Co.. Neligh. 30ti U)W COST INSURANCE-Anc prompt claim service. Virgi Laursen Agy , O'Neill. 10tf( Discounts — Discounts FERTILIZERS You save up to J13 00 per ton on LINCOLN Fertilizer pur chased for fall application or booked for spring See us be fore December 1 for maximum savings. We also have lime. Soil samples taken free of charge. You buy it we can spread It. Tompkins Livestock Headquarters Inman, Nebraska 25-33c FOR SALE- We have on hand first and second calf Holstein heifers fresh or heavy springers. Arnold Thiele, Clearwater, ph HU 5-3200. 17-24p 25-42c ■ MACHINERY 32 ft. elevator, double chain, good Farmhand loader COMBINES J.D. 55 M. H. 7 ft CORN PICKERS Woods Bros., good John Deere 226 USED TRACTORS J D. Model 60, 1955 J.D. Model 620, 1958 J.D., B, 1950 J D., A, 1944 J D, G, 1949 J D„ B, 1943 John Deere B 1952, fuel Harry R. Smith Imp. Phone 562 O'Neill Real Estate for Sale On large size loans, I can loan Money at 5% interest, R. H. Park er, O'Neill, Nebr. 3tf FOR SALE—160 act os Holt county including deep well irrigation equipment, excellent improve ments. Located 5 miles north east of Page, $31,000.00. Terms available —Leon McCoy, Broker, Neligh, Nebr. Ph. Turner 7-4451. 29-32c FOR SALE—Two one bedroom houses—will sell separate or together.—Kieth Abart, 321 West Clay, O'Neill. 12tfc MONEY TO LOAN—On homes, farms and ranches. Low interest, prompt service. Virgil Laursen. O'Neill. lOtfc FOR SALE 320 acres Antelope county. 200 under cultivation. Good improvements $40,000 00.— Leon McCoy, Broker, Neligh, Nebr. Ph. Turner 7-4451. 29-32c TAVERN FOR SALE- Includes building, fixtures and 3 bedroom modern home. Reason for sell ing-health. For further details contact or write—Floyd DeLong Inman. 26-29c CAFE BUSINESS- For sale ir Clearwater. Off and on sale beer license. Profitable going busi ness.—Ted Twiss, Clearwater Nebr. 29c FOR SALE—Five room house, en closed porch, garage, 7 lots ir Inman.—Edwin Stewart, 4443M H, Omaha. 24ti FOR RENT FOR RENT—Garage for three cars or storage.—Mrs. Marie Crook. 129 E. day, O'Neill. 27- 30c FOR RENT—Basement apartment unfurnished, three large rooms with shower and outside en trance. Close to school, $25 0( per month.—330 North 1st, Ph 517-J, O'Neill. 29-311 FOR RENT—Sleeping roo m — Mrs. C. H. Switzer, 113 E. Everett, O’Neill, Phone 466J. 25 tf City Loans on business buildings or residence property, See R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr. 49tf WANTED HELP WANTE D-Experienced mechanic. Chiefly automobile work, some welding and tractor work. Good hours, commission with guarantee. Contact Herbert Kaiser or Bob Krotter at Wm. Krotter Co., West O’Neill. 26tfc WANTED—I wish to purchase In surance Agency in or near O’ Neill. If interested in selling, write Box 334 at Neligh, Nebr. 28- 30c WANTED—Night waitress from 6 pm. to 1 am—Candy Bill’s Cafe. 13tfc i NATIONAL CONCERN-Offers op portunity. Married man above 30 preferred. Must have late model car, knowledge of tractors 11 and machinery helpful. Sales experience not necessary. We train if hired. Drawing account. For persona! interview write qualifications, address and phone number to A. D. Garrett, P. O. Box 392, Dallas. Tex. 29p MERRY CHRISTMAS! Yes, your Christmas can be merry by the earnings realized from selling Avon Cosmetics. Complete training provided. Inman Township Write AVON Box 365, North Platte 29c WANTED! DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week —Dwaine Lockmon. Stuart, ph. 3741. tf L. Guthmiller Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Reo — Clinton. Farm Loans. See R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebraska. 49tl j WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair. — Write Box bti2, phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL OO.. O’Neill 3 blks W & 34 blks N stoplight. "WE" DON’T WANT "ALL” THE BUSINESS We Just want "YOURS” PATTON’S BEN FRANKLIN : 2311 WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O'Neill 50tf 111 ~ ■" .i—..——.. DONOHOE CONST. CO. CAT—St OOP—DOZER Donior Elevated Grading John E. Donohoe, Phone 447-W O’NEILL, NEBRASKA I - NEED MONEY We make quick cash loans on automobiles and furniture. See us also for your insurance j needs. Central Finance Corp. O’Neill Phone 14 Nebr. 21tfc 1 MISCELLANEOUS WE HAVE FARM, RANCH ar.d home buyers. Notify Virgil Laur sen today if you are thinking about selling.—Virgil Laursen Agency, O’Neill. I3tf IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly insured —See Ed Thorin, agt., O'Neill, Nebr. 34tf CURTISS BREEDING Offers you the best in dairy and beef bulls. Now included are performance tested CHAROLAIS. I Duane Gray, Ph. 470, O'Neill. 29tf I-— AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207_O’NEILL LOST & FOUND STRAYED—From my place 1 steer about 750 lbs., branded K-7 on right hip.—Call Clayton Nelson, O’Neill. 29-30p STRAYED—From pasture south of Emmet 2 steers branded C lazy T over bar on right ribs.— Charles W. Tasler, ph. 5874, At kinson. 26-29c LOST OR STRAYED—Yearling heifer and yearling steer. Dia mond bar brand, notch right ear. —Tony Asimus, O’Neill. 28-30c CARDS OF THANKS I WISH TO THANK my friends and relatives for the cards, letters, gifts, flowers, visits and prayers that I received while in St. Anthony's hospital. A special thanks to Sister Edward and Father Kucera, also to the nursing staff. (J. C.) Jim Cavanaugh 29c WE WISH TO THANK our friends neighbors and relatives for their prayers, gifts and many other acts of kindness. These things all helped so much to lighten the burden of losing our beloved, Norma. God bless you all. Mr and Mrs. Marion Brewster Mr and Mrs. Arch Crabtree Lois Wabs James, Wayne and Darrell Brewster 29p I WISH TO THANK my relatives, friends and neighbors for the cards, letters, flowers and gifts sent me and those who visited me while I was hospitalized. Also a special thanks to the staff of St. Anthony’s for their kindness and good care. Audry Bowden 29p I WISH TO TAKE this means thank my friends and relatives for the cards, letters and gifts they sent me while I was in the hos pital and at home. Thanks also for their prayers. A special thank you to Dr. David and the ones in the Sacred Heart hospital in Lynch who gave me such excellent care. Your kindness will never be for gotten. Carrie Hunter 29p I WANT TO THANK all my friends who sent the nice cards and letters during my stay in the hospital. R. B. Geary 29p I--Legal Notices—| First pub Nov. 10, I960 Cronin and Hannon, attorneys NOTICE OF SUIT TO: C. E HANEY and HATTIE E. HANEY, husband and wife, and all persons having or claim ing any interest in the South Half of Section 21, Township 31. North, Range 10, West cf the 6th P. M., in Holt County, Nebras ka, real names unknown. You, and each of you, are here by notified that on the 8th day of November, 1960 the undersign ed plaintiffs filed their petition in the District Court of Holt Coun ty, Nebraska, against you and each of you, as defendants, as well as others, the object and prayer of which is to reform the deed from C. E. Haney and Hat tie E. Haney to Commercial Farmers Incorporated, which deed was given on the 7th dry of January, 1947, and recorded in Book 143 at page 137 of the Re cords of Holt County, Nebraska which deed conveyed the below described real property, and a deed from the Commercial Farm ers Incorporated, a Nebraska Cor poration, to the plaintiffs, which deed was dated January 29, 1957 and recorded in Bock 143 at page 663 of the Records of Holt Coun ty, Nebraska, and to quiet and confirm the title cf the plain tiff to the following described real estate, to-wit: The South Half of Section 21, Township 31, North, Range 10, West of the 6th P. M„ in Holt County, Nebraska, as against any of you, including claims of interest or liens by rea son of the errors in the above mentioned deeds, and to secure a decree of Court that you have no interest in, right or tit'e to or lien upon said real estate, or any part thereof, and for genera1 equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition rn or before the 19th day of D'^ember, AD. ’tTA MARVIN D. FIGHTER and PETTY L. RICHTER, PLAINTIFFS. Dated this 8th day of Novem ber, 1960. 29-32c (First pub November 10, I960) Robert E. PauLck, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 44®7 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 3, 1960, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY WALTER, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is March 1, 1961. and for the payment of debts is November 3, 1961 and that on December 1, 1960, and on March 2, 1961, at 10 o’clock A M, each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. i COUNTY Lewis W. Reimer COURT County Judge SEAL) 29-31e Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S .ADMIT!'ED. N.,v. 2—Charles Grimes ol Chambers; Jimmy Laska of O’Neill. 3—Mrs. Frank Froelich of O'Neill; Mrs. Vernon Dahiberg of Lynch. 4—Mrs. For rest Ki.ey and Jtrome Ford, both of O’Neill. 5—Mrs. Wilbur Gibson ol Chambers; Mrs. Robert Bern hardt and Mrs. Jim Rotherham, both of Ewing; Mrs. Richard San ders of O’Neill. 6— Frank Croni of Page; Mrs. Elden Bergen of Bjtte; John B. Hynes and James Robert Banks, both of O’Neill. 1 D lr w o n n.l TA, Dusatko, both of Emmet; Judy Ann Cizek of Spencer; Mrs. Paul Woidnock and Mrs. Don Elsberry. b th of O’Neill; Mrs. James So botka of Inman. 8—Baby Joe Ba zelman and Mrs. Arlen Miles both of O’Neill; Mrs. Richard Day of Chambers; Mrs. Lawrence Engelhaupt of Butte. 9—Mrs. Don Ruroede and George Latzel, both of Ewing; Jane Kyster of O' Neill. DISMISSED: Nov. 2—Kim Black of Spencer; Mrs. Jerry Cuddy and baby and Robert Mus il, both of O’Neill; Joseph Reich ert of Fairfax, S. D.; Mrs. Sar ah Adams of Chambers. 3—Mrs Joseph Pritchett and baby and Mrs. Mary Ann Ferris, all of O'Neill. 4—Miss Margaret Wertz of O'Neill; Robert Geary of In man; Mrs. Lawrence Engelhaupt of Butte; Mrs. Lyle P. Dierks of Ewing. 5—Ralph Stowell, Jerome Ford and Mrs. Frank Ertz jr. and baby, ail of O’Neill; Leon Wragge of Ewing. 6—Mrs. Jim Rother ham of Ewing. 7 Mrs. Gina Crank of Page; Connie Brockman of Emmet. 8—Albert Miller of Chambers. 9—Mrs. Frank Froe lkh and Mrs. Forrest Riley, both of O’Neill. ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED: Nov. 1—Mrs. Ro bert Summers, Mrs. Lloyd Mc Dowell and Mrs. Larry Sawyer all of Atkinson. 2—Mrs. Conrad | Straka of Stuart. 3—James Ful- , lertcn of Atkinson. 4—Mrs. Don ald Mannhalter of Murdo, S. D 5—Haven Dollarhide and Louis Dickau, both of Atkinson. 6— Mrs. Kenneth Ziska of Atkinson: Clude Ross of Inman; Ida M Williamscn of Smart. DISMISSED: Nov. 1—Fred Goe bel of Stuart. 2—Frank Patter son of Newport; Ben Kaup, Fran cis Kollman and Jess Colson, aT cf Stuart; Mrs. John Mullen of Atkinson. 3—Mrs. Mike Coday of Atkinson: Mrs. Conrad Straka of Stuart. 6— Mrs. Robert Summers and daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Me Dowell and Mrs. Larry Sawyer ..— ■ SPECIAL TUESDAY, NOV. 15 1500 Head of the Finest Cattle Ever Offered "High Quality" Yearlings — "Fancy" Calves YEARLINGS: Pofahl Ranches: 70 Choice WF steers—675 lbs.; 80 Choice WF heifers—575 lbs. open. Very green—high rate of gain—good conformation. Hrbek: 91 Choice WF yearlings—500-650 lbs. “Very green” Dehorned-vaccinated. McElhose: 50 Fancy WF and Angus steers—950 lbs. Fleshy— top notch feeders. 30 Choice Angus and WF heifers—850 lbs. open. T. C. Ranch: 70 Mellow, top choice WF steers—725-750 lbs. Deh.-Vacc. (Green). Dwyer Bros: 80 Yellow, reputation Hereford fall calves— 550 lbs. Deh.-Vacc.—open. Redinbaugh: 31 Good WF steers—700-800 lbs. Stultz, Genser, Tuch and Schuster: 66 Good WF yearlings— 550-650 lbs. CALVES: 90 Choice, Curly WF mountain calves—373 ids. uenornea a I Vaccinated. \ C. Darnell & Son: 60 Good WF and Angford calves—425 lbs. Dehorned andVaceinated. Cleveland & Walz: 50 Fancy WF' calves—415 lbs. Thoendal: 50 Choice Sandhill calves—425 lbs. Bennar: 35 Yellow, choice WF steer calves—400 lbs. Deh. Vacc. Vornhagen: 30 Choice WF calves—400 lbs. Kester: S3 Angus and WF calves—400 lbs. Cihlar: 30 Choice Angus steer calves—450 lbs. Skokan: 40 Good Angus calves—400 lbs. Vacc. Cleveland, Schleusener & Brockmeler: 61 Choice WF and Angford calves—400-450 lbs. Barnes: 22 WV; Lemmons: 20; Lorenze: 17 Shorthorn. Slizoski: 30 WF calves; Billings: 12 Angus. Maas: 16 WF calves. 190 Choice Feeder Pigs 20 Mixed Cornfield Cows TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A GOOD RUN OF CATTLE WHILE THEY ARE ON ILAND—RUNS ARE ALREADY TIGHTENING UP. Sale Time-12:00 P.M. Order Buying at no Charge to Purchaser CREIGHTON LIVESTOCK MARKET Creighton, Nebraska “The Best in Livestock Marketing for 18 Years” and daughter, all of Atkinson SACRED HEART PRESEN 1. Mrs. Lena Arp and Mrs Mary Sseier, both of Butte; Mrs. Wayne Baktwui ami suu and Mrs. Jerry Carsien and daughter all of Bonesteel; Mrs G we.idlyr Barr and Mrs Henry Mmank and sun. all of Niobrara; W. H Block and Erick Ohman, both of Anoka, Miss Hallie Carsten Dr. J. A. Guttery, Mrs. Jake Serk and Mrs. Frank Thomson and son, all of Lynch; Mis Mary Classen, Baby Kyle Joseph Clas sen, Mrs Lena Cunntt, Mrs. Mor ns Hagberg and soil, Mrs. Am drew Hansun, Baby John David Langan and John Schommer. all of Spencer; Mrs. Frank Clau sen of Nrper; George Fish and Ernest 01s in, both of Bristow; Mrs Kenneth Gatz and son of Niobrara; Mrs Hu'.da Larsen of Valley; Baby Rick Dean Svatos of Verdel. DISMISSED Nov. 1—Joseph Rihanek of Monowt. 2—Mrs. Car rie Hunter of Lynch; Mrs Em ma Connet of Spencer; Charles Green.' of Butte. 3—Mrs. John Langan and E L. Hagberg. both of Spencer; Miss Glenna Court ney of Lynch; Mrs Minnie Rein hart of Butte. 4—Mrs William Dix a/id Mrs. Jennie Hanshew both of Butte; Baby Karl Fred rickson of Spencer; James Erlen busch of Lynch. 6—Mrs. Geral dine Robinson and Thomas Fer nau, both of Butte; Miss Audrey Kaczor of Spencer. Sick and Injured ORCHARD Mrs. Clarence Jur acek was a patient in the Plain view hospital a few days last week. CHAMBERS—Mrs Frank Tra cy received word that her bro ther Wallace Mitchell is a pa tient in a Wichita, Kan., hospital. Mr. Mitchell is formerly of Cham bers. . .Relatives here have learn ed that "Bud" Spath is a pa tient in a hospital in California Mr. Spath is well known at Cham bers and Amelia being a brother of Mrs. George Fullerton . .A.D Miller went to Omaha Monday for medical care He has bi'en a patient at St Anthony's in 0‘Netll AMELIA—Mrs. Leon IhuiaMor has bet'll a patient m the h s pital mi B unveil «h. re she under went mayor surgery , Mrs Lew Baokhaus had minor surgery Tuesday for removal of a growth on ttie calf of the leg She was able to return borne the same day. EWING—Mr. and Mrs. John Turay Lx»k their daughter. Con me to Omaha Monday where she had a physical checkup. . Mr ami Mrs. Elmer Grim accompan ied by their son, Telford Grun of Verdigre .went to Omaha Monday where Mr Grim sr. went for med ical care. ORCHARIV Mrs Frank Reed a former resident of this locality submitted to surgery at Bryan Memorial hospital in Lincoln Monday Her condition is describ ed as satisfactory. Her nddros is Room H3. Mr. and Mrs, Rind and his parents, Mr, and Mrs Bob Reed went to Lincoln Mon day. O'NEILL Mr. and Mrs Ed Campbell left Wednesday for Ro Chester, Minn, where they will enter the Mayo Clinic f >r a med ical check-jp. . Mrs Frank Froe lich was hospitalised Thursday for treatment for a mastoid in fection PAGE—Frank Cronk was taken to St. Anthony’s hospital Sunday morning following n heart. . . Mrs. Mary Frances Stewnrt en tered St Anthony's hospital last Tuesday for medical treatment , .Mr. and Mrs Bob Tomlinson went to Grand Island Sunday for a Monday* consultation with a medical authority. AT THE COURTHOUSE DISTRICT COl RT Nov. 8—E. W. Zimmerman dba Zimmerman Insurance agency. Ewing, appeal from county court asking judgement against Martin Van Conet for $280.89 with inter est from June 1958 and costs. N >v *- -Marvin D. Richlvf and Betty L Richter, pm ill tills. to quiet and confirm title oi platn tills to certain real estate, Cron in amt Hannon, attorneys. CYH VTY (HURT— State vs. Joe L Carr of Ah kinaon, pneirini liquor for min ors, tim'd $24 and $4 costs; of ficer K M Hastreiter, Nov. 3. State v* Kenneth M Carr of Atkins.m, l. pos&wsion id alcoho lic liquor by minor 3. no opera tor's license, fined $16 amf $4 costs; officer F M Hastreiter, Nov. 3 \ State vs Homer L Mention, driver for G orge leeling, ff. at Harrison, overweight on capacity plate, fined $10 ami $4 costs', of ficer- Donald F Richardson, ^Jov I. State vs Warren Aapdeil, dri ver for DeMar of Alliance, over weight on axle, fined $70 amt $4 easts; officer Donald F. Rich unison. Noy. 7. State vs Avery John Burns of Si- .ix City, la., over width, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer -Clifford L. Kiizire, Nov. 7. Suite vs Edward H Moos, dri ver for Thomas Zakrzewsk! of O'Neill, overweight on capacity plate, fined $10 and $4 costs; of ficer Clifford L. Ktxaire, Nov. 7. State vs Walter R. Si ay maker driver for Nelson and Briyton Co. of Stuart, excessive width, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer— Donald J Fiala, Nov. 7 State vs. Willinm A. Rtehnrds. driver for Dale Trucking of* Phi lip. S. D , overgross on interior group of axles, fined $60 add $4 costs; officer—Cliford L. Kltzire, Nov. 8. MARRIAGE LICENSES— Gerald Elmer McLcish, 22, Lin coln and Eloise June Reiser, 20, Atkinson. Nov 3. Janies Calvin Murphy, 2tt O’ Neill and Miss Sharon Eileen Howard. 17. O'Neill, Nov. 4. Ads — It Pays ! Try The Frontier Want - — - - ■■■-.- - t T"^ 1 T-l Announcing... I NEW MAYTAG HALO OF HEAT I "Electronic Control” (GAS OR ELECTRIC) NO HOT SPOTS! Exclusive new drying principle surrounds clothes with a safe, gentle circle of heat-ends overdrying! i I t I I I Introducing Maytag's Exclusive Electronic Control: The New Maytag Electronic Control actually measures the moistdre in the clothes, thus providing an accurate, precise and automatic control j over the drying process. It insures id 3al drying results—with all sizes ahd types of load—with all types of fabric. PLUS ALL THESE MAYTAG FEATURES: Halo of Heat Drying Principle Dynamic Disc Lint Filter Circular Air Flow Safety Door "Wash 'N Wear" Chime Interior Lighting High Speed Super Volume Drying Porcelain Coated Tumbler "Air Fluff" Dry-Cleaning Cycle Automatic Clothes Sprinkler Convection Cooled Cabinet Color at no Extra Cost Fully Automatic & Flexible Controls Wm. Krotter Company GMAC FINANCING AVAILABLE "Selling and servicing Maytag for North-Central Nebr. Since 1891" ± ' f v, f. jf y