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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1960)
Church Noces Ail ninutm are invited to trad their church notes to The Frontier. For guaranteed publication, we ad that the notes are la our oilier by Saturday, one week prior to the services. Si. 1'alrw k'• t aiholw Church I Msgr. Timothy O Stuhvan and Father Rupert Duify, assistant) Sunday, Nov 13 Masses 7:30 a m., 9 and 10 30 Masses in the church every day at 7 45 a m. Saturday, Nov 19 Confessions from 4 p.m. until 5 30 and from 7 30 until 9 Page Methodist Church (Robert D. Linder, pastor) Sunday, Nov 13: Church school 10 am.; worship. 11; MYF. 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 17: WSC9. 2 p.m. Wesleyan Methodist Church Page (Mina Smith, pastor) Sunday, Nov. 13: Sunday school 10 a.m.; worship, 11; Wesleyan Youth, 7 p.m.; evening worship 7:30. Inman Methodist Church (Robert D. Linder, pastor) Thursday, Nov. 10: WSCS, 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 13: Church school, 8:40 a.m.; worship, 9:40. Wednesday, Nov. 16: MYF and choir, 8 p.m. Bethany Presbyterian Church (John Hart, pastor) Sunday, Nov. 13: Worship, 8 30 a.m.; Sunday school, 10:30. Assembly of God Churrh (Ivan Christoff or sen, pastor) Thursday, Nov. 10. Regional Prayer service at Sioux City, la Rev. Thomas Zimmerman, gen eral superintendent of the As semblies of God in charge. Sunday, Nov. 13: Sunday school 10 a.m.; morning worship, 11; junior church (ages 4-12), 11; evangelistic service, 8 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 16: Wtdnes day night prayer and Bible study, 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 17: Fellowship rally at Valentine, afternoon and evening services. Immanuel Lutheran Churrh (A. S. Gedwillo, pastor) Atkinson Saturday, Nov. 12: Confirma tion class, 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 13: Divine wor ship, 9 a.m.; Sunday school 10:15. A. Harley, supt.; Sunday schtx>l teachers institute at Christ Lutheran Church in O'Neill, 3 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15: Lutheran Wo men's Missionary League meet ing, 8 p.m. Emmet Methodist Churcti (Glenn Kennicott, pastor) Sunday, Nov. 13: Children’s Sunday school and morning wor ship, 9:30 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 17: WSCS, 2 p.m. Methodist Church Chambers (Charles Cox, pastor) 9jnday, Nov. 13: Sunday school 10 a.m.; worship, 11. Wedejru Methodist Church (Dun V. Olmsted, pastor) Sunday, is. aunuay school io a.m.; morning wo ramp, 11; evening worship, < 30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 14; Wesleyan youth meets at the parsonage 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15; Morning cot tage prayer service, 9 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 16: Mid week prayer hour. la si HriMM ( tmrch (Glenn Kennicott, Minister) Thursday, Nov. It): Prayer cir cle at Claude Bates home, 10 a m., WSCS. 2 p.m. Friday, Nov. 11:: Dorcas, 2 p. m.; Social Concern s worship, 8 pm. Saturday, Nov. 12 Junior choir. 9.45 a.m.; intermediate choir, 10:30 ; District Youth council in afternoon. Sunday, Nov. 13; Sunday school 9.46 am.; morning worship, 11. Monday, Nov. 14: Intermediate MYF, 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 16: Choir, 7:15 p.m.; senior MYF, 8. Thursday, Nov. 17: Prayer cir cle, 10 a.m.; Dorcas, 2 p.m. Christ Lutheran Church (A. S. Gedwilio, pastor) Thursday, Nov. 10 Ladies Aid meeting, 8 pm. Members are re minded to bring their “Mite Box es.” Saturday, Nov. 12: Senior con firmation class, 9 a.m.; junior confirmation class, 10. Sunday, Nov. 13: Sunday school, and Bible classes, 9:45 a m. W Fricke, supt.; divine worsh’p, 11; Circuit Sunday school teachers institute begins here, 3 p.m.; Voters meeting, 7:30. Wednesday, Nov. 16: High school ch >ir, 7 p.m. Church ol Epiphany (Father Ralph O’Donnell) Emmet Sunday, Nov. 13: Mass, 10 a.m Dorsey Presbyterian Church (Lee Hicks, Dastor) Sunday, Nov. 13: Sunday school, 7 p.m.; worship, 8. First Presbyterian Church (John Hart, pastor) Thursday, Nov. 10: Every Mem ber Canvass training, 7.30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 13: Church school. 9:45 am.; morning worship, 11 Sermon - “Money Changers in the Temple”. Monday, Nov. 14: Bible study, 2:30 p.m.; junior choir, 7. Tuesday, Nov. 15: Activity w rkslvp conducted for all churches in this area, 6:30 p.m until 9. Wednesday, Nov. 16: Choir.; | 6:45 p.m.; Every member can vass, 7:30. Special Notice Sunday, Nov. 13: Episcopalian Communion service, 7:30 p.m. with Rev. R. Cogswell of Neligh at the home of Mike Burney, 608 N. Second St. __ --- Ewing News By Mr*, tiarokl Harris Mrs EUa Ziems entertained the following guests at her home on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Theo dare Nelson rf Norfolk. Mrs Ralph Van Horn of 0 Neill and Mary Clemens of Orchard. Mr ann .urs Harry Larsen and Mrs. Ida Kemnitz of Wood. S.L)., wno guests at the Ben Larsen home fra few days, re turned home Friday. Mr and Mrs Tony Kaczor and family of Omaha were weekend guests at the home of his mother, Mrs Eva Kaczur and other rel aLves in the e mm unity Mr and Mrs. Ben Larsen and Mrs. J. L, Pruden went to Nor folk cm Monday to attend the Hollowesta celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen and their guests, Mr, and Mrs. liar ry Larsen and Mrs. Ida Kemnitz of Wood, S. D., went to Spring field. S D. Thursday to visit rel atives. Mr and Mrs. James Mlnarik and family spent Sunday at the Don Mackel home in Elgin. HsHoweea parties were held Monday afternoon in the grad »s of the Ewing public- school. Some dressed in costume for the occasion. Games were play ed and treats given. Tuesday guests at the Ed H >ag home were Mrs. Harry Vickory of Lusk. Wyo. and Mrs. Pearl Johnson of Orchard. Mrs. Jessie Shaw and Mrs. Roy Robertson of Orchard visited Sat urday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ed Hoag. Service's at the United Pres byterian church of Ewing Sun day will be in keeping with the events of the following week. The morning sermon ‘‘Is Patrio tism Christian?” will be the oouMrration of the duties of Christian CUitcnship- The eve ning message "A Irt-rfum Sa lute* will ha»e Veteraa s Day and patriots in mind Dr. Wm Koss is On- pastor Vaukta Welke and Mr and Mrs Roland Wico* of Newman Grove were dinner guests Wed nesday evening at the home of Mrs Harriet Welke. They attend od the fo tOall gane between the Ewing Tigers and Newman Grove later in the evening Larry Kirschmier was a supper guest Wednesday night at the home of Duane Tinsley. Leonora Tuttle spent Thursday night at the home of Judy Tins ley. A minstrel -h >w and pte so cial was held Thursday evening ! at school district 237. A large crowd was In attendance Mrs. Ruth Tessmer is the teacher. Cn.lers at the Albert Larson h >me Sunday were Mr. and Mrs Carl Johnson of Norfo k, Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and family and Mr and Mrs. Henry Reimer. Football Party Wtdnesday night, the seniors of the Ewing high school took part in the last home game when they met Newman Grove at Ewing The game ended with a score of 66. After the game the senior class was invited to the home of Judy Tinsley for lunch. The rest of the evening was spent play ing games and watching televi sion Seniors present were: Mary Ann Bauer. Karen Mlnarik, Ber tha Harris, LaRoyce Blunt, Thel ma Spangler, Leonora Tattle Judy Tinsley, David Ziems, Jer ald Biack, Ben Bnllwitt, Owen Schmidt, Ron Brian, Clifford Jur act k, Leon Wragge, Douglas Shrader, Richard Mlnarik and Gene Daniels. Guests were Roger Lange, a f rmer number of the class, also Linda Larson, Betty Wright and Donna Wright. Mr and Mrs. Roy Vandersmck and family were supper guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. James Tinsley. Mr and Mrs Floyd Lee spent the weekend in Laurel at the home of their daughter and s «• in-law. Mr and Mrs. A J San ders and family. Mr and Mrs Martin Van Conet and family were guests during the weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs. Lester Hansen at Har lan, la. School District ♦*> had a carni val Friday evening A large crowd was in attendance One side show put on a program of group sing mg and three skits Several booths wi re set up, novelty articles weir on sale for the occasion as well as hi memade candy, pie and cof foe. Pr c-eiis will go for the pur chase of chairs for the base mem. Teachers are Mrs Rachel Van Conet and Catherine Bmier Ina Bennett. Mr and Mrs Wayne Shrader and fami y. Mr ami Mrs Wilbur Bennett, Mr, and Mrs, Roger Bennett all o< Ew mg and Mr and Mrs Maynard Morrow ami children iif O’Neill wore Sunday guests at tlie home cu Mrs Flora Young at Orchard Ina Bennett, who teaches in the Clearwater public school, attend ed Uu* teachers convention ta Norfo.k Thursday and Friday. Mr Kmer Grim entered Our l..uly Lourdes hospital in Nor folk Saturday for minor surgery. He I- convalescing at his home in Clean-Up RANCH AUCTION Having leased the raneh, I will sell my personal property, at the ranch located 20 miles north of Burwell on Highway 11 AND » miles east on the Itallagh road. Route will be marked, ON WED.. NOV. 16 Sale Starts at 12:00 Noon 102 HEAD OF HEREFORD CATTLE ! 65 Stock cows, age 3 to 8 years old; 5 Stock cows with calves by side; 7 Hereford heifers, 2 years old; 15 Hereford heifers, X year old; 12 Ught weight Hereford steer and heifer calves; 8 Register ed Hereford bulls. FEED 22 Stacks prairie hay; Va Ton crushed rock salt; 5 Blocks mineral; 400 I-bs. tiooch’s 22rr cattle fattener; 1 Bu. small flat seed corn: 1 Bu. Alfalfa seed and some other seed. MACHINERY j 1 Oliver 77 row crop 1851 tractor ; 1 AC 194H B tractor, wide front end- 1 AC 1849 C tractor; 1 1948 Ford tractor; 1 1950 Ford tractor; 1 F-20 Farmall tractor (All of the tractors are on very good rubber.); 1 1949 CMC truck with 16 ft. combination grain & stock box; 1 American loader, sweep head and manure fork; I AC baler; 1 Oliver side delivery rake, on rubber; 1 Adams hydraulic 24 ft. hay rake, on rubber; 1 IHC 12 ft. hay rake; 1 Oliver mower; 1 No. 25 IHC mower; 1 AC mower: 1 IHC mounted tractor mower; 1 IHC trail mower; 1 Big 6 oil bath; 6 ft. horse i mower; I Ford tractor sweep; 1 All steel 12ft. stacking ci^c, Jin rubber; 1 A Overshot hay stacker; 1 Auto turn-type under slung. 24 ft. 8-ln.. H beams; 1 Hay rack, on rubber; 1 Winch for Oliver tractor; 1 Oliver 12-lnch 3 bottom plow, hydraulic lift. 1 Ford 14 Inch 2 bottom plow; 1 AC 2 row cultivator; 1 New Idea manure' spreader, on rubber ; 1 Field sprayer; » Woods Bros. cortiDlcker, single fow, on rubber; 1 MeCormlck-Deerlng 22-Inch ihreashlng machine; 1 McCormick Deerlng 10 ft. power grain binder; 1* McCormick Dee ring 2 row corn binder; 1FieldIdrill; 1 4-row P & O mounted lister, for F-20; 1 Field disc, 1 3-section harrow 1 Corn planter; 1 Wagon, steel gears: 1 2-wheel tr®i,er; on robber, with full-sire wagon box : 1 All steel dehorning chute; i leading chute; 1 Bun saw: 1 Dirt scoop, for Ford tractor, Air cornpresser. complete; t Electric fencer: t Battery charger 1 m". i pair tractor chains, fits 2-38 tires; 1 Pair tractor for Fort; l 300 gallon fuel tank, with stand; 1 300-gallon with iump; 2 100 gallon barrels; 1 IHC self washing cream separator: 8 Steel milk cow stanchions; 1 Stock *»ddJ*' - PUT* bnsMler houses; 1 12x14 round top brooderhouse; Several chicken coops; 3 Feed bunks; 1 40-ft. endless rubber belt; 2 rolls wit cribbing • Lots of old Iron and several pieces of horse ma STlneTj?1Home freexer, chest type 12 cu ft.: Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: .Cash Lunch served by the WilUng Helpers Club MRS. GLADYS LEWIS, Owner DON WERNER. Auctioneer JOHN BARTTSIAK Rlngman BANK OF BCR WELL, Clerk COLD WEATHER AHEAD! mm BEST BUY! WOOL SLACKS stretching and pilling. ' luscious colors! 36-10. SLIM SKIRTS Compare at 4.98 J98 I Special group of fashion skirts in rich wool-nylon blends! Lush deep shades—buy your favorite color or plaid! 22 to 30 waist Compare at 4.98 Voted first choice by the young crowd! Long tapered logs give you that tall'n trim silhouette! Fine tailor ing for smooth fitting. Here’s a terrific selection of dark-toned plaids, solid black or gray. 10-18. O'Neill, Nebraska Phone 8 g0mm PUP Fashion Coats Compare at 24.98 ir FUR LOOK! Princeton Allegro Fabulous fictitious fur blended Orion "' acrylic and Dynel"' modacrylic! Glamorous printed lining. Toakwood, grey, fawn. 8-18. Orlon-Dynel 29« Everyone thinks its fur— it's another Orion"’ acrylic and Dynel "1 modacrylic best seller! Fawn or grey. 8-18. Misses Orion Lined Casuals "Black magic" blend of w h 1 end nylon lined by latest two-toned Orion'* acrylic pile! Matching knit scarf, too! 10-18. Flattering Half Sizes Becoming style! Teal or hi;:ok flecked Melton! Warmth without weight” Drlon"*> acrylic pile lining 1 16Vi-24 Vi. w a vi ESKIMO JACKET Washable Sateen t;s 8 4-6x Sizes 7-14.7.98 Z-i-p! She’s warm as toast in this cute cotton sateen parka! She'll love the hood, cozy 12 oz. quilt lining, too! Red, gold, loden green. IShoe t?oots | stretch Tiqhts nMLY £95 H 59 1 79 ' " ®1 I I Girls | Misses nylon collar l| Gay and warm! Full-fashioned. Warm h” 'black leather l| Red or black. Misses' S-M-L orv. hn n . • l Rfl(j roya| back. Children's 6-14. with wedste crepe sou. | . WARM FLANNEL! Pajama Special NOW! 279 Lovely blossoms on soft-nap ned cotton flannel. Accented with lace trim. Shrink resist ant. Pastel background. 34-40. Print Gowns l98 Cozy full-length cotton flannel gown in pastel florals. Misses and wo men’s sizes 34-44. RAYON ORION Jumbo Blankets 499 Brilliant plaids in luxurious rayon and Orlon<*> acrylic! 6">acetate binding. 72x90”. 3 Pc. Bath Mat Set Pastel cotton chenille. Non-slip latex back. 198 20x32” rug plus lid. Price Cut! SHEET BLANKET j.88 ZIP OFF HOOD Men's Parka • Practical! Rugged! 9 oz. cotton sateen shell with warm quilt lining will take you through blizzards! Rich colors. S-M-ML-L-XL. Boy's Washable Bedford Cord PARKA 798 Buy an All-Star Bed ford cotton cord parka- the easy way to stormproof him! Cozy Dynelim mod acrylic trimmed zip off hood. Knit trim med. 4-18. . . mb HEAVY # dynel TAIW M trimmed Flannel Shirts 98 Men's S-M-LrXL Suede-finish cotton flannel in the season's latest patterns and colors! San forized. Neatly tailored, long sleeved style. WORK SHIRTS Reg. 2.49! Popular suede cotton flannel 199 plaids in sizes 14V4-17.