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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1960)
Page News Bjr Mrs. Ben Akhcr Mr and Mrs Lee McMahiLl and tons af Omaha were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. George WeUlauffer GGG and G met on Friday at the home of Mrs A. Nuss n Cards were the at tern on’s entertain ment with high score honors go ing to Mrs. Ethel Park, low to Mrs. Clarence Stevens and Mrs Clarence Dobbins won traveling Mr. and Mrs Ben Asher and family were Sunday dinner gtns-s of Mr and Mrs C H Switzer of O Neill to celebrate the birthdays of Ben and Mrs. Switzer. After noon caller was Mrs. Alvin Heise District No. 23, Mrs Dorothy Nlaser) teacher held their family night on Friday night. The fam ihes represented were Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Wettlaufer, Mis Vernon Beckwith, Mr. and Mrs Lyndley Crumly, Mr. and Mrs Emmitt Thompson, Mr. and Mrs Bob Myers and Mr. and Mrs Ben Asher. The evening was spent with the pupi s and teacher going through a day of school. Mrs Nissi-n then served lunch Also a guest was Bob Nissen and family. Mr and Mrs. Gurdon Gentzler of Tikkn. Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Waring of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch jr. were all Saturday night supper guerts of Mr and Mrs Clarence Finch sr Mrs. Hester Edminsten ate Sun day dinner with Mrs. Fr eds Ash tr. K.NA Lodge met on Wednesday at Uie lOOF Hail, Mrs tv,so Morris of California, an out ol town member, was a guest. Hostesses were Mrs. Lee "lay! r and Mrs. Gerald Lamason. Mrs b.ri Fahey joined the tadns for lunch. Mr and Mrs Melvin Held of Norfolk were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Ciasey. Mrs. Orville Kemper waa h s tess to ten members of the Chat ter Sew Cluo when it met wi.h her on t rsday Ihe ladies spent the day in sowing and visiting. Oe cember hostess will be Miss Milo Landreth. On Saturday morning in honor of Mrs. John Steinberg's birth day the following ladies surprised her Mesdames H. F. Park, L. G Smith, Anna Thompson, George Ciasey, Alton Braddock, Otto Ma t schuilat, Jessie Cronk and Lyman Park. Edd Stewart and Mickie were Thursday supper guests of the Ben Ashers Mrs Stewart is in Om aha getting medical treatment. Mr and Mrs. Ed Bradd ck and Mary of Fullerton were Thurs day dinner guests of Mrs. Stella Russell. WSCS Thirty members were present when the WSCS met at the Metho dist church on Thursday, Mrs J hn Steinberg was in charge of th^ devotions and lessen entitled “Tiro All the World Together” A skit was presented to illustrate Mrs. Steinberg’s lesson which told about missionary wora ar und UR wor Ml. l.iooe oR.a.i-.g WuTc luvatmiuca jUaRt tvii.j, iLrokl rRu>o, J. W r men, «*u n«uotd hci.). «rs. Ki i y was auu bit piaii_si in tne ousnteas part cf ine meeting .*lra. a. w. finch announced the Ui^lc-Ef’ p~riy neuea Prj.65, A executive meeting was plan n«.d tor November aim at the Raymond Heiss home Rev. Ro bert Linder will mad a Siuuy course irum 9 to 10: oU am. start mg on hoVimoer lath It was announced List the fan cy Work booth at the ouza-r wad be open all day. Hostesses were Mrs. Robert Gray and Mrs. Eve lyn Gray. Get well cards were sent to Mrs Btrtha Downey and Mrs. Mary Stewart. Mis. Otto Matischullat urges all members to attend the American Legion Auxiliary meeting on Mon day the Hth oi November. Couples Club Couples Club met on Ihursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Frank Cr iik Budge was played with Mrs. Alva Carson w.mung high and Frank Cronk second high. Sunday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth TyLr of Fremont, Mr. and Mrs. Art Sufficool and family cf Verdi gre and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harm n and family were Sunday evi ning cal lers at the George Wettlaufer home. Kuy Nissen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nissen was home for the weikend. Kay is a student cf WSTC. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer of Clearwater were Thursday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Qtt> MU schullat. Saturday night guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher were Mr. and Mrs. Lee McMahill of Om aha, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Sukup and Mr. and Mrs. George Wctt laufer. On Saturday n:ght at 8 p.m. Ihe mothers of class ISjo wil, have a prc-Oopusi suuwa lor .u.s*> Iks. ay rvcu..«. uy, uaugnur of tar. anu ten. Haney Huuieuy air. ano jars. Tuny Mudloff and Brenda were weekend guests el Mr and Mrs. Mart in Piu*,.p w Omaha. Ttiey aiso visited To.y s srsiers. tats. Suzanne HiJ and Miss Madilyn taudloft. tar and Mrs. Bernard Kornock and famay were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walt Ko pejtka. Mr and Mrs. P. E. Nissen were Sunday afternoon callers at the BuO Nissen home. Mr. and Mrs Ed Braddock and Mary of Fullerton were Wednes day overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Braddock. Mr. and Mrs. Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaert and Becky Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beeiaert, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prill and Scott and tar. and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer and Runny were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.m Jar man at Bassett. Mr. and Mrs Lewis Copple and family of Norfolk were Saturday overnight guests of Mrs. A. O. Weber. Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Summer and family of Rapid City, S. D. who was here for a few days, Mrs llrowbridge and family, Mr and Mrs. Norman Trowbridge and family and Mrs. A. 0. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski ate dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ge rge Pungratz of O’Null Mrs. Otto MatschuBat helped her daughter, Mrs. A1 Anthony of Inman in the siore on Thursday. Mr. Anthony has been gone fur a few days attending homecom ing in Texas. A church wide pot luck supp.1 was held in the Wesleyan room at the Methodist Church on Fri day night. Worship service ct ‘Thanks and Harvest’ were ob served. Pledges were taken t> wards the clearance of the church’s debt. A good crowd was in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stevison am' Jimmy of Lincoln were here for the weekend visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alton Braddock. On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs Bill Howell of Brunswick visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trow bridge. Mr. ana Mrs. c_orcies winner and Larry spent the weekend vis iting their son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Walker at Cairo. On Saturday they all were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gray at Bluehill. Dr. and Mrs. Dale Matschullat and Mrs. A1 Anthony and children were Sunday afternoon callers at the Otto Matschullat home. Mrs. A. O. Weber and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge were Thurs day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Henderson at Or chard. Mrs. Weber remained a? a supper guest along with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coburn of O’ Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Marcellus of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aim of Dor sey were Sunday dinner and sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Landreth. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Be'mnr and family of Ewing were Sunday afternoon callers at the Dan Tro shynski home. Patron's Day Held District T9 with Mrs. Robert Prill as teacher had patrons day cm Friday afternoon. Most of the mothers attended. The lower grades read and all sang song A light refreshment was servec by the teacher. At the Elmer Trowbridges or Sunday for dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Copple and family cf Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sum mers and family of Rapid City S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Dick Trow bridge and family and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trowbridge and family and Mrs. A. 0. Weber. Penny Carnival for MS On Halloween evening the Em poria school, Mrs. Ruth Hansen teacher had a penny carnival for the benefit of the multiple scler osis fund. The children took care of the booths which included fish ponds and comic side shows. Cards, checkers and bingo were held for the grown uips. Prizes were given for different divisions JoiAnn Williamson for most origi nal, she was a huge pumpkin Jimmy Beelaert for the funniest as a devilish devil and Susan All for the prettiest as a cat. Twenty dollars was netted. Pie and coffee were served. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart of Page, Glenn Miller of Omaha and Marie Gilmore of Lincoln were dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Miller of Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stewart were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Landreth in honor oJ Glenn’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorenser jr. went to Grand Island over the weekend to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorensen. Those attending the receptior for Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miner from Page were Mr. and Mrs N. D. Ickes, Mr. and Mrs. Emrnitt Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Nevin kkes jr. ami Mr. and Mrs. R g tr tKiwen Mr. oiki Mrs R y Zeuers woit Sunday night cal»ers at tnj N D Ickes home. SuT. and Mrs. Richard H. Us and Mr. ami Mrs. Roy Zelleis had a no-host dinner on Sunday at the home ol George and Grace Zellers. A birthday party was held on Sunday night in honor ol Keith Kennedy’s o.rthday. Those attend ing were Mr and Mrs Richard Kenneth ami Darr 11 Heiss, Mr and Mrs Warren Cronk and Mr and Mrs Bad kkes Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and boys of Page, Mrs Edna Lof quist and Mrs. Fern Pollock, both ol E wing w, re Sunday di: ner guests of Mr and Mrs. Bert F tvk The Bert Finks returned home recent y from a six weeks trip to the West Coast Last Weeks News Mesdames Jessie Cronk, Elsie Cork, Emma Canaday, Clarence Dobbins, Harry Harper, Merwyn French. Anton Nissen, Lymsn Park, Frank Snyder, I. 0. Wo d Clarence Stevens and Celestini Williamson surprised their neigh bor, Mrs. Allen Haynes Mi nday afternoon, the occasion being h r 83rd birthday anniversary. A cof fee ft >ur concluded the afternoon Sunday surprise guests m the txime of Mr. and Mrs Allen Haynes were Mr. and Mrs An uiew Steianan. Mr. and Mrs Charles Niche Ison and Mrs. Ad d.e Johnson, all of Calloway and Mr. ami Mrs Harry Harper of Page and Miss Vwa Haynes of Hastings Afternoon guests were Mr and Mrs. Eloit Blaekmore and Mrs Neile Storm of Royal Mrs Blaekmore brought a hirth day cake. Monday the group went to Royal to visit with Elmer Reed and came back to the Harper heme for dinner. About 50 children in masquerade costumes were in attendance at the UNICEF party held at the Methodist church Monday eve ning. Mesdames John Steinberg, Ivan Heiss and Marvin Stauffer were in charge of the arrangements. Following a skit the children were divided into groups with two mothers in charge of each group canvassed the town for contributions for the under-privi leged children all over the world regardless of race or creed About *40 00 was collected. A film mi the work of the UMCEF osgaiuaatiun was sh-wn A sack k.ncn cone.uded the eve lung Mr. and Mrs Soren Sore; sen went to Grand Island Friday wnere th y vismd with ihtir son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs Charles Soreaisen and daugh ters. retiming Sunday. T.iey ob served Charles' birthday anmver sary Ssiturday. Friends from Min den wire also guests Ihe Sor ensesis recently moved to Grand Island from Norfolk George and Grace Zeller moved from the Berigan ranch south . i west of Chambers to the P. E. N.ssen property on tiw? west edge ot Page which they recently pur chased. Because ot ill health Mr Zi llers was forced to retire. Rich ard Heiss and Jeiome Allen drove bucks and Lloyd Herley and Ar me Mace had pick -ups loaded with h Hiseh >ld gixvis Mrs Roy Zeller cooked dinn r for the movers. Phone Your News to The Frontier Phone 788 MACHINE WASHABLE PARKAS 1 A88 Zip-off hoods. Sizes 36 to 46. I HOODED SWEAT SHIRTS 188 Extra heavy fleece lined. S-M-L. f ORLON PILE LINED COATS 1 A88 Long styles! Washable! Sizes 36 to 46. -- - -- COTTON FLANNEL SHIRTS 144 Plaids in full cut style. S-M-L. I 1-PC. WORK-SUITS 498 Styled for SHORT, REG. or LONG men. “I 2-PC. KNIT DRESSES Washable Orion. Misses, half sizes. I j 60 GAUGE 15 DENIER NYLONS 1 First quality. Plain seams. 8Vi to 11. 1 ELECTRIC BLANKETS j 2-yr. guarantee. Single or double size | j 314 LB. SINGLE BLANKETS Plaids, fancies and solids. ORLON PILE LINED PARKAS 788 to ONLY. Machine washable. Sizes 6-10. ■ ORLON PILE LINED PARKAS 088 Knit collar and cuffs. Sizes 12 to 18. O COTTON FLANNEL SHIRTS 129 Bold plaids. Sanforized. Sizes 4 to 18. 1 SPECIAL PRICED AND REDUCED ITEMS THRU-OUT STORE FAMILY SHOE RIOT 122 2 TABLES 1 ..*»•••••• --- ...rWTU LIVE BITTER, TOU’U j rmuts i KELLY EXPLORERS »$f^95 low ■■Vi/o-is AS PLUS TAX AMn PE. NEW CAR TAKE-OFFS . .. exchanged for Kelly Celebrity Nylon Extrasl DRIVEN ONLY A FEW MILES FROM $1 795* A m 7.50-14 *FLUS TAX AND RETREADAILE TIRE fKEI.LY'l VtiMes/ \A/oviy ... LOOK FOR THIS SIGN OF QUALITY AT Your Tiro Haadquartan. .. Quality.Built Ti,#* •" Evary Siia, Typa And Prtca Donga For Evary Kind OF Cor, Including Foraign And Compact Moduli JOE'S TIRE SERVICE on South 4th behind Meadow Gold Phone 716 MACHINERY AUCTION We are overstocked with used machinery and in order to cut down our inventory will sell at Public Auction used machinery at our place of business in Chambers, Nebr. on FRIDAY. NOV. 18 Sale Starts at 1:00 P.M. USED MACHINERY Burge Farm Supply Glen and Twyla Burge CHAMBERS, NEBRASKA Ed Thorin, O’Neill, — Boy Klrwan, Butte - Auctioneers Chambers State Bank, Clerk Ponton Insurance Insurance of All Kinds and Bonds FLORENCE PONTON. P~«»t> Phone lllfi (JoMen Hldi YOU CAN’T BEAT HEAT with the all new FUEL SAVING, FLOOR HEATING The ONLY Heater in America built to HEATEVERY ROOM IN YOUR HOME with exclusive SUPER FLOOR HEAT see it soon at DANKERT'S SERVICE BIO East Doug. Chambers Phone 410 W Ph. ly 2.2101 O’Neill DR. D. E. DAVID OFTOMFTKIST Complete Visual ('are Contact Lenses Hy Appointment Phone tlttl Spencer, Nebraska Electric Motors Rewinding Rebuildirjg t'nil MS-W — *4 hr. Rervk* Northwest Electric O'Neill I You’vt n«v#i dnvtn i weight that handled lika Ihn anal I I ^EASIER GOING FOR THE DRIVER AND I ! THE LOAD, LONGER LIFE FOR THE TRUCK! If you don't think scrapping the front axle has made a world of difference, you haven’t driven a Chevy in a while. A few minutes behind the wheel and you can feel why drivers are happier and breakable loads are better protected. But the biggest advantage of all, you'll realize, is that the truck itself (sheet metal, tires, chassis components, everything) takes less abuse. With independent front sus pension soaking up road shock and vibration, the truck lasts longer, goes extra thousands of miles before trade-in time. Add that to what everybody’s always known about Chevy dependability and you find yourself looking mjJftKLm— at the soundest truck investment you could bet your business on. £&NEMf REAR-ENGINE CORVAIR 95s A panel and two pickups that put a thrifty air-cooled engine in the rear, the driver up front and as much as 1,900 pounds of load space in betweenl That's more capacity than a conventional half-tonner. Yet these Corvair 95's are nearly two feet shorter from bumper to bumper. Highly maneuverable. Built to last and bound to save on a busy schedulel CORVAN—Sid* door* op*n * full 4t* wld*. latdlni fid|ht It • low 14’ Kftl SEE THE CREATEST SHOW ON WORTH NOW AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER’S . y Van Vleck Motors, Inc. 127 North 4th St. O'Neill, Nebraska Phone 100 FAST-FAST-FAST 1961 PHiLCO HI-SPEED DUOMATIC PHILCO GAS QUICK ’N QUIZT Washer - Dryer Combination Automatic Clothes Dryer • Washes and dries average fam- • pu$h button con ily load in just 58-minutes. fro|s • Automatic soak cycle - ,. , • Lint trap • Exclusive moisture measure • Full drum airflow • Water saver ® Exclusive “Criss Cross" tumbling 30-Day Free Trial! Buy Now and Take Home Free.... liberal trade in With the purchase of a Duomatic ALLOWANCES 4 sheets and 4 pillow cases With th. purchase of . Sa. Dry., E“>' ^ °" ^ G" 2 sheets and 2 pillow cases Revolutionary all cotton, white combed percale Pequot I "Easy-Care" no-iron sheets and pillow cases by Indian Head Mills For DePer,dable GAS Service