Meek News By Mr* Feed I ladfcrry Hr* Edwin Wabs called at ©w Elmer DrvaJT* Friday. Mrs Vernon Harding and Mr «nd Mrs Frank Benash at O' Neil] visited Mr and Mr* Art Knrtje at Norfolk Monday Katie P.aHerman of Bonesteel i D came Wednesday to viart her daughter and family Mr and Mr* John Schmitt Thev took her home Sunday Mrs John Dalton, her son Ear! and her brother. Austin Howe I! from Denver, Colo arrived Tuesday evening for a visit with her daughter and family, Mr and Mrs William White of O’ Neill Mr and Mr* Herman Meyer Jr., am! daughter were Tuesday evening supper guests at the Delbert Rouses Ladle* Aid The Paddock Community Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs Axel Borg Wednesday with 17 ladies present The ladies made plan* for their Christmas dinner and bazaar to be held at Mrs Vernon Hardings, I w-oember 7. A lunch was served by the hos tess Mr and Mr* Frank Nelson at tended the We* lev an Methodist church supper at Spencer Friday evening Mr and Mrs Fred Iindbers and Mr and Mrs C E. Worth of O'Ne il we-e Monday afternoon caller* at the Walter Wells home at Bristow Mr and Mrs Bennie Johring and family were supper guests at the Henrv Walter's Saturday. Mr and Mrs Lee Blake went to Ree Heights S D., over the weekend to visit their son, Tom Rlake and familv Several families from this community attended the ball game in O'Neill Friday night Mr and Mrs Lawrence John son moved to the Henry Woid neck home Saturday Mrs John son is teacher in the Leonia school. Mr and Mrs Austin Senrles and family and Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Rouse and boys were Sunday dinner guests at Edward Kaczors. Mr and Mrs. Dwayne Devall visited Mr and Mrs Elm-r De vaU and Mr. and Mrs D. E. Sever over the weekend Mr. and Mrs Vernon Harding wrre visitors at Rose Hardine's and Edna Hubert's home in O' Neill Sunday. Mrs, Henry Walters was a visitor Thursday at the Allen Walter’s. Mrs William Hansen. Sharon and Bobby and Mrs Kennis Han sen and sons called on Mr and Mrs, John Nolan of Fairfax, S. D., Friday. The occasion was Mrs Kennis Hansen’s birthday. Carl Krogh and Fritz Brock ROYAL THEATER Thursday. Nov. IS Family Nile — Entire Family SI-TO THE BIG OOENTRY Gregory Peck Jean Simmons Carrol] Baker Burl Ives Charlton Heston In Technicolor Fit- - Rat Nov. II - 12 ONE FOOT IN HELL Alan Ladd Don Murray CinemaScope — Color by Deluxe Ron. - Mon. - Toes. Nov. IS - 14 - IS PORTRAIT IN BLACK Lana Turner Anthony Quinn j Sandra Dee John Saxon Lloyd Nolan Ray Walston In Eastman Color Wed. - Thurs. Nov. 16 - 17 Family Nile — Entire Family $100 TEXAS CARNIVAL Esther Williams Red Skelton How ard Keel In Technicolor mw w**ru m Qiadrpn Fnday. Mr and Mr* Ed Thoms* ark family were afternoon nsiton and supp-r guest* at the Elmei DevaB's Sunday Mr and Mr* George Schsflert and son* of Attanson and Mr ant Mr* Lee Blake helped Tuesday at the Lawrence Ivibrovoiny home Melvin Johnng took his aunt Mm Rose Jennings and hu mother. Martha Johnng to Blue Earth, Minn, over the weekend They also visited Mr and Mr* Kenneth Broad of K mball. Mm Mr and Mm Fred Lind berg Roger Rosenkran* Mt and Mr* Robert Strong and Glen White attended a Gideon rally held at Ba**ett Saturday evening Mr and Mm Axel Borg were caller* Sunday evening at the Sam Robertson home Mr and Mrs Sam Robertson wen' to Pierce Sunday to visit relatives. Amelia News By Mies Florence Lindsey f inal session to be held Sunday Lit- iw.rui and uati *•&».. n of tie eb rch stuuy ‘ Bloc* a study oi a.c. b 1 ana ciuis-ian responsibility will be held at the Amelia Methodist church cri Sunday night. Not 13 at 7:30 pm. A film “Far from Alone" will be shown. A state patrolman will be pre sent to explain the problem of dmiung and dr.vers and will bring films if there are any avai able. The session will close with a worship service after which a fellowship lunch will be served in the church annex. Sir aka—Kennedy Nuptials November 12 A pre-nuptial shower was given lor Miss Mary Straka on Satur day evening at the Methodist church annex in Amelia. About 40 ladies and children were in at tendance. The program consisted of a ba ton twirling act ny Cathy and Joyce Doolittle and a sk.t to de termine who would be “boss ' it a pod taken lor the Straka-Ken nedy tickets. Mrs Lecortta as the emcee asked questions of the party supporters and were an swered with song titles Miss La na Oetter was the pianist. Miss Straka and Hale Kennedy wiU be married Saturday, Now 12, at the Catholic church in At kinson Mrs Harold Fullerton, Mrs Art Doolittle and Mrs Asa Wat son sponsored the shower. Mr. and Mrs Vern Sageser. Mr. and Mrs Floyd Sageser, Susie Sally and Mark were guests Wed nesday at Mr. and Mrs. Link Sageser's. Mr. and Mrs Harold Waldo Barbara and Judy expect to ar rive here Thursday (to-night > eve ning to spend the Armistice week end. Mr. and Mrs Delbert Edwards and .Arhs. Mrs Dale Butterfield Doretta and Lorn, Mrs. Ralph Maas and daughters. Karina and Marion visited Mrs Rosa Snel son at the home of her daughter Mrs Charles McMiilen. They were taking pictures of Grandma Snelsan and her great-great grand daughters, Karma and Manor Maas Mr. and Mrs August Pospichal Richard and Michael visited her brother and family the Frank Kobza's at Ulysses Sunday, lr the evening they attended a dick supper ait the church m Dwight Mr and Mrs. Marvin Doolittle arid Mr. and Mrs George Ful lerton drove to O’Neill Saturday evening to meet Mr. and Mrs Leon Skala and Mr. and Mrs Gene Skala for supper. Mrs Nettie Bilstien and son Pal left Tuesday for California tc somd a couple months with Mrs Bilstiens daughter, Mrs. Clara Black and family. Mrs. Jim Bil shen and Mrs. Eldon Biallagh accompanied them as far as Win lock. Wash , to visit their parents Mr. and Mrs Elmer Enbody Mrs. Bernard Biackmore. Mrs Elmer Goolidge. Mrs William Frjtear, Mrs Frank Pierce and Mrs Ralph Rees were in O’Neill Tjesdso of iwt week to attend I the gm Bn esrfean^r wi".'j l at the Legwe Hail sponwared by the Extension clubs WSt> Hold Qkh Hoar The Women s Ssciety of Chris tian Service met Wedneadaj Noe. 2 at she home of Mrs to rth Andersen w;th Mrs Vern Sag eaer as hostess There were U members and two visitors in at tendance Mrs Edith Andersen as suaed by Mrs. Siake Ott, Mrs Lew Backhaua. Mrs Clyde WkJ man and Mrs Eartue J hnstor presented the kasoc “Akscbohs® and the CJtnrhan ’’ The second lesson wet led by Mrs. Vern Sageser The lesson was erttled ' la*o all the World Together Mrs Ralph Rees and Mrs Em ma Lmisey served lunch On Friday the S oety h: Id the “Quiet Hour*' service at Mrs Andersen'S There were 14 present at this meeting Mrs Vern Stgeser and her daughter in-law, Mrs. Floyd Sag eser and Mrs Link Sageser at 'enot-c the Gardes Club meeting hmkT evemagr « the h «e <* Mrs James PaBt * Chambers Bta Gilman who is working or. a ranch 8 Cud* c.ime WedBfS day to vs*! reUu v< s He p*as» to he here uael abosu Jihuary l 5 am G .man anc I>3ugla<. Bar on oi Atkinson es Saturday mm mg by cute far Armans Th y ptan to go to a small town near Tucson Mr. and Mrs Howard Berry left Monday, 'Oct 51 tor PS etii An* They nonght a new auuoe wngjo to make the trip. Mr and Mrs Edgar PKersor drove to St Edward. Sunday af teraoon ami vMRtod Edgar s sta ter. Mrs Clara Christiansen. as uncle and aunt. Mr and Mrs Ftsti Jenaec and a anther aunt Mrs Otto Jmsea and Km. Leo nard. Mr and Mrs Ralph Rees drove to Spencer Sunday and wire af lemocn and supper gut-sts ol Mr and Mrs. Jake Cuaasen Mrs Mar lin L liber and two children and Mifs Mary Luber of O'Neill were ate > guests Mrs Lindsey Kid Florence vis lied 8 the Charlie McMillan r mi wth Mrs Julia White in At c.asoc Sunday Gfeti w&d Bch attended a Gibeoc banquet at Saaaett Saturday evening Dand Aianasoo and his g.rt friend o> McPbt r*ou, Kan spent “»• weekend with ha* untie Gfca W’nue and tanniy Mr and Mrs White took them back t McPher son Sunday afternoon where the* are studesa at Oeatra. Cnlaai Mr and Mrs Bill Cahal of Om aha were weekend guests erf her parents. Mr and Mrs Aaa Wat 90S The WSC9 served a pancake dinner and supper on election day at the church anne* Mr and Mrs Frank Pierce Mr and Mrs William Frvrear and Mr and Mrs Elmer Cool idge were Sunday evening cal lers at Lew Backhaus'. Rev Ear) Scbwenk and sons erf Chambers called a: the Arthur Hiatt's oe Monday Mr and Mrs Bernard Black more were deer hunting Satur dsy ei the RasstU vacmity Pete Frshm was an Omaha v in tor last week to have his eye glrsscs checked, then returned to the home of his daughter, Mrs 'ever Kmrtr and family near Stanfcm to spend the weekend Cfc»e erf ha true graaoctaidnrr ■a h—i"i Hit • tawhday ^ari'v w sarj and ' grai dpe” »a* preacwr tor tne occaaiun Pm Johnston of Schuyler wa« a Saturday ewriung Reaper foes* of Mr and Mr* Ernes: Jutac ■ton He Mar returnee to Omat* where he nws :us wife and tarn ity. wh> had accvmpanaed her parens*. Mr and Mr* Dunk Pei ersoe to C aSfnw W‘yo to mend the wedding erf a blither Dor Peter*® TV'y returned to thru tome at Sehuyier Sunday after noon Mr and Mrs Gteim White at tended a Gideon meeting at O Metfi Friday eeenrag Mr* Paid Bnggs and infant daughi, r. D ane returned Wed nesday to their home near R s They hud beer staying with her mother Mrs Maude Forbes few a few days after leaving the At kinson hospital Mrs Forb,-s went home with them and stayed unt. Friday Mr and Mrs Keith Greens*rec: and thr.e ehUdren dr ve up from Lincoln Saturday evening and vis Med uetil Sunday iiftrrnoiwi a? the A C, WMson h"*me Escape layarve* is l psel Mxb fvaaeaan* B.ake ear apt v an* nerve* injurs f* when her car upnet as an? was dr-ring k <• r^amoers Wedaeadar evening She *t» alone at the time at the accident and did no* know the cause sxr u was thought 11 w*> her gravel Mrs Stella Spark?, and Mrs Gertie A.tsur vaxrc at Rakph Adair's Friday evening A prayer conicrwve was held at thr Free Methodist church Sat era ay with services at 10. 3# *r j the momma and again that after note INKE1 iatleettea tM Thr annual UNICEF party was held at the Methodist church an ntx is Amelia c* Haikvweevj n;gh! Twenty five cliiidren came m ecstume* .After the costume* were jjdg ed and prizes given the chtWrer were taken in cars to the g r jading homes in the community for 'tnoks or treats'. Thi "Trick'* was to grt a "Treat” oi ,'ennt '<; to provide milk and med i Kam tor cfe Mrer all over the wor id A total ol Ue «m fathered Uua year and « U he sent to headquarter* fci New Yuit City. \ Patrolman and Mr* Gernld Teach and Mies Jii*n Fullerton drove up from Lincoln Saturday afternoon u> attend the sfaneer lor Mary Su.tka that «vemn* Tier v ;s ted their respective pah «*nts thr An lYnkhttHee and liar otd Fullerton* unui Sunday aI trrnonn. i ' “* Money To Loan! 6 Praprrtr (An Trank*, Parra Eqaynmrt i HoOM'hold Oooda. PrvTMoaJ HARRINGTON Loan and Investment Company LOW RATES SWIFT — ARMOUR — HORMEL PREUSS and CO. —MORRELL — HAUN and CO. — PLUS SEVERAL INDEPENDENT PACKER AND ORDER BUYERS All of these interests are competing for your fat hog consignments EVERY WEEK, at the Wednesday fat hog auctions at THE CREIGHTON LIVESTOCK MARKET. The balance of November wiU show Increased receipts In market numbers around the circuit with prices a little lower. The 210 to 23® lb. butchers will continue to bring the higher prices, with moderate discounts on the 24® lb. and heavier butchers. It wiU pay yon well to sort off a load that will weigh 21® lbs. or more—everyone is bnsy picking corn and runs locally will be light and the demand strong. HI.4® TOP ON BETCHERS. WEDNESDAY. NOV. 2. Delicious Variety R« b»kihi.pkt ws D oieine Tt,w* Houee—Ideal J-lt KQ, naiwin# for muung cookie*, iwdka •• Pk| “• 0„_-|fl Lof Cabin—a blend of 24-ox BLQ* OjiUp *upar and maple au*mr ayrup . .BotUt Peanut Clusters ... m 59c Fig Bars .££ 39* ■" —■'» w *■" Yeast toll wrapped .3 Fkfs I7c Waxed Paper wrappuif lunch*.Kali 19c #>ye eRi**?,,,.. pumpkin —_--r_ PIE flUING 3 ®S SWIFT NINC All-purpaae. perfect for baking or frying 3-Ib Can LUX LIQUID Mild to hands. 12-os. Bottle 41e... 22-at Bottle LIQUID WISK Tor washing dishes, 1-pt Bottle iSe . ,1-qt Bottle Washday detergent, 16-or Pkg Sit Pkg BREEZE QC. Cuts grease eashv 15-ox. Pkg. 9k ... SB-ox Pkg © CONDENSED ALL #r For automatic washers, fast acting ... .ift-oz. Pkg. W RINSO BLUE ^03. Get* clothes whiter looking 22-oa Pkg S5t Pkg. w */* FLORIENT AEROSOL 70. £nds roam odor worries..5:~-os. Cas / /» ___ Safeuay f(i%49c I Pork Loins *££?&49tl*£Z& 59c E Bib Crater Chop*_Lb 6#e ' I VEGETABLES | it 2-lb. Bel-oir Golden Com it 2-lb. Bel-air Sweet Peo* it 2-lb. Bel-oir Mixed Vegetables it 2-lb. Bel-air French Fried Potatoes Your choice of these premium quality frozen vegetables 2-lb. Poly Bag K Pour a little or a lot Use only as much as you need! I So»e uith these first quality Kitchen Craft products — | 3-lb. Pancake Mix ! { 5-lb. Enriched Fleur 1 j Cct c,;r:hh 39« Kitchen Craft Flour... .25-lb. Bag $1.69 ...50-lb. Bag $S.2» I - I Roasted Peanuts Fancy, in shell Lb. 3V« BRAZIL NUTS.^ 59c PEERLESS ALMONDS .. 59c NUT CRACKERS.. 29c What docs an "Omni%