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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1960)
Monowi News By Mr* Miku FihUpp UkMt 9-SAM Mr and Mrs Frank Em sr «kl Sharon visited in th > Frank feds jr home in O’Neill Salur fcy Mr and Mrs. Virgil Sherman and family of Sioux City, la. sie i the weekend in the Piklapp home Mr and Mrs. Robert Zach and family of Verde!, Mr. and Mrs .Virgil Sherman and family of rfWoux Crty and Mr. and Mrs ♦iudy Eller wore Sunday guests in the Mik<> Piklapp home • Mrs L. Tuch and Mrs Junior WiLwm were visitors here Sat to day afternoon. Lena Johnson visited in the C. W Christensen home Sunday • Guy Johnson erf O'Neill was a visitor in the Piklapp home Sin day evening Mr and Mrs Emi! Mieanek were callers here Monday after noon Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Bone a"d sons and Jim Eiler drove up from Lincoln Friday for the fo tball game. Mrs Robert Zach and Mrs. Ru dy Eiler called at the A. W Schindler home Saturday. The (Monowi Ladies aid held their food sale and bazaar in Monowi Tuesday. _ $tuart News Ity Mr*. Herb SUla ! Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Obermirc I received word this wieik that (their son, John Obermire of Ger > in any has been made a captain (He and his family will have com ipletcd a three year stay in De jcember and are hoping to be (home for Christmas. Mrs. Keith King, Mrs. Fritz Kohle and Mrs. Donald Mankalt or were hosts to a miscellaneous shower for Miss Trudy King at the home of Mrs. Keith King on , Friday, Nov. 4. Games were | played. The bonoree opened and displayed tier gifts. Lunch was served. Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Ward Dyer were Mr and Mrs. C. D. Farr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hutchin son of Long Pine were Sunday supper guests of Mr and Mrs. Earl Cadwallader. Mr. and Mrs Hutchinson also visited Mr. and Mrs. Ora Philbrick on Sunday af tamoon. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waechtcr were Mr and Mrs. Sam Marcetlus and Mr and Mrs. Dwight Moody of Ains worth. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Marcellus accompanied Mr. and Mrs D. Moody on a week's visit to Kear ney and to Denver returning home <® Monday. Oct. 31. Mr. and Mrs. Muhlun Shearer left last week fur Arizona where thejr plan to spend the winter Silted Mr. and Mrs John Keating en tertairied at Sunday dinner hi® oring Mary Ruae on her birthday Thoue present wire Mr. and Mrs Bud Batenhorst a rut Mike, Mr and Mrs Gene Batenhor* and family, Mrs. James Batenhorst and Lytmetie of O'Neill, Mr and Mrs Robert Keating and fam ily, Mrs Came K a ting. Mrs F M Keating and Mrs. Sarah Wans, all of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cadwalia der were Sunday dinner guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleby In she afternoon the group visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cadwalla der at Inman Mrs. Lou Sen I a of Alliance came Sunday for Mr Skala, whe had spi n: the past three weeks visiting in the h me of their son Mr. and Mrs. Herb Skala and family. Alan Menke and Gordon Chub buck of Lexington were weekend guests of the Charles Mulfords. The m n went deer hunting. Linden Mulford of Osceola spent several days a week ago to help with the corn picking a! the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mulford. Surprise Dinner Honors .Mrs. Weber A srrprise birthday dinner for Mrs Detune Weber was he'd Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ed Web r. Those present wore Mrs. EUzabtth Schraderer and family, Darlene and Lou Ann Schraderer, all of Gregory, S D Mr and Mrs. Melvin Schraderer of Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Woody and girls and Larry Zuv ruska, all of Dallas, S.D., Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weber and family Mr. and Mrs. Bob Freidel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Gill and family and Donnie Web er. Thursday afternoon callers of Mrs. Dennie Weber were Pauline Schraderer, Keithia and Linda Rahn, all of Mills. Inman News By Mrs. James McMahan Out of town relatives here for the funeral of Joseph Bittner Wednesday were Mrs. Hazel Mc Grail and Virginia of Lincoln, Mrs. Pearl Roe of Hillsboro, Ore.. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roe of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Max Moss man of Tekamah, Mrs. Edgar I/iewe of Wisner, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bittner and Nels Bittner of Fremont, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bittner of Orchard and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bishop of Plainview. Mrs Pearl Roe of Hillsboro, Ore., is spending a few days vi siting her sister and brother, Mrs. Leo Mossman and Paul Bit tner._ Neighborhood Club The Neighborhood Club met Thursday at the home of Mrs Roy Gannon for an all-day ses sion Dinner was served by the hostess after which some of the ladies did work for the hostess and som? brought work of their own. Mrs. Eunice Appleby won the door prize There were eight members and three visitors pre sent. The next meeting will be held December 7 when Mrs. Laura Halstead will be hostess — Robert A. Ruther and Bill De- j Long, who attend college at Grand Island, spent the weekend visiting their parents. Mr and Mrs Robert W. Ruther and Mr. I and Mrs. Merle DeLong. Margaret Pruss, who teaches in Clearwater spent the weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pruss. Robert Geary returned Friday from St. Anthony's hospital where he had been a patient for several days. Kenneth Smith returned home Wednesday from St. Joseph's hospital in Sioux City where he had undergone major surgery The Senior Class of Inman high school is sponsoring a Penny Carnival and Stunt Show Friday evening at the school auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. James Banks and Roger visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Buhl mann jr., and son at Bartlett. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Watson of Rapid City, S. D-, came Saturday to visit Mr and Mrs. Earl Wat son and with relatives in O’Neill. Earnest Trowbridge returned Sunday evening from Euphrata, Wash., where he spent several months visiting Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butterfield and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Anson of Ewing. The occasion w'as the birthday anniversaries of Lorraine and Leonard Butterfield. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark and family of O'Neill visited Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark Saturday. Woodrow Gauehenbauch. who is employed with North American Van Lines, came home Sunday i enroute from Seattle, Wash., to Richmond, Va Mrs. Albert Anthony, Terry and j Gaylene visited Mr. and Mrs. ; Otto Matschullat at Page Sun- j day afternoon. Ralph Sholes, who is employed at Ainsworth, visited his mother, Mrs. Violet Sholes, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reed and family of Lincoln visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kopejtka and family over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morsbach of i NeUgh visited Mrs. Elizabeth Morsbach Sunday. Mary Morsbach accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown and Keren to Norfolk Sunday to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Abney went to Norfolk Wednesday evening and met Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kel ley and family of Wisner. Gene, Janet and Gilbert Kelley came with them to spend their vaca tion. Saturday afternoon Mrs. Lyle j Abney and Mrs. Jesse Kelly en- I tertained in the Abney home in honor of Gene Kelly’s ninth birth day. Guests were Greg, Bruce : and Randy Wettlaufer, D ug Mat- j schullat, Craig Albers, Alvin and ! Kevin Heiss, Everett and Carol Thompson and Susan Freemeier. j Gene, Janet and Gilbert Kelly spent Saturday night at Jesse Kelly’s at Page. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Abney took Gene, Janet and Gilbert Kelly to Norfolk Sunday afternoon where they were met by their parents Mr. and Mrs. T m Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Abney cal led at the Kenneth Smith home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong visited Mr. and Mrs. James Con wav at O’Neill Sunday afternoon Albert Anthony left Tuesday morning for Ralls, Tex. where hr will visit relatives and attend homecoming of Ralls high school. Community Club met Monday evening at the school assembly ro^m for the regular meeting William Griffin of O’Neill was a special guest and explained the amendments of the November P election. Routine business was taken care of and lunch was ser ved. Phone Your News to The Frontier Phone 788 I FARM AUCTION < I Ah we have decided to quit farming, we will sell the following described property at |Hibllc auction at the farm, 12 miles north of O’Neill on 281 and 1 3/4 miles west OR 19 miles south of Spencer on 281 and 1 3/4 west, on WED.. NOV. 16 Sale Starts at 12:30 P.M. Lunch on the Grounds 45 HEAD OF CATTLE 45 Including 14 Good Milk Cows GOOD LINE FARM MACHINERY SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS TERMS—CASH. No property to be removed until settled for. I Fred & Theresa Ernst, Owners Col. Wallace O’Connell & Dwayne Anson, Auctioneers Ed Murphy, Clerk 9 ALL YOUR DREAMS CAN COME TRUE They can come true if you save regularly! Take your savings, add Occidental’s current dividend of 4% per annum and you’ll be sur prised at how fast you can have that new house ... the vacation trip . . . education for the children!!! Each savings account is insured up to $10,000 by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. Open a savings account tomorrow! Organiad 1889 BUILDING A LOAN ASSOCIATION S&MlttB. ■HHBSEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT H I 1 . 40L. Z M rm Before the Game . . . After the Game . . . Anytime . . . FILL IP AT Wilson's Texaco Complete Automobile Service ( ) MINNESOTA vs WISCONSIN ( ) WEEKEND GROCERY BUYS Shurfine Fancy PUMPKIN 2-21/2 Cans 35c Shurfine High Protein FLOUR 2-25-Lb. Bale $3.29 25-Lb. Bale $1.69 Shurflne Strained or Whole CRANBERRY SAUCE 3—300 Cans 49c BANANAS 2 Pounds 25c 4th St. Market ( ) MISSOURI vs KANSAS U. ( ) HARDING CREAMERY Manufacturers of Condensed Buttermilk and Liquid Buttermilk Take advantage of lower feed costs—Supplement your hog ra tion with Harding buttermilk rilONE 84 TODAY! ( ) NEBRASKA U. vs OKLAHOMA U. ( ) t They Can’t Be Beat .... MOHAWK Carpet and ARMSTRONG Tile Pick A Winner ! BIGLINS ( ) TEXAS CHRISTIAN vs RICE ( ) Football Contest $10 For Entry with Perfect Score $5 In Prizes Each Week CONTEST RULES 15 football games nest weekend are placed, one In each ad on this page. Indicate the winner by writ ing In the name of the team op posite the advertiser’s name In the entry blank. No scores. Just the winner. Pick a number you think will be the highest number of points scored by any one team on this page and place that number In the “Points" space provided on the entry blank. This score will be used to break ties. Three entries only to each con stant. Entry blanks are nlso available at all participating mer chant's stores. Entries must be postmarked before 5:30 p.m. Thursday proceeding the games. OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK Reasonable Facsimile Accepted Name ____ _ Address Points McCurvilles _ Lby's _ Dick’s Bar_ O'Neill 1/oan ____________________ McIntosh____— Meyer’s Furniture_ Spelts Lumber __ - Scovle’s ___ I’inkerman's _ _ Johnson Drug ___ Rlglin’s ... Wilson’s Texaco . . tth St. Market_— llanling Creamery_ Discontinued Community Silver Patterns 52-Pc. Service for 8 Regular 89.95 49.95 without chest Stop In Today McIntosh Jewelry ( ) BAYLOR vs SOUTHERN METHODIST ( ) "If I were going to do any home painting I'd see Scovie's Western Auto for quality Morris Paints. Over 6,000 colors to choose from with the new Color-Ama Paint mixing machine. Match any Color." 1^91 SCOVIE'S WESTERN AUTO O’Neill ( ) UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA vs KANSAS STATE ( ) For complete Carpeting and Floor Covering Service •CARPETS *TILE •LINOLEUM •INLAID - VINYL - LINOLEUM Guaranteed Installation Inlaid Starting at 27c a sq. ft. See us or call 52G—Free Estimate Meyer's Midwest Furniture West O’Neill ( )UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA vs STANFORD ( ) JOHNSON DRUGS Prescription Store Desert Flower Hand & Body Lotion — SPECIAL $2.00 Bottle Only $1.00 BUI Petache, pharmacist O'NelU ( ) UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO vs OKLAHOMA STATE ( ) . J s',: . ,8 ■ ; . H. .. r After the Game . . . Talk it over at DICK'S BAR Headquarters for Saturday afternoon quarterbacks’’ Watch the Saturday game here ( ) HARVARD vs YALE ( ) ir/^dcdD f / / / The Taco antenna engineering that’s making history in tracking Earth-Circling | Satellites can be yours in the finest TV antennas available — Taco, the antenna j \| ANTFNNA that makes all programs look... FOR YOU- TV-Piff/c! Available la golden anodiiing for IboM fha/ want lh» wry bo* ,., PINKERMAN'S TV Prone 302 O’Nblll j ( ) UNIVERSITY OF IIJ.INOIS vs NORTHWESTERN ( ) Money is no problem when you see O'NEILL LOAN COMPANY Virg Laursen Cash loans for all your needs—Consolidate debts, buy a car, Anything at all. Also your Real Estutc and Insurance needs Headquarters ( ) PURDUE vs INDIANA UNIVERSITY ( ) For Games Away . . . Fill up at EBY'S CONOCO Get a full tank of Super Premium Gasoline - Conoco Gasolines and Motor Oils ( ) IOWA STATE vs COLLEGE OF THE PACIFIC ( ) McCARVILLES “Shoes for the whole Family” ( ) NOTRE DAME vs UNIVERSITY OF IOWA ( ) MINNESOTA PAINTS Give Your Home A Bright, New Look SPELTS LUMBER Company O’Neill ( ) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN vs OHIO STATE ( ) Support Your Team!