The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 10, 1960, Section Two, Image 11

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Section Two Four Pages
Volume 80—Number 29 O Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, November TO, I960 Seven Cents
Second of A Series . . .
Featuring Holt County Rural Schools
Ren* and Michael Slatter;, first and second graders, travel SI
miles each da; to get to school.
Roads, Distance
Are Problems
Facing Schools
Two school district*. Star and
Cedar Corners, decided to solve
their re-districting problems by
attending school the first semes
ter in the Star district and the
second at Cedar Comers
For them the major problem
was getting the children hack
and forth. One family drive*
K mile* a day to keep their
children In school and when the
Lyle Johnson* share the bur
den and go after and take the
Slattery children they also
drive the same distance.
A pedometer strapped to the
ankle of each child would total
1140 miles a day which would add
40 miles for the teacher and that
total times five days a week would
spring the grand total to 5.900
miles a week Computing at that
rate for nine months would make
a person diary. Fortunately they
do not travel one alone in a car
so the car owners get a break of
a scan tut in all kinds of weather,
ram or shine, it still is a chore
for someone to add to their day s
All grades except the kinder
garten are taught by Mrs
Dorothy Sanders who found get
ting to school and home again a
problem of major concern when
the weather was rough and the
roads travel resistant
The mileage pendulum will
swing back the other way for
some when they take up work at
Cedar Comers School equipment
was taken to Star which will have
to be brought back
Pupils are Michael and Rena
Slattery. Larry and Wynn John
son. Pamela Derickson. daughter
of Mr and Mrs Albert Deiick
son. Billy Revell. Gail and Veldon
Spangler Bradley Vicky and
Virginia Hansen. Betty and Diane
Kubie. Carl and Carol (twins),
and Gary Wilcox and Ranald
Roger and Claudia Denckson
children of the William Deriek
On one of the roads Mrs
Sanders had to travel last winter
the section line was not open for
sax miles.
Dorsey News
By Mrs. Harold CKbom
Eddie Hrbek and Hal Rosen
krans have been helping Roger
Rosenkrans with cement work
for the foundation and Door of a
steel crib.
Mr. and Mrs Marion McCoiley
were Sunday dinner guests at
the Howard and T. J. Graham
Mr and Mrs Marvin Ruzicka
and family were callers at the
Otto Ruzicka home Thursday
Mr and Mrs Lee Brady sr.,
attended the football game in
Lynch Friday night
George Theroff was a caller at
the Edward Carson and Carson
sisters home Sunday afternoon
Mrs. Roger Boseakram gave
the pupils of District No. 4 a
Halloweea party at tbeir farm
borne Monday evening.
Mr and Mrs Lee Brady sr.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cole
called at the Carson sisters Sun
day evening.
Mrs Hunter is slowly improv
ing. she returned home Wednes
day from the Lynch hospital
where she had been a patient for
sev eral weeks
Mr. and Mrs Robert Wells and
sons were Thursday evening cal
lers at the Howard Slack home.
Mr and Mrs Thomas Hiscocks
were Sunday visitors at the Ro
bert Wells home.
The Scottville Extension club
is holding their meeting Wednes
day evening at the heme of Mrs
Anna Carson
Mrs John Denckson has been
having a seige of the Du and a
bad cold the past week.
Mr. and Mrs Lester Derickson
are working on the basement of
their home and also getting the
house moved over the basement.
The men in this community are
very busy picking oom.
- - "
Riverside News
By Mr*. Lionel Gunter
Mrs. Alfred Natner visited
Mrs James Kay Fnday after
The Vert Gunter family of
Mead were overnight guests Sat
urday and Sunday at the Will
Shrader home. .Alice Shrader rode
as far as Norfolk to visit rela
Mrs Gerald Wettlauffer and
Gary of O'Neill. Mr and Mrs
Willie Shrader. Douglas and Da
nd, Mr and Mrs Arch* John
son, Marilyn and Baroara and
M«7 Ann Bauer were dinner
guess Sunday a: the Wu Shra
der home
The John Napier famiry visa
ed Saturday evening at the J^r
ry Cuddy home in O'Kell
Kitty Waaser and Mary Cut*
sai visaed Saturday ahem or. al
the Arch* Johnses home
Mrs Earl Pierson was a damn
guess Wednesday at the DewiU
Hoke home
Mr and Mrs Earl Pierscs »e<
dinner guest:s Sunday at the Mar
cus Pierson home
Darroi Switzer and Join Sn&rg
of Omaha were weekend guea*
at the Ora Saitaer home and did
some pheasant hunting
Mr and Mrs Archie Johnston
Sharon and Marilyn, and Mrs
Gerald Wett-auffer and Gary and
the Willie Strader family visit ed
last Sunday at the Will Shrader
Mr and Mrs George Mont| m
ery visited Sunday at the R 6ert
Montgomery home near NeLgh
Roberta, their gramfcdaughu r.
was in Lincoln Tuesday for *
checkup and had to have a plas
ter cast put on to help strengther
her hip She is to go back to Lin
coln in eight weeks far a check
Barbara Johns: si was a guest
of Becky Miller last Sunday
Mrs Richard Napier Susan
Rita and Nancy visited Saturday
afternoon at Dele Napiers
Mrs Dave Pollock is under the
<fack?s care wafa a aore throat
ttua wees
Mr sad Mrs Howard Mu^er
visited Mrs Jessie Crook and El
mer Trowondge at Page Friday
Mr sad Mrs George Mootgom
ery visited Weonesoay event. g
at the WuOir Mahuod feme is
B.o went wish Char
les Rotherham to hunt deer near
Crawford Friday monnag
Mr and Mrs Grant Mott sett
to Valentine Saturday to visit re
lattws and go deer hunting
Leo and Wafer Miller are deer
hunting m AateRipe Coimty tti.s
past week
Mr. and Mrs Z. H Fry and
Mr and Mrs Otto Retke were
dinner guests last Sunday at the
Richard Napier home
Mr and Mrs Eari Piers « cal
i d last Sunday evening is the
Rudy Ahlers feme
Toro Hutson began for
Leo Miller Tuesday
EUea Mud. r fell while play
i«g ta the yard and rat a gash
ia her eye brow which U k
Ihrsf sUlches to close
The Wayne Fry family visited
ia>t Senday evening with Mr and
Mrs Otto Retke
Mr and Mrs Ben Fink re
turned feme Tuesday after visa
ing relatives in California and
Col rado They flew by yet frcro
California So Denver They specs
Monday night with relatives at
Grand Island
Mr and Mrs Lorraine Mont
gomery entertained the Forum
group at the Church .Vanrx Fn
aay ennng Mrs. Dale Najiti
and Mrs L\m helped srnh the
lunch Mr and Mrs Leo M.iH:
gave the ieaaoc.
Mr ud Mrs George M M
gn—ery acre rbhin
but MnuUiy altersitta
Mrs Kttth Biddieoome was as
oeerrvi*h» guest last TLuaday at
the Joe Hegr home near Msd;
Mr and Mrs Rudy Ahirrs wm
dimer guests last Sunday at the
Fred Rater home at T.ldeo
Mr and Mrs Z H Fry via
>ted at the Don Larson home list
Tuesday evening
Deloit News
By Mrs. H Relmcr
Mr and Mis Howard Temple
and daughters of Hastings
brought Mrs Scott Oow at Den
ver to the Roy Johnson home in
Nehgh Saturday The Temples
spent the weekend at the Henry
Reimer home
Ferilnsnd Hupp it seriously
ill in a Norfolk hospital. He
has suffered several heart at
Mrs Mary Steams and Mr
and Mrs Maynard Steams at
tended a church supper at Park
Center Saturday
Mr and Mrs Will Conner at •
Ewing are staving at the Carl
Hubei home while the Hubels
are on a hunting trip
Pinochle ilub
The Dekat Pinochle club met
Thursday at the H Werkmeister
home Election of officers was
held with the fallowing result."
Mrs Frank Bnhn president; and
Mrs H Werkmeister treasurer
Mrs Elizabeth Bartak was a
guest Mrs L. L Bartak and
Mrs Charles McDonald won
Mrs Scott Clow of Denver
Colo , Mrs Anita Lee of Junction
Qty, Kan, Mr and Mrs H
Temple and daughters of Hast
ings Mr and Mrs Otto Renner
of Lincoln, Mr and Mrs Fred
Harpster, Mr and Mrs Glenn
Harpster and sons and Mr and
Mrs Henry Reimer were Sunday
dinner guests at the home a#
Judge and Mrs L. W Rnmer >d
O Neill
Mr and Mrs Otto Reimer oi
Lincoln spent Saturday night at
the E L Sisson home
Harold Cbok of Lincoln spent
Saturday and Sunday at the L
L Bartak and Mrs Hl.rabeth
Bartak tumes
Mrs L L Rartak and Voade
and Larry Paul. Mrs Alice
Lodge and Mrs Seltmg spent
Tuesday in Norfolk visiting rei*
CBntptckmg i* >n full swutg,
yields v ary from poor to very
good m Bus community.
Try The Frontier Went
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