f t1 Amelia News By Mint. Morecce Lindsay Ur and Mrs Floyd Sagcser, Susie and Mark of Kansas City, Kan arrived Saturday to visit bis part-lifts, Mr. and Mrs Vern « Sageser and grandparents Mr. and Mrs Link Sageser. Mrs Bernard Blackmore, Mrs Ralph Rees. Mrs M. L. Sageser, Mrs Vern Sageser and Mrs Mil ton Cl* mens, all members of the Amelia Progressive project club, attended Achievement Day in O’ 'Neill Tuesday. Bernard Blackmore and Ralph Rees attended the cattle sale at the Van Horn ranch near O’Neill Tuesday. The program presented by the Amelia school Thursday evening was well amended and enjoyed by everyone. Ihe Chamber* fire depart ment waa called to the Pat Bil stlen ranch near Swan luike last Monday to hi dp extinguish a grass fire caned by the tra tor. There was no hay loss. Mr and Mrs Ralph Rees cal led at the Ed Jungmuns Monday evening. Mr and Mrs. Art l^ach of Om aha have been visiting recently at the Ed Jungman home. Sally Landrum of Atkinson six nt the weekend with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott. Susan LnRue visited Darin Wal do last weekend and attended the school program in Amelia Thurs day evening. Mr. and Mrs Harvey Hanson and Carol of Atkinson visited at the Irvin Forbes Thursday eve ning and also attended the Amelia school program. Mrs. Gertie Adair has been helping at the Tommie Doolittle home while Mrs. Doolittle and infant daughter wi re at the hos pital. Mrs. B. W. Waldo received injury on her arm when a mill in a board she was getting for kindling wood penetrated the arm. She was taken to the doctor for treatment and a tet anus shot. Mrs. George Fullerton helped Mrs Floyd Waldo dress chickens for the freezer Friday. Mrs Julia White returned home last Saturday from Watertown. S. ’D., where she had been vis iting her daughter, Mrs. Frnnk Paul Shierk INSURANCE AOENCY O'NEILL. NEBR Insursncfi of AO Kind* tAltai Bra (Mock Mrs. BratMock is teaching in a school for the retarted m Watertown. Mrs. Ralph Rees. Mrs. Lind sey and Florence vis.ted at Floyd Attains Friday evening. Don show ed the pictures he had takes while on the teacher's tour through the southern states Mr and Mrs. Dunk Peterson plan to go to Casp- r, Wyo., Wed ntsday w tie re on Thursday. Nov. 6. they wili attend the wedding of their son, Don Peterson,^ to Miss Patricia Mahoney uf Cas per. Mrs. Delbert Edwards visited her mother, Mrs. Rosa SneIson at her home in Atkins on Tues day. Mrs. Snelson had sufh red another light stroke. Lew Backhaus did some fall yard work for Mrs. Withers Wed nesday afternoon. . Debra, Bruce and Larry Waldo and Ronnie and Kay Thompson cleaned leaves exit erf the yard for Mrs Delia Ernst Saturday afternoon. Marcia Widman, a student at Mormngside College, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr ami Mrs. Clyde Widman. This was her first visit home since school started. Mr. and Mrs. Wid man took her back to Sioux City Sunday afternoon. Mr. Gus Robertson of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson and Mr and Mrs. Art Doolittle were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Boo Adair, Jer ry and Wane, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph , iAdair and boys were evening cal lers. Rev. and Mrs. Ivan Turner of Ringoki were Friday afternoon callers at Glen Whites. Rev. Tur ner was the former pastor at the Free Methodist church. The Amelia school pupils on joyed their Halloween party Fri day afternoon. The Swan Lake pupils had their party Monday. The pupils all came to school ui masks. The mothers were invited for the afternoon god they also came masked. Mrs. Edgar Paterson was an O'Neill caller Saturday. The WSCS * Will serve' lunch election day at the Methodist church annex. The menu will be pancakes, eggs, sausages and cof fee. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus and Mrs. Frank Pierce visited at Will iam Fryrcar’s Saturday evening. Mrs. Lindsey and Florence were dinner guests Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidges. In the afternoon they all visited at the Charles Coolidge home. Mrs. Cal vin Coolidge and sons of O’Neill were also visiting at the Char les Coolidge’s. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Edith Andersen. Dunk Peterson and Frank Web er were hunting near Sargent Sunday. __ SMORGASBORD llristow Trinity Lutheran Church WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9-Starting at 5:30 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME ! Adults $1.25 -Children under 12, 50c Menu: Kott ballar, hona, pototes karf, sill, osts, pototes-cream ihI salad, swei^t potatoes, ham. assorted salads, torta. ostkaka, fmkt soptt, roR bred, pumperknlckle, white buns, svenska boner, smor arter, relishes and jellies. | HELPING HAND J The Helping Hand dab will ] meet November 10 at the home I of Mrs. Lew Backhaus. Bring ideas fur Christmas. Mr and Mrs Charles DnolHlU of Cortland visited from Fnday | to Sunday with Mr. and Mrs T. S. Doolittle. Mr. and Mrs Dick Doolittle, Jack, Bill and Terry were visit \ mg at the Ed Weigel borne Sun day to help observe the birthday | of their small sun. Ho time. Mr. and Mrs George Fullerton [ visited at Dick Doolittle's Sun dav evening. Mrs. Stella Sparks of Chambers I called on Mrs. Blake Ott Sunday | afternoon. Mrs. Delia Ernst and Mr. and Mrs Darrel Slaymuker, Lloyd and Dannie of Albion were vis it rs at Bemte Kennedy's Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White and Venita were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. C Barnett. Mr and Mrs. Lewis Bargett went to O'Neill Monday to get their little grandson, Timmy Cud dy, and care for him while Mrs. Cuddy and baby daughter are in i the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear were Sunday evening callers at Frank Pierces. Redbird News By Veldeen Pinkerman Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Pinker man and sons were Sunday din ner guests in the Veldon Pinker man home. A surprise farewell party was held at the Fay Puikerman home Saturday evening. Those attend ing were Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aim, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinkerman, Del mar and Danny, Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pinkerman and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull. Mrs. Pinkerman plans to move to her new home in O’Neill in the near future. Mrs. Guy Hull accompanied Mrs. Albert Carson to Norfolk Friday where they attended teachers institute. Mrs. Eldon Sedivy. Mrs. Fay Pinkerman and Mrs. Guy Pinker man attended patrons day at the Scottville school Thursday after noon . Mrs. Veldon Pinkerman and Veldeen visited Mrs. Fay Pinker man Saturday morning. Mrs. Virgil Pinkerman had pat rons night at the Redbird school house Friday night. Mrs. Ray Wilson went to Wayne Saturday with Mrs. Willa Scholl meyer, Bruce and Bardy. Mr. and Mrs. Swede Sedivy and sons were Saturday evening supper guests in the Guy Hull home in honor of Mrs. Sedivy’s birthday. Willus Butterfield of Battle Creek was a business caller in this area Tuesday. Rodrick Hughes spent the week end at the Jack Hughes home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Slack took Mrs. Retta Phelps to O’ Neill Thursday to her daughter’s, Mrs. Bill Conard. Mrs. Phelps is leaving this week for her home in Cottage Grove, Ore. She has spent the past month visiting in Holt county. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! j Change Wash DAYS to MINUTES with a modern ELECTRIC DRYER Leave all the drudgery of laundry - lugging and clothes-pinning behind. An electric dryer is such a convenience—in any weather, at any hour, you can have soft, fresh clothes, ready to fold and put away or damp dry for ironing. And you’ll enjoy years of trouble-free service with an electric dryer because of its simple con struction and minimum number of parts. It costs an average of only $1.50 a month to dry clothes the modern, electric way. You can actually op erate your dryer for two to four years on the money you save on the purchase price alone. An electric dryer is clean and safe as electric light! A twist of a switch sends sunshine-pure radiant heat through the gently tumbling clothes. Every load of clothes comes out springtime fresh and clean—white clothes stay white and colors sparkle bright. An electric dryer is fast. An 18-pound load of wet cottons dries thoroughly in 26 to 30 minutes in axiy electric dryer. You’ll find your dryer keeps pace with or stays ahead of your automatic washer. NEW SPACE AND MONEY-SAVER A combination electric washer-dryer takes up little space and costs less than two separate appliances. Saves work, too. Just load it, set a dial—and take out clothing ready to iron or put away. Ask your dealer to show you one of these new combination units. INSTALLATION OFFER |j | |i Be sure to ask your favorite Electric Appliance || J Dealer or Consumers Pubic Power District Mil about the “Special Installation Offer.” It’s JD1 jji] youx- opportunity to SAVE more. Ml Choose your electric dryer from these dependable national brands. Blackitono - Coronado - Eajy - Frigidalr. - Gen.ral Electric - Hotpoint - Imp.rial Ktlvinator — Kenmore — Maytag — Norge — Philco-Bendi* — RCA Whirlpool Speed Queen — WestinqHouse — Wizard. » VISIT YOUR FAVORITE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER OR CONSUMERS PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT I ••]&&* , . I Before the Game . . . After the Game . . . Anytime . . . FILL up AT ' , -i Wilson's Texaco Oomplfti" Automobile Service ( ) ARKANSAS v» 8. M. U. ( ) I WEEKEND GROCERY BUYS Shurfine SHORTENING 3 Pound Can 63c Red Delirious APPLES Vz Bu. 2.98 Florida GRAPEFRUIT lb. 10c Shurfine SALAD DRESSING v qt. 39c 4th St. Market ( ) WAKE FOREST vs DUKE ( ) HARDING CREAMERY Manufacturers of Condensed Buttermilk and Liquid Buttermilk Take advantage of lower feed costs—Supplement your hog ra tion with Harding buttermilk PHONE 84 TODAY! ( ) AIR FORCE vs U. C. L. A. ( ) They Can’t Be Beat .... MOHAWK Carpet and ARMSTRONG . • ■ t I Tile ' -r * * . 3 I Pick A Winner BIGLINS ( ) TEXAS A Si M vs KICS( ) ‘ ‘ AiV _ CONTEST RULES « - i 15 football games next weekend are placed, one In each ad on this page. Indicate the winner by writ ing In the name of the team op posite the advertiser’s name In the entry blank. No scores. Just the winner. Pick a number you think will be the highest number of points scored by any one team on this page and place that number in the “Points” space provided on the entry blank. This score will be used to break ties. Three entries only to each con stant. Entry blanks are also available at all particIpaUng mer chant’s stores. Entries must be postmarked before 5:30 p.m. Thursday proceeding the games. 1 OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK Reasonable Facsimile Accepted Name ..—— - / Address Points ^ McC'arvilles __ ■■ — ■■■ Eby's_ Dick’s Bar __._ O’Neill Ixuin____ — McIntosh . _ — Meyer’s Furniture — Spelts Lumber _ — Soovle’s _ — I’iiikerman’s _ — .Johnson Drug - lliglin’s ... --— Wilson's Texaco ... -- tth St. Market --- Harding Creamery -— NEW SHIPMENT Black Hills Gold Just Arrived Gold necklaces, earrings, rings and tie clasps Stop In Today McIntosh Jewelry ( ) O'NEILL vs PLAINVIEW ( ) "If I were going to do any home painting I'd see Scovie's Western Auto for quality Morris Paints. Over 6,000 colors to choose from with the new Color-Ama Paint mixing machine. Match any Color." SCOVIE'S WESTERN AUTO O’Neill ( ) IOWA vs OHIO STATE ( ) For complete Carpeting and Floor Covering Service •CARPETS *TILE ‘LINOLEUM •INLAID - VINYL - LINOLEUM Guaranteed Installation Inlaid Starting at 27c a sq. ft. See us or call 526—Free Estimate Meyer's Midwest Furniture West O’Neill ( ) BAYLOR vs SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ( ) JOHNSON DRUGS Prescription Store Desert Flower Hand & Body Lotion — SPECIAL $2.00 Bottle Only $1.00 BUI Petsche, pharmacist O’Neill ( ) PURDUE vs MINNESOTA ( ) After the Game . . . Talk it over at t- " DICK'S BAR Headquarters (or Saturday afternoon quarterbacks” Watch the Saturday game here ( ) COLORADO vs KANSAS ( ) 1T/^«C€D »/ / / The Taco antenna engineering that’* making history In tracking Earth-Circling /\wrHy Satellites can be yours in the finest TV antennas available — Taco, the antenna 111 ANTFNNA that makes all programs look... for you- TV-nffic! Available In goldnn anoditing far Ibeae that want lit very beef ... PINKERMAN'S TV Prone 302 O'Neill ( ) NEBRASKA vh OKLAHOMA STATE ( ) Money is no problem when you see l O'NEILL LOAN COMPANY Virg Laursen j Cash loans for all your needs—Consolidate debts, buy a car, Anythin); at all. Also your Real Estate and Insurance needs Headquarters ( ) IOWA STATE vs KANSAS STATE ( ) For Games Away . Fill up at EBY'S CONOCO Get a full tank of Super Premium Gasoline - Conoco Gasolines and Motor Oils L ( ) MISSISSIPPI vs TENNESSEE ( ) ( 4 & j - % -R •" ' ' '#f » *< *1 ' 7 ‘ V ■ McCARVILLES , • - fT* ' "Shoes for the whole Family" ( ) OKLAHOMA vs MISSOURI ( ) MINNESOTA PAINTS Give Your Home A Bright, New Look SPELTS LUMBER Company O’Neill 9 ( ) TEXAS vs TEXAS CHRISTIAN ( ) Support Your Team! ill ^ . „ v . ■ ■ #- . -» ,«■> «• mm • | _I — as————1 4i^