Dorsey News By Mm. Harold Osborn Mrs. Evelyn Wickham and mo ther spent from Wednesday over the weekend at the Carson home Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe came to visit his mother, Mrs Mary Wolfe and Miss Lizzie Car son and call on Mrs. Carrie Hunter at the hospital. Beverly Carson spent a few days at home. She returned to Lincoln Saturday. Mrs. Leta Miles and Linda were visitors in this community over the weekend Ruth Osborn accompanied Joyce McGill and roommate home from Wayne so they could attend Homecoming at Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn took Ruth to McGills Sunday ar.d called at the Robert Zach home on their way home. Mr. and Mrs. Buss Greene were Sunday evening visitors at the Edwards home. Clayton Bennett of Lynch ir cabling hay for folks in this com munity. June Carson spent Friday eve ning at home with her parents, returning to her college work at Hastings Saturday. Stuart News By Mrs. Herb Sksls Friends of Mr. und Mrs. John Kramer surprised them Sunday evening with an anniversary par ty for their 4ird anniversary. Four tables of pitch were at play High prize winners were Mr. and Mrs. John Miksch, low prize winners were Lloyd Otto and Mrs. John Hamik and travelers went to Mrs. Frank Wewel. The self-invited guests served lunch Mr. luid Mrs. John Wi ichman entiTtainea two tames at pm icnie Sunday evening. Jerry Wallinger of Omaha spent Home coming weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wal linger and boys, Leigh Mueller spent the week end with John Stech at the George Keidel home. Kntertain At Pitch Party Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hytrek en tertained friends at a card party on Friday night at their home Five tables of pitch were played High prize winner for men war Kollo Berry, second high wa: Andy Moeller, high prize for la dies was won by Mrs . Aleys Schmaderer and second high went to Mrs. Rollo Berry. The next card party will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Minmg. Mrs. L. H. Steinhauser enter tained at a ibaby shower Tuesday evening, Oct. 11 for Mrs Har vey Steinhauser and baby daugh ter, Peggy Twenty guests wen present. Cards were played am' after the games Mrs. Steinhauser opened her gifts. Lunch was served. Saturday callers at the Ralph Shald home were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenfield and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Greenfield. Wins lHp To New Orleans Philip, Pat, Mark and Jim Keating, sons of Mr. and Mrs John Keating, are spending this week with their grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Bob Batenhorst while their parents are cn a trip to New Orleans, La. The trip was a gift from the International Har vester Co. to Mr. Keating. Roland Shald ol Omaha ^etn the weekend with his parents, Mr and Mrs John Shald Clem Myer ol Helena, Mont a cousin of the late Clem Olberding stopped at the home ol Mrs, Clem Olberding last week He was en route home from Iowa Mr. and Mrs. BlU Sc horn en tertained friends at a pitch par ty Sunday evening Present were Mr and Mrs Dick Straka, Mr and Mrs. Don Bernt, Mr. and Mrs Raymond Meusch, Mr and Mrs. Arlm Brown ol Atkinson and Mr and Mrs. Dennie Weber Prize winners were Mr. and Mrs Dennie Weber, high score and Dick Straka and Mrs Don Bernt low. Next party will be Novern her 13 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Straka , Mrs. Dick Straka accompanied by Mrs Gene Ramm, Mrs. Don Myers and Mrs Lawrence Kaup attended the Catholic nurse's as sociation meeting at O’Neill. Dr Wilson gave a talk on hypnosis Mr and Mrs. Ralph Shald were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Shald and family. Mrs. Herb Skala and children spent Sunday at Merriman visit mg Mr and Mrs. Cranston Mc Cormick and children. Other guests were Mr and Mrs. Lou Skala of Alliance. Lou Skala re turned home with them to siiend a few weeks at the home of his son, Herb Skala. Last Tuesday and Wednesday Mrs. Dora D >yle ol O’Neill visited in the home of her daughter, Mr and Mrs Ed Weber. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Weber took Mrs Doyle to Bassett to visit her sis ter, Mrs. Osborne Kepler. Enroute home they visited another daugh ter of Mrs. Doyle, Mr. and Mrs Dean Moore at Newport. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs Josephine Timmermans were Mr and Mrs. Tom Higgins of Jumi s„n. Mrs. Marie Jardee and Mr and Mrs, S.E. Timmermans and Lois. Mrs. Timmermans went out to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Higgins. Sunday, Oct. 9 dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pacha were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Steinhau ser. Dick Keidel and a friend, Bes sie Lymon of Wayne State Teach ers College spent the Homecom ing weekend with Mr. and Mrs George Keidel. Sunday afternoon and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Keidel were Mr. and Mrs. Ar den Steck and family of Ains worth and Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Davis of Utica. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Th.irlow spent Saturday evening visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norton lUurlow at Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Benny Thurlow are moving into the apartment over the Stuart locker plant. Mr. and Mrs. Vince Rotherham and family of Niobrara came last Friday to attend Homecoming at S uart. On Monday they went on to Chadron and Fort Robinson where they spent five days. They left their two children with their grandmother, Mrs. Carl Weich man. Mr. and Mrs. Rotherham and family returned to their home Sunday, Oct. 16. Jerry Wallinger of Omaha drove to Collinsville, 111. to be best man at the wedding of Char les D. “Butch" Bauman and Lil lian Gudelauckas at the St. Pet er’s and Paul church at Collins ville, on Saturday morning, Oct. 15. Katie Papke left last week to visit Mr. and Mrs. “Bud" Pap ke and family at Newcastle, Wyo and Mr. and Mrs. Myron Papke at Bi'lings, Mont. Enroute she picked up Mrs. Art Foss at Gre gory, S. D. Leo King visited Rev. and Mrs -- Save Mineral with NEW.. mjfmA Th„e DAVID HARUM PELLETS .ill solve . ^ „ p„ horus your mineral problems. Complete—except . for salt which you add and save money. * High Iodine Level Ingredients are in forms your cattle and • Low in Calcium sheep can use readily, for example, Di- • High in Vitamins calcium Phosphate (100% usable) instead a Properly Balanced of bonemeal is used to supply essential # Unidentified Growth phosphorus. Factors These are the finest mineral pellets you a Pjt Any Sound ever laid eyes on. In 50 lb. bags. Come Feeding Program in for details. i$l 50 PER TON I FREE EVEREADY ELECTRIC LANTERN WITH EACH TON $8.00 Per 100 Lbs. 41% O. P. Soy Bean Meal, ton. $76.00 $3.90 Per 100 Lbs. 40% Hog Supplement, per 100 lbs. $ 5.00 32% Dairy Supplement, per 100 lbs. $ 4.20 SEE US FOR FALL BOOKINGS David Harum Says: Check the quality. Check The Price Then - Buy Davir Harum Lexington Mill and Elevator Co. O'Neill Warehouse Just North of the Burlington Depot Jack Bailey, Mgr. Phone 771 Herbert Young on Tuesday eve mng. He was home on furlough Mr and Mrs BUI Wewel enter tamed friend* at a buffet > upper and card party Sunday evening Prize winners were Mrs. Wes Cobb, Mrs Wilfred Seger, Wer Cobb and Jack McGrow Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Linus Judge were Mr and Mrs. Frank Wewel and Mr. and Mrs Ray moral Wewel and family of New port. The occasion was to help Rose Ann Judge celebrate her fourth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wr we! attended the 4-H calf shew and sale at Bassett on Friday. Inman News By Mrs. James McMahan Mr and Mrs. Louis Boldt of Omaha spent from Sunday to Wednesday visiting Mrs. Josie Kopecky. Houseguests Thursday and Fri day of Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Watson were Mrs. Iuila Butler. Mrs. Lena Butler and Mrs. Neil Reed of Independence, Mo. Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson, Mrs. Lulu Butler, Mrs Lena Butler and Mrs. Neil Reed visited in O'Neill in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Tomlinson and girls, Mrs. Nora Harte ami with Mrs Jennie Cras ser who is a patient at St. Anthony's hospital. Mr and Mrs. Karl Keyes, Mrs Pauline Anderl ami Mr and Mrs Harry Moore attended the wedding of Miss Janice Stootsberry and Da% id Thimgan at the Methodist church in Ashland Mr ami Mrs. Moore are grandparents of Janice Mr. and Mrs. Keyes and Mrs. Anderl visited in Omaha Saturday evening and Sunday be fore returning home and Mr and Mrs Moore expected to return home Tuesday. Murl Keyes returned to her home at Phoenix, Am., Wednes day after spending several days visiting her parents. Mr and Mrs Floyd Keyes and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keyes and family have returned from Napoleon. Ohio where they spent a It v days visiting Mr Keyes' Hrother-in-law and sister. Mr and Mrs Robert Burgstrum and fami ly. Mr and Mrs. Lyle Ohrmund of Seneca visited Mr. Ohrmunds parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Ohrmund Tuesday. Albert Anthony and Otto Mat schullat spent Monday in Bloom field where they attended funeral .c vices for Elmer Schrader Mr. and Mrs John Buhlmann jr., and son of Bartlett were Sun day evening supper guests of Mr and Mrs. James Banks and fami ly Bill DeLong and Robert A. Ruther, who attend business col lege at Grand Island, spent the weekend visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs Merle DeLong ami Mr and Mrs Robert W, Ruther. David Sobotka, who attends Norfolk Junior college spent the weekend visiting his parents Mr and Mrs Lewis Sobotka. Mr and Mrs Dean Delving and family of Omaha visited Mr De Long s parents, Mr, and Mrs Floyd DeLong Friday evening The IV longs were enroute to Gregory, S, D , for the weekend. Mr and Mrs Ben Reynolds of Neligh visited Mr. and Mrs Al bert Reynolds Thursday. Bill Butterfield returned Thurs day from Platts mouth w here ho had been employed for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Stevens and family visited Thursday in the home of Mr and Mrs. Bill Butter field The Stevens were enroute to their home in Norfolk from Rapid City. S. D.. where they had visited Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Stevens. Eldon Stevens of Norfolk visited Thursday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butterfield. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark and sons of O’Neill visited Friday in the home of Mrs. Violet Sholcs Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sire of Butte attended church services at the Methodist church in In man Sunday morning. The Sires are former Inman residents. Mrs. Charles Ioiben left Satur day for Oak where she will spend a few weeks visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mi's Merlin Luben and family H, M Shimmin of Backus. Minn , visited Mrs. Oiarles Luben last week. Mr and Mrs. Clifford Sawyer and Mick spent Sunday visiting Mr and Mrs. Goakley at Grand Island. Mrs. James Banks and Roger and John Sehrunk spent the week end visiting Mr and Mrs. 0 V Moore at Petersburg The Daughters of Zion held their regular meeting and study Tuesday evening with Mrs. Sadie Conner At the close of the meet ing lunch was served by the hos tess. Sam Watson, son of Mr nnd Mrs Ira Watson, was recently e'ected president of the Junior class at Nebraska Wesleyan Uni versity. Mrs James Banks and Roger and John Sehrunk attended a basket dinner at the RLDS church in Atkinson Sunday in honor of the twentieth wedding anniver sary of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ries WSe'S Meets The regular meeting of the WSCS was held Thursday after mxin at the church annex. Final renorts on the Fall Festival and Bazaar were read. There were 15 members present. Mrs Elea nor Gaughenbaugh was in charge of the meeting Mrs. Ellen Brown had charge of the devotions. Lunch was served at the close of the afternoon hy Mrs tttanch Rouse and Mrs Ada Clark Ivan Couch, who is employed near Wahoo, sjient the weekend visiting his family. Ralph Sholes, who is employed at Ainsworth, visited his mother, Mrs. Violet Sholes over the week end. Mr and Mrs William Fernan do* anti son of Chicago, 111 , came Friday evening to visit Hr and Mrs. C. W Alexander Mr amt Mrs Kd Ctuidomelka ai-e visiting their son in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs, Sid Shar txino ami family at Savage. Mont Margaret Pruss, who teaches in ttie Clearwater public school, siient the weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pruss. Mr. and Mrs Harvey A. Tump kms and son Neil drove to Lin coin F iday to attend Hunecom ! mg festivities at Nebraska Wes leyan University and to see their daughter, Lucille and son. Roger Foil iwing the nlumni-studert ch a k wagon • upper in the cam pus center, they attended the Wes leyan Wayne football game at which the NWU Marching band presented a pre-game and half time performance. Path Linelle and Roger are members of the band. They spent Saturday night ir the h -mu of Mrs. Tompkins mo (her, Mrs Cora B Caldwell and returned home Sunday Allen Tompkins spent the weekend tn Inman with ius grandparents, Mr i:,d Mrs L, K Tivmpkina MYK thirty tie Inman MYF had a hayrack rule Sunday evening The gn'uj' r > e out to the Harvey Tonipfctnij ranch for a wiener roast Mr and Mrs Horace Sholes sponsor id the group on the rule Fall Planting FLOWER BULBS Tulips Hyacinths Crocus Daffodils Narcissus Grape Hyacinths 4 to 4ft Bulb** per package 66c per pack PATTON’S BEN FRANKLIN O’Neill, Nebraska From the "land of corn"..for this event at SAFEWAY m .iilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli —— Save 11c —Butter-Huff \ « COFFEE ~*1.19 Edwards Coffee (Save 10c pack). .2-lb. Can SM5 Pineapple Juice the sunshine drink . • • 2 Cans 43c Nestle’s Morsels JSKTSSfS-..££ 25c J Waxtex—perfect for 100-ft- aa. noxeo roper wrapplnf school-day lunches. .RoU aj r; _ LI NCHEON, Bcotkins—double Vkg. I a. nopKlnS thick, In white or pastel colon.of 50 ITC Toilet Tissue 5KT53M..29c v _ _ r Roxbury Chocolate Candy 7'/a-ox. Chocolate Covered Peanuts 7- ox. Chocolate Stars 8- ox. Bridge Mix LI 4-ox. Chocolate Drops Packages (Mix or Match, ’em) — Cleaning aids... from Safeway! TIDE DETERGENT 0 2. Gets clothes cleaner, 20-oz. Pkg. S5c.49%-ox Pkg. CHEER DETERGENT ^0 2. For brighter looking washes, 21-ox Pkg. S5c... Pkg. W W >• OXYDOL DETERGENT oc. Contains oxygen bleach, 19-ox. Pkg. 35c. 49 Vi-ox Pkg. w DASH DETERGENT ^,^03.. LIQUID IVORY ^AOc For dishes and fine fabrics, 12-ox Bottle ile... .Bottle V J LIQUID JOY £Q, IVORY SNOW Gets clothes brighter, cleaner looking... .1234-ox Pkg. w ^ COMET CLEANSER <2aWso. Wipes stains away, 2,14-ox Cans S3c .... Cans “T [ Redeem Your Coupon No. 16 worth 50c on the purchase at 4-soup plates of Bavarian Fine China Coupon No. 15 for a 4-piece place setting expires Saturday night Save 4c Pack, Charmin Toilet Tissue 3 k: 79* In white or pastel colors. A Feature Value lucerne Sherbet 59c M«rtk»iiill>>u.r IHufM-eat Brand fraah. 1-Ib. marsnmaiiows mol*t, perfect with yam* Pkg. JJC fV.- [..J Red Heart-give your pet * 1-lb. en. uog rOOO nourishing and unifying food U Can* JtC Ail Ailiraul Concentrated *ud* 2-lb. 8-0*. nn. AO ueiergenr power, give* dirt-free wa*ta. .Pkg. oVC Zee Lunch Bugs SSUrfiS!*.. 2 2S 25c Skylark Rye Bread 16-oz. Loaf Fresh, sliced, light, delicious when served with cheese ■,.11.. curtsy Brand—a tempting 6K-o*. « g Jelly JnullS delight for any time of day Pkg. I ft Graham Crackers with Lucerne milk ... .Pkf. 35c Marshmallow Pies SgZZZrmm ..J7S 49c ' ' Just the thing /or brisk weather appetites, fresh, juicy and flavorful wP* Pork Loins IB PORTION— ' This portion of * % the Pork Loin contains 7 ribs to give you a 4 to 8 pound average roast Tender Loin Portion, 4 to 6-lb. average.. .Lb. 59c 1 FRESH PICNICS ?QC 6 to 8 pound average, whole or half picnic.. Lb. ^ sa _Pork, lean, a Center Cut, / A. KlD Chops superb Safeway meat.Lb. OtC f • 1 Pork, small, meaty, try ’em A Q bpareriDS with kraut or barbecued.Lb. a|y< ft* _| n _ Hormel Range Style— 2-lb. Afl. Sliced Bacon thick sliced.pkK yoc Canned PlCniCS°ven brown ... Can #z./o r* l_ . • _| _ Captain’s Choice—froaen, ^ 8-oa. FlShStlCkSpan ready, delicious.Pkgs. y jC Fish Portions fresh-frozen, breaded.. J Pkga. | Perch, Cod, Haddock or Sole = = 1 1 Delicious foods to go with your pork dinner Cranberry Sauce magic flavor to pork dinner... Can 25c a | £ Town House —try it with No. 300 *3 C _ ApplG 2dUCe pork for delightful eating.JL Cana J Spiced Apple Rings yRr1^m«^,Ul...14^ 33c Horseradish alwaya good*with pork .Jar 19c Scalloped Potatoes rj>orfict aid^mTh.,m5 35c IlllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllillllllllM Ta^e Your Pick*** Fresh Carrots ...Mb. Bag Pascal Celery.stalk Jonathan Apples.u>. Meat Pies Manor ^ gOI House— 8-o*. » 9 «•* ■ Frozen, Chicken, Beef, Tuna or Turkey. 7-PIECE OVENWARE SET Fire King; each set contains one casserole J€ P Q with cover, pie plate B c . I jW and four custard cups.r6f >61 I M Fire King Casserole Set.. .Each $1.59 Contains casserole, cover and server. Make Safeway’a Produce Department your Halloween Headquarters! Pumpkins for Jack-o’-lanterns, Caramel Apples, Indian Corn, Ornamental Gourds, Roasted Peanuts and a variety of nuts in a shell. BIGHT UinTD) TO LlMT QVAJTTTTTtM AO prices ell effective »kn* Saturday, October 22, to O’Neill Who were the "Inccts”! You'll find the answer to thi* and many other fascinating questions in the 'SfoLdsuv fiooL fcmijdnpQclicL See page 693 in Volume No. 8 now on sale tar only We— Volume* 1 thru 7 are alao on sale! Free Edwards Coffee Served Thurs.-Fri.-Sat.