The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 06, 1960, Section Two, Image 9

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    Section Two Eight Pages
The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper
Volume 80—Number 24 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, October 6, 1960 Seven Cents
Mrs. Ralph Rees, Med Hobbies
Hardly a bride in southern Holt
County and many other places in
side tin.' state find out. who does
n’t know Mrs. Ralph Rees of
Whetlier the bride be only in
the contemplative stage or cele
brating 50 years of wedded to
getherness, the wedding cake is
a part of the plan. So they con
fer with Mrs. Rees. This con
ference leads to a Culinary mas
terpiece that reflects the roman
tic tastes of the star of the mat
rimonial production.
Cake decorating that started as
a hobby about seven yerr3 ago
when she and Mr. Rees retired
from ranching has now ahnest
got out of hand. It is a pains-ta
king time-core uming business. The
results are fabulous. Imagination
and orginality are the two best
ingredients she uses.
“I have had no formal lessons.”
says Mrs. Rees. “I just bought
some books, attended a demon
stration or two and started in.”
Her largest production to date
is a four tier giant that served
300 guests at a Golden Wedding
anniversary The most unusiual
was the exact replica of a six!
house used in the gala event of
an old timer's birthday.
What many people do not know Mrs. Rees is that she is
; an ardent collector erf old china
and glass. She has many beauti
ful and interesting pieces. Many
brides who have boasted of the
originality of their wedding cake
have been priviledged to use her
crystal candle sticks and old sal
ver server ns accessories.
Mrs. Rees has a many and var
ied button collection. Not a hun
dred but hundreds of buttons fn m
all over the U. S and foreign
countries They are sorted, label
ed and fastened to cards for easy
This versatile lady has another
facet of interest. She has revived
the almost forgotten art of knit
ting. Ctnter pieces almost as gos
samer as spider webs are products
of her skill.
“Which hobby do you enjoy
most?” We asked. Surprisingly
enough she answered, “Going
iishmg with my husband!"
Ewing News
Ity Mrs. Harold Harris
Ewing Churches
Honor Faculty
At Reception
The faculty of the Ewing public
school were honored Tiiursilay
evening at a reception hel 1 at
the auditorium cf the school
sponsored by the churches of the
Ewing community.
R. S. Brion gave the welcome
for the teachers. A program was
presente 1 by Shirley Funk. Glen
Ellen McDaniels, Sandra Tellen
der, Marilyn Johnston, Mrs. Wil
bur Bennett, Sandra Elliott, Judy
Tinsley. Supt. G. D. Ryan and
Mrs. Wilbur Spangler.
Supt. G. D. Ryan gave a short
talk on the progress of the school
work. He also told of the im
provements made this summer in
the kindergarten room, home
economics room and the assem
bly. A new lighting system has
leen installed in all the rooms.
Other teachers introduced by
Sapt. Ryan were Mrs. Helen
Grim, Mrs. Helen Grim, Mrs.
M.:rj e McCamon, Mrs. Neva
Bergstrom, Mrs. Fern Rexine and
Mrs. Beulah Black.
In the high rchool are Lena Bak
er, principal; Mrs. Amber Sch
lotman, Gary Tessmer, George
Ke ler, James Kay and Ethel Olj
A social hour and refreshments
concluded the evening’s entertain
ment. Receptionists were Mrs.
Willis Rockey and Mrs. Archie
Johnston. On the refreshment com
mittee were Mmes. Wilbur Ben
i et., Lionel Gunter. J. L. Pru
den Willis R. key. Grant Mott
Eul Epp nbsch and James
Sapt. and Mrs. G. D. Ryan
spent Sunday at Nicbrara visit
ing at the homes of relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. George Keller and
f omiy att.nded the fall festival at
the St. Mary’s Catholic church
r.t '’tercer on Sunday.
Si.nday guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs were
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kortje and
Sharon, Mrs. Rose Harding and
Mrs. Edna Hubert of O’Neill.
Mrs. Vera Anson accompanied
by her daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Vrn a 4 men of Neligh went to
G _nd ?7land Saturday to visit
”*r. 'noon who is a patient in
the Veterans hospital where he
was sent for observation and
Guests at the home of Mr
and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett for sup
per Sunday evening were the fol
lowing guests: Rev. and Mrs. C D
Vogel and Cathie. Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Shrader and family, Mr.
and Mrs Ralph Shrader and fain
ny, Mr. and Mrs Lewis Shrader
and Loretta, Mr. and Mrs Wil*
lard Napier and family, Mrs.
Maynard Morrow and family, Mr
and Mrs Charles Morsett and
Terry, Mr and Mrs. Roger Ben
nett, Ina Bennett, Mrs Marjorie
McCamon and Kimberly and Ken
neth Hertig
Mothers ot the kindergarten of
the Ewing pubic school were
guests Thursday morning of the
class and their teacher, Mrs.
Helen Grim I here w ere demon
strations of class work also a dis
play of projects accomplished.
Mrs. Grim discussed the progress
of the students in their first few
weeks of school.
Present were: Mmes. Lester
Bergstrom. Wayne Shrader, Mick
Hobbs, Ed Ye Hi. WiUis Rsckey,
Jerry To mjack, Alex Thramer
and Weldon Alexander. Two stu
dents, Scott Davis and Vicki True
were absent due to illness.
Mr. and Mrs, Ray Butler were
Friday evening guests at the
home of Mr and Mrs. H. R. Har
ris and family.
Overnight guests at the G. D
Ryan home Wednesday were his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. A J. k
an of Niobrara.
Tiie Young Matrons Pinochle
c ub held their first meeting of
the season Tuesday evening at
the home of Mrs. Kermit Jef
feries with Mrs. Ralph Mann as
co-hostess. Mrs. G. D Ryan was
a guest.
Prize winners were Mrs. Rose
Bauer, Mrs. Elvin Hamilton and
Mrs. James Boies. Refreshments
were served by the hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs L. A. Hobbs ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Hintz attended the Ak-Sar-Ben
rodeo Sunday.
Mr .and Mrs. Vincent Rother
ham ar.d family are guests at the
h ime of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Rotherham and other rel
atives. Mr. Rotherham is hav
ing two weeks vacation from his
duties at the Niobrara State Park.
Marie Clark of Omaha was a
weekend guest at the home of
Sharon Kropp. Miss Clark is a
student at Wayne State Teachers
Weekend guests at the home
of Miss Vina Wood were Mr. and
^Irs. Coe Butler of Lincoln. While
the Butlers were home they call
ed on other relatives and friends
They returned home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Wood left
Tuesday for Newcastle, Wyo. to
attend the funeral of her brother
in-law, Rex Johnson, who died
suddrnly at his home Septem
ber 2S. Mr Wood -eturned home
Saturday while Mrs. Wood, who
remained for a longer stay with
her si ter, is expected home Fri
Honored At Dinner
Rev. and Mrs. C. D. Vogel and
daughter Cathie were honored at
a potiuck dinner at the annex of
*V United Presbyterian church
Sunday. The after dinner hours
were spent visiting and taking
pictures. There were 120 persons
The Vogel family left Ewing
about eleven years ago, after
serving as pastor of the United
Presbyterian church for some
time. For awhile they lived in
the eastern United States, then
they were sent to Whittier, Calif,
wnere the warmer climate was of
much bent fit to the health of Rev
in Mrs. Vogel. They are now
enroute to Chester, West Virginia
where Rrv. Vogel will be pastor
of a church.
The Ewing Methodist church
arc making plans for a basket
dinner Sunday. The Clearwater
congregation of the Methodist
church and Rev. Robert Embree,
superintendent of the northeast
district, of O'Neill will be guests
The first quarterly conference
will be held at 2 00 p.m. for both
churches A Sub-distnct youth
Council meeting will be held at
2:30 p.m the same afternoon.
Rev. and Mrs. C D. Vogel and
daughter Cathie of Whittier, Calif
were weekend guests at the home
of Ina Bennett.
Attending the Fall Seminar of
the WSCS of the Methodist church
held at Atkinson on Friday were
Mrs. W. W. Elliott, Mrs. Ray
Sedivy, Mrs. James Tinsley, Mrs
Earl Van Ostrand, Mrs. Willis
Rockey, Mrs. Harry Van Horn.
Hazel Ruby, Mrs. Jessie Angus
Mrs. Dewitt Hoke.
Mrs. Lorraine Wright had as
her guests on Sunday, Mrs Mark
Muff of Spencer, Mr. and Mrs
Eddie Cuddy and family of O’
Neill, Mr. and Mrs. George Jef
feries, Mrs. Wilma Daniels, Sher
ry and Gene.
Mrs. Laura Spittler accompan
ied Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartak
and family to Norfolk Sunday
where they were guests at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. Leo Spittler
and family.
Mrs. Laura Spittler was an over
night guest Friday at the home
of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Spittler at Valentine. On Satur
day. her son. Dr. Leo Spittler of
Norfolk, came to take her home.
Robert Knapp returned to Sioux
Falls, S. D. after spending Sat
urday and Sunday at the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp.
Mr and Mrs. Merwin Murray
and family of Neligh were din
ner guests Sunday at the Jerry
Tom jack home.
Mrs Jerry Tumjack and child
ren, Mrs. El via Hamilton and
Mark went to Bassett Tuesday
where they joined Mrs. Richard
Edwards in celebrating a birth
day anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kallhoff and
Jody attended the golden wedding
reception for Mr. and Mrs, Har
vey Miller of Clearwater on Sun
day, Oct. 2.
Riverside News
By Mrs. Lionel Gunter
The Wayne Fry family visited
Tltursday evening at the Richard
Napier home.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry and
Mr and Mrs. Dick Napier went
to Pierre, S. D., Wednesday and
came home Saturday evening.
Mrs. Willie Shrader and Mrs.
Will Shrader were O'Neill visitors
Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller
visited Sunday evening at the
Dave Pollock home.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. SchloUman
were Sioux City visitors Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom
ery were Norfolk visitors Thurs
day and visited Friday evening
at the Lionel GUnter home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom
ery attended the Henry Wehen
kel funeral at the EUB church in
Orchard Sunday afternoon.
Cathy Vogel visited Sunday af
temoon with Joan Wilier.
Rev and Mrs, C. Donald Vogel
and Cathy were supper guests
Sunday at Wilbur Bennetts and
dinner guests Monday at the Wet
Napier home.
Mr, and Mi's. Dewitt Hoke, Mr
and Mrs. Holland Hord and Mrs
Robert Hobbs and Bobby visited
Sunday- at the Albert Harvey
home near Aurora.
Mrs Dave Pollock, Mrs. Fern
Pollock and Mrs Edna Lofquist
attended fiuieral services for Hen
ry Wehenkel at Orchard Sunday
Reverend and Mrs Ziden Mitt
of Galesburg, Kan., while attend
ing a convention in Norfolk the
past week visited at the Will
Shrader home Thursday.
Larry Larson spent a few days
visiting his parents, returning to
his camp in Kentucky Saturday
Mr. and Mrs Rudy Ahlers vis
ited last Sunday at the Robert
Ahlers home m Wisner. Other
guests were Mr and Mrs. Fred
Ritter and family of Tilden and
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Meyers of
Mr and Mrs Jerry Cuddy of
O'Neill visited Tuesday evening
at the John Napier home.
Mr. and Mrs Lyle McNabb and
sons of Omaha visited at the Billy
Lofquist home.
Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier and
Mrs. Maude Lawrence were sup
per guests Thursday at Johnny
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller
visied Thursday evening at the
Ora Switzer home.
Charlene Miller celebrated her
birthday by entertaining the
sixth grade girls at a wiener
roast at the John Miller home
last Sunday evening,
Mrs, Archie Johnston visited
Ina Bennett Friday evx»n»ng
Mrs. Dewitt Hofce, Mrs Maude
Lawrence, Mrs Web Napier and
Mrs Hot) Hobhs ami Bobby were
guests Thursday of Mrs Gle
Thramer of Albion Mrs Reka
McCart was also a guest
Reverend and Mrs Ernst
Chambers and children and Mrs
Edna Lofquist and Mrs Fern Pol
loch were dinner guests Sunday
at the Dave Pollock home.
Alfred Napier went to Omaha
last Wednesday with Ralph Lind
quist to attend the car show
Mr. and Mrs George Montgom
ory called on Mrs Henry Wohen
kel Saturday evening,
Mr and Mrs. Amos Switier of
Clearwater visited Friday evening
at the Ora Switier thane.
Mr ami Mrs. Rudy Aiders
were O'Neill visitors Thursday
The John Napier family visited
relatives at Gordon last Saturday
and Sunday.
The Charles Rotherham family
visited Friday evening ut the Hilly
Lofquist home.
Mrs Dewitt Hoke accompanied
Mrs. Willis Rockoy to Atkinson to
attend seminars at the M<“tho
dist church Friday.
Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett
were O'Neill visitors Thursday
Phone Your News to
The Frontier
Phone 788
J ie Langan’s
T avern
(Formerly Jim & Leona's Tavern)
OCT. 7
5-9 p.m.
Come Early-Stay Late
ask for vour
i EBI?
RgCT thru 22
As Provided by 23-1610
•I. ED HANCOCK, County Treasurer FROM 7-1-59 TO 7-31 -60
(tenoral Ledger Totals:
Balance, 6-30-59 Tax Collect.
$900,958.51 $1,706,779.68
Fees and Commissions to Co. Gen. Fund: $22,879.51 Mis. Col. Disbursements Balance 7-34-00
Cash: $983,599.50 $2,716,432.76 _ . $874,904.93
Office Checks Banks Investments Expense
$298.93 $10,270.72 $689,155.28 $175,000.00 $180.00 $874,904.93
T"** ' _ . -
KENNETH WAR1NO, County Clerk FROM 7-4 Ml TO 7-31 60
Fees: Paid County Treasurer, Regular ... $ 4,028.80
On Hand, Net over- (.50) Paid County Treasurer, Title 1,635.60
Earned, Regular-$ 4,372.35 Paid State Treasurer, Title .. 1,919.40
Earned, Title $ 3,876.00 Unreported F’ees, or On Hand tiOl 05
_ 5 8,247.85 8,247.85
ED N. FLOOD, District No, 1 FRANK CRONK, District No.4
M. V. LANDRETH, District No. 2 HARLAN DIERKING, District No. 5
CLARENCE ERNST, District No. 3 WALTER SMITH, District No. 6
ELI Mc<X)NNELL, District No. 7
7-1-59 THRU 6-30-60 1959 __ |<Ki0 BUDGET
Gen. Fund: Appropriation ... $172,605.00 Expended .. __ $ 158,284.30 Balance $ 14,320.70
Budget Gen. Ledg.
I Appropri- Amount Balance
Road and Bridge Funds ation Expended Balance 6-30-60
Bridge-$ 75,000.00 $ 74,741.03 $ 258.97 $42,562.05
| Road - Bridge-— 25,000.00 21,319.53 3,680.47 30,356.26
Road - 180,000.00 160,687.66 19,312.34 41,362.04
Mail Route- 90,000.00 76,217.34 13,782.66 45,856.05
| Inventory Value:-$191,015.00 Balance Due, 7-31-60 68,551.78
Machinery Lease Agreements on File:-6 Road Fund Balance. 7-31-60 36,379.43
HOWARD D. MANSON, Clerk of District Court FROM 7-23-59 TO 7-31-60
Fees: Trust Funds: Over-paid: Cash:
On Hand-—$ 48.25 Appearance_$4,936.35 $19.50 Office $ 50.00
Earned_ 1,994.23 Judgment _ 22.15 Checks ... 123.13
' Paid Co. Treasurer_ 1,822.48 Mental_ 29.70 Bank 5,026 62
On Hand- 220.00 Miscellaneous_3.00 $19.50 5,199 75
Retirement_ 8.00
j IJ>n» W. REIMER, County Judge FROM 7 24 59 TO 7 31 «)
Fees: Fines: Trust Funds: Over-paid: Cash:
On Hand-$ 417.50 Probate--$ 9,910.55 $15.00 Office .. $ 10.58 I
Reported _ 4,72310 13,887.00 Civil_ 97.61 6.25 Bank 269 76
Paid Co. Treasurer_ 5,140.60 13,887.00 Criminal_ 19.60 Investments 9 753.65
] On Hand_—0— —0— Condemnation_13.05 Items _ 9 21
Birth Reg. - 3.50 $10,043^20
$10,064.81 $21.25
LEO 8. TOMJACK, County Sheriff FROM 8-1-59 TO 7-31-00
Fees: Distress Warrant Report: Warrants dated 10-1-59
On Hand - $ 8.25 Received__ 451 $42 528.94
Paid County Treasurer_ _ 165.25 Collected _ 236 17,134.76
Earned- 157.00 Returned Unsatisfied_ 103 6,980.05
—0— In Process --112 18,414.13
ALICE L. FRENCH, Count)' Superintendent FROM 7-24-59 TO 7 31-60
Balance, 7-23-59 Receipts Paid Out Balance, 7-31-60
$114.84 $983.97 $1,000.29 jgg.52
Bank Balance __$64.86
Office Cash..... 33.66 $98.52
The statutory report herein is compiled from the books and records of Holt County, Nebraska. The examination was made at my
direction and under my supervision, as provided by law (Section 23-1608, R. R. S. 1943). The above report is a true and correct sum
mary of the report on file in my office. Copies of such report have been furnished to the County Clerk and County Attorney for filing in
their respective offices.
Dated at Lincoln, Nebraska, this 13th day of September, 1960.
Auditor of Public Accounts