Pvt. Donaltl F. Spangler of Page, works on tank engines during two weeks training at Fort Riley, Kan. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Spangler, he Is a member of the 495th Tank Battalion. Church Notes All ministers are Invited to send their church notes to Tlie Frontier. For guaranteed publication, we ask that the notes are in our office by Saturday, one week prior to the services. St. Patrick s Catholic Church iMsgr. Timothy O'Sullivan and Father Robert Duffy, assistant) Sunday, Oct. 9 Masses 7:30 a.m., 9 and 10:30. Masses in the church every day at 7 45 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 15: Confessions from 4 p.m. until 5:30 and from 7:30 until 9. Page Methodist Church (Robert D Linder, pastor) Thursday, Oct. 6: WSCS, 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 9: Church school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11; MYF, 8 pm. Church of Epiphany (Father Raiph O’Donnell) Emmet Sunday, Oct. 9: Mass, 10 a.m. St. Paul's Lutheran Church (William Roten, pastor) Chambers Sunday, Oct. 9: Sunday school and Bible class, 9 a.m.; worship, 10. Dorsey Presbyterian Church (Lee Hicks, pastor) Sunday, Oct. 9: Church school, 7 p.m.; worship, 8. I with the all new FUEL SAVING, I The ONLY Heater ia America built to HEATEVERY ROOM IN YOORHOME with •xc/vsiVe SUPER FLOOR HEAT see it soon at DANKERT'S SERVICE 610 Eut Doug. Chambers Phone 410-W O’Neill Ph. IV 2-2101 Bethany Presbyterian Church (John Hart, pastor) Sunday, Oct. 9: Worship, 9:30 am.; Sunday school, 10:30. Inman Methodist Church (Robert D. Linder, pastor) Sunday, Oct. 9: Church school, 8:40 am.; worship, 9:40. Wednesday, Oct. 12: MYF and choir, 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 13: WSCS, 2:30 p.m. Assembly of God Church (Ivan Christoffersen, pastor) Thursday, Oct. 6: No young people’s service. Sunday, Oct. 9: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; morning worship, 11; junior church (ages 4-12), 11; Evangelistic service, 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12: Bible study and prayer service, 8 pun. Wesleyan Methodist Church (Don V. Olmsted, pastor) Sunday, Oct 9: Sunday school, 10 am.; morning worship, 11; Bible study, 7:30 p.m.; evening worship, 8. Monday, Oct. 10: Elkhorn Val ley Holiness Youth meets at the Venus Wesleyan Methodist church for its monthly meeting, 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12; Missionary Ladies at the church, 2 p.m.; Mid week prayer hour, 8. First Methodist Church (Glenn Kennicott, Minister) Thursday, Oct. 6: Prayer Circle, Claude Bates home, 10:00 a.m.; District Conference at Plainview. 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.; Dorcas, 2:00. Saturday, Oct. 8: Cherub Choir, 9:45 a.m., for 4th, 5th, & 6th graders; Junior Choir, 10:30 a.m., for 7th & 8th graders. Sunday, Oct. 9: Sunday School, 9 45; Morning Worship, 11:00; In termediate MYF meet at the Church at 4:00 p.m.; Wesleyan Service Guild District Meeting. Ainsworth. Sub-district MYF coun cil will meet at Ewing, 2:00 p.m. Monday, October 10: WSCS Ex ecutive Committee, 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 12: WSCS Study class, 2:00 p.m.; High school and adult choir, 7:15; Sen ior MYF, 8:00. Thursday, October 13: Prayer Circle, 10 00 p.m.; WSCS regular meeting, 2:00 p.m. Emmet Methodist Church (Glenn Kennicott, pastor) Sunday, Oct. 9: Children’s Sun day school and morning worship. Methodist Church (Charles Cox, pastor) Chambers Sunday, Oct 9: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 Monday, Oct. 10: Membership class, 7 p.m.; junior choir, 7:30; junior MYF, 8; adult choir, 8. First Presbyterian Church (John Hart, pastor) Thursday, Oct. 6: United Pres byterian Women, 7:45 p.m. Friday, Oct. 7: Building com mittee. 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 9: Church school, 9:45 a.m.; morning worship, 11; Teachers’ meeting, 2:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 10: Bible study, 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12: Choir, 7 P-m.; Junior youth, 7; Senior youth, 8. SEE Bankerslifeman — Ernie BrirJran IN ATKINSON -gg About H ‘‘Best in the Business” Accident and Sickness Plans Naper News By Mrs. John Sfhon*bMin Mr and Mrs. Ernest New of Omaha came last Saturday and spent until Tuesday with her bro ther. Julius Serr and family Mr and Mrs Vem Green and Mr. and Mrs Marlin Green and son were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Everett Green and sons. Mr and Mrs. Cal Fuhrer and family of Bassett were Sunday dinner guests erf Mr. and Mrs Rei nie Fuhrer. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Higgins left Saturday to spend a short I vacation with friends and rela tives in Denver and Colorado Springs. Colo. Mr and Mrs. Jim Blum and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Klein and son were Sunday din j ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Vogt and family in honor of Mrs. Barbara Vogt's birtliday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bussey and family of Fremont spent Sunday with her father, George Dawson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nicalous, Mrs Vera Lund and Mrs. Mary Nica lous were Sunday visitors in the William Faatz home at Gregory, S D. Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Green, Carolyn, Bob and Patty Schultz accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Ludemann of Newport to Kearney Saturday where they vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schultz. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest New and Julius Serr were last Monday vis itors in the Frank Clausen home. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schmitz was baptized Nan cy Susan at Herrick, S. D., Sun day afternoon. Her sponsors were Mable Reisselman and John Schmitz. Sunday evening visitors in the home of Mary Nicalous and Vera Lund were Mr. and Mrs. William Blakkolb, Mr. and Mrs. John Nic alous, Mrs. Emma Fuhrer and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nicalous and sons, all of Butte, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Green and son and Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Green and son. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Blum, Mr and Mrs. Jim Blum and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Blum attended the national plowing contest at Sioux Falls last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reetz of Gregory, S. D., were Sunday din ner guests in the Reo Ludemann home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fuhrer, Mrs. Bertha Nagel, Mary Smith, Mrs. Christina Wind/lneyer and Mrs. Lester Anderson visited the Corn Palace on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Goodman and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Reo Ludemann and family were Sunday evening visitors in the Gust Wetzler home. I Venus News By Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser Tommy Larsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larsen, was a patient at the Creighton hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davey and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook houser were Saturday evening vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Asimus and Mary Lynn of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Finch at tended the funeral of Mr. Earl Liest at Page Monday. Sunday evening visitors at the Clarence Finch sr. home were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gentzler of Tilden, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sufficool of Verdigre. Many from this community at tended the funeral of David Le Roy Cunningham at O’Neill Wed nesday. Mrs. Flossie Held called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Held Friday. Merle Mitties is cutting silage at the Author VonSeggern farm this w6^k Mrs. Harold Tyler helped at the Venus store the latter part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davey j called at the Russell Ickler home j ft_i_ UU1IW UJ . Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Spath and family of Lincoln were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Finch. Mr. and Mrs. Elden Schact and Mrs. Cecil Moser were O’Neill shoppers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davey of Bellevue and Mr. and Mrs. Lar ry L. Brookhouser were Satur day overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhou ser. Mrs. Francis Boelter helped with the Walnut telephone switch board Thursday. Eddie Heggemeyer, a Verdigre high school sophomore, has been busy selling magazines. Eddie is one of those who has a good chance of making the most sales Mr,, and Mrs. Alvin Jelinek and son returned home this week af ter a vacation in the Black Hills Mr and Mrs Robert Sedivy and family of Verdigre accompanied them. Lavern Held and Vernon are shingling the porch at the farm home of Mrs. Flossie Held. Mrs. Mary Zastrow returned to O'Neill Saturday after spending a few weeks with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney I Faulhaiber. Sidney Faulhaber cabled hay at the Ralph Brookhouser farm Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey and twins were guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Caskeys Thursday evening. C. O. Evans drove to O’Neill Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Uhlir called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard Hainesaich Monday. — — Ponton Insurance Insurance of All Kind* ] and Bonds FLORENCE PONTON. Prop Phone 100 Golden Bid* Before the Game . . . After the Game . . . Anytime . . . FILL I P AT Wilson's Texaco Complete Automobile Service ( ) O’NEILL IIICH vs ST. BONA VENTURE, Columbus ( ) WEEKEND GROCERY BUYS Shurfine SHORTENING i 3 lb. can 59c QUAKER OATS Quick nr Regular LARGE SIZE 35c Mother’s Best FLOUR 50 Round Bag / $3.39 25 Round Bag $1.79 Shurfine TOMATO JUICE 3 46 oz. cans 89c 4th St. Market ( ) ST MARY’S vs NOR FOLK SACRED HEART ( ) HARDING CREAMERY Manufacturers of Condensed Buttermilk and Liquid Buttermilk Take advantage of lower feed costs—Supplement your hog ra tion with Harding buttermilk RHONE 84 TODAY! ( ) STUART vs AINS WORTH( ) They Can't Be Beat • • • MOHAWK Carpet and ARMSTRONG Tile Pick A Winner BIGLINS ( ) UNIVERSITY of TEXAS vs ARKANSAS ( ) Football Contest $10 For Entry with Perfect Score $5 In Prizes Each Week CONTEST RULES 15 football games next weekend are placed, one In each ad on this page. Indicate the winner by writ ing in the name of the team op posite the advertiser’s name in the entry blank. No scores. Just the winner. Pick a number you think will be the highest number of points scored by any one team on this |Mige and place that number In the "Points” space provided on the entry blank. This score will be used to break ties. Three entries only to each con stant. Entry blanks lire also available at all |>articlpatlng mer chant's stores. Entries must be postmarked before 5:30 p-in. Thursday preceedlng the games. OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK Reasonable Facsimile Accepted Name_ Address Points MeCarvtUes --- -- Eby’s _ __ Dick’s Bar -- O’Neill lioan -- Btfrlnftirt - Meyer’s Furniture .... Spelts Lumber - Scovie's -o Pinkerman's --’ MMaa Drug - Blglin’s __ Wilson’s Texaco - - Uh St. Market _ -- Hunting Creamery .lust Received New Shipment of Speidel Wrist Bunds Speidel Twist-O-Flex — (mens) ALSO Large Assortment of ladies' Speidels Stop In Today McIntosh Jewelry ( ) AIR FORCE vs NAVY ( ) "If I were going to do any home painting I'd see Scovie's Western Auto for quality Morris Paints. Over 6,000 colors to choose from with the new Color-Ama Paint mixing machine. Match any j Color." SCOVIE'S WESTERN AUTO O’Neill ( ) NEBRASKA vs ARMY ( ) For complete Carpeting and Floor Covering Service •CARPETS ‘TILE • LINOLEUM •INLAID - VINYL - LINOLEUM Guaranteed Installation Inlaid Starting at 27c a sq. ft. See us or call 526—Free Estimate Meyer's Midwest Furniture West O’Neill ( ) BRIGHAM YOUNG U. vs ARIZONA STATE ( ) JOHNSON DRUGS Prescription Store Myadec High Potency Vitamins by Parke-Davis 30 DAY FREE SUPPLY Details at Johnson Drugs Bill Petsche, pharmacist O'Neill ( ) UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO vs IOWA STATE ( ) After the Game . . . Talk it over at DICK'S BAR Headquarter)* (or Saturday afternoon quarterbacks” Watch the Saturday fame here ( ) HOLY CROSS COLLEGE vs DARTMOUTH ( ) urmacdD if —/ / The Taco antenna engineering that’s making history in tracking Earth-Circling Satellites can be yours in the finest TV hi m - uTram . antennas available — Taco, the antenna TV ANTENNA that makes all programs look ... FOR YOU- TV-1-lffict Available In goldtn anodiiing tat thorn that want tho niy boat ,.. PINKERMAN'S TV Prone S02 O’Neill ( ) UNIVERSITY OF IOWA vs WISfiONSIN ( ) Money is no problem when you see O'NEILL LOAN COMPANY Virg Laursen (’ash loans lor all your needs—Consolidate debts, buy a car, Anything at all. Also your Real Estate and Insurance needs Headquarters ( ) KANSAS STATE vs MISSOURI ( ) 1 For Games Away Fill up at EBY'S CONOCO Get a full tank of Super Premium Gasoline - Conoco Gasolines and Motor Oils ( ) UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA vs UJJNOIS ( ) KEY OVERALLS 3.39 “The Nations Finest” (Blue or Striped) Sizes 30-50 McCARVILLES “Shoes (or the whole Family" ( ) NOTRE DAME vs MICHIGAN STATE ( ) Time To Paint Up For Fall With MINNESOTA PAINTS Spelts Lumber Company O'Neill ( ) UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA vh KANSAS V. ( ) i Support Your Team! |