THF, FRONTIER, O’Nelli, Nebraska, Thursday, September 1, 1W0 Church Note* All ministers are Invited to send their church notes to The Frontier. For guaranteed publication, we ask that the notes are in our office by Saturday, one week prior to the services. ASS KM III. Y OF < Oil KOI (Ivan Chmtiif/ersen. pastor) Thursday, S': Masses, 7 am. 8 and 9:30. Masses in the church every day at 7:45 Saturday, Sipt 10; Confessions from 4 p.m. until 5:30 and from 7:30 imtil 9. Pago Methodist Church (Robert D. Linrier. pastor) Thursday, Sept. 1 WSCS, 2 pan. Sunday, Slept 4: Church school, 10 a.m., worship 11; MYF, 8 pan. Tuesday, Sept. 6: King’s Daugh ters, 8 p.m. Inman Methodist Church (Robert D. Linder, pastor) Sunday, Sept 4. Church school, 8:40 a m.; worship, 9:40. Wednesday, Sept. 7: MYF and choir, 8 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 8: WSCS, 2:30 p.m. Wesleyan Methodist Church (Don V. Olmsted, pastor) Saturday, Sept. 3: Elkhorn Val ley Holiness association meets at the Venus Wesleyan Methodist church, services at 10:30 aan. and 2 p.m. Basket dinner at noon. This is the annual election of of ficers. Sunday, Sept. 4; Sunday school, 10 ajm.; worship, 11; Bible study, 7:30 p.m.; evening worship, 8. Wednesday, Sept. 7: Mid-Week prayer hour, 8 pan. 8t. Paul’s Lutheran Church (William Roten, pastor) Chambers, Ncbr. Sunday, Sept. 4: Sunday school and Bible class, 9 a m.; worship and Holy Communion, 10 a.m. the versatile new SIEBLEH Mark III GAS HEATING SYSTEM SUPER FLOOR HEAT OUTLETS Ofi8//4-sic/esf NEW HEATING COMFORT NEW TRIM STYLING PIN IT UP-BUILD IT IN OR PIPE IT TO ADJOINING ROOMS SEE IT TODAY! on dlsplay'now at DANKERT'S SERVICE 610 EiVit Dour. chambers Phone 410 W O’Neill PH. IV *-*1.01 Venus News By Alls. Ralph Bmukhmiwr The Ann Club held a bridal shower for Marion Moser at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Moser, Thursday, Aug. 25. Dennis Von Seggern accompani ed Richard Neuhaus to Grand Island Saturday where they met Robert Neuhaus. Mrs. Lyle Hanson and son of Omaha visited Thursday and Friday at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey. She visited the Roy Hanson family near Page the first of the week. Mrs. Kenneth Caskey visited at the Harry Caskey home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brook houser, Terry and Mark visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser Saturday eve ning. Lynn returned home with them after a week's stay. Rev. and Mrs. Clarence Ander son of Elba visited from Sunday to Tuesday with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Don ald Caskey, Sharolyn and Kevin. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brookhouser and Jeffrey of Norfolk spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser. They return ed to their home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brookhouser of Grand Island were also Satur day night and Sunday visitors at the Brookhouser home. They also visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bartos and family Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boelter and Ixrren visited with Mrs. La Vern Warriner at the hospital at Creighton on Tuesday last week. Glen Waring, substitute mail carrier took over the duties of Lester Raff while the latter is on vacation. Chambers News By Airs. E. It. Carpenter Seventeen members and one visitor were present at the meet ing of the WSCS at the Methodist church when they met Thursday for the closing session of the mis sion study on "Luke’s Portrait of Christ." Mrs. Louis Neilson gave the last chapter followed by a summary of the entire book by Mrs. E. R. Carpenter. Mrs. Dar rell Gillette presided at the busi ness session. It was voted to give $2 to the Wesleyan University Educational Council in honor of Society’s president, Mrs. Guais Wintermote and the pastor’s wife, Mrs. Charles Cox. Lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs. Raymond Shoemaker and Mrs. Clarence Damme. Mr. Bob Meline of Kearney, a former Chambers high school teacher, visited Mrs. Hattie Tib bets and other friends Sunday. Mr. Meline is teaching in Bartlett this year after spending the sum mer at Cheyenne, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Miller of O'Neill were Wednesday evening visitors in the Wayne Smith home. Twenty-six friends from Cham bers, O'Neill, Inman and Bartlett were present for a hamburger fry at the home of Dean and Judy Smith Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Edwards and fami ly of Atkinson were also guests of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Mr and Mrs. Jack Christiansen and family and his mother, Mrs. Celia Christiansen, visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Christiansen and family at Blair Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hankins and Mrs. Curt Hill of Stanton and Mrs. A.A. Walter of Cham bers visited in the Wayne Smith home Sunday. Vernon Whitaker, Danni and Sandra and son, "Chip”, attend ed the rodeo at Sioux Falls, S. D., over the weekend. LaRue Weller left Tuesday for Norfolk to attend Norfolk Busi ness College. Mr. and Mrs. William Jutte were Sunday callers in the Wal ter Jutte home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neilson were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. John Wintermote. Mrs. P. T. Avard and Patty of Iincoln are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Medcalf this week. Sunday they visited rela tives in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Peltzer have been gone about two weeks on a vacation trip west through Idaho, Oregon and Washington where they visited relatives. Mr. ■■ " ' i MILLER THEATER ATKINSON One Show Nightly 8 o’clock rimrs. - FH. - Sat. Sept. 1 - * - 8 Cxm*»coo< coioe a» w tuag Fabian • Carol Lynley ft* /NStuarf Whitman I O'Neill, Nebraska SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3,1:30 P.M. All Modern 7-Room Residence with Garage and Basement. Located on: 522 W. Fremont St., or two Blocks South Kroner's. Legal Description: East 80 Ft. of Lots JO, 11, 12, In Block 40, Rlgg's Addition to O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska. House In good condition, and Includes excellent garden spot. Possession may be had right away. Terms Available, Abstract showing Merchantable Title, and Deed to be Fur nished. Wm. and Julia Luben, Owners Virgil L. Laursen, Broker Vern Reynoldson, Auctioneer I *«* / / ere offering g Conlr Bowls . 8.95 I Take advantage of this timely sale \Rgjt8 Bowls 8.95 ' by bringing your worn silvtr in _ . _ _ I today. Tea ant Collet Pots, ca.. 13.95 R.gardlott of thoir condition . . . Water PitCllRrS . 13.95 whothor .ilv.r, coppor. gold or nlckol .__ . . . - ... trophi.i, churchworo, ole. . . . *m| IIIJI IPO Sfl. U •••■ •* bring them in for fro# estimotes. j wenuqs> m r prerrm a* 5 LIMITED TIME ONLY .. . BRINS ARTICLES IN TODAYI | yrrro nryw.»i*y«P.M