The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 18, 1960, Section One, Image 7

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    Naper News
By Mr*. John Hchoanbauia
Sunday dinner guests m the
home of Mr and Mrs Everett
Green and sons were, Mr ami
J*™- ^ 5*ri 811(1 Patricks and
Ellen of Sioux City, la , Mr. and
Mrs. J. Nicaious, Mr. and Mrs
Lund, Mrs. Mary Nicaious, Mr
and Mrs. Marlin Green and son
and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nica
kjus and family of Fairfax
Mr and Mrs. Don Engel and
Janet and Jimmy of Columbus,
Penn , came Thursday evening
ami visited until Sunday in the
home of Mr. and Mrs Clarence
Kihby and family.
Mr. and Mrs George Kramer
of Lake Andes, S. D., and Mr
and Mrs. Paul Kramer and son
of Platte, S. D., were last Sun
day afternoon visitors and lunch
eon guests in the Pete Kramer
Relatives and friends surprised
Mr and Mrs. Clarence Beem for
their twenty-second wedding an
niversary at their home thurs
day evening.
Earl Ntahlecker of Yankton,
S. D., arrived home Saturday to
spend a week with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stahlecker.
Ken Seih and Larry Ahlers of
Denver, Colo., arrived Wednes
day morning to spend a short
vacation with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs, Hook Heermann
of Big Pine, Calif., arrived Fri
day to visit with his brother, Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Heermann and sis
ter, Mr. and Mrs Abe Meyer
anil with other relatives and
Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Ahlers and
daughters of Hkksville, Lung Is
land, N. Y., arrived Friday to vis
it his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Au
gust Ahlers and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiibur Grohs and
daughter of Sioux City were Sat
urday evening visitors in the
Mary Nicaious home.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Claus Seih were Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Ahlers and
family of Denver, Colo., Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Stahlecker and Laura
and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Schone
feld and sons.
Joyce Blakkolb left Saturday for
a weeks vacation with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kramer and
John were Wednesday evening
visitors in the George Ahlers
Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Ahlers
and family of Denver, Colo., ar
rived Thursday to visit their par
ents, the August Ahlers and Claus
Mr and Mrs. Martin Krueger
took their daughter, Delores, to
Winner, S. D. Sunday where she
was met by the Lewie Krueger
family of Pierre, S. D., whom
she accompanied back to Pierre.
Miss Kruoger started work Mon
day at the hospital as a nurses
Mr. and Mrs Alvin Schonefeld
and son, Mr. and Mrs. Claas Seih,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ahlers
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Stahlecker and Laura, Ken Seih
and Mr and Mrs. Howard Bes
mer and family were Sunday af
ternoon visitors in the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Schonefeld
and son.
K.unryn BiakkoSQ of Orange
Calif , was met in Omaha Satur
day by her sister, Janice Biak
koib of Lincoln, who brought hen
to Naper Saturday to spend i
vacation with her parents, the
William Blakkolb's. Jama ami
girl lriend returned to Lmculr
Friday evening dinner guest* m
the home of Mr. and Mrs. August
Ahlers in honor of Mr Ahlers
birthday were Mr. and Mrs. Ar
len Ahlers mid daughters of New
York, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Ahlers and family of Denver,
Colo,, Mr and Mrs. Walter Ah
ters and family of Spencer and
Mr and Mrs Wayne Ahlers and
Mr and Mrs. George Ahlers and
daughters left Sunday to spend
several weeks vacation in the
western states
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Davis
and Mr. and Mrs. John Sc hone
baum were F'riday evening vis
itors in the home of Mr and Mrs.
Max Higgins and daughters.
A belated birthday supper was
enjoyed Sunday evening in the
Walter Ahlers home near Spen
cer for Sharon’s sixth birthday.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Au
gust Ahlers, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Ahlers and family, Mr and Mrs
Lawrence Ahlers and family of
Denver, Colo., and the Arlen Ah
lers family of New York.
Riverside News
By Mrs. Lionel Gunter
Mrs. Gary Tessemer, Scott and
Kevin visited Thursday afternoon
at the Alfred Napier home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink and
Mrs. Charlotte Lord visited last
Sunday evening at the Ora Swit
zer home.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stewart of
Page visited at the Dave Pol
itick home.
The Billy Lofquist family at
tended a family picnic Sunday at
the Niobrara Park fur the Rother
ham family.
Mrs. Charlotte Lord and Mrs.
Bert Fink called on Mrs. Jessie
Cronk at Page Tuesday.
The Max Graver family and
Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter were
supper guests Tuesday at the De
witt Hoke home.
A neighborhood picnic supper
was held Tuesday at the Daisy
Miller and Melvin Napier home in
honor of Fern and Norman Pol
lock and the Joe Battoglin fam
ily of California. Norman Pollock
and the Battoglin family left for
their home in California Thurs
The Leo Miller family were
guests Friday evening at a wie
ner roast given by Leo’s Sunday
school class.
Mr. and Mrs. Web iNapier and
the Richard Napier and the Al
fred Napier family were guests
Thursday evening at a gathering
at the John Napier home in hon
or of Bessie, Nancy and Alfred
Janice and Anna Marie Jensen
of Newman Grove are guests this
week at the Dale Napier home.
Jackie and Judy Switzer of Om
aha are visiting relatives.
Levon and Paul Gunter called
at the Dewitt Hoke and Dewitt
f I
34th Annual Wheeler County
AUG. 19 20 21
Two Complete Night Rodeos
Bareback * Saddle Krone Riding - Calf Roping - Steer Wrestling •
Brahma Bull Riding • Ladles’ Barrel Racing • Ijulies Pole Bending
Kntry Fees Added to Purses - Buckles
IJn Helton, Announcer — Orville Oallino, Bullfighting Clown
More Than 100 Head Top Rodeo Stock!
R & L Carnival On Grounds
Saturday, Aug. 20
4-H & FFA Livestock Show & Judging
Country Horse Show & Races
(Performance Events at 40:00 a.m )
Matched Cutting Horse Contest
(Wheeler County vs. Guest County)
Rodeo At 8:00 P.M.
Sunday, Aug. 21
Sandhills Quarter Horse Show
(American Quarter Horse Association Approved)
Top Horses from Several States Will He Competing!
Grand Parade of All Livestock — 1:00 P.M.
Rodeo At 8:00 P.M.
Wheeler County High School Band on
To Eddie Stan's Orchestra Each Night
Includes Horse Shows and Evening Rodeos, Free Grandstand and
Car 1’arklng Free.
ADMISSION — Saturday: *1.25. Children under 12, 50o. Sunday:
$1.50, Children under 12. 50c.
Gunter homes Monday evening
Mrs M.ivm Scbeer and Faye
called at the Chet Tayior, John
Miller, Leo Miller and Grant Mott
hemes Tuesday morning.
Glenda Napier, Marilyn and
Barbara Johnston attended tfle
Busy Hands 4-H club meeting
witn Carol Ann Napier Tuesday
Mrs. Dale Napier, Joan Emaitk,
Mrs Dewitt Hose and Mrs. Rob
ert Knobs and Boboy were Nt
hgh visitors Friday.
Rosella Ahiers of Norfolk and
Irene Ahiers of liiden visited the
past week at the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Ah
Lynne Rotherham was a guest
of Patty Lofquist Friday night
and Saturday Jerry Lotquist
stayed with David Rothernam
Saturday night and Sunday.
The Gary T esse me r lamily
were supper guests at the Al
fred Napier home Tuesday in hon
or of Allreds birthday. The G D.
Ryan and George Keller
were evening callers.
Dave Puftock called on Howard
Miller Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Grant Mitt, Tommy and
Shanxi were O'Neul visitors Sat
urday afternoon.
Mrs. Dewitt Hoke, Mrs. Bob
Hobbs and Mrs. L. A Hobbs cal
led on Mrs. Alvin Nelson last
Wednesday. Mrs. Nelson accom
panied them on to Norfolk in the
Sheila Fry visited David Shra
der Wednesday afternoon.
The Archie Johnston family and
Judy Gunter attended the Bur
weU rodeo Wednesday.
Paul Gunter was an overnight
guest Wednesday at the Alvin Nel
son home near Plain view
Wayne and Z. H. Fry each {Hit
down a new well the past wtek
Mrs. Rady Ahiers visited her
aunt, Mrs Herbert Buttner. in
the Lutheran hospital m Norfolk
Monday afternoon
Mrs Ethel Napier and Mrs
ben runt took Mrs. vhar.oue
Lord to Norfolk Thuroday on her
way to visit her brother in Min
neapolis, Main
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bosell of
Salem, Ore. were guests Wednes
day night at the Walter Mider
Mr. and Mrs Leonard Browning
and Ron of Chico, Calif, were ov
e;. uglu guests last Sana ay at the
Lionel Gunter home. They also
caJed at the Dewitt Hake home
Sunday evening
Mr. and Mrs Duane Jensen and
Jerry of Newman Grove, Mr. and
Mrs Dale Napier and the Wayne
Fry anti Richard Napier families
had a picnic supper Sunday at
the Z. H. Fry home in honor of
Mrs. Duane Jensen's birthday.
The Kenneth Hill family mov
ed Saturday to their home north
of Page. They' were breakfast
guests at the Alfred Napier horn*',
Mr and Mrs. Alfred Napier help
ed the Hills move and ate dinner
at the Nels Lindquist home.
Glenda Napier was an over
night guest Wednesday of Carol
Ann Napier.
Jolly Worker*
The Jolly Workers Club met
Thursday afternoon at the Mary
Sturbaum home. Algenia Hord
and Mary Schrad were co-hostes
ses. Marcella Bollwitt and Mrs.
Jthn Bollwitt were guests.
Frank Em sick and Dicky and
Roger Seigert of Omaha came
Monday evening for a few days
visit with relatives. Frank and
Roger returned Thursday evening
to their home in Omaha. Dicky
a:cyed far a Longer visit.
Mrs. Rudy Ah ers and I-ene
were O'Neill visitors Friday af
t rank Elm sick, Cheryl, and Peg
gy were dinner guests Thursday
at the Richard Napier home.
Mr and Mrs George Montgom
ery visited Thursday evening at
the Johnny Miller home.
Tommy Vandersnick spent the
past week with Jack Fry.
Toe W.llie Shrader family vis
ited Wednesday evening at the
cyan Fry home.
Chambers News
By Mrs. tl. R. Carpenter
Mr and Mrs. Ben Med calf.
Ros« and Mark of Minneapolis,
Minn., came Friday morning to
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E R Carpenter After a few
hours rest they departed, accom
panied by the Carpenters and
the r son and daughter. Bob and
Kathy Medcalf, who have been
visiting here, from Ft. Collins,
Culo., to attend the wedding of
Mrs. Medcalf's mece, Bonnie
Grimes. Also going with the group
were Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Stevens, Cherilyn and Terry of
Atkinson. All three families were
expected back Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gehring
of Arapahoe were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. C. V. Robertson Mon
day and Tuesday of last week.
Tney also visited Mrs Gehring s
grandfather, John Walter, sr., and
eunt, Mrs. Rena Deirkmg.
Mrs. C. V. Robertson went to
Arcadia last Wednesday where
she judged the flower display at
the fair.
Mrs. Earl Hatton of Oakland,
Calif., and Mrs. Roy Lewis of
S n Du go, Calif., arrived Wed
nesday to spend fair week with
relatives and friends The forme
is a sister ot Charles and Jir
Cavanaugh and the latter is
daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Jir
Cavanaugh. Both were former re;
KieiMs the Chambers commum
ty. They were Wednesday guest
in the Bernard Cavanuugn taunt
Mr and Mrs L V Richards u
Sunny side. Wash . and daughter
Esther, of Seattle, Wash., cann
Wednesday to visit their cousins
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neiison
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Walter am
Roger of Dewitt and Mr. am
Mrs.. Joe Morgan ami two friend;
id Sioux City came Saturday t<
visit John Walter sr„ and Mrs
Rena Deirkmg
Mary Ellen Gillette left Mondai
for her work at Denver, Colo
after having spent two weeks will
her parents, Mr. and Mrs Dar
rell Gillette and Darrell Lee. Mrs
Paul Roth and Mrs Charles
Spann accompanied Miss Gilletti
to North PLatte where Mrs.
remained for a few days vis il
with friends. Mrs Spann wen!
on to Ft. Morgan to spend a few
days with relatives. The two re
turned the last of the week
Mr. and Mrs Robert Gibson ami
two children of Papillion were
recent weekend guests of his un
cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs Dar
rell Gillette and son. Mrs. Gillet
te's brother, Alvin Gibson of Ne
ligh, was a Sunday visitor.
The Chambers school will
start Monday, Aug. 29. Ihe fac
ulty has been completed for
both the grade school and the
high school registration will
be on Friday and Saturday,
Aug. 12 and 13 at the high
school building. •
Mrs. F. H. Snodgrass of Lin
coin is spending a few days witf
her brother, R. K. Platt and Mrs
Platt. Mrs. Snodgrass' daughter
son-in-law and grand-daughters
, left her here while they went
. to visit near Nlerrunan
Rev and Mrs Charles Cox at
5 tended a pre nupuai dinner in
Norfolk Thursday, honoring Miss
( Mary Ami Murphy of Norfolk and
Mr Arthur Watson of Era-son,
who were married at the First
Methodist church ui Norfolk Fri
day night. Aug 12. Rtv. Cox ami
I Metvm C. Ireland, church pastor,
officiated Mr. and Mrs. Cox were
housoguests of the bride’s par
| ents, Mr and Mrs. Flojd Mur
phy Ttairstfay night
Cheryl Ann Render, grand
daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Char
les Cox, spent a few days this
week visitmg friends at Encson.
Rubin Miller of Lincoln was a
weekend guest in the Clarence
Damme home
Beverly Platt returned Friday
night from a summer school ses
sum in Fort Collins, Colo.
Redbird News
it.i \ eldeen lTnkerniun
Several from this area attend
ed Old Settlers picnic Tuesday
at the Elmer Devall grove.
The Redbird Midgets played
the Bristow Midgets Thursday
night at Harvey Krugmans.
Veldeeo Pinkernian accompan
ied Hal lie Carsten to Lynch Tburs
Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Pink rm n
end sons were Saturday overnight
guests in the Veldon Pinkernian
Margene Woeder was a Tuesday
overnight guest of Veldeen Pin
Mr and Mrs George Calkin*
left Friday fur kma Co spend a
few days with relatives Vekleen
Puike tn. n us doing their chore*.
The Dorsey Ladies Aid met with
Mrs Ice Brady Wednesday.
Wayne Inker i* spending a few
days with his grandparent*. Mr.
and Mrs Frank McDonald.
Maruia Christensen apent the
p st w.ek ui the Veldon Pinker
man hcane.
Mrs Cuy Ihnkerman ncvompan
led Mrs Albert Canon Co Ladiea
Aid Wednesday.
Mrs Eddie Krugnian spent Fri
day m the Guy Puikenman home.
Mr and Mrs. Veldon Puikerman
ami Veldeen and Marina Chnstin
st'ti attended Che hasehall game
ui Orchard Sunday evening
Veldeen Pmkertnan and Marina
t'hristenst'ii were Lynch callers
Monday afternoon.
Try The Frontier Want
Ads — It Pays !
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8 Operators
Open 8:80 a m. to 0:00 p in.
Itl Kaiit Douglas
Phone JUS — O'Neill
Eyes r:\nnillied—Glasses Fitted
t' Lenses
Plume 1117 — O'Neill, Nehr.
Ilnurs )• •> Mon. thru Saturday
Closed Wednesday
Head Lettuce
Large Size j
Radishes crunchy, adds zest to salads .2 Bunches 15« |
Green OnionsX for your relish dish Bunch 10c )
Fresh Cabbage thing for making cole slaw Lb. 7C J
f Peaches freestone, California grown .., 2 ibs. 25c j
U.S.D.A. Choice
Grade-A Beef
Chuck Steak
Round Bone Cut... Lb. 79c
Blade Cut, Lb.
Safeway’s method of trimming saves you money. Excess waste and fat is
trimmed before weighing so you get more meat for your money. You must b*
completely satisfied or your money will be courteously and cheerfully refunded.
■% iv I | • Fresh, tender, rich, delicious A
Pork TenderloinS'*»t*ng, whole or pstue, ..u, 99c
Tray-Packed Fryers^,“riTb., ?!x6 39c
Sliced Bacon perfect with eggs, regular . .Li*. 69c
_ . _ | Wlmmers All-Meat
King Bologna fresh, delightfully delicious.Lb. 59c
E* Captain’s Choice—frozen, 8-os.
■ ISnSTICKS breaded and pre-cooked.Pkga. |,UU
Breaded Shrimp^^i3U«*-.1?S; 59c
| Stokely-Van (
Tomato Juice
Stokely's Finest—from vine-ripened tomatoes. . .Can BBi JW Bi
I Pickle Chips =~29« I
Vegetables C».»OC(
Stokely’s Finest.V Cans
Cut Green Beans, Honey Pod Peas or
Cream Style or Whole Kernel Golden Corn
a Stokely’s Finest— cot, 8-ox.
Asparagus »u green, tender sprouts....Can
| White Hominy tender^and delicious ..Can 15c |
| Stewed Tomatoes from red-ripe tomatoes.Can 25c =
| Kidney Beans red, always delicious.2 Cans 35< §
| Spanish Rice * prepu..."*<S21< §
| Spaghetti StfSSi,._2SS27c |
| FREE! Extra Gold Bond Stamps |
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■■■S D|AC Bama—frozen, 24-oz.
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Salad Dressing .33c
NuMade Corn Oils$..ffi49c
Toilet Tissue ^^....3 ss 69c
Sugar Cookies Settee treat.1639c
Potato Chips fresh, crisp and crunchy... .Pkg. 39c
P*||* Wilderness— No. 2
rie rilling Apricot-Pineapple.Can
Chunk Tuna light meat, for casseroles .... .Can 35c
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Angel Food Cake MixS^" ...$5 53c
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Butter Pecan, Fudge Nut, or Apple Sauce Raisin
Multi-Grain Bread SEm**.3lo°£19c
Sandwich Buns 3go19c
Ice Cream Vanilla or Strawberry’... 2 Cartons $1.09
Boysen berries stock your cupboards.Can 25c
D* I* Enchanted Isle- 16-oz.
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Cider VinegarSSSs. .1$, 89c
Clorox Bleach whiter, cleaner washes .. 37c
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Diamond Paper Plates
a 79c i
You ttill have time to start
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4 Towels .00
Red striped, approx. 27-inches
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Folger's Instant Coffee
CSsre 80c pack) *4 e O
10-ox. Jar *|.Dy