The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 04, 1960, Section One, Image 7

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    Church Notes
All nUnlatera are United U, amd their church notea to
The frontier. For »uaranteed pubUcaUon, ae aak that the notea are
in our office by Saturday, one week prior to the aervtcea.
First Presbyterian Church
(John Hart, pastor)
Thursday Aug 4—Monthly
UPW meeting, 8 45 a m.
Amday, Aug 7—Sunday school,
9:45 a m.; worship, 11.
Bethany Presbyterian ( hurch
(John Hart, pastor)
Sunday, Aug. 7—Worship, 9 30
am.; Sunday school, 10 30.
( hurch of Epiphany
(Father Ralph O’Donnell)
Sunday, Aug. 7—Mass at 8 a m.
St. Patrick's Catholic Church
(Msgr. Timothy O'Sullivan and
Father Robert Duffy, assistant)
Sunday, Aug 7—Masses, 7 a.m.,
8 ami 9:30. Masses in the church
every day at 7:45 a.m,
Saturday, Aug 13—Confessions
from 4 p.m. until 5:30 and from
7:30 until 9.
O’Neill Methodist Church
(Glenn Kenmcott, pastor)
Thursday, August 4—Prayer cir
cle, 10 am.; Dorcas, 2 pm.
Saturday, Aug 6—Men’s break
fast, 7 a.m.; junior choir. 10.
Sunday, Aug 7—Morning Wor
ship with Rev. Robert Enibree at
8:30 a.m. and 11; Sunday school,
9:45; Youth council in p.m.
Monday, Aug 8— W.S.C.S. execu
tive council 2 p. m.
Emmet Methodist Church
(Glenn Kennieott, pastor)
Sunday, Aug 7- Morning wor
ship, 9:30 a m.; Children’s church
school, 9:30.
Assembly of Cod Church
(Ivan Christoffersen, pastor)
Sunday, Aug 7: Morning wor
ship, 11 a.m.; Sunday school, 10
a.m.; Christ Ambassadors service
(ages 12-35), 7:15 p.m.; Evange
listic service, 8.
Wednesday, Aug 10—Bible study
and prayer, 8 p.m.
8t. Paul's Lutheran Church
(William Turner, pastor)
Chambers, Nebr.
Sunday, August 7: Bible class
and Sunday school, 9 a.m.; wor
ship, 10; wedding of Ken Reiner
and Darlene Harley, 2 p.m.
Redbird News
By Veldeen Pinkerman
Mr and Mrs Guy Pinkerman,
Danny and Delmar, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Hiscock, Mr and
Mrs. Eddie Hrhek and family,
Mr and Mrs Veldon Pinkerman
and Veldeen and Mrs. Fay
Pinkerman were O'Neill shoppers
Danny Pinkerman was a Sat
urday overnight guest in the
Reggie Pinkerman home. Marty
Joe Pinkerman was a Saturday
night guest in the Guy Pinker
man home.
Mr and Mrs. Ray Witherwax
were Saturday overnight guests
in the Albert Carson home.
Mrs. Rex Carson and Sandra
spent Sunday visiting Mrs. Ed
die Krugman while Rex and
Eddie attended National Guard.
Veldeen Pinkerman, Mrs.
Howard Graham and Mrs. T. J.
Graham were Sunday afternoon
callers in the Harold Osborn
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Witherwax
called at the Eddie Krugman
homo Sunday afternoon. i
Rt/drick Hughes and Charlie i
Schollmeyer went to Grand*
Island Tuesday to meet Charlie's!
sister, Minnie. who plans to
spend some time here visiting*
friends and relatives.
Mrs. Fay Pinkerman spent!
Saturday and Sunday in Norfolk.,
Veldeen Pinkerman called at
the Guy Pinkerman home Tues
day afternoon.
Mrs. Fay Pinkerman was a
Monday overnight guest in the
I.'-o Farran home at Tilden. She
was a Tuesday dinner guest in
the Ken Coventry home at Inman
and a supper guest in the Reggie
Pinkerman home in O’Neill.
Mrs. Reggie Pinkerman and
hoys wore Friday dinner guests
in the Veldon Pinkerman home.
The boys stayed while their mo
her and Mrs. Eddie Krugman
were picking choke cherries.
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Pickering
and Mrs. Claude Pickering and
Quentin went to Omaha Friday
to meet Mr. and Mrs. Lorell
Pickering from California.
The Dorsey Lades Aid met
with Mrs Leon Mellor Thursday
Mrs Lett .Vile-' and Linda
Kruse are here from Lincoln
spending a few days.
Mrs. Fay Pmkerman was a
Thursday supper guest in the
Veldon Pmkerman home
Delane Oherie's children from
Sioux City are staying with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Ooerle, while their mother is
in the hospital with a new baby.
Mrs. Fay Pinkerman and Mrs.
Anna Carson left for Norfolk
Monday afternoon. They left
there Tuesday to go to Omaha
where the will visit relatives
until Friday.
Riverside News
By Mr*. Lionel Gunter
Mmcs G. Keller, G D Ryan and
Gary Tessemer called on Norma
Napier Friday afternoon.
Lloyd Switzer of Neligh was
a dinner guest Thursday at the
Ora Switzer home
Mrs Dale Napier, Marilyn John
ston and Glenellen McDaniel at
tended 4-H leader meeting hi Ne
ligh Wednesday.
Al Gibson was a supper guest
Thursday at the Wayne Fry home.
The Willie Shrader, Ralph Shra
der and Wendell Switzer families
were dinner guests Sunday at the
Dewitt Hoke home. This is a be
lated celebration for the four coup
les wedding anniversaries which
are in March.
Marilyn Johnston stayed from
Wednesday night to Friday night
at the Will Shrader home.
Mrs Archie Johnston and Bar
bara and Mrs Emily Johnst n
called on Mrs Leia Reed at
brunswick Friday afternoon
Mr. and Mrs Marcus Pierson
and girls and Mrs Woodrow El
liott and Sandra visited Tuesday
evening at the Earl Pierson
Mr and Mrs Dewitt Hoke call
ed Friday evening on the Lynn
Fry family.
Connie Montgomery is visiting
Sheila Fry for a few days.
Mike and Mary Streeter of Lin
coln spent the past week visit
ing their cousins, the Billy Lof
quist children. Mr and Mrs Gene
Streeter, were overnight guests
Friday at the Lofquist home.
Mrs. James Love and Mrs.
George Montgomery visited Mrs.
Lorraine Montgomery in the Ne
ligh hospital Wednesday after
noon They also called on Mrs
Don Murray.
Cathy Lofquist spent Monday
night and Tuesday with Sherry
Mr and Mrs Z.H. Fry visited
last Sunday night at the Wilbur
Mahood home in Orchard.
Jackie and Bruce Morrow of
O'Neill visited Sunday and Monday
at the Wilbur Bennett home.
The James Love family were
supper guests Monday at the Lor
raine Montgomery home and vis
ited Tuesday at the Robert Mont
gomery home near Neligh. Wed
nesday the Love family and Mr.
and Mrs. George Montgomery
were supper guests at the R A
Ho-d home.
E-'tel Cory was a dinner giest
Wednesday at the Wayne Fry
home. He also called Et the Z.H.
Fry and Lionel Gunter homes.
The Ed Walters family of Cham
bers visited Tuesday evening at
the John Napier home.
Mrs Wilbur Bennett attended
a United Presbyterian womens
executive meeting at Stuart Tues
Mrs Zita Donohue o< O'Netll
visited several days at the John
Napier home.
Mrs Harold Jones of Clearwa
ter visited Friday afternoon at
the John Miller home.
Mrs Otto Retke of Inman stay
ed with Mrs Z. H. Fry while
Otto Retke, Wayne Fry, Duane
Jensen, A1 Gibson and Z. H. Fry
were fishing in South Dakota.
They left Thursday night and
plan to be home Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Emsick, Peggy and
Joan of Omaha visited Saturday
evening at the Z. H. Fry home.
Dicky returned home with his
mother. Peggy and Joan stayed
for a longer visit.
Mrs. Duane Jensen and children
of Newman Grove were overnight
guests Thursday at the Richard
Napier home. They also called
at the Z. H. Fry home.
Cheryl Emsick, who had been
visiting at the Jensen home at
Newman Grove, is visiting at the
Z, H. Fry heme.
Mrs Jim Jackson and Norma
Jean Slough of Lincoln were
guests of Mrs. Wayne Fry Fri
day evening.
Mr and Mrs Archie Tattle and
Lenora were dinner guests last
Sunday at the Archie Johnston
Mrs. Rudy Ahlers visited Thurs
day at the Che* Taylor home.
Mr and Mrs. Rodney Pollock
and Phil of Omaha were week
end guests at the Dave Pollock
home. Phil will remain for a long
er stay.
Rev. and Mrs. Ivan Turner are
attending a Free Methodist church
conference at Ainsley.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink were
supper guests Thursday at the
Dave Pollock home.
The Leo Miller ami Gerald Had
duck children visited their grand
father. Howard Miller, in the Ne
ligh hospital Friday afternoon.
Mr ami Mrs Gerald Hadduck
and children left fur their home
at Denver, Colo , early Saturday
marning after visiting a few days
with her parents, Mr and Mrs.
Howard Miller and other rela
The Archie Johnston and Willie
Shrader families were guests last
Sunday evening at the Will Shra
der home.
Vincent Vandersnick was a
guest last week of Jackie Fry.
Mr and Mrs Wilbur Bennett
left Thursday to spend the week
end with the Harold Bennett fam
ily at Crawford.
Warranty Deeds
jack, Sheriff to Dean Perry 2-7 55
$15 00- Lots 5-6-7 A 8 Blk 2- Em
T. Campbell, Ex to John David
son A wife 5-5-60 $11150- E's lot
14 A all lot 15 Blk O-Fahv’s Park
Birmingham, et al„ Ex to Dan
O'Connell A Alta Campbell 5-31
60- 1-3 Int in Lots 1-2-3-18-19 A
north 16 ft lot 17 Blk 10 ami Lots
5 A 6 Blk 11- Atkinson- $6000-con
WD- Ramon H Bright to Gladys
M. Peterson 7-26-61) $l-Lot 4 Blk
WD-G!adys M Peterson to Ev
elyn A Helen Cavanaugh 7-26-60
$1- Lot 1 A Eli lot 2 Blk 24-0'
WD- John W Nachtman to
George J 4 Edwin J Nachtman
2-657 Il NE'i 8-25 13
WD-John W Nachtman to G<Mrgo
J & Edwin J Nachtman 2-6 57 $1
N'* S-SF.4* 7 NWV* 8 NW'i 9 25-13
WD Myrtle I Pickering to Claude
E Pickering 6-10-6041 NW^Ntt
SW 29- E4 32-32-9
Gustave L. Obermre, Adm to
FredHorne 12-31-59 44600 Lids 10
11 4 12 Sec 3- Lot 9 Sec 4- Lot 5
Sec 9 4 Lot 4 Sec lOTwp 33
Range 15
WD- Roeine Johnson, et ai t >
Eleanor Rothchild & husband 5
25-60 $1 4 exchange of interests
El»NWV%- E4 22 25 15
WIVReome Johnson, et al to Re
oine Johnson 4 hus 5-25-60 $t 4
exchange SWSWV* 11 N4NW^
SWI4 13 WbNWb • SWV WW
SE>4 15-25-15
WD-Reome Johnson, et al to
Donald Moser 4 wf 5-25-60 43707 63
SWUSWUNW^ 22- NE>-4 28
SW>4NE'4- E’iSEl4- NWlsSF.l4
WD- Reoine Johnson et al to
Betty Galleher 4 hus 5-25-60
45307 61 E'vNWb- NEV4SWI4 EW
Electric Motors
Rewinding — RelniildRv
Call 343 IV — 24 hr. Service
Northwest Electric
WD- Reome Johnson ct al to
Lyle Worden A wf 5-35-60
$15.707 62 S4-SKWNEW 23- SWW
NEW 26-25-15
WIV Lawrence McDermott, et
a l to Dmley Moa A wf <v 18 60
$10,000 SEW 30-31 15
WD-Lloyd L. James to Cecelia
M Hrmbcrger 4 460 $500-Lot IS
Block l Tuller A McNichols Add
Atk insen.
WD-Leonard A Roberts u> Den
nis J KrHi|> A wf 7 384k) $25,000
SEW 12 A NKWNWW 13-30-16
WI> Stella Dum) to Roy J Shel
hame- 7 22-60 $37S0sLots A 5
lUk 47 Pioneer TVwnsite Co 1st
Add- Atkinson
WD Hans C Lauridsen to State
of Nebr 6 20450 $25 Part of SEW
SEW • .U 15
World Book
First in sales to America's
Homes - Schools - Libraries.
There's a reason Find out why
Phone 512 — 308 E. Adams
bindw d
(creeping jenny, possession vine, morning glory)
with [u Pont
m N 200
Make this your year to control field bindweed effectively
and economically with a new liquid weed killer—Du Pont
‘‘Trysben’' 200. Spraying with “Trysben” 200 gives ex
cellent control of bindweed and keeps this deep-rooted
peat from taking over your valuable land.
“Trysben” 200 attacks bindweed two ways, through
the leaves and through the roots. Successful trials in
many states where deep-rooted, perennial weeds are a
problem have shown that areas sprayed with “Trysben"
200 stay free of bindweed and similar noxious weeds
that are hard to control with other chemicals.
TRYSBEN8 200 also controls
Du Pont ‘Trysben” 200 controls a wide variety of hard
to-kill broadleaf weeds and also woody vines such as
trumpet vine and certain kinds of brush.
“Trysben” 200 is a highly effective weed killer of the
benzoic acid group. Economical and easy to use, it is a
liquid to be diluted with water tor spray application.
See your dealer for a supply of Du Pont “Trysben” 200
LLdu Pont da Namoura 8 Co. (Inc.)
Industrial and Blochamlcala Oapartmant
Wilmington 98. Dalawars
On all cKrmicalt, foliov label instruetiont and maminf cart/ullf.
(\ ) TRYSBEN8 200
When you want a quick-easy meal for the family, when unexpected
guests drop in, when you need foods ready to go on a picnic, when you’re
- having the gang over for a party ... these are the times to remember
Safeway’s fine delicatessen foods. The variety is fabulous!
Borden's or Kraft’s Philadelphia Brand
« i
_ . . . , . „ , STAMPS
Delicalaicn treats for the whole family:
Stuffed Olives Add teat to your rettah dlah.Bottle ^9c il|||||||||||||I|l|l|||l|llll|||llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Take your pick of Bel -air
Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Broccoli Spears
or Fordhook Lima Beans
Din nodes delicious with hamburgers Jar A+%
Sliced Cheese amort rd undwtch pack . ..I’kg 23c
Potato Chips fresh, crisp and crunchy • •••••••••• .Fkg. 69c
iorge Eggs asxi.^GredeV farm fresh.2 Down 89c
Sliced Pears delicious, a top quality product.Can 29c
rk„„L T,imu Sea Trader—family siee, #*-<»• Ol,
InUnK lUnO light meat from the sea.Can
Deveined Shrimp a delicatessen delight ..Can 63c
Whole Mushrooms elegant touch to your meal . .Can 35c
Crab Apples spiced, tangy, delicious ••••••••••••••Can 33c
Hot weather eating suggestions ... from Safeway!
Lucerne Ice Cream in 12 delicious Aaron .. .Carton 79c
Slender-Way Bread delicious and nutritious .. .Loaf 19c
Pineapple Tarls SMTSk.JS 19c
Emuiaft Iiiiaa Dole frozen. Pineapple, Pineapple- 9 6-os
■ nill 1J1IICB Orange, or Pineapple-Grapefruit ...» Cans
Instant Coffaa blend of flneat coffees ...•••••.Jar 79e
Evaporated Milk on this feature value ••«••• S Cans 79e
Jell-Wall Gelatins LSIS'S*-..1269c
For a Lower TOTAL Food Bill . .. Shop Safeway!
Crogmont Beverages convenient anytime.. 6 Cans 55c
Lemonade Mix summertime refreshment •••• 2 Pkgs. 23c
Bond Paper Plates .2 3? 29c
Spoons and Forks picnics and barbecues .. .3** 10c
Sodo Straws thr^w/wui um •«»...of 50 10c
Gold Medal Flour White, enriched...Beg 49c
Kitchen Craft Flour.,5-Ib. Bag We
= E
| Del Monte Catsup |
I 2 39c
Town House Catsup.Z, 14-oe. Bottles S5c
| B-Z Preserves ]
== Strawberry, Red Raspberry,
= Blackberry, Grape, A
= Peach or Pineapple ^^B SlSS
1 4-lb. Jar ■ |
Real Roast Peanut Butter.3-Ib. Jar $1.00 ^
Luncheon Meats
Large Bologna, Pickle and Pimento, Olive Loaf,
Old Fashioned Loaf, Macaroni and Cheese, Variety,
Spiced Luncheon, Combination or Sliced Salami
8-oz. Package
■a I c Safeway Brand— 1-lb. n r
Pork O0USQQ6 lean, delicious in flavor.Roll J Jl
D I n * I • From U.S.D.A. Choice CQ
boneless briskets Grade Beef, lean, all meat.Lb. J/(
Smoked Shoulders from 1 to 2-pounds each .. ...Lb 69c
D'l Cl_L- U.S.D.A. Choice Bone in, nn Boneless, C| 1 q
KID MeakS Grade Aged Beef.Lb. 07C.Lb.#| *7
Elberta [
Peaches [
California-grown, freestone, all sizes of peaches
at this price .. . enjoy them fresh or
can some for wintertime eating.
B. J Dxt.l**. U S. No. 1 Grade, 10-lb. AQ.
neu rOialOCS Clean, amooth.Poly Bag W
Crisp Carrots filled with vitamin* .... 2 Cello Bag* 27e
Honey Dow Melons Extra large site....Each 49c
IValarmaleiie Grey Variety, whole O.
Tf dlOllllulOn# melons at this price.Lb.
bstonf Toi .*~r 49c Chili with Boons Ellta.35c
ding Peaches SKJTCki N° ™ 31c Spaghetti N' Meat Balls f:m.Noc™ 29c
Fresh Yeast Ton .3 n,*. 17c Ellis Tamales With Sauce 29c
Spk S Span Cleanser .31c Ellis Brown Beans .2 "ZJ?? 29c
Dixie Cold Drink Cups.Ptl 31c Ellis Beef Stew £2hi0M*.".*£ 39c
E refer, I Ticweam Northern—whit# m 300-«-t I green >**,«* ||* lU. No. 300 ay
rtKiai IISSUC or putel color* 2 Boxes UlfKI DCaflS 19 nOITI Kilt*.C*n
Ad Detergent 1T* S7c fi,b tu »9c Noodles N’ Beef ££.."°c« 31c
$-lb. U-oa. Pk* CM-lj-lb. It-o*. Pkc
il 3 T ATm iVM
__ _ M a
AH prices effective thru Saturday, August 6, in O’Neill, Nebraska
Know the tasty
goodness of Safewayfs
I Troy-packed
| Frozen Fryers
Manor House—frozen, cellophane wrapped, U.S.D.A.
| Grade-A, U.S. Inspected, 2 to 3-lb. avg., Frying Chickens
Already Cut-up
Lb. 3 9«
z The freshest-tasting chickens, and so good! . . ,
because their fresh, tender, tasty goodness
Is frozen in right at the time of dressing
and packing. U.S.D.A. Grade-A, and
U.S. Inspected, Manor House Frying
Chickens are today's best chicken value
for you! delight all
your family, or your money back! Try one
this week — fried, barbecued, broiled
or just place in your freezer!