Ewing News Bj Mr*. Harold Harris RECEIVES DEGREE Ronald James K>iherham re ceived his Bachelor of Science d> gree in Business Administration from the University ol Nebraska at commencement exercises held Friday. Attending the occasion were bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Koth-iham, daughters Kay, Annette ind Rita, Beverly Rotherham of L nculn and Mr and Mrs. J hn Kronschnabel of St. Paul, Minnesota. derail one oauer nas returned to Norfolk after spending her vaca tk»n with her moth r, Mrs. Rose Bauer and family at Ewing. She also visited at the h me of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson at Su perior. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Michael of Ciearwater attended the funeral if his aunt, M s. Mary Hintz, held Friday afUrnxjn at the Methodist church in Ewing. Ihey also called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Hahibeek. Guests Tuesday at the C. C. Hahibeek borne were Mr and Sirs. Stanley H ildas and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Pabin ami family of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. William Inness and children of Lincoln and Mrs. S. Tessh'wnmer of Neligh visited Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hahibeek. Mr. and Mrs G3il Boies and Mr and Mrs. Julian Sojka attend ed the Smorgasbord Sunday at Emmet served by the Catholic church of Epiphany. Mr. and Mrs Robert Tams sr. and Donna visited relatives in O'Neill Sunday. They were ac companied by their daughter, Jan elle, who was an overnight guest at the Melvin Marcellus home. Weekend geests at the home of Mrs. Vera Anson were Mr. and Mrs. Ch rles Anson of Imperial. The Ansons attended a femily re union Sunday at Orchard. Mr. and Mrs, Waldo Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bergstrom, Mr. and M s. G. D. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs Char'es Rotherham, Mr. rnd Mrs. Archie Tuttle all of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. William Spenco of O’Neill had dmner in O’Neill Sunday evening. All are members of the Thursday Night pitch club and th's event had been planned some time ago. Mr. rn I Mrs. A J. Sanders of Laurel spent Monday and Tues day visiting at the parental homes of Mr and Mrs Floyd Lee and Mr*. Caroline Sanders and other relatives. Mr and Mrs Waldo Davis and Mane and Mr and Mrs. Carl Hubei and family picnicked at the U^bel home Sunday. Mr and Mrs Waldo Davis were hosts at a family dinner party Tuesday evening at their home honoring her niece, Mrs. Noel Lautenschlagor and son Greg of Colorado Springs. Other guests were Mrs. Louise Beal and Mr and Mrs. Homer Barton all of Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. John Kronschna bel and Michael of St. Paul, Minn, were weekend guests of her par ents, Mr and Mrs. James Roth erham and family. Beverly Rotherham, a junior at St. Elizabeths School of Nursing at Linco’n is spending her vaca tion at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Rotherham. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoffman and Steven and George Cox of North Platte were guests from Tuesday to Thursday at the h'me of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud. Mr .anil Mrs. Clarence Latzel had as their dinner guests Wed nesday: Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoffman, Steven and George Cox of North Platte. Ot her callers later in the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pax ton of Neligh. Mrs Alfred Doud and her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Latzel and Mrs. Ed Hoffman of North Platte visited Howard Miller, a patient at the Antelope Memorial hospital at Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker were weekend guests at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Gene Ruby and family at Sioux City, la. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hord en tertained the following guests at dinner Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. George Montgomery of Ewing and their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. James Love and two sons of Buffalo, N.Y. Mrs. Anna Pollock was a vis itor Saturday at the home of her son, Don Pollock and family at Neligh. Vina Wood is vacationing this week in Lincoln with relatives. Miss Wood is a part time clerk at Ralph’s store. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wood of Lingle, Wyn., arrived in Ewing Saturday and left Sunday for Lin coln where they will visit at the home of his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Coe Butler. Mrs. Edna Lofquest had as her guests on Monday Mrs. Bert Fink | •art her siai*r-in-4*w, Mrs. Char lotte Lord from Uniform*. Mrs. Edna Lofquest accompan ied Mr. and Mrs. Grant MoU to Ansiey Sunday where they at tended the camp meeting of the Free Methodist church. Mrs. Edna Lofquest and Mrs. Alfred Doud visited Howard Mil ler at the Neligh hospital Satur day. They called on Mrs. Lillie Meyers at Clearwater Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Merwin Olson of Clearwater. In the af ternoon, accompanied by their grandson and granddaughter, Raymond and Barbara Olson, they went to St. Edward where all attended the wedding of their grandson, Tom Clark to Miss Mar ion Merrell. Mrs. Adeline Ferter and Kar en, who have been guests at the home of her father, John Vander snick and other relatives left Fri day for Absorkee, Mont., to spend some time with relatives and friends before returning home. Mrs. Rose Harding, who had spent several days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. A. Hobbs, returned to her home in O’Neill Thursday. , Monowi News • By Mrs. Mike Piklapp LOeust 9 3620 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bartlett from Omaha brought Mrs. Ray McGeorge and boys home Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Nelson vis ited in the Lois Genser home Thursday evening. Frank and Orval Lewis were Lynch callers Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Eiler and children were Sunday dinner guests in the Dwayne Piklapp home at Huron, S. D. Mrs. Mike Piklapp returned home with them. Mrs. Frank Heiser spent Thurs day at the Leo Jorgensen home visiting her mother, Mrs. Inger Levi. Mrs. Art Vesley was a patient in the Lynch Hospital several days last week. Mrs. Kenny Hansen and family and Mrs. Frank Ertz were in Verdel Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lewis visited with Mrs. Rudy Eiler Thursday. Royal News By Mrs. R. J. liering Mrs Henry Drayton of Orchard, and Mrs. R. E. llrautman attend ed the funeral of Mrs. Harry Liv ingston in Neligh Friday. Mrs. Fred Storm and Mrs. Em il Klabenes of Chambers were dinner guests of Mrs. Dale Web er Saturday. Mrs. Storm, who has been with her daughter dur ing the summer, stated that she will return to her home in Royal as soon as her house is vacated. Mrs. R. E. Trautman, Mrs. Har old Francis, Mrs. M. M. Colson and Mrs Truman Kirby were sur prise guests of Mrs. Harry Smith Thursday, on her birthday. The guests provided refreshments. Mrs. Mabel Shroder from Hax tun, Colo., and Mrs. Ella Mann of Columbus and their mother, Mrs. Pearl Lucke of Columbus, visited Mrs. Lucke’s sisters, Mrs L. M. Storm and iMrs. Lizzie Buckmaster Saturday. Mrs. Lucke is remembered by old-timers as Pearl Ziegenbein. Mrs. A. R. Blackburn and Mrs. T R. Dodds went to Orchard Monday to attend a meeting of the Orchard Garden Club who were entertaining the Brownie Scouts at the EUB church park. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Rodgers were their daugh ter, Mary Lou, and Mrs. Vernon Thomson and four sons, of To ledo, Ohio, who stopped here en route to California where they will make their home. BTC HOLDS PICNIC The BTC Club held its annual picnic at Grove Lake SMnday with the following families present: Clarence Weber, Andrew Jensen, Wendell Wilson, Eloit Blackmore, Art Bridge, Kenneth Bridge, Ol iver Dempster and Waldo Rod gers. The next meeting of the club will be with Mrs. Rodgers the second Thursday in Septem ber Mrs. C. E. Rundquist •menam ed at Sunday dinner m bcror ol the oirtnuay of her granddaugh ter, Glenda Ibumseu Present were Mr. and Mrs Merle Lar sen of Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Thomsen and family »nH Barbara Morrison The afternoon was spent at Niobrara in boat ing and water-skiing Mr and Mrs R bert Pick and Lee of Denver, Colo., who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Reefe and JoJene Pick in Royal and Mr. and Mrs Henry Rice and family in Clearwater, left Sunday for Atkinson to have din ner with Mrs. Pick’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alois Mlnarik, sr., and then to depart home. Mrs. Andrew Jensen took her mother, Mrs. Lottie Wauer, to Tilden Wednesday following a vis it here with relatives. Callers at the R. E. Trautman home Saturday were Mrs. Ger trude West of Rocky Point, Wyo., and Mrs. Emma Ludwick and daughter of Loretto cousins of Mrs. Trautman. Dwight Morrison, Frankie and Barbara and his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Martin of Neligh at tended the wedding of Richard Sutton of Lincoln in Sioux City during the week. Richard is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Dodds and grandchildren, Barbara Holm, and Tommy and Deborah Hofer vis ited the swimming pool at Creigh ton Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Weber and children were Sunday guests of Mr. Weber’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson at Plain view. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Piersol and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dragoo and Dean were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Weber. The opening of school in Royal is set for August 29. It is expect ed that the school enrollment this year will be increased by 16 pu pils. Connie and Janet Forrest of Omaha were guests from Sun day until Wednesday in the home of their aunt, Mrs. Fern Morsett. Linda and Steven Forrest of Omaha were guests of their aunt Mrs. Fern Morsett several days last week. Mrs. Fern Morsett and Jap and Bill Haskins visited in the home AA *> nnH Af v»c* T»n CioKemidiiv of Atkinson Sunday. Mrs. Zola Hering visited Mrs. Farr of Orchard at the Plainview hospital Thursday. Rev. Duane Lonz occupied the pulpit Sunday following a vaca ton during which the pulpit was filled by Cecil Greene of Norfolk. Mrs. Warren Holm and children are in Wayne this week while Mrs. Holm is attending school. Mrs. Dale Weiber and children are also in Wayne while Mrs. Weber is attending school. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Blackburn will observe the 10th anniver sary of their marriage by hold ing open house at their home three miles south of Royal on Sunday, August 14. Friends and neighbors are Invited to call. It is requested that no gifts be brought. WSCS SOCIETY MEETS Members of the Royal WSCS, who accepted an invitation to at tend a meeting of the Women’s Society of World Service at the United Brethren church at Or chard Wednesday were: Mrs. T.R. Dodds, Mrs. A. R. Blackburn, Mrs. Clarence Weber, Mrs. Tru man Kirby, Mrs. Glenn Rund quist, Mrs. R. E. Trautman, Mrs. Gust Erickson and Mrs John Lich ty. Mr and Mrs. Everett Jacobsen went to Neligh Wednesday even ing to greet relatives from Cali ornia at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Jacobsen and Mrs. Amelia Jacobsen, who were en tertaining Mrs. Christina Dickey and son Frank of Chico, Calif. Mrs. Dickey is an aunt of iMr. Jacobsen. The visitors were to return by way of the Black Hills and Washington. HIGHLANDERS CLUB The Highlanders Project Club met with Mrs. Dave Willats Tues day for the lesson on making wall plaques out of metal lath. The lesson was presented by Mrs. Floyd Gibbs and Mrs. Bennett Stelling. The next meeting of the club will be the last Tuesday in August with Mrs. Bennett Stelling, who will be assisted by Mrs. Ev erett Jacobsen. Mrs. Floyd Gibbs and Mrs. Josh Trease will present the lesson on the care of house plants. Mrs. William Thelander assisted Mrs. Willats with the lunch. Warren Holm was off duty at the Dodds station last week suf fering from spasms of shoulder muscles which were extremely painful and required part time traction to reduce the pain. Mrs. Haas Hofer sad Mrs. Ro so Holer of Brunswick went to Tdden Tuesday to attend the fun eral of Mrs. Me.nr ad Nuesch, s former neighbor. Clearwater Newi Mrs. Charles t urtngbt HI liter 5 S '-90 Mr, and Mrs. Ed Shriner and family of Batavia, 111., are visit ing at the Carl Haake home. The Legion and Auxiliary spon sored an ice cream supper and lunch at the Legion hall Satur day night Mr- and Mrs. Stanley Wood, Susan and Mary Alice came up from Weeping Water Saturday with Don Luben and spent the weekend with Mrs. Wood's father, William Luben and other relatives. Members of the Elkhorn Valley Hofne Extension club and their families enjoyed their annual picnic at the O'Neill park Sun day. The local fire department answered a call to the city dump south of town Mouday afternoon where workmen were burning trash and it got out of hand. Elkhorn Valley Club Elkhorn Valley Home Exten sion club met Wednesday %vith Mrs. Milton Smith. Mrs. Charles Outright gave a report on the summer council meeting. A dis cussion was held and voted on concerning county tours and also a recipe book to be printed the county clubs. The group made plans to sponsor a square dance on Mon day, Aug. 22, the last night of the town's eightieth Jubilee cele bration. The ladies adjourned to paint novelty planters. Next meeting will be high lighted with 4-H girls as guests and they will model and display the work they have accomplished in sewing and handicraft. The local baseball club is spon soring a benefit dance at Sum merland Friday, Aug- 5. Belva Michael and Patty Lat-' zt 1 went to Lincoln Wednesday and took their state cosmetology examinations. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Laugh man and sons of Topeka, Kan., snent several davs visitina her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snider. Mrs. Edna Maurer has re turned to Clearwater after several weeks visit with relatives in western Nebraska. Mrs. Charles Luben and son Donald called at the William Luben home Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Switzer and family returned last week from a vacation spent in Yellow stone National park. Mr. and Mrs- Harold Jones spent Wednesday evening in Chambers visiting in the Glen Burge home there. Jody Kallhoff of Ewing spent the weekend with her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Luben entertained Sunday at dinner. Present frere Mr. and Mrs. Slan ley Wood, Susan and Mary Alice and Don Luten all of Weeping Water, Lela, William and Bern ard Luben, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Brittell and Larry of Chambers, Lorraine Brandt of Neligh and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Curtright. Mr- and Mrs. Amos Switzer drove to Columbus Friday eve ning and left Saturday from there with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Swit zer for a three week vacation in Yellowstone park. Bristow News Mrs. Burl Bessert Mrs. Ivan Hiatt of Bristow was a Saturday visitor at the Frank j Loock home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Claassen and Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Claassen were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Johnson at Cham berlain, S. D. They were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Johnson also of Chamberlain. Sheryl Richter was a Friday overnight guest of Raylene Nemec. I Mr. and Mrs. Art Soennicksn and Dennis left for Fresno, Calif., Friday morning. They had been visiting at the Ed Loomis home. Friday afternoon visitors o? Mr. and Mrs- Ralph Wirtz home were Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilson of Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Mitchell and family of Redbird were dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Eiler. Afternoon vi sitors were Mr. and Mrs. August ■-il Eiler and family. Betty Homback has employ ment at Mitchell S. D., at St. Joseph’s hospital Jo Ana and Mary Schoberg of Omaha are visiting at the Sam Schoberg hi me. Mrs. LJoyd Claassen and Mrs. Dennis Kinney were coffee guests of Mrs. Robert Dickey Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Ed Loomis drave to Chamberlain. S D.. visiting Roger Storpohn who is in the hospital. He was kicked by a horse. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Black for merly of Spencer now from Iowa visited at the Ralph Wirtz home Saturday evening H lu Schmidt of Carter Lake. S D., was a last weekend visitor at the Ernest Eiler home. Mrs. Eiler and Mr Schmidt are brother and sister. Mr and Mrs. Bill Clark and family visited at the Clark home in Bassett Sunday. Rhonda Clark returned home with her parents after visiting her grandparents for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pearson and girls of Wahoo are visiting at the Clement Olson, Art Carl sons and Homer Blitzkie homes. Mr. and Mrs Dick Loock and family visited at the John Cleary home Monday evening. Mrs De Lane Shahnn and family left for Bismark, N. D.. after visiting at the home of her sister and family, Dr. and Mrs. D. E. David. Visitors at the Mrs. Fred Varcoe home were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hanning of Seattle. Wash., Mr. and Mrs B. E. Loomis and daughter of Coalinga, Calif , Mr. and Mrs. Seimanis D. Cottington of Ayrshire, la. These are her son and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Homback and Rosella, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pritchitt and sons, Mr and Mrs. Milford Cameron and family and Jack Pritchett were supper guests of Mr. and iMrs. Willard Erame at Lynch. John Cummings, Lloyd Phipps and Arnold Lockwood from Gor don conducted the evening ser vices in the Wesleyan church Sunday. Rachel Homback was a Tues day overnight guest of Rosella Homback. I A Wesleyan young adult social gathering was held at the Bristow park Thursday evening. About thirty-five enjoyed ice cream and cake. Vicky Engelhaupt is visiting tins week at the Roland Horn back home. Sunday visitors at the Joe J amber home were Mr, and Mrs. Bernard Koeian and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller and Mrs Duane Hull of Lynch visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bridge. Friends and neighbors gather ed at the Don Angel home Sun day to help butcher “Chips", the buffalo. Mr and Mrs. Don Angel, Mr. and Mrs. Newell Schroder of Butte and Mart Langan were Sunday supper guests at the Ray Nemec home. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Horn back were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Engel haupt of Butte Saturday afternoon visitors at Joe J ambers were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Black of Hampton, la. Mr and Mrs. Ray Kerbel and family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Filers and family were Friday evening visitors at the Don Angel home. Venus News By Mr*. Ralph Rrookhouner Sunday evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Km:I Martas were Mr. and Mrs. George Trapp of Verdigre and Rev. David T. Gustafson and Mr and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser and Genille Tusha. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davey of Bellview visited at the Roscoe GroeMng and Russell Iekler homes Saturday. They were sup per and over night visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser. Mrs. Marlin Tusha and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser drove to Nor folk Wednesday where Mrs. Brookhouser received medical at tention. Mr. and Mrs Larry Brook houser and Mr and Mrs Richard En Ear! of Tacoma. Wash., left Monday (nora Grand Island for Tacoma. The En Farls spent the past three weeks with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook houssr. Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Brook houser and Mrs Marlin Tusha. Genille, Russell and Kenny were Tuesday evening supi»er guests at the Fred Hannem.in home Mr and Mrs Kenneth Caskey and son of Norfolk visited at the horn© of Mr. and Mrs Harry Caskey Wednesday Their daugh ter Suellvn and Joan retumed home with them. Larry and Gary Caskey ac companied their aunt, Mrs Roy Hansen of Page to Omaha Wed nesday and visited a few days with their brother and sister-in law. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Caskey of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook houser visited with Frank Sokol at the Creighton hospital Tues day. Servicemen's News . . . BRISTOW George A. Soukup, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Soukup of Bristow 1$ serving at the Naval Station on Midway Island in the Pacific as radioman second class, USN. Soukup. a graduate of the Bristow high scljool entered ser vice shortly after graduation. Army Pvt Bernard D. llolm berg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Holmberg. Spencer, recently arrived in Germany and is now a member of the 557th Medical Company. Holmbe g. an aidman in Wer theim, entered the Army in De cember 1 95# and received basic combat training at Fort Riley, Kan. The 23-year-old soldier is a 1954 graduate of Spencer Public High school. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays I Phone 788 Stinker Day Bargains FRIDAY. AUG. 5 Come and Get Your Share of Bargains SKIRTS 3.4? to 6.49 w'4!"' 5.98 to 10.98 BLOUSES 1.00 to 2.98 raAL PUSHERS and SHORTS 2.50 to 3.00 One Rack of DRESSES 3.00 and 4.00 DRESSES All Sizes $6 $8 $10 $12 were 9.98 to 24.98 HATS 1.00 All Sales Final O'Neill Style Shop I .EON A IIYNES MRS. M. A. BCHELKOPF __________ I Once again Gambles are First with a complete line of 1961 Television Sets. We have again incorporated the finest workman ship with the latest improvements to further your viewing enjoy ment. With a New 1961 Coronado Television Set you are assured r many years of pleasant viewing backed by our famous guarantee. I If you would like to see what a new 19-inch or 23-inch set w o u I d do in your home, call or see Joe McLeish, Manager or Gu. rge Head, Appliance Man at your O'Neill Gamble Store. \ i . # /"if* -■ ■ 11 - II —- -I ————— STINKER c " Many, Many Stinkies At COYNE HARDWARE REED HERLEY MELVIN Rl’ZICKA — ====== VARIETY UEHAKIlWcm * I write* Known for SAVINGSj See Our Outdoor Table for Big STINKER DAY SAVINGS FRIDAY. AUG. 5 1 Day Only * 20 Inch Breeze Box — Why Suffer? FAN $1888 Boys 14% Denim JEANS Size 6-16 A Real Value 60 Guage 15 Denier Self Seam NYLON HOSE 2 Pair —^ LADIES' Brushed Orion — Long Sleeve SWEATERS Slip-over . $2.98 Cardigan.$3.98 Sizes 34 40 Growing Girls OVERLAY PUMP Growing Girls SPORT OXFORDS Slzca 4-9 and Vi Slzca $J99 Folding OUTDOOR CHAIR Steel Frame — Nylon Webbing $399 DECOR RUGS Turquoiae — Pink — Brown White — Green — Red 20 x 31 Rubber Backed 2 for $1.00 ! • 26 x 44 Rubber Backed 99c